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Groundhog Day For A Black Man

Sagemind says...

I don't mind the videos, It's just gotten to the point that if it's a racial post against the black community, I already know who has posted it. I just feel a little flooded, like flogging a dead horse.

Some of the videos are good. That's not even my point.
But if you concentrate on one thing hard enough, it becomes more true for you. I'd love to see C-note prosper and grow as a person, like any of us. And it's hard when he can't get past hyper focusing on negative engagements of the my life is so bad because I'm Black stereotype.
C-Note - I don't know your life, so I'm sorry if I seem judgy. I'm sure you're a great guy, but invite some positive energy into your life and let the negatives go. I mean that with love man.

Rachel Maddow breaks down .. report on 'tender age' shelters

Drachen_Jager says...

Let's call them what they are.

Concentration camps.

The first stages of Ethnic Cleansing.

I'd like to point to the following article via

"As one of the few journalists permitted to tour the government’s new internment camp, about 40 miles from the southern border, the New York Times correspondent tried to be scrupulously fair. Forcing civilians to live behind barbed wire and armed guards was surely inhumane, and there was little shelter from the blazing summer heat. But on the other hand, the barracks were “clean as a whistle.” Detainees lazed in the grass, played chess, and swam in a makeshift pool. There were even workshops for arts and crafts, where good work could earn an “extra allotment of bread.” True, there had been some clashes in the camp’s first days—and officials, the reporter noted, had not allowed him to visit the disciplinary cells. But all in all, the correspondent noted in his July 1933 article, life at Dachau, the first concentration camp in Nazi Germany, had “settled into the organized routine of any penal institution.” "

Yes... he did it. If there were any doubts left, this should remove them. Trump officially put the United States on the same path as Nazi Germany.

What are you going to do about it?


"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."


Obama v trump - fox on american relations with north korea

SaNdMaN says...

No, no, don't equivocate.

Sure, there's some hypocrisy on all sides, but no other network comes even close to Fox News.

They pull this "if Obama did it, it's horrible; if Trump did it, it's great" shit all the time. Blatantly.

I watch plenty of "mainstream" media, and I haven't seen anyone, who previously supported starting a dialogue with our adversaries, blast Trump for it. They do blast Trump, who has no clue about the nuances of the politics and history of that region, for going into it unprepared. They blast him for singing praises to Kim (brushing aside the all the murder, concentration camps, torture) while causing rifts with our actual allies.

But hey, Fox's bullshit works. You'd think it would stop working in this age when we have... you know.. video evidence of stuff... but no... still works.

The problem is not with the media but with the gullible/ignorant/stupid population that consumes it. The same mouth-breathers that had their pitchforks out, when Hannity told them Obama is willing to talk to dictators, are now praising dear supreme leader Trump, because now Hannity is telling them that talking to dictators is a good thing. Completely predictable but still astonishing.

bobknight33 said:

For all the BS from media this is still something to behold.
Yep FOX blasts Obama and now its Main stream blasting Trump.
What do you expect, real honest reporting? Truth left the train station decades ago.

Teacher Fed Up With Students Swearing, Stealing, And Destroy

JiggaJonson says...

I disagree. Pinpointing the problem isn't very hard if you have some idea of where to look.

As someone who was 'coming of age' in my profession when No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and its successor the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), I can provide some insight into how these policies have been enacted and how both have been detrimental to the public education system as a whole. The former is a GWBush policy, and the latter is an Obama policy meant to mend the original law, so both liberals and conservatives are to blame to some degree, but both are based on the same philosophy of education and teacher-accountability.

There are some other mitigating factors and outside influences at work that should be noted: gun violence, the rise & ubiquity of the internet, and universal cell phone availability, all mostly concentrated in the past 10 years that play a large role. Cell phones, for example, are probably the worst thing to happen to education ever. They distract, they assist in cheating, they perpetuate arguments which can lead to physical altercations, and parents themselves advocate for their use "what if there's an emergency?!?!"

The idea of "teacher accountability" is the biggest culprit though.

Anecdotally, I've caught people cheating on papers. A girl in my honors English class basically plagiarised her entire final paper that we worked on for close to a month. The zero tanked her grade, which was already floundering, and the parent wanted to meet. I'd rather not go into detail to protect both the girl and my own anonymity, but suffice to say, all of the blame for this was aimed directly at me. How? Well I (apparently) "should have caught this sooner and intervened." Now, the final in that class is 8 pages long, I have ~125 students all working on it at the same time. but my ability to check something like that and my workload are beside the point. I'M NOT THE ONE WHO COPY PASTED A WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE AND DOCTORED IT UP SO IT COULD SQUEAK BY THE PLAGIARISM DETECTOR (shows she knew what she was doing, IMHO). Yet, I'm still the one being told that I was responsible for what happened.

Teacher-accountability SOUNDS like the right thing to do, but consider the following analogies

--Students are earning poor grades, therefore teachers should be demoted; put on probationary programs; lose some of their salaries; and if they do not improve their test scores, grades, and attendance; be terminated from their positions.

as to

--Impoverished people have poor oral hygiene/health, therefore their dentists should be forced to take pay cuts from insurance companies. If the patients continue to develop cavities and the like, the dentist should be forced to go for further training, and possibly lose his practice.

I have no control over attendance.
I have no control over their home life.
I have no control over children coming to school with holes in their shoes, having not eaten breakfast.

@Mordhaus the part about money grubbing could not be further from the truth.

I'll be brief b/c I know this is already too long for this forum, but Houton Mifflin, McGraw Hill, Etc. Book Company is facing a shortfall of sales in light of the digital age. It may be difficult to blame one entity, but that's a good place to start. They don't sell as many books, but guess who produces and distributes the standardized tests and practice materials? Those same companies who used to sell textbooks by the boatload.

When a student does poorly, they have to retest in order to recieve a diploma. $$$ if they fail again, they retest again and again there is a charge for taking the test and accompanying pretest materials. Each of which has its own fees that go straight to the former textbook companies. See:

In short, there is an incentive for these companies to lobby for an environment where tests are taken and retaken as much as possible. Each time a student has to retest that's more $ in their pocket.

How can they create an enviorment that faccilitates more testing? Put all the blame on the educators rather than the students.

That sounds a little tin-foil-hat conspiracy theory-ish, but the lobbying they do is very real:

That, combined with exceptions for charter/private schools where students have the option to opt-out of said testing is skewing the numbers in favor of all of these for-profit companies: << one example (you can't opt-out in a public school, at least in my state)

@bobknight33 idk if i'd call business-minded for-profit policies "liberal"

Mordhaus said:

Instead of focusing on who 'created' the problem, which I guarantee you cannot tie to any one specific group or ideology, we should be instead looking for a solution to the problem.

At some point we are going to have to quit beating our drums about 'bleeding heart' liberals or 'heartless money grubbing' republicans and work together. If we can't, then we deserve everything we have coming.

Man exacts revenge on package thieves with a loud trap

the value of whataboutism

bcglorf says...

In a way Scahill is like a less educated\refined version of Noam Chomsky. He does good investigative work, and dedicates enormous energy into exposing and spotlighting the bad things that America does. That has a place, but without a similarly harsh and critical light being cast on America's targets/enemies it becomes propaganda.

Jeremy says he wouldn't work with Charles Manson to oppose trump, fair enough. What about kind of working with Stalin to defeat Hitler? Say, at least agreeing not to attack Stalin while you both deal with Hitler?

The world is incredibly complicated and the singular and lone focus on American mistakes paints a deceptive picture. Pointing out the problems with America's war in Iraq, like torture and Quantanamo and declaring these as so immoral we needn't even look at Saddam's past is propaganda. Saddam waged two campaigns of genocide against his own people. When America saw the abuses at Abu Ghraib, they shut it down and attempted to punish those responsible. When Saddam's brother used chemical weapons to exterminate Kurdish civilians Saddam commended him for it. Guantanamo is bad, but it doesn't mean we should fail to acknowledge the concentration camps that Saddam operated during his genocide of the Kurds. It doesn't mean it's unfair to observe that conditions in Saddam's prisons across the country were far more cruel during his entire reign.

There's a nuanced place here that Scahill and Chomsky and pundits like them just fail to acknowledge and encourages inaction at times were the lesser evil may well be for America to do something, even if aborting Gadafi's genocide doesn't make Libya a paradise after.

A Brilliant Analysis of Solar Energy into the Future

vil says...

38 minutes of "brilliant analysis" later and wind power still requires subsidies and unbalances grids while nuclear power needs only more concentrated investment capital and long term government guarantees.

Building wind turbines is a good investment because they scale well and have political backing including subsidies. Nuclear power is a long term investment in a volatile sector.

Once the whole planet is run by banks and all continents are politically united, connected by a network of thick cables, wind and solar will have a chance to dominate. Right now you need backups for all those windless nights, safety valves for windy Sundays, and new transmission lines to be safe from crazy neighboring countries.

How Not to Do Brownies

newtboy says...

Yes, and no.
Psychedelic, sure. Total ego death infinite out of body experience, nothing close.
Edibles, smoking flowers, smoking or eating concentrates, no. Trust me, I've tried. ;-)
There's a huge difference between somewhat psychedelic and his description. HUGE.
Is it possible, probably yes, but imo only if he's extraordinarily susceptible to thc (or another cannabinoid)or psychotic episodes (which I think I read can be triggered by marijuana).
It's far more likely if the story is true that he unintentionally took lsd, pcp, or some other long lasting psychedelic (I think dmt wears off too quickly to include it).

Engels said:

Newtboy, are you telling me you've never met anyone first hand that has had a psychedelic-type experience on edibles or just plain smoking flowers? Because although rare, it's still a thing. I've had some, very close to what this guy describes, and a friend of mine has them routinely. Are they strictly speaking hallucinations like under a psychotic episode? Not in my case, since the 'visualization' was in my mind's eye, and I wasn't literally seeing something appear in front of me, but it was psychedelic nonetheless.

"It doesn't matter if it's good, as long as it makes money."

CrushBug says...

"Mark Hamill on the latest Star Wars films."

He really isn't speaking specifically about the latest Star Wars films. This is one of many videos of interviews with Mark Hamill in which people try and take things out of context and make it sound like he is trashing the new films. He is not. This video is from 2016 and is posted by an account named "Jar Jar Abrams", if you were looking for any clue as to the intent of this person. I don't know when the interview was initially filmed, but it would be helpful to know when, relative to the release of The Force Awakens.

He is pointing out that Hollywood judges the success of movies only by the money they make, hence Transformers. He notes that companies, such as Disney, buying up other movie companies, should be cause for concern. How will Disney judge success of The Force Awakens? Probably on revenue, since TFA did about $2 billion. Does that make it a success or a good movie? That is actually the point he is making, that pure revenue doesn't judge success. I think his point is more that Star Wars makes a shit-ton of money, Transformers makes a shit-ton of money, but does that make Transformers a better/more successful franchise than Star Wars?

Rotten Tomatoes has most Transformers movies at sub-50%. Are they a failure? The last 2 Star Wars movies are sitting at 90+% on Rotten Tomatoes. Does that mean they are a success? I found TFA to be a fun, nostalgic Star Wars film, but it wasn't The Best Evar. I have seen TLJ twice in the last week. I think it is fantastic, almost as good as Empire, but it still has its problems.

The user review on Rotten Tomatoes for TLJ is 54%. Does this mean the movie is a failure? Or are user reviews just the internet rage machine, concentrated? I am done with aggregated/collected game and movie reviews on the internet. Too much hate, too much agenda-ranting. Nowadays, I have found some game and movie reviewers that seem to see games and movies like I do. I read their reviews and then judge for myself.

Be critical of the things you love.

Jim Jefferies : Drugs: Fun, But Not Always

newtboy says...

Dude...move to California. You can get oils, tincture, salves, buds, keef, hash, edibles, etc in any concentration you wish...legally, some at the grocery store. I know from experience that it hurts to leave Texas, but trust me, you won't regret it. Just don't go straight to LA or SF.

Mordhaus said:

I would love to be able to get medical marijuana easily in Texas. But the bill they passed in 2015 had so many restrictions it is laughable.

You can only get it if you get low-thc oil. You can only be prescribed it for epilepsy and only then if you haven't responded to federally approved treatments. Assuming you meet those guidelines, you need two different doctors that must be registered with the DPS to both agree that no other medication will help you.

Not bad enough? The state has dragged its feet on actually licensing companies to grow cannabis to make the oil, so that 2 years after the bill was signed a couple of companies are just now able to ramp up production. Then they will need time to convert the product to oil and THEN the state will take some more time to make sure the product 'meets specifications'.

This stupid thing is you can already get low-thc oil on the internet legally that is roughly the same strength. Plus it restricts the most active compound, THC, so it limits drastically who will actually gain any benefit from it.

Since I suffer from two different ailments, both which have been shown to be helped by actual cannabis instead of the oil, I am SOL. I have to take a huge dose of Cymbalta and become zombie-like for a good part of the day, or I can suffer crippling anxiety/depression/fibromyalgia pain. The other fun thing is that the Cymbalta exacerbates my IBS, the other ailment I have that cannabis has been shown to help.

I could cut out a drug with horrible side effects and take a natural drug that could help every single symptom I have, with the only side effects being paranoia and the munchies. But then the pharma company would miss out on the roughly one grand a month that my pills cost my insurance. Can't have that!

PS: That price is for generic Cymbalta now that it is available. Originally it was closer to 2k a month for name brand. Another fun side effect? Cymbalta also fucks up your sex drive, sometimes making you impotent but more frequently making it nigh impossible to orgasm. So you can get erect as a male, but good luck finishing.

Listening to Rage Against The Machine for the first time

JustSaying says...

Why don't you just concentrate on driving your fucking car instead of being that distracted in traffic?
That kind of video can be recorded in a living room, ya know?

Machine Gun Attack On Las Vegas Concert

John Oliver - Joe Arpaio

newtboy says...

Jesus Fucking Christ...he was convicted by judges of violating a legal judicial order and the constitution...not by Obama of being an old white guy. You drank more Trump coolaid, but this cup has made you thoroughly un-American.

Is that really what you call the best sheriff...someone who unapologetically violates the law and constitution at every turn, who abuses not only the convicted (still evil and illegal, btw) but also the merely accused in a jail he himself bragged was a concentration camp. That's how he treats American citizens who've not been convicted of a thing....and it's how he deserves to spend the remainder of his life.

If I held you (or your daughter) in a 145 deg tent, feeding you rotten balogne, offering no medical treatment while hoping you die of heat stroke, you would call me a terrorist, but because Joe violated mostly Hispanics (not even Mexicans, mostly legal Hispanic Americans) you call him the best sheriff...and you still tell yourself you aren't racist.

He cost his county well over $140 million in settlements for his victims, with hundreds of millions more in the courts still being litigated. The number of deaths in his jail are exponentially higher than the norm, with most going uninvestigated and fewer (none) being prosecuted (they just pay off the family a few million taxpayer dollars and move on to the next victim).

You really have to be shoving you head even farther up your own ass to even give Arpaio and Trump the benefit of a doubt at this point...he's gleefully admitted all his crimes as if they aren't illegal, and Trump made him right, violating the constitution and thumbing your nose at the court orders is perfectly fine in Trump's America, so long as you support him.

Jesus Fucknig Christ, bob. Next you'll be supporting Trump's pardon of Sheik Muhammad and other Daesh fighters...who were also the victims of an "Obama witch hunt".

You claimed to hate Obama because you've been convinced by drug addled blowhards (Limbaugh, Jones) that he subverted our rule of law to fit his agenda...yet here you are cheerleading Trump and Arpaio uncontrovertibly doing exactly that. Just because you agree with this particular agenda (subverting the constitution to forcefully eject illegal immigrants of one specific nationality) doesn't change the act you claim to hate, subversion of our constitution, laws, and government.

bobknight33 said:

Arpaio's mom told him hill never be a great singer So he became a Americas best sheriff.

Trump just reversing Obama's witch hunt of this man.

Trump Owns Reporters Upset About Arpaio Pardon

newtboy says...

Oh Bob. If his tactics were used primarily against whites or if he was black or a democrat, you would say he's the worst monster in American history.
$140 million to pay for his illegal actions, with dozens of multi million dollar claims still in litigation....that's a great sheriff? 160 deaths in his jail that he gleefully calls a concentration camp, many if not most from undetermined causes....that's a great sheriff?
Yes, under Obama, the DOJ was interested in people abusing their power in ways that were clearly unconstitutional, like pulling people over because they looked Hispanic for no other reason than to check if they were legal citizens...a clear violation of civil rights....but yeah...fuck that constitution thing if it's in the way of fucking with beaners, huh? Wow.

Trump has set a precedent that you and yours will regret when power swings the other direction. You constantly seem to forget that it will.
There are far more democrats than republicans in America, so again, not sure where you get this idea besides wishful thinking....similar to wishing you could equate the radicals with the liberals. good luck with that.

bobknight33 said:

Arpaio is a great sheriff and OBAMA and his DOJ wanted to fuck with him... Well Trump got the last laugh.

The democrat party is dead being drag into the sewer by radical liberalism.

Trump Owns Reporters Upset About Arpaio Pardon

newtboy says...

@bobknight33, because you probably don't know, none of those listed was pardoned before sentencing, or without accepting their guilt and being publicly remorseful.

Arpaio has been defiant from day one when he decided to ignore a federal judge who told him to stop using his office to harass Latinos, violating their civil rights by stopping them for illegal illegal immigration status checks (most were citizens, btw, not immigrants). Arpaio called his own prison a concentration camp, proudly, where the ratio of prisoner death and injury are the highest in the nation, as are suicides and undetermined/uninvestigated deaths. At least 160 have died under Arpaio's supervision, and over $140 million paid to his victims so far, with dozens of lawsuits still pending.
If ever there was a person who deserves prison, and to have to live on rancid balogna in a 115 degree tent, it's Joe.

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