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Videosift not on Wired's list of best video aggregators? (News Talk Post)

jwray says...

>> ^deadcalm23:
^"good thing there's no flamboyant publicity about videosift.
don't let happen to the sift what happened to /b/
(from its users point of you, of course. for new comers everything is always fine)"
Excellent point, as an outsider looking in, it is easy to spot the high-colonic needed, to eliminate or or otherwise dispel, the ever-increasing, douche, dweeb, and dingleberry element, from this playground of nobel beginnings-Some folks simply need to post video content, and shut the fuck up.
Rules and decisions by majority vote, should send this place into the toilet if some high art does not return or otherwise take over-Voting. What a Concept. For most monkeys who think that their participation in National Elections for example, holds much more than some pseudo-symbolic satisfaction sensation, well...what can be done with damaged goods but to return them to the manufacturer to be repaired or replaced? Oh, suppose one could be satisfied with the defective product....Welcome to Planet Now.

Hi Choggie

Videosift not on Wired's list of best video aggregators? (News Talk Post)

14339 says...

^"good thing there's no flamboyant publicity about videosift.

don't let happen to the sift what happened to /b/
(from its users point of you, of course. for new comers everything is always fine)"

Excellent point, as an outsider looking in, it is easy to spot the high-colonic needed, to eliminate or or otherwise dispel, the ever-increasing, douche, dweeb, and dingleberry element, from this playground of nobel beginnings-Some folks simply need to post video content, and shut the fuck up.

Rules and decisions by majority vote, should send this place into the toilet if some high art does not return or otherwise take over-Voting. What a Concept. For most monkeys who think that their participation in National Elections for example, holds much more than some pseudo-symbolic satisfaction sensation, well...what can be done with damaged goods but to return them to the manufacturer to be repaired or replaced? Oh, suppose one could be satisfied with the defective product....Welcome to Planet Now.

They kidnapped my girlfiend and demanded a ransom...

ROAST X: ITS XTREME!!!! (Parody Talk Post)

rasch187 says...

@schmawy: I didn't hear any complaining when the strawberry jelly was on your muzzle, you kinky bastard. Now behave yourself, I've got a new rifle to try out, kitty cat...

@blankfist: Gay jokes from blankfist...what a surprise! I hope your movies are more original than your comments, or you'll be back to directing gay midget porn soon enough.

@MycroftHolmez: I'm sure that would be somewhat funny if I had seen some geeky movie. Instead it's uninspired and boring. Like you, mycroft.

@mas8705: the channel envy is plain to see. Rocknroll is for men, videogames are for boys...and fat, ugly mid-30s losers who still live with their mom...looking your way, mas.

@kulpims: your name suddenly came up on the list of potential sacrifices.

@firefly: we Europeans aren't squeemish when it comes to phallic land damn prude.

@Zifnab: you know all that talk of me being Mr. Peanut was just a trick to get you to suck my salty nuts? Worked perfectly. His dark helmet bobbing forwards and backwards...memories.

@gorgonheap: you succesfully killed your own joke, not to mention what little respect you might still have had here, with that last comment. How can I kill something that is already dead?

@laura: look who the stalker is now...I want you to tear up that restraining order, laura!

@calvados: you did that with your ex-"girlfriend" as well. I've seen the room for doubt.

@gwiz665: Give me a challenge! This is a guy who sits in front of his computer all day, drinking cola and jerking off at regular intervals. He probably wears glasses too. His idea of wit is quoting Futurama. Despite being heterosexual, he hangs out in gay bars because no woman will speak to him. His mother makes up stuff about him so her friends won't think Lil' Nicky is as pathetic as he is. All in all, we're all richer people for not knowing this guy in person.

@nibiyabi: My hairy back and busted knuckles are powerful aphrodisiacs. Just ask your grandma.

@thinker247: I was looking forward to ripping you a new one, but then you end up praising my name. Bullet dodged for now...

@Crosswords: I'll make an exception and eat ice cream from your decapitated skull. THEN I'll get romantic with said skull. That knife-wielding raccoon won't be able to help you then.

@alien_concept: I think I prefer you keep sending me nude pictures of yourself instead of stuff like this. I know you crave my attention, but like I told you after those inappropriate phone calls you made: "I don't dig bald chicks or wooden legs". And I know you've tried to better yourself, but honestly; 3 teeth, no matter how white, are still 29 too few. Keep looking, Rae, I'm sure there are some guys in the damaged goods department that might go for you.

@NordlichReiter: ...and I'd do it again. And again. Then I probably wouldn't care anymore.

@my15minutes: your 15 minutes were up 5 minutes after you were born, you uninteresting spellchecker you!

@rougy: who are you, why should I care...and why are you wearing my dirty boxers as a hat?

@dotdude: I hear roast of dotdude is a Creole delicacy...

Friendly Fire in Iraq - Tank Fires On US Soldiers

rougy says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:
There isn't nothing fun about friendly fucks, and there ain't nothing fun about war. Any one who likes war, is as choggie says "Damaged Goods", to me they are fucking sociopaths.

No argument there.

I see zero good coming out of all this war. Nothing is being achieved and, in fact, it's only stirring up more anti-American sentiment.

These wars are endangering our country, not safe-guarding it.

A lot of people are coming home a little fucked up in the head, and there's nothing and nobody here to help them.

And it bothers me that Iraq, as an issue, was not even mentioned in the last McCain/Obama debate.

Friendly Fire in Iraq - Tank Fires On US Soldiers

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^rougy:
Doesn't it look like fun?
Don't you wish you were there?
"Cool scars...."
Getting their stories straight on the 120 mortar....
That is fucking insanity.

There isn't nothing fun about friendly fucks, and there ain't nothing fun about war. Any one who likes war, is as choggie says "Damaged Goods", to me they are fucking sociopaths.

PS: I know it was sarcasm.

Bill Maher Discusses Religulous on Larry King. (2008)

choggie says...

Two morons discussing diversion...asshole fucks, concerned for none but themselves, using symbolic association, to assist in their personal world, and no one else..Dunno....Insults the collective consciousness,(what with Bill Moo-har, all coked-up) IMLTHO-Maher the prick-stick, coke-freak, on yer TV, fuck him, and TV........this crap is for kids and down if ya agree, or vote up if ya hate.....(Did I say Bill Maaaars is a fuck yet??...) Now YOU know, he's damaged goods(Cheetos of television), and his fans need better drugs!!!

Women and VideoSift: Why I'm a feminist. Guys, I quoted you. (Terrible Talk Post)

choggie says...

Feminist-n. 1.A woman who is tired of being treated like shit.

Best definition I can come up with, based on all the bullshit extant on the subject from all manner of damaged goods, well-wishers, and hopeful humans.....
It is input, process, and response that serves to create the word and world kiddies, the response, and subsequent process as well, and for as many perceptions of what the term "feminist" means to as many people, you here rant for all to read .....It's meant different things throughout time and history to many cultures, and in more readily accessible ways, too (unbridled public sexual intercourse, multiple mates, etc.)
Feminism to choggie, is the realization that women are the great balance and stability afforded to the species, and are half of everything males are with regard to self and place i.e. genetics/... and in the current paradigm of strong over weak, helper over helpless, some asshole fucked everything up by deciding their way, was the way to steer the course of what became the eventual unconscious impulse, which drives us in the direction of all this woe-is-everybodyism that seems to be some common vibe.....OR?? Males have an impulse which can't be stifled for the sake of the entire species, and some use more playful language in public forums than others care to....KNOW your territory, and navigate accordingly... Suggestings more sex for everybody, and heroic amounts of not-working, sleeping late, (this is a checklist fellas) over-eating, and all manner of similar is short, don't stay pissed-off for too long, yer tits will fall off-uhhhh, guys have titties too, so semantics be damned, thank you for letting me bitch....

Hilarious Timothy Leary interview

Ask The Real Muslim Women about Islam

Japanese Comedian, breaks his neck. Cohosts have no idea.

choggie says...

yeah more rules, that'll fix everythingbannedme-
gwhiz?...yer first idea is a better train to take, if you wanna reach yer destination to yer higher self-
karaidl is 18 yrs old(so he said)and has an uncanny ability to use one word to shove a comment, back up the ass it came from....that's why I love him as a brother, though I never met the child face to face.....karaidl for Czar, karaidl for dinner and a shiatsu, strippers and fireworks afterwards.....

Words cannot express for most folks, their gnawing desire for the real.

choggie loves the world, and if ya don't like his brand of passion for the same, guess ya came to the wrong's fulla beautiful damaged goods, and there's plenty of work to be done-

Peace to all, my comments here end here-

(that last part being bullshit, by the way.....)

She's Mine -- (Sketchies II; 2nd Round Entry)

Illinois State Representative Spews Hate at Atheist

choggie says...

agreed, and if it were not folks hating using the god/nogod scenario, the basic nature of these folks, Jew or Goyim, Christian, Pagan or snake-charmer, remains unchanged.
God can only do so much for damaged goods-This woman is a fool, and the retort in video form, has that putrefying odor emenation from the hating, which is so popular in the realm, of "Why I don't believe in God" online.....sick of it....worse than any fundie-bible stacker.....BLEEGHH!....
Find a better way, young atheist, to spread the gospel of the yer brand of good news, and take a fucking happy pill fer crissa....imaginary, sacrificial icon (he was black)ssakes.... That better for you unbelievers??? to try to please everybody, when I'm pissing from a balcony, onto their parade.....

Oklahoma State Rep. Goes On Anti-Gay Tirade

Heather Mills McCartney and the Fur Trade

choggie says...

Said it before, and I'll say it again, the succubus is damaged goods, as is anyone who devotes themselves passionately to saving animals, while socially, towards other humans, is a cunt and a twat...... A light bulb should go on in your head, when you see a passionate environmentalist or animal rights activist....a light that says, "Crazy and Batshit Insane." Otherwise, have fun avoiding the obvious, it's yer life work.

Fuck You Heather, for having access to any of Paul's hard-earned cash, you simpering, slag of a slit!

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