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Zero Punctuation Review: Sim City Societies

spoco2 says...

I don't know about you people who said it wasn't as funny, I still laughed out loud, embarrassing myself at work... again... I didn't find the end as funny as the Painkiller one, but maybe that's because I hate, hate, hate online shooters (against anything other than people you know in the same room as you), whereas I played Painkiller quite a bit, and found the cut scenes to be utterly terrible.

Best Game Intro Song Ever: Red Dead Revolver

Daft Punk Female on Female Action

Metal Gear Solid 4 - E3 2007 Trailer

prisonpanda says...

The one thing about the Metal Gear solid games that bugs me is the cut-scenes way way too many of them and this trailer kinda says "Look more great cut-scenes". Not one gameplay video in there looks like the game is one long cut-scene then?. Im sure the game will be great but it doest really get most much interest from me looking at that.

Crysis Gameplay Video - Incredible

Krupo says...

Oh crap, ANOTHER EA title? I hate how you can't skip their cut-scenes. Out of all the annoying little quirks you can giv ea game, that one annoys me the most.

Dragon's Lair: Videodisc Arcade Game of the Future (1984)

tony jaa is a god

Portuguese Hitchhiking Ghost (nsfw?)

bnsa says...

MLX, I'm HERE!!!

Ghost? Nah... but a wonderful Viral video! Uses a lot of common themes (lost, dark night, ghost hitch hiker who happens to be a woman who also happens to wear white) She is either trying to get home, relay a message, or just likes to go for rides.

Also, the "one person survived" and "police are baffled" gives credibility (along with any given date - in this case 1983), A+ for special fx of the ghostie affecting the camera. (IRL ghosts cause a white magnetic line that goes from top down when recording.

Not to mention they suck batteries dry almost instantly!) The cut scene from one video to another is the blur and another A+ for the dripping fluid scene at the end. Being Halloween, its a nice scare and feels real enough to be spooky!

- 5 Year Paranormal Investigator & Counting! -

PS3 vs. Wii

deathcow says...

> Anything you've seen from the PS3 so far are cut scenes
> hardly indicative of gameplay.

My PC comes real close to what I've seen from the PS3, I have no issues with believing the PS3 graphics will be astounding.

PS3 vs. Wii

theo47 says...

Anything you've seen from the PS3 so far are cut scenes - hardly indicative of gameplay.
All the button-pushing and combo-remembering got me out of gaming - the Wii might just bring me back.
Besides, she's cheap. And fun.

Star Wars next Gen (amazing game physics)

Star Wars next Gen (amazing game physics)

For all GAMERS out there: This is the Next Generation of Graphics! (Enjoy!)

Lethin says...

Im with snake, i've watched sony say things and never deliver, if the games DO look like that when the system launches and plays anything CLOSE to how those cut-scenes did then omg. however, i've seen a lot of the videos presented about the PS3 and so far its all the same things "Watch as we have less then 2 things on screen but look how Amazing they look!" blah.

For all GAMERS out there: This is the Next Generation of Graphics! (Enjoy!)

boom says...

very nice montage... although those are mostly pre-rendered cut-scenes... any company even sony can easily make a pre-rendered cut-scene and slap in a hud on the screen and say its real time... there were only a couple games that were shown running on "ps3" hardware... killzone was not one of them.... reason why sony didn't do so hot at e3 this year... no proof.

For all GAMERS out there: This is the Next Generation of Graphics! (Enjoy!)

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