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Gunman at Discovery Building 09/01/2010

Bloocut says...

All the sensational news fit to embed-and some cute animals. Can one tune in into the discovery channel for live coverage?-with Ollie North for a play by play??

Newsflash: Man in South Central in building threatening neighbors with gun-like wand-local news only, no one need know perhaps. Happens everyday.

Real Aircraft Loses Wing, Lands Safely (Under Canopy)

LarsaruS says...

I saw a documentary about the brs, or well the people behind the idea and the company they formed, on discovery channel and they are/were working on getting systems working for planes as big as 747s iirc. It uses multiple stage parachutes and seems like a really cool product. I guess the reason why it isn't mandatory is the same as why airbags weren't mandatory when they were first invented. Give it time. Also I guess that a lot of people doesn't even know it exists yet.

Low-Tech Solution To Gulf Oil Spill Looks Surprisingly Good

Cryonics ~ Discussion Welcome ! :)

ponceleon says...

I have very mixed feelings about it.

First of all, I do not intend to criticize the OP(s) for being "members" of alcor.

It is a VERY cool idea and I would do it in a HEARTBEAT if I was a bit more confident in their science.

The way I understand it is that yes, there are organisms that can survive being frozen and then reanimated in either simple or complex ways. That said, I do not believe that human beings are built to make this probable.

The questions are ones of time, money, and science. Science right now CANNOT do this. The methods by which Alcor (and the other place) are "preserving" bodies has not been proven to encourage a non-existent procedure of reanimation.

This technology will not be available for a LONG time, if ever. I don't believe it is impossible, but I believe it is the sort of thing which would come FAR in advance of where our medical science is now. I believe that the science involved would have to not only have to unfreeze but reverse certain aspects of decomposition that happen WAY too fast for this to be possible. Unless you are being frozen almost instantly while still alive, which I do not believe is legal since it would be tantamount to euthanasia. So in my mind, we are talking about advanced techniques of cell manipulation and reconstruction which don't remotely exist. This brings me to

Will Alcor still exist in 300-1000 years? What provisions are being made for this?

I hate to say it, but I think the partial answer lies in Alcor's profits. I doubt they would ever release their financial statements, but you can probably tell a LOT by what their financial situation is.

If Alcor is actually legit, and not just to separate the future-minded person with expendable income from their money, they won't exist for long. The money involved in keeping these bodies in suspended animation for hundreds of years will not allow them to stay in business forever and eventually the plug will be pulled on these tubes and that will be that.

That's the best case scenario.

The worse case scenario is that this is a scam. They probably know damned well that they are banking on solutions that don't (and probably won't) exist in their own lifetimes. Therefore they charge money to people who like the idea, enjoy their Ferraris and dump the bodies in about 50 years when there are no living relatives so the inheritors of Alcor can continue the business. Another clue: their staff is volunteer based with little to no medical background... yeah.

I know I'm being a bit pessimistic, but it is very much akin to UFOs... there are lots of people that believe in UFOs and there are lots of people who make product for those who believe in UFOs. Some of them also believe in UFOs, but I suspect a vast majority see a market that is booming and money to be made. Whenever someone is trying to sell you something, you know that they know it is bullshit.

It is like all the 2012 hysteria. Why am I seeing commercials for SUVs and McDonald's tie-ins for a movie about the end of the world? Why do we have major corporations sponsoring shows on the Discovery channel "analyzing" the Mayan predictions about the last few years we have left? Money... it's always about selling me something.

But seriously, I really don't mean to be a debbie downer about this, but it is just a flash in the pan. I just really hope that you aren't spending money that could be better spent elsewhere.

Finally, I REALLY question the idea of preserving just the head. All I can think of is this scene:

Skip to 2:12

Listen up! 160 Arnold Schwarzenegger quotes.

Opus_Moderandi says...

Sooooo much cheese on that ham samich...

"Hey! Christmas tree!" reminds me of those old deadpan Discovery channel commercials: "Hello mosquito." " Hello mosquito." and "Ahhh. The atmosphere. ahhh."

The Epic Villain Laugh

Avokineok says...

Epic indeed!

Normally people use epic, in the way Discovery Channel uses superlative sentences like "most evil laugh... in the world.." But this was appropriate I think.

Also, am I the only one annoyed by people using the word ever in their descriptions and tags? I would argue that no-one should ever use it, because how do you know if your video had the "biggest fail" of all time? You don't know the future, now do you? And when so many people are saying they have posted the most [adjective] [noun] ever, someone must be incorrect, just like all believers know their god is the true and only god.

Wow, I managed to get this epic cartoon villain laugh to something that might end up being a theism discussion!

XKCD's "We Love the Internet" re-enacted Wil Wheaton, etc.

Sea Shepherd Ship Plays Laser-Tag With Japanese Whalers

TheFreak says...

I'm guessing the affect has been zero. This is not about saving whales. It's a big power trip for Captain Fatass and a thrill ride for his cabal of hippies.

I'm not taking sides on the whole 'whaling' issue. I can see both perspectives on this. I do believe that if you're serious about stopping whaling you're not going to waste your time acting out pirate fantasies in the antarctic.

BTW, isn't that a multi-million dollar boat? What could possibly be the advantage of that thing over a semi-rigid speedboat? Apparently being on the Discovery channel is allowing these guys to fully realize all their teenage fantasys.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Jetstream - CF-18 Hornet formation training

Shark enjoys a nose rub. In other news, Sharks have faces.

Shark enjoys a nose rub. In other news, Sharks have faces.

SSIops says...

>> ^KamikazeCricket:
I'd like to seem them try this with a great white

Already been done. 2007's Shark Week on the Discovery Channel had a show about this. Mike Rutzen (look him up on youtube) free dives and nose rubbed a Great White. He even rode one by hanging onto the dorsal fin. Man's got balls.

Discovery Channel - The World Is Just Awesome (Boomdeyada 2)

dannym3141 says...

>> ^StukaFox:
>> ^Samaelsmith:
Did that guy seriously just tackle a swordfish from the air?!

Yes. And then he fucked it. He fucked it for 18 straight hours on a single breath. Then when he was done, he kissed it gently, whispering, "I love you, but I must do this . . ." and kicked the fish straight out of the ocean and into whirling blades of the helicopter above. The once-great ocean predator was instantly shredded into 16,000 perfectly-sized sashimi slices, which this man then ate as a post-coital meal. Turning to the camera, he sang:
"I love to fuck a fish -- boombeyatta boombeyatta!"
Thus, Chuck Norris made his very last appearance in any Discovery Channel production ever.

He ate his own sperm.

Discovery Channel - The World Is Just Awesome (Boomdeyada 2)

sixshot (Member Profile)

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