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FNC's Liz Trotta Slams Sarah Palin!

Crosswords says...

Sarah Palin is one of those people who thinks their shit smells like cinnamon rolls. In her mind she can't do anything wrong, which I kind of admire cause I'm the exact opposite. However as a public figure and servant of the people its an awful attitude to have, good riddance to her. I hope this move keeps her in the realm of the bat-shit insane politicians; the ones nobody respects regardless of their party affiliation and are only good for a few laughs.

As for the actual reasons I can think of a few.
1.A new scandal is brewing ans she's trying to avoid it, (probably the most popular at the moment).
2.She some how thinks this will help her run for president in 2012.
3.She sees Alaska going down the crapper and is trying to get out before the blame can be pinned on her.
4. She's afraid of getting crushed in the next gubernatorial election, (I understand Alaskans are none too happy with her at the moment)

Best WoW Freakout Ever

longde says...

I think this situation had been brewing for a while, and finally came to a head right before the sibling activiated the camera. I also think it within the realm of reason that the freakout kid has a history of bad tantrums, so that the sibling had a good idea what was coming.

He just never counted on a remote to the ass.....ewwww. Seriously, I hope this kid gets the help he needs; I hope the parents get the parenting classes they need.

Showbiz & AG - Fat Pockets

MrFisk says...

My pockets stay fat and they always like that
Not only in pocket but in my bank there's stacks and stacks of dough
Cause I move slow I get my cash flow and then I go
And brother's don't know I'm on the down low
Some get mad cause they can't understand
That I'm 23 years old I'm in command
I'm down with DITC, that's "Diggin' in the Crates"
And my partner A.G., we always keep crazy papes
I'm staying fat, cause what comes around goes around
I always help out and help a brother when he's down
And out like a boyscout, brothers always shout
"Good lookin out Show" Yeah, without a doubt
But don't try and take advantage
I'll just leave you alone instead of putting that ass in bandages
Signing off is Show B-I-Z
And next up is A.G., he likes his pockets F-A-T

Check it out yo, A.G. is living fat
In the mental, in other words can I get a soul clap?
Diggin' in the crates for something smooth
Showbiz & A.G., yo money, we make the party groove
And I'm a top-notch competitor
Carrying dough like a treasurer
Getting pussy, oh that's regular
But the sex I never take
Cause if that bitch screams rape, like Mike Tyson, I'm upstate
And you know that's a fact, black
So if she says no, that means no, and that's that
No matter how cute or how desperate
(Ayo she gotta get the boot) Yeah, she gotta see the exit
But I'm not mad I didn't hit it
I just dial seven digits and some skins that's with it
Bones in the closet, that's my logic
You gotta be smart and keep a downlow in the projects
Watch your step and take it easy
Or act like Stevie Wonder becasue you know you can't see me
Don't sniff no coke, but I might drink a brew
Or maybe two (Andre the Giant, not you)
Yeah, wrecking MC's with just my demo
And pulling all the cuties with no problemo
That's right, because I'm a gamer
Your girl let you for me, A.G., I don't blame her
Step back, get your sticks and your bats
Know you step up because my pockets are fat

It's time to take the brothers from the corner
Clean up they act, and give them a chance to do what the wanna
I'm not trying to be a bum with a 40
That's not my style, I gotta work hard like Naughty
By Nature, you should understand
To get yours in this land, you gotta work for yours, black man
You think it's easy because I rap?
So don't ask me for a dollar motherfucker, you ain't handicapped
And if you was, you'd still have the chance
Look how I flip "ain't this a bitch" now I'm making you dance
Yeah it's Show B-I-Z from your neighbor H-double-O-D, I R-A-P
Cause I wanna stay fat
To keep clothes on my back and you know I never slack
For all the bums that said I forgot where I came from
Eating crumbs on the corner in the slums
I'm hungry enough to grow fangs
Here's a dollar, go to the store, but give me back my fucking change
I'm not trying to spend on so-called friends
Not even with skins, put that bullshit to an end
So fuck the groupies on tour
I'm trying to make a million dollars, some shit I never saw before
So save that bullshit for later
So when I'm large, hoes give me head on an escalator
Yeah, I like to flow, I'm Show B-I-Z
A.K.A. Mr. F-A-T

Rachel Maddow - Obama Advocates Indefinite Detention?

Obama Refuses to Release Torture Photographs

volumptuous says...

I'm on the fence about this one. I see the value in not releasing them, especially since we're about to send tens of thousands of military, as well as relief workers and civilians into Afghanistan. For these images to damage whatever good will we could create with that country, could potentially blow up in our faces.

On the other side, is the investigation and/or prosecution of those who ordered and carried out these war crimes, and perhaps shining a spotlight on them could put that scenario into high gear.

But, we've also got the battle between Cheney, CIA, and the Dem leadership that is brewing right now, and if I know Pelosi, she's going ape shit right now and will probably be the driving force behind a real (read: non dog&pony show) criminal investigation.

If we can get to an investigation without releasing these specific photos to the public, I think that's a good thing. Even during an investigation or trial, they can still be kept from the media, but shown to those who need to see them.

I highly doubt anyone who is currently pro-torture, will see these photos and reverse their opinions.

But going so far as to equate Obama with Bush is nonsense. Bush hid them because he's guilty. Obama wants to keep them from being published so it doesn't blow up in the faces of the military and civilian forces about to enter Afghanistan.

How to Brew Beer - Presented by Lake House Brewing Co.

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

schmawy says...

Would I have chastised you if Aemaeth was a Scientologist or polite Neo-Nazi? That's a very good question. Probably not. It depends.

I understand your disdain for the LDS. A long time ago I sublet some studio space to a recently converted Mormon, and had to endure the proselytizing every day. I agree, it's laughable at the least, and dangerous at the worst. But I put up with it because just prior to his conversion, his young son had died suddenly in his sleep, without any medical explanation. He had no real support from friends or family, and this was his "port in a storm" I guess. A Mormon must have knocked on his door at just the right (wrong) time. You would surely cite this as opportunistic and playing on the weak, and I wouldn't disagree. I think he shook it eventually and moved on to hard-core Ufology. Just as kooky, but I thought that was more interesting, at least.

I am as disgusted as you at the politicization of the church. Despite our recent victory in Connecticut, there's still a strong anti-gay sentiment brewing. We get robocalls about it all the time, somebody's trying to see if there is enough support for a referendum. I don't think my response was recorded though, since it was full of invective that couldn't be deciphered by the computer doing the calling.

I think you and I are probably politically and ideologically very similar. I can think of a few things we might not agree on, but for the most part I hazard the guess that we are like-minded. There's some contrast in how we go about it though. I think minds are fragile, and need to be opened carefully because otherwise they break or snap shut for good. You're angrier than that, I imagine in this case because of the Prop8 debacle. That's fine, I'm angry too.

But I'm still curious about where your morality comes from. It's not entirely natural, although you do see altruism in primates and some other mammals. You must have learned it from someone. Parents, teachers, television, sunday school. I am willing to bet that a majority of atheists come from loving and secure family settings, where kindness and decency and love feel like natural principals of the universe. Why would we need a god, we know what's right and how to look after one another. The trouble is, it's not true of everybody. For many people God is that stern but loving father they never had. That's the only reason I defend the religioulous. Don't take it for granted where your morality comes from, and give a moment's thought to others less fortunate is all I'm saying.

What a lovely chat. I wish we had beer and pot and a glowing fire.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
You can't blame me for breathing on a wilting violet. This was a dialog, not a monologue. If Aemaeth didn't want a discussion, then he shouldn't have responded to my video in the first place. He's no victim.

I wasn't trying to chase him off the site. I was just trying to seed some doubt and engage him in some frank conversation. I'd love nothing more than for him to come back and stand up for himself. He could bring his friends too if he likes. The more the merrier.

Again, I'm going to re-iterate that there is a double standard when it comes to religion. The religious are allowed to damn people to hell and decide which humans are allowed to be married, but point out some glaring problems within a faith and all of a sudden you become Darth Vader.

Inelegantly: fuck that

I honestly find Mormonism very troubling, from it's morally disgusting inception, to it's unbelievable mythology, to its history of discrimination and misogyny, to its recent foyer into politics. I see it as a negative force in the world and would like to seed some doubt among its followers.

Can I be tolerant and severely critical at the same time?

Here are some questions that culture tells me I shouldn't ask.

-Joseph Smith had 33 wives, some of them as young as 14, some of them were others men's wives. How does this square with Mormon views on morality? How can you follow the teachings of a despicable lech and then seek to limit the rights of gay people?

-Do Mormons really believe that God waited 1800 years and then revealed himself to some dude in rural Utah, whom he instructed to sex up dozens of women and girls?

-Is it possible that this entire religion started out as a sex cult?

-Do Mormons really believe that Native Americans are actually a lost Jewish tribe?

Does tolerance require my silence on these points?

Would you have chastised me if Aemaeth was a Scientologist, or a polite Neo-Nazi?

Does tolerance have limits?

YETI Concept Truck

President Obama Says No to Legalizing Marijuana

burdturgler says...

I've actually brewed some really great beer too now that you mention it.

Anyway, yeah I'm not saying someone who invests and commercially grows it won't produce higher quality, but what I got was far from ragweed.

President Obama Says No to Legalizing Marijuana

volumptuous says...

>> ^sometimes:
Does anyone seriously believe that legalizing pot would help the economy? prices would drop substantially, and I really doubt there would be a significant increase in demand to make up for the price cut.

Yes, many many people believe it will help the economy.

• At one medical marijuana facility in Oakland, Ca, they fork over more than $100k per month in taxes into the state coffers. That's one facility, in one month.

• We have over 1,500 facilities like this just in SoCal alone. The expected revenue the state would see would be an immediate injection of $14bn, and at the very least an added $1bn per year.

• You then factor all of the administrative, policing, courts, etc issues, and the revenues you keep expand to a LOT OF MONEY.

There is no reason to believe prices would drop. In fact, as CA state legislator Tom Ammiano wants to tax sales at $50 per oz. That's a LOT! But us potheads would gladly pay it.

As far as the argument "oh, but then everyone would grow it, so there'd be less sales" is ridiculous. I drink beer, but I don't brew it. Why? Because it's really difficult, time consuming, and costly for me to home brew, and the end result would pale in comparison. I also don't want to invest so much time and energy in growing weed in my house, plus where would I do it? How much would my energy bills be?

Still, the title of this video is crap and should be changed.

And Obama would be an idiot to have answered this really any differently. Sure, he could've said something like "our drug policy is flawed, and there are cancer patients who need help, but legalization isn't going to cure an economy that is trillions in the hole."

Be happy he at least took the question. Obama doesn't work the way that Rougy would like him to work. Obama is a master behind the scenes, and I believe he's more likely to secretly open doors to decriminalization, than to risk his entire agenda by being center stage for the pot fight.

The joy of brewing beer

redacted (Blog Entry by deathcow)

jonny (Member Profile)

Marijuana is not as evil as we have been told

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^HadouKen24:
>> ^burdturgler:
Alcohol is legal and it's responsible for countless deaths and suffering (and a lot of my stupid comments here) .. yet, I am not allowed to make my own whiskey. I bet if pot were ever legalized I would still not be allowed to grow my own.

You can, however, brew your own beer and make your own wine. Making whiskey is restricted not because of the intoxicating powers of the final product, but of the dangers involved in getting there. Not only is there a risk that, should you screw up, you'll end up unwittingly downing a bottle of wood alcohol (the stuff that makes you go blind, then kills you), but you might even screw up and blow up your still.

It's not a drug thing. It's a safety thing. Odds are that, if cannabis were legalized, it would be legal to grow for personal use as well as to buy and produce commercially.

Distilling whiskey is no more dangerous than deep frying a turkey, yet hundreds of people burn their houses down each year because it's allowed.

It's not a safety issue, it's a control issue, and that's the same reason that prevents the re-legalization of cannabis. The people that own the lawmakers want to control exactly how you and I enjoy ourselves, and we continue to allow them by electing the same kinds of shitheads that kiss the alcohol and tobacco lobbies' asses.

If we can assume that lawmakers were to end the prohibition on cannabis, you can almost guarantee that you'll have to purchase it from a dispensary, where you'll have to endure TSA level security checks to get a dime bag.

Marijuana is not as evil as we have been told

HadouKen24 says...

>> ^burdturgler:
Alcohol is legal and it's responsible for countless deaths and suffering (and a lot of my stupid comments here) .. yet, I am not allowed to make my own whiskey. I bet if pot were ever legalized I would still not be allowed to grow my own.

You can, however, brew your own beer and make your own wine. Making whiskey is restricted not because of the intoxicating powers of the final product, but of the dangers involved in getting there. Not only is there a risk that, should you screw up, you'll end up unwittingly downing a bottle of wood alcohol (the stuff that makes you go blind, then kills you), but you might even screw up and blow up your still.

It's not a drug thing. It's a safety thing. Odds are that, if cannabis were legalized, it would be legal to grow for personal use as well as to buy and produce commercially.

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