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Milton Friedman puts a young Michael Moore in his place

RedSky says...

The point of hyperbole is to show how arbitrary his argument is.

SVUs are safer than compacts. Should there be mandates on the size of cars as well? Where do you draw the line?

Maybe you let consumers decide, and give them recourse to courts in cases like these where they are uninformed about an egregious safety flaw.

Which is exactly what happened.

Drachen_Jager said:


Seriously? He says, flat out, that a car shouldn't be so safely engineered that a million people have to starve so one person can afford it.

Pure hyperbole, especially when he knows full well the profits won't go to starving people.

The Wire creator David Simon on "America as a Horror Show"

Trancecoach says...

It wasn't me who first pointed out Simon as a hypocritical "liberal bully."

"Here’s why I assert Simon is a bully. His own words reveal him to be a petty, nasty, mean-spirited guy. “…anything I've ever accomplished as a writer, as somebody doing TV, anything I've ever done in life, down to, like, cleaning up my room, has been accomplished because I was going to show people that they were [bleeped] up, wrong, and that I was the [bleeping] center of the universe and the sooner they got hip to that, the happier they would all be.""

Statist narcissism.

There's as much as you'd like on this. How about...?

"David Simon, a multi-millionaire writer for Time-Warner, one of the largest corporations in the world and a cultural leader, jetted across the globe to speak in front an audience of people with both the financial means and free time about the horrors of “unchecked” capitalism and the tragic loss of the social compact."

"It is rich that a leading light of Hollywood, that of unpaid interns, unmatched inequality of pay, tax-avoidance schemes, exploitation of public subsidies, industry scheming, etc., would criticize a “broken social compact.”"

"Meanwhile, in the real world of unchecked, no-social-compact capitalism, the WSJ is reporting that the “Burger Wars” are expanding to Africa. The heartless capitalist system is stepping in where communism, socialism and other authoritarian systems have failed, bringing with it the digging of new wells, food production systems, jobs, etc. All that awful stuff that comfortable capitalists take for granted."

EDIT: To be clear, I have no specific interest in advocating for Koch, or Simon, or whomever, or in prosecuting them or @radx or anyone else. But I do think this kind of pernicious thinking/bullying can and does spread and causes much harm, even to those engaging in the thinking/bullying, it distorts them in an undesirable way, so I point it out.

Balloon Swallow by Tonya Kay

chingalera says...

Those long balloons will compact into your mouth pretty easily when they aren't blown up to capacity-Otherwise she suppresses her gag reflex and fills her esophagus, easy-peasy-Not hard for anyone with a bit of practice- Whoa, raw vegan and practitioner of chaos magick...What a gal, eh??

Sagemind said:

I've seen this many times in videos before. No way can she be swallowing all that. notice she doesn't pull it back out. There is a trick to this. Not sure how they do it, but even the displacement of air in her body is unballanced, not to mention that the balloon would stop as it hit the stomach.


Real Actors Read Christian Forums : Monkey People

chingalera says...

'antagonistic, vitriolic style' newtboy???...That's rich, considering my motivation for letting the dogs out on the most recent foray into realms thought so sacred and impenetrable is directed at the very mirror image you look at every day but are still unable to see with repeated blows to the skull with a blunt instrument.

You "have to" ignore perhaps because you are unable to see the log-jam of compacted waste material that has shaped your world-view and has rendered you incapable of dealing with anyone who doesn't smell OK to you, or who walks and talks like yourself, or who ascribes to the same Kool-Aid ® drink you have so frequently injected into your throat-snatch to offer you the relief from thinking critically about the world you inhabit, the bed made for docile herd animals with the shit you've paid in blood for to tell you what to think to get along in the paradigm you find comfortable. Get yer college-money back, recant on your commitment to university loans, it's a huge, sinking boat yer on.

I don't have to imagine the foes of freedom of thought. They simply have to spew enough venom in my purview to be able to be recognized as the same old song-and-dance then FUCK with me, and they get my attention.

Overpopulation is a myth: Food, there's lots of it

Woman Stays Deadly Calm During Crash.

chingalera says...

I found out through two incidents in as many days (back-to-back) which happened while working on a contract job on a state highway outside of Newton, Kansas back in the summer of 2002 of an imprinted and innate capacity to "switch-on" in the most dire of circumstances while others on the crew either went into pre-shock or became completely functionless.

Two accidents. two days inna row during our road closures on a dangerous highway fulla truckers trying to beat tolls on the interstate and take the short cut:...both days, 18-wheelers in cruise control blew thorough the closures and caused major fatalities. I was one of 4 people on the crew to switch into rescue and control-mode, when the rest of the world nutted-up. Had state police thinking I was EMS already on the scene...(in my flagman uniform)....Did not know I had it in me, it simply happened. Exhausted me but I had no post-traumatic inabilities the next days, went back to work after the first accident when a couple of guys burned to death with no jaws of life there to save them...did all i could for the victims and my fellow crewmen after.

Next day, assumed flagman position (after having worked on on the main crew having handed my fagging position over to a greenhorn) and another accident, fully-loaded gravel truck was struck by a another 18-wheeler hauling two butane trucks...commanded the scene and kept a woman form going into shock by taking control...5 fatalities when the truck simply compacted two car-fulls of peeps into the back of a fully-loaded gravel truck in the front of the flag line.

I was one of the only people there with my wits about me-Guess I was there for a reason.

I have been in a lot of accidents i simply walked-away from-God works in mysterious ways with the damnedest of sorts.

You want a guy like me around for any potential shit-storm maybe??

Zawash (Member Profile)

Breaking Bad: Badger's Star Trek Script Animated

Street repaving in San Francisco

Porksandwich says...

Grinding the streets first inch or two off. When they stop it's probably because of a man hole, storm drain or something they are trying to not damage and have to go around or do the hand work around it.

Street looks dark right after they grind because the asphalt underneath has sections that aren't bleached from the sun and what not.

Then they smooth it to pick up the bits left, the street gets white looking because of all the scratching to the layer they leave, or because there is concrete underneath. They do bridges like this...two or more layers of asphalt to take all the wear and tear and water damage. Then replace it every so often so the concrete lasts longer.

Curb sides take the longest because they don't want to break the sidewalks, and the machines can only get so close without putting too much pressure on them.

Then they spray tar down to help the new layer of asphalt stick to the existing and help seal out water. If they don't spray tar down on old surfaces, asphalt tends to stick to itself and will hump up and become uneven when the guys roll it to compact it and smooth it out. You still have to slow gradually to stop this from happening. It's why when you drive down the road on a new street and you feel little bumps, often times you can't even see them. But it's because the rollers are stopping and the asphalt is developing little humps where they are pushing the material ahead of them as they compact like a little wave. And if they don't seal out the water well, if it ever gets between the layers and freezes, the top layer will just buck up and crumble...and you have a pot hole. Why they are along the edges the most, because the water gets in between the sidewalk and asphalt and runs underneath the new layer. Or sometimes it can get between the seams of the new asphalt, where one strip meets another if they don't match them well.

Parking lots, and country roads would let this crew do many more times repavement than a street like this. Because of the sidewalks, man holes, constricted lane of movement, and having to maintain the height of the road to maintain the flow of water.

Country road they'd just put another layer of asphalt down and then put approaches (basically a gradual ramp) on the other roads and driveways so cars can get onto it. No grinding, no sidewalks and stuff to worry about. Or if the road is really bad. They'd put one layer to fill in all the holes, then another on top of that.

NASA Samarai Hybrid-Electric VTOL Personal-aircraft Concept

chingalera says...

NASA aerospace engineer Mark Moore says a key objective with Samarai is to achieve propulsion redundancy all the way out to the tips of the prop-rotors. One way this is achieved is by using short-range laser scanners at each corner of the vehicle to watch for potential blade strikes and quickly stop the affected prop-rotor before impact.

He says a test rig was built that showed electric motors can be stopped in any position "incredibly quickly", especially given each single-blade rotor's small size and low weight. The result is a compact configuration, although there is some wasted rotor thrust from download on the wings, Moore says.

Regaurding Mobile access to VideoSift (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

It's a fair criticism. FTR, we have three different mobile optimised versions of the site. There is a tablet sized one, suitable for viewing on a portrait iPad that is almost indistinguishable from the full site. Then there are two smaller version that are made for landscape and portrait versions of phones. I think those are the ones you are talking about.

I agree that there is a hell of a lot of vertical scrolling involved to get to the bottom of the page for the phone versions - we supposed that's the price to pay to wanting to display all of the site content (not a restricted subset) on a phone. Maybe we could have been smarter about progressively displaying information - but as you can probably guess, we didn't put quite as much focus on those two phone versions as we did the primary UI. Although mobile traffic proportion is growing, we're seeing it more on tablets than phone sized devices. Less than 4% of our traffic comes in at a screen resolution small enough to trigger the super-compact UI version. You could make the argument that if the UI was better that number would be higher - maybe.

I also agree that we should have the option to allow the non-mobile optimised version to be displayed like before. Give us some time on that one.

quantumushroom (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...

Tired of that $2.6 Million Program that Teaches Chinese Prostitutes to Drink?

by John Ransom

Liberty is about a lot of things; it’s a deep topic. But at its core liberty can be summed up in one simple and reciprocal concept. That concept is respect.

You know the 2010 last election was about many things, but it was mostly about respect.

It was about starting to restore the respect that people have in government, by getting the government to restore the respect that they show to you…by taking liberty seriously.

If you are like me, you think that many of our elected officials from both the right and the left truly believe that what they think of you is much more important than what you think of them.

If you’re like me you’re tired of a trillion dollars in so-called stimulus spending that went to mob-connected asphalt contractors rather than the pockets of working families who own businesses and pay taxes and do all the working and dreaming in this country.

If you’re like me, you’re tired of a $2.6 million program that teaches Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly while unemployment soars across the country.

If you’re like me, you're tired of an arrogant federal government which pays out $47 billion in fraudulent claims in Medicare every year while they lecture the rest of us about healthcare economics.

If you are like me, you’re tired of the US Postal service wasting $30 million on a program that pays 1100 employees to do nothing. Yes, today, the US Post Office sat 1100 employees in empty rooms, as they do every day, and literally paid them to do nothing. They can’t play cards; they can’t watch TV, in fact they can’t do anything at all. To the tune of $30 million per year.

Yet this very same federal government comes to us now and proposes to manage our healthcare, our retirement, the education of our children, the auto industry, the oil industry, pharmaceuticals, the mortgage industry and lectures the American people that they are under-regulated.

If you’re a middle American like me, from the grassroots, I bet you know someone who owns their own business; if you’re like me you probably know someone who has paid employees of that business on time every week, but hasn’t been able to pay themselves a dime. Yet these very same people who provide half the new jobs in our economy, who have lost money over the last few years, still owe the government tens of thousands of dollars in taxes every year. People wonder where our jobs have gone? They’ve been crushed by a system that doesn’t honor job creation; by a system that doesn’t honor liberty; a system that gives no respect.

And if you are like most of the voters I speak to, you are tired of insiders from Washington and Wall Street on both sides of the aisle, and their wasteful spending schemes that don’t even propose to solve the very issues facing Main Street and working families.

Let’s suppose global warming is real; I don’t think it is, but let’s say it's so for the sake of argument. Show me please how the Renewable Electricity Standard-- which will cost American families $1800 per year-- please show me how it’s going to lower the earth’s temperature. They can’t because the Renewable Electricity Standard wasn’t created to combat global warming and it won’t lower the earth’s temperature.

Ok, so let’s suppose the issue is carbon emission; that carbon is really bad and we have to get it out of our atmosphere. Show me please how the Renewable Electricity Standard is going to reduce the amount of carbon in our atmosphere. They can’t. It wasn’t designed to do that and it won’t do that.

The government doesn't write legislation with solutions in mind, but rather with power and control of your very lives. And it is inside of your lives where you will wrestle back that control.

I’m often reminded that it’s with readers just like you where many of the seminal events of our country happened. It’s in rooms just like you’re in right now that a small group of patriots in Massachusetts planned the Boston Tea Party; it’s in groups just like you are a part of today that was born the Mayflower Compact; it’s in the free association of our citizens, for the common good and with common respect, that the greatness and goodness of our country will always be found.

And as long as people like you, freely associate for the common good and meet in respect, our country will always remain both great and good.

But ordinary people are paying attention, actually reading the Constitution; people are actually asking questions about the 10th Amendment, asking: What kind of power does Washington really have over us?

Unfortunately, there aren’t enough people who have been awakened to that yet, that’s why readers like you are so important. Each individual reading this is so incredibly important because the job you have this year as a citizen has never, ever, ever been more important. The 2012 election is going to determine what it’s like to live in this country for a long time. It’s going to be people just like you, having conversation just like this, in rooms across America that are going to make a difference.

This is the chance to turn the tide. The chance we have today is to bury that last vestiges of big government in our country; to reclaim our liberty from a new deal and replace it with a true deal.

I’ve been very fortunate because over the last half dozen years I’ve been able to travel all around the country working with grassroots activists just like you. I understand, I think, better than elected officials, what makes the grassroots so special. It's you and your ability to communicate.

We have all these new tools available for citizens to communicate that just a few years ago we didn’t have. A few years ago readers wouldn’t have been as energized and as informed because we didn’t have the ability to communicate as we do now. We have been so fractured and fragmented all around the country and around the nation that we feel like we can’t do anything, that Washington is so big and out of touch that we can’t do anything.

In fact, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Now is the time we really do have the opportunity. For the first time in our history ordinary citizens have the ability to communicate with one another over the heads of the media in publications like Townhall. We are networked on social media sites, like Facebook and Twitter that expose us to thousands of people for free.

But when I was growing up there were three TV stations and two newspapers in every town that decided what the news was. There were probably a dozen people in any town that picked our news for us.

Those days are over.

This election isn’t about voting for the next person standing in a long line of elites who will rule over us; it’s about what kind of country we want to be in the future.

It’s about preserving the American dream right here right now. Because when they mess with our liberty, they really mess with our ability to dream.

I believe that the ability to dream is worth handing down to our kids.

I believe that it’s our dreams that makes us the most dynamic country in the world.

It’s the dream that brings jobs and prosperity to the US.

It’s a dream that treats promises like they really matter.

And it’s the dreams that are the promise of America.

Because when politicians treat the promises they campaign on like they matter, when they are held accountable to those pledges-- by us-- we will restore the respect they owe us.

The Big Bang Theory #00x00 - Unaired Test Pilot

Historian1986 says...

I liked the overall look and feel of the unaired pilot. The apartment that Lenard and Sheldon share is an academic's dream in my opinion; dark, cluttered with books and papers, a compact and sparsely furnished social area, a fireplace that adds character to the room and walls adorned with numerous thought structuring white boards. The apartment in the ongoing show struck me as very bright and open; I generally don’t like bright and open, though it does provide more room for physical comedy. The character development was touch and go but in the end I believe Lenard needs no improvement in either the unaired pilot or the ongoing show. I believe that Sheldon's character would benefit from a combination of traits from both the unaired pilot and the current show, most notably the social openness balanced by his high levels of humorous narcissism. I don't believe there is a way to improve on the lead female role, I don't particularly care for either Katie or Penny and find the presence of a female character that is so overly ditzy insulting. What is needed is a smart (PhD level) female character that possesses a keen knowledge of both her field (possibly Anthropology, History or Psychology) and popular culture. This would serve to distinguish her from both the Katie/Penny character and also Amy and Bernadette; both characters that have seemingly no knowledge or an air of condescension concerning popular culture.

Devastating Effects of Getting Rear-Ended by a Truck

chingalera says...

Saw this in real-time on a highway crew-Fully loaded gravel truck slammed into the back of a flag-line and compacted two cars (passengers included) into the back of another semi parked at the front of the control, driver fell asleep

pretty nasty

China News Confuses Rubber Vagina/Anus for Special Mushroom

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