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You're a PC (Blog Entry by dag)

Any Sifters bought an iPad? (Blog Entry by dag)

spoco2 says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:

Duh. You make a very good point there. But at least none of those people think they belong to a "community" or "culture"

Oh, man... yeah they do...

Here in Australia the two largest versions of this are Ford vs Holden (now owned by GM), people will seriously beat the hell out of others based on liking the wrong car brand.

I completely don't get it... my first real car that I bought when I was 20 or so was a Holden Commodore, and then the first car my wife and I bought when we became a serious 'family' as such was a Ford Falcon

So, yeah, not limited to Apple whatsoever. People like to show that they are 'Apple' overtly as a 'sticking it to the man' against MS I would say. And the fierce arguments between both sides is very similar to the fights between people with different consoles. A lot of it comes down to fear that you've backed the wrong horse... at least I reackon when I was a kid with a ZX Spectrum it was... 'Nah, the Spectrum is better than the C64... yeah... is... nerrr'

My distaste for Apple as a company is their smarmy fricken attitude and those vs ads predominantly. IF they had been doing ads about how great their machines are all this time without the bullshit pissing on MS then I'd be far more happy for them.

Oh... I know another thing that gets me riled up... the users themselves. We have a couple in our company, and they're forever trying to convert you over to Apple... Argh. Shuttup. Be happy with your Apple, and I'll be happy with my PC.

So that's where my bleating comes from, others trying to tell me how wrong I am to like Windows.

Hell, I LIKE Macs. Last two laptops I bought I wanted them to BE Macs but could not come at the huge price difference.

Still... that doesn't mean I can see the point in the iPad still Useless lump that it is

Any Sifters bought an iPad? (Blog Entry by dag)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

In 1985 - I got an Apple IIe - Deathcow got a Commodore 64 - and so the war began.

Just remember, Apple had Ultima III and Wizardry way before it was ported to the 64.
>> ^deathcow:

dag is just still pissed about the commodore 64

Any Sifters bought an iPad? (Blog Entry by dag)

Robots Doing It

Robots Doing It

Robots Doing It

8-bit Starcraft

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^spoco2:

>> ^xxovercastxx:
4-bit if you want to get technical.
(and I do)

Erm, except that it's in the style of games on old home computers like the Spectrum/Commodore 64, or consoles like the ColecoVision.
All of those are 8 bit machines.
So 8 bit this is.

True enough, but they were 4-bit color which is what I was thinking of.

8-bit Starcraft

spoco2 says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

4-bit if you want to get technical.
(and I do)

Erm, except that it's in the style of games on old home computers like the Spectrum/Commodore 64, or consoles like the ColecoVision.

All of those are 8 bit machines.

So 8 bit this is.


William Shatner for the Commodore VIC-20

deathcow says...

I cut my first BASIC programs on my friends VIC-20... I really hated the ?23? column display. My first purchased computer was a Commodore-64 which I could not have a warmer spot for in my heart, really loved it and learned to program on it. I got into modeming (about the same time as Dag did on his Apple-2e) and learned to write a BBS for the 1650 automodem.

Three of us local modemers (Dag not included) broke into the school district computer with our Commdores and Apples, and my C-64 ended up seized as evidence. I got it back quite a while later in a plastic bag with a lead seal. I was under 18 so I got a hand slap, and my partner in crime was over 18 and got beau coup community service.

Profesionally, later on I ended up getting hired by the people who ran the school district computer at that time.

Sly Fox: Let's Go All the Way (1985)

Thriller 8 Bit Tribute Mix :)

Thriller 8 Bit Tribute Mix :)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'michael jackson thriller king pop geek C64 commadore' to 'michael jackson, thriller, king, pop, geek, C64, commodore 64' - edited by kronosposeidon

My, How the Sift Has Changed (History Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

Did you guys have to embed videos with punch cards back then, after you connected with your lightning-fast 300 baud modems on your Commodore 64s? (Except for dag, of course. He was fetching coffee and LSD for Steve Jobs in his garage.)

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