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Plane Has to De-Board Because Lady Refuses to Wear Mask

newtboy says...

Thanks for the details.
I'm guessing, like the others tossed off planes for the same actions, she's now going on the no fly list?
I only wish it was a no public transportation list, bus and train passengers shouldn't have to deal with her either.

eric3579 said:

Taylor Mailloux told Newsflare: "Before we even got on the plane she was stopped and asked to wear a mask onto the plane, she proceeded to show the person checking her in a note on her phone from a 'doctor' and they wouldn’t accept it so she was placed aside and then I saw her board the plane wearing a mask."

The woman eventually put a mask on to board the plane, but then took it off once she was seated. According to Mailloux, she was approached around three times to wear a mask once on the plane. When she refused, the announcement was made for the passengers to all start deboarding the flight, which is when the other passengers became very frustrated.

Mailloux added: "We got up to start to deboard the plane and she decided that now was the time she was gonna get off and everyone else can stay on. Well, half the plane already had deboarded before she got off."

The woman eventually left the plane and the other passengers were allowed to return, and the flight left safely without the woman on board.

The Designoid Dimension - mindblowing 3D fractal animation

BSR says...

Detail overload. If there were such a place I suspect I would get really bored and probably feel really isolated in such a ginormous sphere that I would go insane.

So much difference yet all the same.

Missing the human touch. Much like a prison. So cold.

Ku Klux Klan Member interview-Chris

newtboy says...

You stupid stupid dishonest stupid man. He renounced them for decades before the photo with Biden ('08?), starting in the 40's when he left the KKK after a few years in. Trump is currently being supported by the active KKK membership and leaders as well as multiple racist hate groups. He has not renounced them or said he doesn't want their votes, instead he claims he doesn't know who David Duke is despite having discussed him at length in prior interviews and calls them good people, his tough guys. Democrats have renounced the KKK and racists publicly for decades. Derp.

If Biden is the racist, why do open racists all support Trump?


Robert Byrd served as U.S. Representative for the state of West Virginia from 1953 to 1959, and as a U.S. Senator from 1959, until his death in 2010 ( here ).

Byrd was not a Grand Wizard or leader of the Klan. He was, however, a former organizer and member of the KKK. A Washington Post article reviewing Byrd’s memoir explains these years in more detail. Byrd later renounced his membership to the organization, although his early record in Congress on race and civil rights was mixed. For example, Byrd partook in a lengthy filibuster effort against the 1964 Civil Rights Act, but supported the 1968 civil rights act . A Democrat but conservative in values, Byrd decades later also criticized President Bill Clinton’s decision to push for the legalization of gay marriage.

In a 2006 CNN interview, Byrd expressed regret for the filibuster and called his time in the Klan the greatest mistake of his life.
In 2005, Byrd commented on his past membership of the Klan in his memoir and in an interview with the Washington Post said, "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times … and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."

During the 2008 presidential race, Byrd endorsed Barack Obama.

At the time of his death, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a leading civil rights organization formed in 1909 for the advancement of racial equality and elimination of racial discrimination, issued a statement mourning his passing. The NAACP’s President and CEO remarked: "Senator Byrd reflects the transformative power of this nation. Senator Byrd went from being an active member of the KKK to a being a stalwart supporter of the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and many other pieces of seminal legislation that advanced the civil rights and liberties of our country”. ( ) Then-President Obama eulogized Byrd.

McConnell, the Republican Senate leader, also spoke at Byrd’s memorial service — and other Republicans issued statements remembering Byrd. Texas Sen. John Cornyn said that Byrd was “a tireless public servant” and that the “Senate has lost a great champion, he will be missed greatly.”

Now go scourge yourself until I tell you to stop, you liar and fool. Trump made you look stupid again with another misrepresentation you regurgitated.

bobknight33 said:


Insanely Big Explosion in Beirut, Lebanon (compilation)

Buttle says...

The large, windowless square structure is grain storage. It blocked some of the blast but represents a large fraction of Lebanon's grain supply.

More details from

-------------------------%<--------------------------------%<------------------------------ RFERL spoke with the captain of the ship that had unintentionally brought the ammonium nitrate to Lebanon. He confirms the ship's arrest. It also reports the cause of the incident:

Lebanon's LBCI-TV reported on August 5 that, according to preliminary information, the fire that set off the explosion was started accidentally by welders who were closing off a gap that allowed unauthorized entry into the warehouse.

LBCI said sparks from a welder's torch are thought to have ignited fireworks stored in a warehouse, which in turn detonated the nearby cargo of ammonium nitrate that had been unloaded from the MV Rhosus years earlier.

Independent experts say orange clouds that followed the massive blast on August 4 were likely from toxic nitrogen dioxide gas that is released after an explosion involving nitrates.

There is a short video of firefighters at the initial fire. Reportedly none survived when the fireworks fire set off the ammonium nitrate. Another video shows the initial fire caused by welding. It burns a while and then sets off fireworks in a first explosion. This takes the roof off the warehouse. A few minutes later the fireworks cause the huge explosion of the ammonium nitrate.

Reuters provides another detail:

The source said a fire had started at port warehouse 9 on Tuesday and spread to warehouse 12, where the ammonium nitrate was stored.

That the ammonium nitrate was stored for seven years was not the responsibility of the port management but was caused by some judicial quarrel:

The head of Beirut port and the head of customs both said on Wednesday that several letters were sent to the judiciary asking for the dangerous material be removed, but no action was taken.

Port General Manager Hassan Koraytem told OTV the material had been put in a warehouse on a court order, adding that they knew then the material was dangerous but “not to this degree”.

“We requested that it be re-exported but that did not happen. We leave it to the experts and those concerned to determine why,” Badri Daher, director general of Lebanese Customs, told broadcaster LBCI.

Two documents seen by Reuters showed Lebanese Customs had asked the judiciary in 2016 and 2017 to request that the “concerned maritime agency” re-export or approve the sale of the ammonium nitrate, which had been removed from cargo vessel Rhosus and deposited in warehouse 12, to ensure port safety.


luxintenebris says...

have read a number of Lee descendants were okay w/removing his statues, too. by now, i'd hope, most folks know R.E.L. said statues weren't gonna be helpful.

“I think it wiser, not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered.”

of course, he was talking about a gettysburg memorial, so maybe he was reluctant to have a memorial at the site of his gravest error.

but the issue is like most things: complicated. like the lincoln emancipation memorial. get how the couchant slave is a downer, but the fact former slaves paid for its erection, the model for the slave was t.s. eliott grandpa's gardener, a former escaped slave, and is mohammed ali's direct ancestor - is kinda cool. maybe worth having around just to explain all the details around its history.

newtboy said:

Actually it is my history. I was born and raised in Houston, and have blood ties to Lee.
I probably have some family that helped install the statues too.
I can't change that.

That doesn't mean in order to remember the war of Southern Secession (see what I did there?) I must celebrate it. Statues are for heros, the back pages of history books are for traitors.

The Walk.

newtboy says...

Lol. No details AT ALL in that video. Not even any accusations, only hints that her daughter, whoever that is, she's anonymous, had some workplace "problems". Pretty sad if that's the best corroboration. Sweet zombie Jebus, that's stretching farther than Stretch Armstrong.

There's only one other named first hand witness from Ford v Kavanaugh, specifically the second accused attempted rapist, Mike Judge, the ONLY other named person in the room, also not called to testify....
It's no surprise he doesn't want to testify that he raped a girl, is it?

Another not heard was his girlfriend Elizabeth Rasor...

Mark Judge’s ex-girlfriend, Elizabeth Rasor, recently spoke to the New Yorker challenging the claim that the accusation against him was out of character for either he or Judge Kavanaugh....but...

“Rasor recalled that Judge had told her ashamedly of an incident that involved him and other boys taking turns having sex with a drunk woman. Rasor said that Judge seemed to regard it as fully consensual. She said that Judge did not name others involved in the incident, and she has no knowledge that Kavanaugh participated.”

Neither did we hear the seven contemporaneous corroborating witnesses....

Edit: I think the person you're talking about when you say "Ford's first hand witnesses, who she says were in the room, said they remember nothing happening between Ford and Kavanaugh." is Leland Ingham Keyser who didn't recall anything, not surprising because she wasn't told about the assault, wasn't on the same floor when it happened much less in the room, didn't know Kavanaugh, and to her this was just one more uneventful weekend drinking party where she didn't know most people attending in a long string of similar drinking parties, most not recalled in any detail. She didn't recall the party itself, which all parties agree happened and that she attended. Hardly a rebuttal.

I guess you don't recall the hearings, or that Republicans refused to hear witnesses, only two testimonies, Ford and Kavanaugh, with Ford examined by sharky outside lawyers brought in solely to discredit her, not examine her accusations.

scheherazade said:

Here's the link.

Ford's first hand witnesses, who she says were in the room, said they remember nothing happening between Ford and Kavanaugh.


The Walk.

newtboy says...

For a 9 month employment, getting the start year and end year wrong by one year each, and not mentioning the true start date was late December, that's a pretty big lie to start with.

I've heard nothing of this alleged Larry King No recording, or any details that don't match her first iteration of this constantly morphing story? ...don't bother mentioning it or it just sounds like desperation.

Um....1) Ford had written contemporaneous notes about her attack.
2) Ford's FIRST HAND WITNESSES, not people she told a story years later, were mostly NOT HEARD, AND WEREN'T GOOD ENOUGH.

Yes, the double standard is quite conspicuous....but it's the Right's blatant double standard.

One likely attack with a credible professional accuser, multiple first hand witnesses unheard and contemporary evidence is ignored and denied even a full hearing, and one changing accusation of a totally unbelievable public attack in the halls of congress made by a non credible accuser with no witnesses, no evidence, and who never brought up her attack before even though her attacker has had constant elections for high office including VP twice...even when she was part of a group making other public accusations against the same man, her accusations are to be believed?!

You really have some nerve implying the double standard comes from the Left here. Such bullshit.

MAYBE she exaggerates?!? There's no MAYBE about it. Everything about her claims scream political lie from a proven liar. I can't fathom why anyone ever listened to her unbelievable story except out of desperation, needing so badly to have a Biden abuse story to counter Trump's decades long history of real abuses, both on tape and bragged about in multiple interviews like forcing his way into dressing rooms at his beauty pageants to ogle underage girls as they dress, trying hard to Fuck his friend's wives while he's married, forcibly finger banging any woman he finds attractive, all the way to multiple rape cases in court now.

scheherazade said:

I meant the start and stop year are each off by 1.

Circumstantially it looks like maybe her mom called Larry King Live to ask for guidance way back in 1993 (the content of the exchange matches, as does the date, but no names were given). Could be unrelated.
Supposedly neighbors were told. Again, who knows.

If zero corroboration was good enough for Ford (Named first hand witnesses said they remember nothing of the sort), then maybe it's only fair to give Reade the same benefit of the doubt?
The double standard is quite conspicuous.

Personally, I wouldn't condemn anyone without physical measurable evidence on which to decide. Talk is cheap.

Maybe she does exaggerate. She wouldn't be the first.


Florsheim - One Of The Most Expensive Restorations

eric3579 says...

From yt comment thread..

I'm the owner of these shoes and wanted to add to the overwhelming positive response to the video and restoration. First tho, thank you Steve for dedicating yourself to your craft and being able to make this service available for folks like us. Steve knows my history on these but thought i would share some bits of it as a testament to his skills.

I bought these shoes new in the mid 90's after graduating from college being told from a friend's dad at the time that these would last a career, 25 years later, Steve completed the first resole of them. Ive worn these shoes initially every day to work and eventually reducing the wear to only special occasions knowing that Florsheim didnt make the shoe nor no longer refurbished the V-cleat soles. These shoes have seen every significant event in my career from first days of every new job, job interviews, friends weddings, my own, important meetings, anything that was important these shoes have witnessed it. ive tried to keep the best care of them only hand polishing them myself and having used shoe trees its entire life. i love the finish which is unique to this shoe and can only be had with decades of hand-polishing.

ive kept an eye out for someone that could restore the soles in the way the originals were made for the last 10 years and just recently stumbled across one of Steve's videos and the one that showed his award winning restoration of these shell cordovans down to the nail. from there i watched most of his videos almost like an interview to ensure i was comfortable with letting these shoes be worked on as they are only original from the factory once. we talked over every tiny detail and some months they are. i honestly didnt think i would find anyone that could restore these to original condition.

thank you again Steve...incredible job...and it really didn't matter to me how much it would have cost to restore these. they are priceless....including all the near falls ive had with those nails on slick floors ! i wouldn't have it any other way.

Simone Biles Debuts New Beam Dismount

Joe Biden response towards Tara Reade allegations

newtboy says...

Lol. So, 65000 and counting dead Americans, economy in tatters, debt and deficit exploded, recession/depression, unemployment skyrocketing, states going bankrupt, no wall, taxes not on a postcard, and 25 credible accusations of sexual assault VS one incredible and inconsistent accusation of assault and you think the single accusation is the coffin nail.

Trump talked about grabbing women by the pussy, so did the 25 women who've accused Trump of sexual assault from forcible groping to outright rape, some talked about it in court, not to mention the naked underage girls or the unknown number of abused girls and women he paid to keep silent.

25 consistent and believable stories accusing Trump of abuse in great detail and his multiple private and public admissions caught on tape, one fairly unbelievable and consistently evolving story now accusing Biden of public forced penetration somewhere in the public halls of congress sometime 27 years ago. Duh.

bobknight33 said:

Well this will sink his 2020 chances.
Hillary at the dugout warming up.

Trump talked about grabbing by the P.

Joe actually did.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

see that press conference yesterday? It was a doozy. let me summarize (quotes paraphrased):

He starts with a detailed outline in his propaganda commercial video 'yes we knew about it in January and how dangerous it was, then we did absolutely nothing for the entire month of February, and then we declared an emergency in March'

reporters - 'you say you bought yourself a month's time, why didn't you do anything in February?'

and then what follows is pretty insane

I have never heard someone sound so much like a dictator. 'all the information needs to come from me and everyone knows all of you are fake (talking to the room). I have all the power. The president's powers are limitless.'

A lot of explanation about how he has the ultimate authority and can choose to do whatever he chooses;
Governor's of states should have known this was coming and stockpiled their own ventilators

Is pressed again: What did you do during this time yo help lower the number of cases ?

Edit: I almost forgot the best part where he gets called on his "absolute power" and the 10th amendment is brought up

This is an exact quote "WHEN YOU SAY MY AUTHORITY? THE PRESIDENT'S AUTHORITY. WHEN SOMEBODY IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, THE AUTHORITY IS TOTAL AND THAT IS THE WAY IT'S GOT TO BE. " from that cspan transcript, you can click the play next to it to hear him say it.

Schaliegas: USSR Nuclear Gas Well Blowout

Astartes - Part Five

Digitalfiend says...

I really liked part 4 due to all the action. The amount of detail the guy puts into these videos is incredible. The end scene in Part 5 is so cool and makes me want to know more.

psycop said:

I goddam love this. It's be best of the five by a country mile too.

Finally a Doctor on the News Talking Fucking Sense

newtboy says...

Yes, but my understanding is that the point isn't to starve the virus for hosts until it's dead, it's to slow the spread enough that hospitals aren't overrun. When they are, death rates explode, logically from 3-3.5% up to 15-20%. Of course, this plan relies on the hope that immunity is relatively full and permanent, something we don't know yet.

If people weren't morons, I would agree about parks and beaches....but they are. Even those smart enough to try and social distance in public often forget and hug goodbye, and most aren't being that smart.

The problem with sending people back is we don't have a single study on immunity. We don't know if you have full immunity after recovering from being infected, or if so how long it might last. Many other coronaviruses mutate enough that immunity is for one season at best. We need to study the virus in detail before making assumptions on life and death issues, and it's smart to err on one side of caution with stakes this high until we know. Opening up before we know is a pure gamble....the odds might be good, but the stakes are sky high.

In a near worst case scenario, it's possible that Covid19 is going to remain as dangerous as it is today for some time with reinfection possible, and that any future vaccines will need yearly changes and booster shots to be effective, like the flu shot but hopefully more effective. In that case, the best we can really do is be prepared for a constant flow of large numbers of patients and deaths. That's going to require a complete retooling and expansion of the medical system, but silver lining, it's hundreds of thousands of good paying jobs that robots can't do...yet.

greatgooglymoogly said:

If everyone somehow isolates and we get down to only only 10 new cases a day, and we let everyone out, that only resets the clock to February with the addition of a million or so people already infected and immune. Everything goes back to shit in another couple months. People's behavior changing will help slow the spread, but will not prevent it. There's plenty you can do outside the home a safe distance from other people with minimal risk, certainly less than just going to shop for food. It's ridiculous they are shutting down beaches where it's simple to walk 20' away from anybody else. To limit crowds just close down parking spaces.

Antibody tests should allow recovered people back into regular life, but the only way we get a lot of recovered people is to have a lot of sick people first. Keep the elderly and high risk people confined, and let everyone else out with reasonable precautions(no gatherings over 20, etc). The only other alternative is a 6-12 month lockdown and 100% testing, which is simply never going to happen. You would still have to lock down the borders until the rest of the world has it under control too.

Mesmerizing Kinetic Sculptures

Esoog says...

Looked at his website, and the prices are not actually that bad. They have run times of around 5 hours, which is really cool. Love these, especially the one called 'Duality'. $2,600 is still a lot of money, but for the amount of detail and sheer coolness, that's not too bad.

Esoog said:

These are really impressive. I'm not a big art person (gallery art, I mean)...but these are very intriguing. I'd put one in my house. But probably couldn't afford it.

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