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Biden & The Border: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Phooz says...


So since you can't solve the problem instantly and wholly you should do nothing at all? People use that all the time but I have never gotten it. Better to try than to do nothing at all.

Yes help foreign countries directly in their country but also allow immigration if it is a possibility for people.

The end of the video calls out suffering and forgotten veterans in the USA. Yes help our veterans, but guess what majority doesn't vote or do anything to help veterans? The US Government particularly Right Wing members of government.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And turns out Hershel Walker was funneling campaign funds directly into his own personal accounts, taking over $500000 of campaign donations.
Another case of Republican unprecedented corruption that can be found at every level top to bottom in your party.
This may be the worst campaign finance fraud ever in American history. Of course, from a Trump pick.

Dune: Part Two | Official Trailer

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Proof? What every country besides Russia is reporting, what every western media company besides pro-Russian Fox (and the other far right media that gets their news from Fox then exaggerates) is reporting….and logic.
Russia’s military is large but under funded and OLD. They’re out of professional soldiers and new equipment and money. Ukraine is getting more, newer, more advanced equipment and training daily from dozens of sources, just hired 40000 more soldiers/mercs, and has logistical support Russia can’t even fathom. You think this means Russia is about to crush Ukraine….with no reasoning behind that. Derp.

Watching the map provided by Putin and acting like its reality is. Lol. He said Kiev would be Russian in 2 weeks. Now it looks like Crimea won’t be Russian in 2 months. Derp.

Most maps show Russia losing territory daily and the Ukrainian counter offensive has yet to start. Russian commanders say they have no ammo, soldiers are starving, equipment is 50 years old, broken, and they don’t know how to operate it because they’re prisoners and draftees not military.

Um…what did you do…YOU posted unverified reports from unaffiliated “reporters”. Then you claimed I wasn’t showing you the daily “proof” videos showing Ukraine was winning, which I then provided, including a link to the YT channel that posts one almost every 5 minutes of Ukraine winning the war, but unlike you was honest that it often came from “unaffiliated reporters” (like those you post, dummy) so shouldn’t be accepted as “proof”…but they do exist, I’m just more honest than you and don’t constantly post unverified claims by anonymous internet “reporters” that usually are just some guy in mom’s basement…but I could…you however post them constantly and act like they are real, verified NEWS not more Russian propaganda….and you never notice they are always lies, always misdirection, always bluster, never factual.

“ So you rather accept what is pushed onto you by media? Knowing that it is manufactured consent, not trustworthy, spun to teh side your on.” (Says the guy posting direct Russian propaganda constantly and BELIEVING it!?!)
Sweet zombie Jeebus, go to fucking school Jethro. I had infinitely better English skills by 2nd grade…and a better idea of how to do critical thinking rather than accept what I’ve been told because it’s a pleasant lie. You clearly failed at both in second grade and haven’t improved in your skills since. There is absolutely no way you earned a degree anywhere better than the defunct fraudulent Trump U. Even as your second language, your English skills are bad, horrible when you realize you’ve been practicing for 13 years with no improvement, Vlad.

bobknight33 said:


Watching a map and seeing Russia gaining territory is not boot licking nor propaganda.

Im just watching a map.

unaffiliated reporters’ reports.------------ So you rather accept what is pushed onto you by media? Knowing that it is manufactured consent, not trustworthy, spun to teh side your on.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump’s about to be in jail because he continues to violate the judges order about his rape case by making MORE public statements and accusation already precluded by the judge from being brought up his case as an end run around the judge by making it public information …exactly as he had been warned not to do REPEATEDLY.

The judge is pissed.

Won’t it be great if he goes to prison because he can’t control himself in a civil case? How do you think his criminal cases are going to go? 😂

Lol. Trump was so preoccupied thinking about the woman he raped decades ago that he completely forgot his WIFE’S birthday yesterday….or maybe not having to see, hear, or even be mentioned by Trump (who was busy rage tothing lies about his rape victim all day) was her gift.

Bonus - Trump’s Proud Boys in their closing statements in their seditious conspiracy case blamed their violence and attempted coup on Trump, saying he told them directly to try to foment a coup, that he increased their membership with his public call for them to “stand by”, and that he should be a co-defendant.

Don't Let the Ball Touch the Ground!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Two new $1 billion+- lawsuits against Fox. One by its shareholders against the company for lying about the election, which was obviously going to hurt the value of the company when revealed. They had a fiduciary duty to shareholders to not destroy their company. A duty they ignored for over a year.
The second case by shareholders is against the board, officers, directors, owners, and fiduciaries to recover every dollar they were paid during the frauds. Lol…this includes Paul Ryan.

I know, you say you don’t watch Fox (although you quote and post them constantly), but even you know that Fox is the architect of the far right, and without their political blueprints the right will be fighting itself with no direction. Oof.

They also just dropped a defamation suit against Crikey, an Australian company that called them “unindicted co conspirators of Jan 6” and had refused to even discuss settling because they have the Dominion evidence proving it’s true and wanted to use it in court to expose Fox in ways Dominion hadn’t. Fox knew they had no case, it being the truth is a defense, and dropped it after months of being raked over the coals in the Australian press. They must pay all of Crikey’s legal fees.
The chickens are coming home to roost, and they are pissed off and ready to shit all over the lying righty media cabal.

Bonus- Trump just failed to exclude other women he raped and tried to rape from his civil rape case. His lawyers are acting like this is their first trial ever, submitting motions weeks after deadlines…motions with no reasoning, no new evidence, and filed well after their deadlines. You get the shyster you deserve.

Second bonus- Traitor Greene has been referred to the ethics oversight committee for libel and slander against Hunter Biden. Because there is no legislative reason for her defamatory and false statements (like accusing him of human trafficking), insulting photos with completely false descriptions (like a photo of him driving his young nieces to school Greene posted labeling it “Hunter was on crack wheeling and dealing with CCP ties and prostitutes with classified documents laying around the garage.”). Because there could be no legislative reason for publicly posting such libelous baseless lies she lost her immunity from the speech and debate clause. I hope he says he had designs on being president and her libel cost him a few hundred million dollars, she deserves to be relegated to public assistance at the lowest level she ever advocated for…her family would leave immediately without her under the table income, she’s horrific, especially to her family.
This witch hunt against a private citizen is going to fuck you guys so hard, and I’m going to be there with popcorn to denigrate you as you get violated over and over and over and over and over. The next 18 months are going to be SWEET….and I can’t wait to see who you criminals come up with to run…so many will be in prison or barred from office! BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! I LOVE IT WHEN A PLAN COMES TOGETHER.

AND- Turns out that while Clarence Thomas was taking millions in gifts from Harlin Crow, Crow actually DID have cases in front of the Supreme Court and, big surprise, Thomas voted in his favor every time. More MAGA destruction of America.

Ex-CIA Director Says Blinken COLLUDED in Hunter Coverup

newtboy says...

Absolutely the exact opposite of what his testimony was.

Gym Jordan asked “when he (Blinken) called you, did he direct, suggest, or insinuate in any way that you should write a letter or statement on this topic?”
A: “My memory is that he did not, right. My memory is he asked me what I thought.”
Q: “it wasn’t; the campaign could use some help on this, could you-“
A: “He did not say that”
Q: —cook up something we could use?”
A: “it is not my memory that he said that”

He went on to explain that it was absolutely normal for his friendly acquaintance, Blinken, to ask his opinion, and that it would have been out of character for Blinken to ask him to make a statement….and he had not done so.

Gym Jordan has lied and said that is an admission he wrote the letter at Blinken’s direction, the exact opposite of the testimony. All this to further a story about the Trump campaign stealing a private citizen’s laptop and tampering with it to try to link alleged minor infractions by a private citizen to his father, who is above reproach personally.
Trying to demand the sins of the son are sins of the father, denying personal responsibility which they claim to love. Why @bobknight33? Why do you keep making yourself foolish over this nothing burger of a story at best?

There’s no “there” there.

Don’t forget, this stupidity replaced your claim that China had paid Hunter $3 BILLION. Something you likely still insist is true despite zero evidence and Hunter never having 1% of that much money in all accounts and property combined.

You’ve been indoctrinated with incessant indignant ignorance. It’s not a good look.

Ukraine war current status

newtboy says...

More internet propaganda supporting Russia Bobski?
You search out these unknown internet “news” sources as if some guy in mom’s basement has detailed information that companies with embedded reporters don’t.
Didn’t you say 2 weeks ago Russia was poised to crush Ukraine and had taken Bahkmut…then slunk away when the Russians raising their flag in victory video was debunked? Yes…yes you did.

3-1 R V U. That’s a total gimme for Ukraine. 3 starving Russian prisoners forced to fight with no training vs 1 hard ass veteran fighter from Ukraine. There’s a reason why Ukrainians have lost approximately 13,440 soldiers while the Russians have lost 45,170 soldiers…Russians don’t have much army left and rely on conscripts that don’t want to fight and have no experience. Expect that ratio to get even worse for Russia, they were dying at a 3 - 1 rate when they still had actual military fighting.
So many officers have been killed that there’s no leadership structure and orders seem to come directly from the Kremlin, not officers at the scene. This has been disastrous for Russia who, despite having 10 times the military budget and equipment and double the population is failing miserably in their chosen war of expansion and has destroyed themselves.

Meanwhile, targets inside Russia are being hit with more frequency and much less ability to play them off as accidental fires. This chicken’s coming home to roost and it’s going to shit all over mother Russia.

In fact, Russian military is so inept and/or against the war that recently they bombed a city 25 miles inside Russia.

Russia is losing this war, friendo. International democracy is winning. Biden’s coalition is winning. I know that makes you so sad. I’m sending you a sack of baby dicks to cheer you up, I know they’re your fave.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

You mean because I denounce things like this that you ignore and deny even when the Republican groomers themselves admit them?

"“Stop the Steal” rally organizer Ali Alexander admitted to sending “inappropriate messages” as MANY young men are going on the record to accuse him of asking them for nudes while they were minors, receiving nudes from YOUNG underaged boys, and replying to them with heart eye emojis.

Once he told a 15 year old boy he would introduce him to Republican political figures on a trip if he agreed to secrecy about the trip, agreed to be “arm candy”, and to be “entertaining” for Alexander on the trip….after directly asking for and receiving nudes from the 15 year old so there’s no ambiguity about what he meant.

This behavior was known about in upper echelon Republican circles as early as 2015 but ignored until Yianopoulos made it public out of spite.

What is it about Trump that his closest friends keep turning out to be child mollesters? Ever hear the expression “birds of a feather flock together”? Because Trump’s flock sure likes underaged birds, mate.

Every accusation an admission. Every disgusting defamation a mea culpa. Absolutely nothing enough for you to admit you are in a pedophilic terroristic death cult.

bobknight33 said:

Fools like you are the reason for…the lack of morality in society.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Fools like you are the reason for such shitty Democrat run cities.
And the lack of morality in society.

America is worse off today than few decades ago-- The direction that Democrats are pushing is making things worse.

Democrats say they are for the black man-------- Blacks have not gotten better under Democrat policies.

Biden is incompetent -- Just watch him. People behind him are propping him up and running the country.

Horse dewormer -- See your still stupid as ever. In different doses this med is also for human consumption. But some how you yet to get the message from you fake news outlet.

Covid was made worse than it truly was by media and locking down cities and such was the wrong thing to do.

TESLA is always to good time to buy. Its stock is depressed but then again every stock is depressed-- Thanks for over government spending during Covid.

an 6 was a false flag by BLM and ANTIFA not a failed coup by Trump. ------Never said that. But there were infiltrators in proud boys pushing their agenda by FBI. All said so far to date there were 50+ government infiltrators egging people on and opening doors, helping this to occur instead of stopping it.

Ashley Babbitt was the only person to Die Jan 6 yet fake news and Democrats continue to say 5 or 6 people died. More FAKE news.

newtboy said:

If fools like me were a dime a dozen, this world would be a MUCH better more sane place. Sadly, it’s fools like you that are easy to find and dupe with pleasing (mostly hateful) ridiculous lies. Fools like me rank and score in the 99th percentile, friendo. You don’t even know what that means.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today’s MAGA groomer…. "“Stop the Steal” rally organizer Ali Alexander admitted to sending “inappropriate messages” as MANY young men are going on the record to accuse him of asking them for nudes while they were minors, receiving nudes from YOUNG underaged boys, and replying to them with heart eye emojis.

Once he told a 15 year old boy he would introduce him to Republican political figures on a trip if he agreed to secrecy about the trip, agreed to be “arm candy”, and to be “entertaining” for Alexander on the trip….after directly asking for and receiving nudes from the 15 year old so there’s no ambiguity about what he meant.

This behavior was known about in upper echelon Republican circles as early as 2015 but ignored until Yianopoulos made it public out of spite.

Every accusation an admission. Every disgusting defamation a mea culpa. Absolutely nothing enough for you to admit you are in a pedophilic terroristic death cult.

As a bonus, family values Marjorie Traitor Greene has now, after being caught on camera, admitted to ANOTHER affair (after denying it for months), at least the third she’s admitted, this one with a Newsmax news actor, spawning the latest divorce filing for her cuckolded husband late last year.

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

newtboy says...

Sweet Jeebus….you are posting videos from Hindustan Times directly quoting rebel and Wagner commanders as facts and YOU say I’M listening to propaganda!?!

Oh my, you are the funniest little fool I’ve ever encountered. No matter how many times they feed you anti democracy lies, you are there on your knees mouth agape ready to swallow more. 😲

bobknight33 said:

Looks like yo are listening to the propaganda.

Time will tell.

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

newtboy says...

Time will tell…always true…but you don’t seem to ever notice our respective records.

The information I share that you call “propaganda” turns out to be verifiably correct well over 95% of the time. The “information” you present that I call propaganda turns out to be false over 95% of the time, only supported by other easily debunked propaganda and admitted lying propagandists.
See a difference?

Notice I wrote who is claiming what with no opinion about who’s correct, while you posted propaganda directly from Russia as straight fact with no source listed…your source is apparently the Wagner group themselves and sounds like it’s a claim from January (that’s the only claim from Russia of 500 dead or wounded Ukrainians in one day that I can find)….who’s listening to the propaganda again, comrade? 🤦‍♂️

What’s undeniable even by you is that you post pro-Russia anti US, anti democracy “information” (propaganda) constantly and consistently, and you actively root against American interests so you can hopefully blame Democrats.
You should be careful, pro-Putin propagandists tend to explode lately like the one in St Petersburg that blew up today.

bobknight33 said:

Looks like yo are listening to the propaganda.

Time will tell.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Angelica Rucker-
The MAGA terrorist that attacked a family pushing two infant children in strollers with a knife for accidentally bumping her lightly on a busy NY sidewalk as she protested for Trump.
Stopped by police from murdering a family in cold blood over nothing.
In other Trump riots masses of armed white men surrounded passers by, detained and threatened them, knocking one black woman out cold as she and her wife tried to escape the violent assault and battery by dozens of white men.

This is MAGA. Crazy murderous terrorist cultists committing violent crimes in support of your cult leader. At CPAC MAGA flew banners declaring “We are domestic terrorists” yet you still deny it?

Hilariously, the MAGA investigations keep proving every accusation is an admission. The report on the FBI “going after parents for trying to have just a little input on their schools” released quietly last week showed that every parent investigated had made serious death threats to school boards and their families including direct death threats made against and to early grade school children, (like the handwritten note -“sorry your mommy is a commie whore, but if she doesn’t quit we are going to kill her, but first we are going to kill you” handed to I think a 7 year old) some attempting to follow through.
The weaponization of the federal government investigation has gone much worse, with the chairman illegally weaponizing the federal government against the Manhattan DA publicly as he presides over the farce.
And never forget Trump directly calling to suspend the constitution so he can be reinstalled by force.

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