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Iranian Ayatollahs support transexual rights and sex changes

choggie says...

..never been known for tact, hate that words are scape-goated, especially ones so maligned and abused, like "nigger", and for the record, and theo47, while the use of certain words may illicit the release of the hounds for those prone to action/reaction (myself guilty more often than suits), a point
with words used flippantly, has yet to be discussed....

Oh and theo47, you seem to see choggie as a carbon of sorts;
coming from the fun-poker of Christianity, I would think you would give equal time, to an equally anemic world whose devotees, are kept in a more ruthless, more vicious from of slavery, than the Blacks in the United States, ever dreamed of. "God Bless Us, Everyone" and Goddamn the imams, the clerics, and Mohammed, if he had truly been a prophet, he would have let the women of his culture, lead.
Allah is not dead. How can a concept have life?
The world is being dosed with a healthy, "This is How", as we speak.

Iranian Ayatollahs support transexual rights and sex changes

choggie says...

Ok I'll do that if the refrain coming from the truly sensitive and wise, those that wish as I do, for the freedoms and rights entitled to all mankind, is a chorus of meaningful, and relevant issues with relation to a country, that has led its leaders, religious or otherwise, to the brink of a shitstorm.

Screw the transsexuals, the issue is the heart, mind, and soul of a peoples!

Oh and there are niggers of every race, creed and color-The biggest nigger of all in Iran, is, no-doubt Ahmadinejad, but there are a slew of little niggers, in the form of "Holy" men", who have a long tradition, of lamb-to-the-slaughter advice, for anyone who has had no opportunity to obtain information otherwise, for centuries!!

Semantics are a motherfucker, huh? Get all bent out of shape with a few expletives and contextually incite-full words, and miss the point.
That point being: Perception is the issue-with regards to any religion, that keeps people ignorant, controlled, and
static. The contribution of Islamic cultures to the rest of the planet is being stifled, by their IMAMS & CLERICS, and their collective leaders exploit ALLLAH, like his imaginary ass was a crack-whore!!!

Now, this knee-grown has lunch to eat. Think I'll have a smoked Sikh! They use better material for their head coverings....that better???

.....oh yeah, you spelled transsexual like a transexual would

Iranian Ayatollahs support transexual rights and sex changes

choggie says...

So tell me this fair sifters:
Is this really the diversion the thriving, socially dynamic, and progressive rest of the world should indulge, in light of the clusterfuck of political and spiritual turmoil, the unfortunates who find themselves modern-day Iranians are facing??

The very fact that there are thousands looking to imams and clerics for guidance and answers(forget hope),should circumvent any concerns for the few individuals who decide to stand out, for whatever the reason, be it psychotic indulgence or identity change.
Christ Howard and Allah's Bad Farts, the leader of this country, of the mentally and spiritually enslaved, is a lunatic, and the little uni-browed ragheads, are the answer kiosks of the middle ages for the masses of cattle....

Fuck! Is there not anyone sane???

"Look mom, a Tidal wave!"
"That's nice dear, I've been meaning to talk to you about boys' and girls' pee-pees, let's go sit near the shore!"

3003 Soldiers Dead, Bush wants to Increase Troop Levels

winkler1 says...

If there were a rational reason for Iraq, not a sinkhole of money lives and credibility, perhaps it'd be worth it.

By the way, active service members were polled. Only 35 percent approve of Bush's handling of the war. 42 percent disapprove.

The US has now been in Iraq longer than we were in WWII. For what?

A clandestine video of the hanging showed Saddam was taunted by some present at the execution with chants of ”Muqtada, Muqtada, Muqtada” in the last moments of his life.

The chants were a reference to anti-American Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, who runs one of the deadliest religious militias in Iraq and is a major power behind the government of Shiite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who had pushed for Saddam to be hanged before the year was out.

"Family Guy", one random interchangable joke after another

EntertainmentMajor says...

Thats not entirely true K0MMIE. There are many images of Muhammed in the Muslim faith. It has only been in the last 100 years that a movement by conservative clerics has pushed for a ban on his images. There are several famous limages of him riding a donkey next to Abraham as they travel to heaven. There are two schools of thought concernng the issue. One is that it is wrong no matter what. Another is that it is okay to portray his image as long as it is respectful. Within the second school there are two seperate subgroups. One portrays him like any other human, while the other never portrays his face. There are several images of Muhammed without a face because of this school. For many images of Muhammed drawn by devout Muslims see the Internet History Sourcebook by Paul Halsall of Fordham University.

A New Pope in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

Krupo says...

I think this is too ridiculous to offensive... well, except for comparing the Body of Christ to a data chip... and the Cup to a light saber?????

I like treating the politicians as evil... perhaps it's possible for a Catholic to not the video as a whole as being completely wrong. Stil, it certainly is different. And insane.

I find it mildly racist how the black clerics are treated as being from far-off planets... until just about everyone is treated that way, so I guess you can't really kvetch about that.

The clash we are witnessing around the world is not a clash of religions

sfjocko says...


"Well, this ought to make a few of us reconsider our opinions of al-Jazeera. The NYT headline? "For Muslim Who Says Violence Destroys Islam, Violent Threats":

"In the [al-Jazeera] interview, which has been viewed on the Internet more than a million times and has reached the e-mail of hundreds of thousands around the world, Dr. Sultan bitterly criticized the Muslim clerics, holy warriors and political leaders who she believes have distorted the teachings of Muhammad and the Koran for 14 centuries."

Actually her criticism is as an avowed secular humanist. But the smackdowns she delivers to the Islamist host Al-Khouli are utterly priceless, and should be required viewing for every invertebrate politician in the wake of the Cartoon Jihad. Especially the part after Al-Khouli called her a heretic."

There has been a spirited discussion at Winds about the context of the appearance of Syrian-American physician Wafa Sultan on Al-Jazeera TV last month. MEMRI published a video clip and transcribed excerpts of Sultan's remarks of 2/21/06. Her message was one that many Westerners hoped that the Muslim world would take to heart.

The group of reformist Muslim bloggers at 'Aqoul grew upset at what they viewed as the inadequacy and even dishonesty of MEMRI's excerpts, and this week 'Meph' produced a full 12-page translation of the Al-Jazeera program.

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