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Man Looks like Robber and Pretends Everything is Normal

The Chasers Take on Mobile Billboards

uberzip says...

>> ^bareboards2:

I live in a small town in America and rarely get to the big city. Please tell me these monstrosities are just in Australia? Not in America yet?

Yea, see my previous comment. These are in America. Unfortunately, I've never seen small motorcycle billboards like the ones used here, I've only seen larger trucks like he uses, which is even more depressing...

Teeny Deer Beats Up A Man

Pacific Sun Cruise Liner in Heavy Seas - CCTV Footage

dannym3141 says...

@raverman no no i don't mean i'd do it - i actually got injured at work through the manager's negligence, which forced me to quit the job, but i refused to take action against them because it made me feel like a dirty ambulance chaser. I don't agree with it, but people WILL do it.

Erich Fromm interviewed by Mike Wallace

rougy says...

Jesse, I got a shot here with a beer chaser, and I'm drinking it to you.

Send my regards to that other renegade, a.k.a. Throbbin.


(and *quality all round)

Consumer Reports Says iPhone 4 Has Design Flaw

Morganth says...

Apple's claim that a software glitch made it show the wrong number of bars doesn't fix the problem at all; it's just a placebo to silence some the the criticism. There is no industry standard for what bars mean on a cell phone anyway. This really just reveals their (Apple or AT&T) previous policy of "Just show them a bunch of bars. It doesn't mean anything, but it'll make them happy." That only came out now because they got called on it. It wasn't a glitch.

The main problem is still a hardware issue. No downloadable update will be able to physically alter the antenna. The best solution would be for all the iPhone 4's to come with the case (which mostly resolves the issue), but there's no way Apple is going to give them away - they'd rather sell them to you for $30. It's a piece of stamped rubber in a box, which means nothing but profit for Apple, but public scrutiny will have to increase even more before Apple gives them away.

Then, internal instructions to AppleCare staff were leaked saying to not give away the bumpers or offer warranty service to fix the problem.

There's already at least three class action suits being filed against Apple, but mostly this looks like some angry customers and law firms trying to get their fingers into Apple's deep pockets. The suit claims (as I understand it) that Apple is being negligent with customer support on the issue and that Apple "knowingly selling a defective product" and "misrepresenting" reception problems.

In response to the suit, Apple is waiving their "restocking fee" of $20 or $30, depending on which model you have, and giving full refunds to any customer returning an undamaged iPhone 30 days from purchase.

My thoughts on all this? Apple made a cool toy, but it has a problem. Apple knew their toy was cool so they could push their weight around and be dicks about it. Don't tell your customers they're holding it wrong. Don't try and say it was a software glitch; man up and admit you made a mistake. It would be easily fixable if you just started giving away those bumpers, but you don't want to because it's a cash cow. Frankly, it's border-line unethical to try and make money fixing a problem you made or knew would be there.

To bash the other side, the firms filing these law suits are nothing more than corporate ambulance chasers. These aren't the kinds of firms that are interested in protecting consumer rights; they make a living out of suing rich people. Thousands of defective products are released every year, many of them knowingly, many of them screwing their customers. Apple just gets sued because they're worth over $200 billion and the lawyers get a double-digit percentage of whatever the payout is.


moodonia says...

Is this the chasers war on everything? Thats a funny show, you have to wonder how these people manage to avoid picking up any general knowledge as they pass through the world.

Cat has a rather strange drinking habit

Raaagh (Member Profile)

"'Downfall' Hitler Parodies" Yanked by YouTube (Parody Talk Post)

maatc says...


Hmm. I mentioned before that these downfall parodies are not nearly as funny for people who speak german.
And thats not a content issue, it is just hard to tune out and pretend you can´t understand what he is really saying. It´s like once you can read an alphabet, it is impossible to not read something that is written before your eyes.


See? It doesn´t work!
It´s the same when you watch these parodies even though you try really hard to focus on just the subtitles.

That doesn´t mean I don´t see the humour in these, though. I can totally see how this is hilarious for non german speakers. Some of them are quite well done and I have even posted some here on the sift.

I also don´t think it is disrespectful of the film or the scene. Actually I think it is quite the opposite! People turning this into a meme that shows the essence of hitlers nuttyness is really an applause to Bruno Ganzs brilliant performance in this film.
Also Hitlers outrageous and globally known character is just begging for parody, so I think it only figures they chose this tantrum scene.

And on the takedown request: I think its just a bunch of corporate pricks who act like kids saying "this is mine!". (btw: It could also be that these are just being deleted alongside other Constantin clips. Might not have been a specific request for the Downfall clips!)
Apparently director Oliver Hirschbiegel did not mind them and even thinks they are funny.

I remember another example by the way, where the boys from The Chasers war on Everything put subtitles under a Osama bin Laden video. I think those were quite brilliant!

important things from the books that didn't make it into the movies (Blog Entry by jwray)

jwray says...

The big brown lopsided ball is the quaffle. Chasers try to put that through a hoop for 10 points. The medium size dark balls are bludgers, which chase after people and try to hit them.
The little one is the golden snitch. If the seeker catches it, he gets 150 points and the game ends. Usually whichever team catches the snitch first wins. Harry is seeker. The whole game is basically a metaphor for harry's role in the stuggle against voldemort. When Krum catches the golden snitch but still loses the quiddich world cup by 10 points, that foreshadows phyrric victory in the little hangleton graveyard.

YouTube allows full 1080p HD (Sift Talk Post)

Luv Deluxe

Luv Deluxe

dotdude (Member Profile)

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