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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Still waiting.

So, according to dementia Don Joe Biden beat Barack Hussein Obabba in an election.
Even his VP says don’t vote for Delusional Don, just like anybody that’s worked for him in the past.
He might want to stop advertising so heavily on pro Hitler and pro-Nazi videos online like his campaign was caught doing. That doesn’t attract non cultists or non racists.

More MAGA child rape debauchery, A former Republican precinct chairman from the state of Texas named Beau Dresner has been sentenced to FOUR CENTURIES in prison after he was convicted of, among other things, four counts of sexually assaulting/raping young children and 61 counts of producing child pornography. He had a one way ticket to Armenia when he was caught. Republicans love to say that they are the party protecting our children from "groomers," but all the reports of child abuse and assault seem to be coming from within their own party, usually from their leadership.

Odd, there’s never been a true story of a drag queen sexually assaulting a child or a trans person attacking a child in a bathroom, not one, but almost daily there’s a new high profile MAGGOT actually caught having forced sex with children. Not surprising when your cult leader was best friends with the most prolific child sex abuser in our history for decades, even long after he was caught and admitted to child prostitution. You are in the party of child abuse, theft, and lies.

Can a kid choose their gender?

newtboy says...

More idiotic stupidity from the stupid idiot who is convinced by convicted fraudsters that 3 year olds have gender reassignment surgeries at their own slightest whim every day in America.
He couldn’t be more delusional or gullible.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

In just days after it was posted 91 mental health professionals have already signed the petition declaring that Trump is showing multiple signs of full blown advanced dementia, not just misstatements, not just the slurring, not just forgetting who is who and mixing up names and actions, but real, clinical, FULL BLOWN ADVANCED DEMENTIA.
This is not a “diagnosis”, but educated observations by trained professionals that would insist on full cognitive testing if he was their patient.
Trump claims he passed a cognitive test 4+ years ago but never proved it, let him take one on tv. Won’t happen.
Watch, he won’t debate Joe either, because he can’t and his full blown dementia would be in stark contrast to Joe being not just lucid but also knowledgeable.

Bonus- Habba and Robert are in HUGE trouble for not disclosing the perjury they suborned by using Wiesselberg’s false testimony and refused to respond to Engoron when he directly asked them about it. Weisselberg has now pleaded guilty to committing more perjury for Don Trump in this case, perjury which would have increased the award/fine had it been disclosed before the judgement was handed down. They are likely to be disbarred, possibly prosecuted, possibly even fined for the full amount they just stole from NY state by lying in court….hundreds of millions MORE. 😂

Now the prosecutors have every person in the Trump org who was involved in the illegal payoff of the pornstar Trump humped while Melania gave birth either itching to testify like Cohen or terrified they will die in Rikers island if they lie again like Wiesselberg (facing another 10 months already with more to come). Also David Pecker of the National Inquirer who will testify to the catch and kill program he ran of paying accusers for exclusive rights to their stories of being sexually abused by Trump then never running them (sounds a lot like that Hunter’s laptop story that you say was Biden cheating his way into the whitehouse, doesn’t it, except this isn’t a fraudulent bit of “evidence “ produced by Russians, it’s numerous American citizens with evidence…every accusation you make is an admission.). And multiple VPs and lower with knowledge of the illegal schemes. (All of these no longer have a job with Trump since he’s barred from his businesses now and the Trump org is defunked). He has until Thursday to post $83.5 million + interest (or Carroll starts selling buildings), and about 3 weeks for another $450 million+-. That criminal case starts in 3 weeks, right around the time Trump will default on his judgement to New York and what’s left of his properties will be seized. He can’t weasel his way out of all of them, no matter how many complicit judges he packed the courts with. His record in the courts has been abysmal so far.

Bonus - NEW perjury charges for felon Chesebro in Nevada after his secret Twitter and other accounts he claimed under oath didn’t exist and that completely contradict his self serving testimony in multiple criminal cases, and prove he was directly involved in what he knew was an illegal attempt to subvert democracy and use fake documents and electors to falsely install the election loser as the president were discovered.

Lemme guess…every single MAGGOT in the inner circle getting convicted of (usually pleading guilty) perjury (and many other felonies) for telling the same lies you believe in court doesn’t give you a single pause about Trump’s “best people”.

Wow…the abject failure of the “blacks for Trump” frauds this week are hilarious, from a “blacks for Trump” event where the only black people attending were the two on stage with Trump to the hilarious AI generated images of Trump hanging with black folks who have 3 arms and gibberish on their hats/shirts showing exactly how comfortable he is with real black people. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh-oh. Calls to subpoena Jared, who was part of the administration and did change policies drastically and was handed $2 billion as soon as he left office have grown louder and crossed the aisles.
Every penny of Hunter’s compensation was accounted for as legitimate pay for his services as a Yale educated business lawyer with a successful business law firm, unlike Jared whose father was convicted of running a criminal empire Jared then took over (convicted on 18 counts, pardoned by Trump) and had no real investment experience and was actually determined by the Royal Fund managers to be completely unqualified to invest in, but got $2 billion anyway after protecting the Prince from murder charges for murdering and dismembering an American journalist and selling the often hostile Saudis hundreds of billions in weapons.
This will bleed over to Trump, he was directly involved. Another case of every accusation is an admission. You idiots should REALLY stop making baseless accusations of crimes you yourselves are guilty of.

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


You don’t honestly think there’s one person here who agrees with you, or that doesn’t see every infantile attack as an admission from you, do you?
I mean, I’m not the one who believes every idiotic lie that comes out of a repeatedly convicted con man, rapist, chomo, and fraud. I’m not the one who goes deaf blind and mute every time their stupidity is proven to be pure delusional twaddle.

Hey, I’ve got an idea. How about trying to get your information from somewhere that can show you entire sentences without quick cuts that 100% change what the speaker is saying? No, then you would have nothing to post, because nothing you post is honest or reality, sucker.

😂 That’s it Bobby, I’M gullible, you’re informed! 😂 🤦‍♂️ 😂

BTW- Trump has blamed losing Santos’ seat on the MAGA candidate not endorsing him, forgetting that she absolutely fully endorsed and defended him multiple times on camera. D’oh!

Bonus- Trump lost his final bid to throw out the 34 felony count case in NY for business fraud in his pornstar payoff case. GOING TO CRIMINAL TRIAL ON 34 FELONY COUNTS ON March 25.
Hilariously Trump is denying his own statements and social media posts are his statements and posts….not very smart, it’s only going to annoy the jury and expose him as an infant. It’s also going to give the prosecution to bring in Daniels to describe their sexual encounter and the payoff in vivid televised detail.

bobknight33 said:

Your so gullible and blind.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 Oh the sweet sweet MAGA tears, cry me some more please, little boy.

He was absolutely found as a legal fact in a court of law to have raped Carrol. He is, legally and in factual reality, a RAPIST.
Almost certainly a serial rapist, there are 26 other women who say he violently raped them, including his ex wife and he himself has publicly bragged about constantly sexually abusing girls and women.
There are also dozens more he paid to not accuse him and sign threatening NDAs.

That’s why talking heads on TV can say he’s a rapist without fear of a lawsuit…it’s true, proven in court. Cry some more, it hasn’t changed reality yet. 😂

Learn facts and join reality idiot.

He avoided the statute of limitations or he would be criminally convicted too, he is, 100%, legally and factually, a RAPIST.

bobknight33 said:

Not found guilty of raping Carrol..

Learn FACTS Nutboy

President Biden Delivers Remarks

newtboy says...

Biden had full clearance when his staffers stored documents he was allowed to have that were not labeled classified but turned out to be. None were near the level of classification of the nuclear secrets Trump intentionally stole, none were even clearly labeled classified. He had no knowledge of them being stored there, and thought they were in the national archives, still he did a search himself and discovered them and immediately turned them in, allowing the fib to search for more without warrants.
As POTUS Biden can pardon himself for past mistakes anyway. 😂 He could also pardon Hunter if he wished.

Senators can have security clearance too, dummy…especially if on committees like the foreign relations committee. Derp.
There is no indication that he ever procured documents he didn’t have the clearance to handle.

Trump wasn’t potus so had no remaining clearance or right when he intentionally stole thousands of well labeled highly classified highly sensitive docs on his way out of the whitehouse, and at no time was he allowed to possess them legally outside a SCIF. He was notified by the national archives and he lied about taking them, refused to return them, then lied about having returned them. He knowingly retained them and kept them in unlocked public areas where the public had unfettered access to them proven by the multiple photographs guests took of them. He actively hid them repeatedly when notified of an upcoming search the fbi had to get a warrant for because he refused to let them search for missing documents they knew he had without one. He then tried to erase and destroy the security tapes that prove he did everything I just accused him of, he even ordered a pool be pumped into the room housing the security servers in an effort to destroy evidence, but was so incompetent that they were easily recovered.

Your bulb burnt out 9 years ago when a racist tv idiot and convicted con man announced his candidacy and you said to yourself “that’s my ride or die for life, I just love that man so much it hurts”…but it was just a 5 watt black light bulb to start with….very dim.

bobknight33 said:

As a POTUS Trump is allowed to have classified docs.

Senators ( Biden) are not allowed.

The bulb in this man is dim and fading.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Dementia ridden Trump was asked if he’s going to use more campaign funds to pay his penalty awards (he already used $50 million to pay his legal fees)…he had no idea what she meant, said “what penalties” claimed he had won in court, claimed he had won again in the court of appeals, and when he was reminded he just lost to Carrol he just said “I didn’t do anything wrong, that case is a ridiculous case, that case is less case that case is…”
Yes, he doesn’t even realize he lost $88.3 million last week. He thinks he’s winning these cases that he’s already lost. He thinks he won the NY fraud case despite losing it completely and only litigating damages.
He doesn’t know where he is, who he’s running against, who is president now, that WW2 already happened, can’t tell his rape accuser from his own wife, and has 91 felony charges to defend against…it’s the only reason he’s running for president, so he can pardon himself….he’s so clueless he doesn’t realize the President cannot pardon state charges/convictions and his lawyers are so terrible they haven’t told him.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

W-W-W-W-Wrong again.

And again, Trump was found in a court of law to be a rapist, he was found to be guilty of raping Carrol, he beat the statute of limitations for criminal charges so wasn’t “convicted”, but he was found to have forcibly penetrated his victims vagina knowingly against her will, which in English is a rape…you can parse words to your heart’s content and it won’t change that fact….then there’s his wife who said he violently raped her until he bought her silence, or the 26 other women he raped who came forward at great cost and risk to themselves and their families…and those who didn’t because he paid or threatened them.

But the reason for this reply is to remind you…TRUMP SUED CLINTON FOR $70 MILLION OVER AN INSULT! His case had no merit so was tossed and he was sanctioned $1 million for filing frivolous lawsuits, but Trump said insulting him in 2016 was worth $70 million, that’s more than $83 million in 2024 dollars ($89,500,000 in fact).
😂 SUCKER! You just stick your head in shit every time without fail. Maybe try learning something instead of just regurgitating what some blowhard told you was true? 😂

Then there’s this….

Still waiting, little man. Did you look into testosterone injections. It might get them to finally drop.

bobknight33 said:

Trump was never convicted as a rapist.

No insult is worth 83 Million. 2 or 3 max

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump WAS absolutely found to be a rapist in a court of law, forcible penetration against the victim’s will is rape and it was proven he did that, he managed to run out the statute of limitations for a criminal conviction but he forcibly penetrated a woman against her wishes, it was proven in court.
He tried to sue Carrol for calling him a rapist, but the statements being true is a defense against slander and libel cases so it was thrown out. Try again sucker.

She’s definitely not the only one, his wife said he violently raped her and so did 26 other credible women.
If Joe had done what Trump has been proven in court to have done, the same thing he was recorded bragging about doing, you wouldn’t ever stop calling Joe a rapist and you would be right because that’s what Trump is…you know it’s true.
Donald J Trump raped at least one woman and almost certainly 27 women and girls at a minimum, those are just the credible accusers and don’t include those too afraid to come forward or those he paid for their silence afterwards.

Constant credible death threats and the destruction of her professional career and reputation are worth $88.3 million, again this has been proven in a court of law. Trump said days before the judgement that he intended to continue defaming her forever after the judgement no matter how high it was, so the penalty was designed to change that position because $5 million had no effect at all. It seems to have finally worked. 😂
Also, since the punitive damages are designed to impact the perp, it was tiny if you believe Trump about his net worth. 10% of his total net worth would have been a low amount, and she got under 2% of what he claims to be worth, under 1% of some claims, a nothingburger, stop whining. 😂

Anything else? 😂

bobknight33 said:

Trump was never convicted as a rapist.

No insult is worth 83 Million. 2 or 3 max

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Trump was never convicted as a rapist.

No insult is worth 83 Million. 2 or 3 max

newtboy said:

$83,300,000.00 MORE for Carrol…on top of the $5 million in escrow now awaiting his first appeal. LOSER!

Trump has to pay before he can appeal…you think he has it?

She could legitimately already have another case for what he’s said about her publicly during trial, let’s see if this is enough to shut him up. I doubt it, so get ready for more.

Being a douche bag rapist sure is expensive!

Edit: As a bonus, the financial monitor in his business fraud case has made her report, saying even under court monitoring his financial statements are either/or completely missing, incomplete, repeat with errors, and/or contradictory. Estimates for the judgement are topping $500,000,000.00, and complete divestment from his businesses/properties in New York. He doesn’t have it. Better make more donations.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump has argued that he was never an officer of the United States to the Supreme Court. He says he wasn’t the president.
In 1982, Nixon v Fitzgerald, the court established that the president IS an officer of the United States, specifically the Chief Constitutional Officer of the Executive Branch, so if he wasn’t an officer, he wasn’t president. Apparently Habba doesn’t know how to google, much less how to research case law or she would have known. Fail #1

They also argue he didn’t personally engage in insurrection (he did, the election denial was an insurrection, all the fake electors were an insurrection, trying to invalidate millions of votes was an insurrection, trying to “find” enough votes to steal states he had lost is an insurrection, sending thousands to the Capitol to physically “stop the steal” was an insurrection) but they have completely ignored the “or given aid or comfort” part of the clause because he has absolutely given mountains of aid and comfort to those convicted of seditious insurrection by raising money for their defense, defending them publicly, calling them patriotic heroes, creating a song he sold for their benefit, and promising them pardons, so they have no defense to having given aid and comfort to insurrectionists along with most MAGA congresspeople. Prepare for their expulsion after Trump loses. Fail #2

Since he claims he was never an officer, so not really president, his immunity claims don’t even need to be litigated, only the actual president, highest OFICER in the American government AND the American military has any immunity and he says that was never him…and it’s only severely qualified immunity, not 100% total complete omnibus immunity…otherwise Biden/Harris would simply have Trump’s plane secretly shot down and claim total immunity….duh. Fail #3

Thanks Habba! Worst lawyer in American history trying some of the most important cases, and putting on invalid defenses she hasn’t thought through and in many cases completely forgetting to put on any defense at all. She’s the best lawyer in America that will stoop to defending Trump, and is guaranteeing he loses every case!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Idiot rapist mr trump has now (not including today) uncontrollably posted 50 more libelous statements about his rape victim, Carrol, since his second lying about rape trial started, and given numerous slanderous press conferences/interviews…the same kind he’s twice convicted of already and paid $5 million for the first case and awaits her second (much larger) judgement.
The jury saw what he posted during jury selection in opening statements. They will see the rest in closing statements right before deciding how much to fine him. Do you think his actions are those of a smart man, or someone having an uncontrollable tantrum?
They could easily just decide the price has been set…$5 million per statement, making it $250 million so far with likely 5 more days of his libeling and slandering her continuously WHILE AWAITING JUDGEMENT FOR LIBEL AND SLANDER! The jury is supposed to decide how much it will take to stop him and he thinks this will minimize his exposure? This judgement could actually dwarf the NY State judgement he has coming for $350 million and ending his businesses.
You don’t really believe he has $700+ million to spare, do you? 😂 you know the banks own all his properties, not him, right? You do know his billionaire status is only self claimed, never corroborated, right? 😂
Syphilis really destroys your brain. Probably why he thinks it’s ok to complain publicly (in New Hampshire) how ridiculous it was that after he lost the election he had to follow the law as he’s facing 91 counts for not following the law when he lost the election.

PS- Speaker of the house says Biden was ordained by God. MAGA insists that the Democratic Party has more power than God and overpowered him to install Biden against God’s wishes. 😂

PPS- Trump has set up what amounts to a charity (the Patriot Freedom Project) to help support, aid, and comfort the Jan 6 insurrectionists, many of which have been convicted of seditious insurrection so the claim they aren’t insurrectionists is factually and legally invalid, he has headlined many of their functions, and even hosted them at his properties for free. I wonder how the MAGA brain thinks that isn’t offering aid and comfort to insurrectionists…another violation of the 14th, can you explain?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Still waiting coward. 😂

Waiting for you to grow a pair big enough to admit just once that you were 100% wrong. Pretty certain you are 100% incapable of admitting it, but I’m not letting you walk away from it.
Contrary to your lies, Trump is named repeatedly in the recent Epstein document release, listed as a person who raped a 13 year old girl…you claimed he’s not listed at all. He’s also on the Lolita Express passenger list going to Child Rape Island 7 times in a 4 year period, despite having his own plane.
Trump also slept with his daughter, raped 27 women and 13 year old girls, sexually assaulted nearly every attractive woman he’s ever met, and was recorded bragging about ALL of it. Not to mention being a thief, fraud, tax cheat, terrorist, treasonous insurrectionist, pederast, and dementia ridden constant liar. He doesn’t know where he is most days, and proves it by saying the wrong place on stage, can’t remember who is president (he thinks it’s Obama), can’t remember who was president 2017-20 (often blames Biden for things in 2020 or earlier), fears that we might get into WW2, and calls for ending the constitution and presidential elections because he deserves it. 🤦‍♂️

You’ve been saying that about Ukraine for years, Vlad. Sucker. They have proven you wrong every time you tried to predict the war’s future….not that you would ever admit it.
They are having issues because Republicans blocked much needed aid for months clearly trying to help Trump’s friend, Putin, and hurt democracy.

Why don’t you ever even admit to yourself that you are always wrong? Why is it you are also always on the side of evil, fascism, draconian dictators, and against Democracy. It’s consistent Bobby.
You listen to the stupidest random ignorami with nothing to lose and everything to gain from lying to you…and you love it, you are never one bit upset that every word is dishonest propaganda. You just go looking for the next lie.

Still waiting little baby. I’ll bring up your cowardly infantilism every time you try to spout more nonsensical lies, waiting for you to grow up and admit you just lie constantly because truth is for liberals. 😂

Side note-Please oh please, Don, keep Habba as your lead council in your criminal trials. She is so unqualified, incompetent, inexperienced, and abrasive that she guarantees not only conviction but the higher end of sentencing guidelines. Day 2 of his second EG Carrol rape case was another utter disaster. There may be no choice, 3 of his lawyers quit last week…Tacopino, and his subordinates Seagal, and Diorio. He no longer has a real criminal legal team, and the team that has spent a year preparing for his criminal trials that start in under 2 months just quit him. 😂 that’s gotta hurt. Habba’s going to get him the firing squad!
Lost another appeal today because they forgot to claim executive privilege over Trumps Twitter records until it was too late.



OOOPS…Those were 4000 votes for Biden that were incorrectly counted for Trump just discovered. More MAGA “cheating” (intentional or not, 4000 more votes that were counted for Trump but belonged to Biden).

bobknight33 said:

The Ukraine war is all but over. A total loss all because of Biden desire to expand NATO nations.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Still waiting. 😂 😂 😂

I expect it to be a long wait for you to grow up enough to have the spine to admit you are, again, 100% wrong, as usual.
You have a long way to go and you aren’t making any headway.

Oh fuck…day 1 of the Trump Rape trial was a shit show for Habba. She’s going to end up in prison too. The judge is already so done with her disrespect, lack of courtroom decorum, lack of legal knowledge, attempts to re-litigate issues he already ruled on, calling the judge “sir” not “your honor”, interupting, filing inappropriate motions, making motions through email, slandering and libeling the judge publicly, etc. She is SO not ready for federal court, and she’s now LEAD COUNCIL after Tacapino quit Trump last weekend.
Trump is going to be convicted on every count, and lose every civil trial worse than anyone can imagine not just because he’s guilty but also because he has no defense team, he has unintelligent cheerleaders. He would be better off with a public defender, but they won’t sleep with him. His lecherous tendencies, needing to be surrounded by attractive women at all times to feel secure, are ending him in spectacular fashion….and I am so here for it with popcorn and a big gulp!

So far, Habba has been reamed by the judge and Trump had “Tothed” hundreds of posts attacking his victim while the jury is being picked…a jury that has total anonymity to protect them from exactly the same treatment if Trump finds out who they are. The jury is going to see those when determining how much to award his rape victim, his guilt is legally pre-determined from his last trial, and it will be in their minds that they might suffer the same thing themselves so expect an astoundingly huge award, enough to ensure he never does it again because they might very well be the target next time. 😂
He is so fucked.

Bonus- Oh snap…like I said, in opening statements the prosecutor showed them the 22 times Trump attacked Carrol this morning while in the room with them, asked to think about that when determining how much money it will take to convince Trump to stop. That’s going to be one big number with a lot of zeros….7…8…could we see 9 zeros? 😂
And make no mistake, she gets ANOTHER bite of his pie because he has not stopped defaming her even as the trial progresses, and that slander and libel isn’t covered in this or the other rape trials. He’s really regretting opening his halitosis filled mouth, but still can’t stop doing it. 😂

And Trump lost again in NY Supreme Court trying to remove his gag order so he can attack court workers and threaten their safety. Denied.

bobknight33 said:

More infantile whining and lying and redirecting to continue avoiding admitting to being 100% wrong about Trump’s multiple (7 times in 4 years during his most prolific child prostitution years) documented visits Child Rape Island with Epstein and being named repeatedly in the newly released documents including the specific accusations that he raped a 13 year old girl….again.

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