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Today in Tahrir Square

bcglorf says...

massive upvote. We need to be watching Egypt closely. This is the point where the nations direction will be chosen. Morsi has effectively given himself absolute power to pass whatever constitution he wishes and if he's not stopped now, Egypt may become yet another dictatorship/theocracy.

TYT - Romney: Blacks & Hispanics Wanted Gifts from Obama

PoweredBySoy says...

Oh christ yum yum yum yum.... your salt is delicious. Tastes like loser. MORE.

>> ^quantumushroom:

We're not a real Republic anymore, it's now a dictatorship where King Failure gets to decide if your business gets a waiver from his atrocious obamarxcare. If that's not a direct violation of the 14th Amendment (equal protection under the law) what is?
Also, in case you were unaware, the kenyan has authorized TSA agents to "assist police".
And Mitt is 100% right. Unfortunately for the White/Brown/Black entitlement class, the other 2/3rds of us aren't as happy about the Free Stuff Giveaway.
The stock market (down 1000 points) tells the real story apologists like Stink and libmedia won't.

TYT - Romney: Blacks & Hispanics Wanted Gifts from Obama

Yogi says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

We're not a real Republic anymore, it's now a dictatorship where King Failure gets to decide if your business gets a waiver from his atrocious obamarxcare. If that's not a direct violation of the 14th Amendment (equal protection under the law) what is?
Also, in case you were unaware, the kenyan has authorized TSA agents to "assist police".
And Mitt is 100% right. Unfortunately for the White/Brown/Black entitlement class, the other 2/3rds of us aren't as happy about the Free Stuff Giveaway.
The stock market (down 1000 points) tells the real story apologists like Stink and libmedia won't.

Yeah I'll bet you and your buddies talk all the time about how if you were in charge you'd take care of all those niggers and spics. Your party is just fucking racist man, it's done, time to move on and reform.

TYT - Romney: Blacks & Hispanics Wanted Gifts from Obama

VoodooV says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

We're not a real Republic anymore, it's now a dictatorship where King Failure gets to decide if your business gets a waiver from his atrocious obamarxcare. If that's not a direct violation of the 14th Amendment (equal protection under the law) what is?
Also, in case you were unaware, the kenyan has authorized TSA agents to "assist police".
And Mitt is 100% right. Unfortunately for the White/Brown/Black entitlement class, the other 2/3rds of us aren't as happy about the Free Stuff Giveaway.
The stock market (down 1000 points) tells the real story apologists like Stink and libmedia won't.

Cry more newb. your tears sustain me. You and your party have officially become associated with the same group of people who yell gibberish at cars as they pass by or the crazy homeless people on the street with the cardboard signs that reads "the end is coming"

TYT - Romney: Blacks & Hispanics Wanted Gifts from Obama

quantumushroom says...

We're not a real Republic anymore, it's now a dictatorship where King Failure gets to decide if your business gets a waiver from his atrocious obamarxcare. If that's not a direct violation of the 14th Amendment (equal protection under the law) what is?

Also, in case you were unaware, the kenyan has authorized TSA agents to "assist police".

And Mitt is 100% right. Unfortunately for the White/Brown/Black entitlement class, the other 2/3rds of us aren't as happy about the Free Stuff Giveaway.

The stock market (down 1000 points) tells the real story apologists like Stink and libmedia won't.

Children are Forced to Bully Soldiers

rbar says...

Joris Luyendijk - They're just like people (2006)

In People Like Us, which became a bestseller in Holland, Joris Luyendijk tells the story of his five years as a correspondent in the Middle East. Extremely young for a correspondent but fluent in Arabic, he spoke with stone throwers and terrorists, taxi drivers and professors, victims and aggressors, and all of their families. He chronicles first-hand experiences of dictatorship, occupation, terror, and war. His stories cast light on a number of major crises, from the Iraq War to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, along with less-reported issues such as underage orphan trash-collectors in Cairo.

The more he witnessed, the less he understood, and he became increasingly aware of the yawning gap between what he saw on the ground and what was later reported in the media. As a correspondent, he was privy to a multitude of narratives with conflicting implications, and he saw over and over again that the media favored the stories that would be sure to confirm the popularly held, oversimplified beliefs of westerners. In People Like Us, Luyendijk deploys powerful examples, leavened with humor, to demonstrate the ways in which the media gives us a filtered, altered, and manipulated image of reality in the Middle East." -- amazon

I have no affiliation with the book, except to say I've read it and its amazing. Its brilliant at describing both the Palestinian and Israeli media extravaganza and what both sides do to get on the cover of time magazine. You'll be ashamed of the way our media forms us about the conflict and about the entire region and how wrong we all are.

Shelving System to Hide your Valuables, Guns & More Guns

L0cky says...

>> ^jimnms:
No one said anything about teaching a child how to use a gun. You have lots of things in your house that are deadly to kids (knives, chemicals, etc.), and I hope you would teach them that those things are dangerous and not to be played with rather than hiding them and hoping they wont find them. Why would a gun be any different?

I'm not sure who's disagreeing with who here.

The fact that you can teach a child in order to make their access to guns safer doesn't mean that every child that has access to guns will be taught this in a sufficient way. Besides, how many children had lots of training and still ended up shooting themselves or someone else.

If you don't think having a gun in your home would automatically make it the most dangerous thing in that home then you're either being disingenuous or you have some freaky shit going on in your house.

So my question is: despite the fact that some kids can be taught to be careful with a firearm, what is the justification of owning one, that doesn't require paranoid delusions such as:

1. The country being invaded by a foreign military that's sophisticated enough to get on land in large numbers without enough forewarning to enable a military defense; or are able to overcome a military defense (for the US that would be the world's largest military defense by an order of magnitude) - yet inept enough to be overwhelmed by a rag tag, uncoordinated army of citizens.

2. The country suddenly turning into a military dictatorship without warning (for the US that would be the world's largest military dictatorship by an order of magnitude so you'd really be kind of screwed anyway).

3. Everybody needing to suddenly hunt for rabbits with UZIs.

4. Maybe something to do with zombies.

I'll play devil's advocate and say 5: to defend your property and family against an armed burgler. Yet if you take a look at the rest of the world, at countries where guns are not prolific, gun assisted burglaries are so rare that it doesn't even bear thinking about.

The fact that you need a gun to defend yourself against someone with a gun is because you both have guns. - Captain "Circular" Obvious

I can't really budge on this unless you can somehow convince me that it's not preferable to live in a western society where almost all people have never even seen a real gun, therefore removing all their associated problems.

That's not an idealism, that's pretty much most of Europe.

>> ^colt45:

I'm amused at two assertions: guns are designed to kill people, and that kids think guns are fun to play with.
Children who are not taught properly about firearms are, generally, viewing them as toys to play with. Children who are properly taught about firearm safety, use, etc., are much more likely to view them properly; as very dangerous tools.

8 Reasons Your Vote For President Doesn't Matter

quantumushroom says...

The parties are not similar enough that I would vote for BHO, nor you for Romney.

As civilizations go the choice is between a dictatorship or a semi-plutocracy. There's more freedom under the latter and an improved standard of living, even if it's not spread equally.

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^quantumushroom:
There's very real difference between the two parties, otherwise "increased polarization" would not be an issue.
When you don't vote, you vote for someone else's vote to be made stronger. Hope you agree with them.

"Increased Polarization" is an issue because it's played up by the PR industry. It's not a reality, the two parties are incredibly similar when you look at the actual policies. They're both for the wealthy of America and they're both for the constant control of the worlds resources with our military.

"Battle for Syria" -- PBS Documentary

bcglorf says...

Where's all the sifters rushing in to defend Assad and decry the rebels as American backed Al-Qaida terrorists? Maybe they are too busy decrying America's use of drones to kill Al-Qaida terrorists in northern Pakistan?

On a more serious note, my best wishes to the Syrian peoples efforts to remove Assad's dictatorship and survive his efforts to murder everyone that dares ask for elections.

GOP volunteer gitting out the vote by Malinforming

aaronfr says...

Are you advocating for military dictatorships? Because, in my book, the only people that aren't civilians are soldiers.
>> ^entr0py:

I'm not surprised that someone willing to volunteer to call voters would be a crazy extremist. This is why I've always opposed civilian involvement in politics.

Ending Overfishing

shinyblurry says...

I hope they do eliminate overfishing, but considering the EU is run by unelected bureaucrats, the people can't put much pressure on them for change. The EU is essentially a dictatorship at this point.

Gallowflak (Member Profile)

The Dictator: The benefits of dictatorship vs. democracy

Reading of the Declaration of Independence

Gallowflak (Member Profile)

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