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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

More Trump officials directly physically involved in Jan 6 convicted.

This time Frederick Klein, a Trump administration official, now convicted of 12 charges for being part of the violent vanguard attacking police to gain access to the capitol building.
Found guilty of, among other violent seditious acts, charges of assaulting, resisting, and impeding police officers. He hit multiple officers, shoved them out of the way, and used a stolen riot shield to block police from closing the doors he and his cohorts had forced open.
This man had top secret security clearance, and remained at his position in the administration after he violently attacked democracy on Jan 6. He was not fired, he quit Jan 19.

How you like Bidenomics now that, contrary to every MAGgot’s prediction including yours who said inflation and unemployment would explode, wages fall, and a recession was a certainty, unemployment remains at record lows, wages are rising from the bottom/middle (not just CEOs), inflation dropped at record rates, and the economy is strong?
While you Cartman-like morons attacked a private citizen for being attractive to women, Dark Brandon has quietly repaired the horrific damage to the economy Trump did (massive deficit and debt explosion, double digit unemployment, and negative GDP!?!) and then some. 😂

Need another 25 high powered Republican child fuckers? I’ve got a truckload ready for you, and I mean an Australian road train size truckload! Just ask.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol! Recently Giuliani tried the Nuremberg defense…”I was just repeating what I was told”. “I was just following orders”.
That’s not an actual defense, btw. He’s toast and will be flat broke and under indictment for the rest of his life. How the mighty have fallen! 😂

PS- the 2000 mules claim has completely fallen apart…turns out they just used cell phone tracking to claim anyone near a drop box was ballot stuffing. When “true the vote” was asked to prove their case in Georgia, they had nothing at all to provide prosecutors that were prepared to prosecute any real “mules”….and again had NOTHING when subpoenaed, NADA, NUNCA, NIL, NIEN, NOTHING. 😂
They gave one name of one man they had on video dropping 4 ballots…who was dropping off ballots from himself, his wife, and his two children that lived at his home…which is perfectly legal. He’s sueing them for slander and libel and should get $10 million.
Another MAGA lie exposed. More MAGA election interference exposed. You still can’t point to two left wing interference cases, but I lost count of the MAGgots that voted twice or more, which Trump actually told them to do (“mail in your ballot then go vote in person”-Trump ). But I know, with no evidence to support you and a mountain against you, you just believe the left are the anti democracy frauds because you just believe it. So asinine. Very Cartman.

PPS- Graham has now admitted that their fugitive Chinese spy/informant that has made unsubstantiated claims about Hunter Biden is probably lying and has produced nothing. Every single MAGgot “whistleblower” has turned out to be pure made up fantasy, disgraced agents turned paid actors, or hostile foreign spies and fugitives that are likely incredulous but pleased that anyone in America believed their ridiculous lies. You did, sucker.

PPPS- Recent numbers show red states have well above national average inflation numbers, meaning near triple the blue state inflation rates in many cases…check Florida, totally Red government, highest inflation in the nation by far. Go MAGA.

newtboy said:

Nice…disbarred and broke Giuliani has been fined $90000 in sanctions for refusing to participate in discovery and may get contempt charges and go to jail in the defamation case filed by Ruby Freeman and Shea Moss, who he slandered and libeled, lying to MAGA that there was some evidence they cheated the 2020 election by creating/counting fake votes (proven false) and eating ginger candy he claimed were thumbnail drives I suppose they were plugging into their mouths, leading to hundreds of death threats and serious damage to their reputations.

The judge has given him an order to produce documents in May but he claimed he couldn’t afford to, then said he found the money but still didn’t produce anything. Since he claims he has no money, and still isn’t participating, the plaintiffs claims will be considered to be established quite soon, maybe today…he’s going to lose by default and they’ll just move on to the damages portion of trial….just like the criminal nutjob Alex Jones that tried to not participate in his own trial for abusing the parents of murdered children and sending his nutjob army to attack the parents…didn’t work out so great for him…neither will attempting to hide his assets.

That’s a good indication Giuliani’s going to lose another case, which will cost him millions he doesn’t have, and he will be in contempt for refusing to participate.

Nice to see more MAGgots going broke and to jail. Trump turned him from America’s Mayor to a complete laughing stock who’s broke, disbarred, disgraced, delusional, and who is likely going to jail. Thanks Trump!

GOP Handmaid’s Tale

newtboy says...

No one understands Republicans. Their ideas are completely divorced from reality, science, reason, sanity, and morality.

If you don’t like the law, you can just move (remember, that’s your answer to why it’s ok for Republicans to CHANGE the laws). There are plenty of places where abortion is illegal….mostly shithole countries as you call them. Don’t make America one of those.

More lies and nonsense.
No one kills children like that besides Republicans getting secret back alley abortions…I only know you people do that because you accused others, and that’s a guarantee you guys do it no matter how outrageous and unreal the claim.
That is what WILL happen to embryos (not children you tool) in back alley abortion clinics without the proper tools, doctors, and zero oversight. Abortions won’t stop because you drove them into back alleys, they’ll just get more horrific, and that will be 100% on your heads.

Have Republicans set up agencies to take these unwanted children, over 600000 per year, and raise them all at now $275000 each and rising 3% per year? Have Republican doctors figured out how to force live births (without endangering the woman) at 6 weeks or later, and incubators to bring it to term? That’s probably another million on average. Of course not, let those babies starve or be abandoned to the elements, as long as they get born. You aren’t going to spend money to raise them, that’s the rape victim’s responsibility to raise their rapist’s baby. If they didn’t want that responsibility, they shouldn’t have gotten raped.

Are Republicans prepared to be forced to live in hospitals as living dialysis machines, living blood pumps, and living donors of any organ they have two of? If saving lives is important, you would have done all that before trying to remove women’s rights to their own bodies….but you haven’t done any of that because you don’t see women as people who deserve rights to control their own bodies, what’s put in them, and what they have to let grow inside them. Of course not. That’s inconvenient, so fuck those people who need your organs to live. Saving lives isn’t worth losing YOUR bodily autonomy….it’s only worth stripping others of theirs. Hypocrites.

Republicans LOVE killing, all republicans LOVE the death penalty for lesser and lesser crimes and younger and younger convicts. It’s not about stopping life from starting (which happens at first breath, not conception), it’s about controlling those that are their lessors. That’s why there’s no exceptions for rape, incest, or endangering the mother (except extremely rare cases in a few places). You don’t care a whit about what happens to the baby, even less about the mother, they’re nothing more than an incubator to your incel ilk.

Blobs aren’t children….or is that what you call your children? It would explain a lot. Nerve pulses aren’t a heartbeat without a heart. Humans don’t have tails. Zygotes aren’t people. I know you disagree with these scientific and medical facts, that only proves they’re correct.

Once again, you make up nonsense based on your pure ignorance, Cartman. You just look dumber, more sexist, and more dishonest daily.

bobknight33 said:

I don't understand republicans. Trying to stop the killing of unborn children because the mom finds "it" inconvenient is nonsense .

Woman should be able to kill their child for any reason. Let the DR snip the limbs off, the spinal cord and puree the child in the womb. After all it just a blob isn't it?

Why the Olympic monobob event is only for women

newtboy says...

You sad, hateful, sniveling, cowardly little crybaby. Must still be butt hurt that you got beaten by a girl in school, eh Cartman?
Always on the side of denying anyone not a mirror of you an opportunity….and crying a river if any opportunity is denied to you.

bobknight33 said:

Sadly some transgender will enter and win hands down.

Vote While It Counts

newtboy says...

So delusional and backwards, Bobby. The sky, sea, and land are all orange through your eyes, aren’t they?
4500% increase in voter registration refusals, but no increase in fraudulent applications found. All Republican driven. A vote wrongly denied is the same as a vote wrongly cast, and Republicans are undeniably guilty of both but can’t point to any verifiable examples from the left of in proper vote denial or intentional voter fraud, only cases they make up (like the poster boy for vote fraud claims that finally admitted he voted as his wife for Trump).

It’s all Republican fuckery. Name the Democratic fuckery you mean, be specific with verifiable examples. I know you can’t, snowflake.
Every instance found, all Republican vote fraud. There were many, but not at levels that mattered (for the direct vote fraud, other Republican frauds like the violent coup attempt and fraudulent Republican electors, those mattered).

Every hurdle to vote, Republican written, all directly targeting minorities….it’s only Republicans creating racist targeted roadblocks for certain voters they wouldn’t accept as roadblocks to their own firearm ownership, because it’s not about safeguarding rights it’s only about underhanded power grabs by the political minority in this country, the party who only won one presidential election in the last 8 by getting more votes….they’re Republicans. Democracy isn’t a friend of Republicans.
They’re the party that’s openly anti democratic. They’re the party that admits that if every eligible voter voted they would NEVER win another election. You vote Republican because you’re an infantile sucker that likes to trigger the libtards (no matter the cost to America) and who can’t ever admit he’s w-w-w-w-wrong.

You’re Eric Cartman. Dim, dishonest, and despised.

bobknight33 said:

That's exactly why I will vote Republican. To keep Democrats from their fuckery.

ant (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

Buck Rogers Intro

Buck Rogers Intro

siftbot says...

Invocations (related= cannot be called by Hipnotic because Hipnotic is not privileged - sorry.

TSA Further Complicates Their Inspection Process-SOUTH PARK

moonsammy says...

You know, I think one of the things I find most consistently funny about Matt and Trey is their weird delivery of certain words / phrases. The clip was only ok, but that "yees" at the end was perfection. Some of the South Park delivery (particularly Cartman) was immediately memorable and caught on / was repeated pretty broadly. Their repeated use of "Derp!" in the largely-forgotten Baseketball was so excellent it ended up becoming a commonly-used word! If you've seen Orgazmo, Trey's "OH?!" in that one gets me every damn time too (and if you haven't seen it and like their general sense of humor, it's fantastic).

I can understand not digging their humor or their beliefs on some topics, but for goofy characterizations they're frickin' amazing.

ant (Member Profile)

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newtboy says...

I'm waiting for them to point out that Heidi, the only Cartman supporter, is really the biggest snowflake on the show (besides Cartman). She's with Cartman because they both left social media because of bullying and ugliness (well, ok, Cartman was thrown off because of his ugliness, but still).

Say nay to Nonsensical Rifle Addiction (NRA)

newtboy says...

I'm devastated, just like this footage where David Nelson wins his fight against Cartman, proving his point that he's not limited by his size and devastating Cartman....

bobknight33 said:

Southern strategy was Nixon attempt to gain black vote in the south. Wow Newt 1 instance of poor republican crap .... Yoo hoo -you got me there Newt 1 Bob 453. you still loose.

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