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siftbot (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

Would you like to buy some lemonade ? its 25 cents, freshly squeezed with a little zest de la Urine, special brewed for you ! actually, five cents, cups are not free.

Mortal Kombat

SlipperyPete says...

Today there was some mystery brewing about a short film that debuted on YouTube yesterday titled Mortal Kombat: Rebirth. The 8 minute long video looks well done (and possibly made with at least some budget), but there is very little info given about who made it and why. There are no credits, but Devin at CHUD figured it out. It’s some kind of demo reel/proof of concept for investors for a new Mortal Kombat movie. With the previous MK attempts falling flat, “gritty realism” seems to be the selling point this time around.
It’s still unclear whether thus is meant directly for investors or simply to show them the appeal of the material, since views and comments on YouTube are a good indicator of how the potential audience would receive the movie.


This Is Apple's Next iPhone

volumptuous says...

1- One of the main wireless network engineers

2- So one of the main wireless network engineers can test the unit in real world conditions (see dags response)

3- The name of the person who found it was not given. I'm guessing since he lives in Silicon Valley, he's quite probably a tech geek, thought the phone looked odd, and wanted to take it apart to see why

4- Yes. Using mobile me, you can easily turn the phone off, lock it down, and get GPS coordinates for where it is, all through mobileme's easy web interface. Apple did lock it. It was locked the next morning.

5- I understand what you're saying, but this phone is to be released in the next 3-4 months. Apple would be doing a great disservice to themselves and AT&T with a stunt like this, causing tens of thousands of units to sit on shelves, and untold number of new AT&T customers to wait to sign up. It's not practical by any means.

6- WTC7 was an inside job.

I also called around to my Apple friends, and all of them said there was a giant shitstorm brewing, noone knew what it was about until the Gizmodo article came out. Then shit sincerely hit the fan. One of my friends was on the original iPhone team, and had a working one that he carried around, months before the official release. He couldn't even show his wife.

When you are one of these lucky duckies, not only are you on über strict NDA, but you are also a very very loyal Apple employee who loves the products, loves the company, and really loves their job and wouldn't do anything to sacrifice it.

>> ^blankfist:

Why is this staged? Here are my thoughts.
1. This is obviously not a random guy's phone who works at Apple. Who would have access to carry one of these?
2. Knowing how fanatical Apple is about security, why would they allow someone to take the brand new top secret iPhone out to a bar?
3. Who was the person who found it? And why did he have an interest in disassembling the phone as opposed to just returning it?
4. Did the person who lost it try to call the phone to get it back?
5. There are a number of new smartphones, and a lot are marketing themselves as better than the iPhone. And being that the new Apple 4G phone won't be on the market for a while, a stunt like this may keep new customers from signing a new 2 year phone contract and purchasing a different smartphone if they know Apple's is coming and it will be bad ass.
6. What about WTC 7?

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

Canada Wins Gold, Proceeds to Party Down

Canada Wins Gold, Proceeds to Party Down

Maddow to Beck: Back Off

NordlichReiter says...

Wow, I smell a brewing love story here. Maddow and Beck sitting in a tree K I S S I N G.

Both sides can stick it up their fucking asses.

Real Science doesn't deal with politics it deals with measurements, observations, and hypotheses. It has no time for touching the hearts and minds of people, or creating propaganda.

Politicians, racketeers, and media perpetuate bad science. I like my science straight from the source, and not the news.

Jon Stewart On The O'Reilly Factor

Lodurr says...

This is Stewart at his almost-best. It's much better to be the calm and collected guy at the table while the other guy sticks his finger in your face, interrupts your points, and raises his voice.

The one big missed opportunity is when O'Reilly says that the "hard news" department of Fox was unbiased. I check Google News for online news articles every day, and Fox News stuff creeps in there, and the author always goes way out of their way to make any Obama-related story seem bad for him. They'll counter-point all of Obama's points in a speech, and they always happen to choose the most unflattering picture for Obama or any democratic politician. They covered the birther movement as if it was news. Here's a quick example headline from the top story on their Political page: "Storm Brews Over Decision to Reveal Abdulmutallab's Cooperation." The only reason they call it a brewing storm is because a single Republican senator made some comments about it being improper to publicly declare that Abdulmutallab is sharing information, and the only reason he's saying that is because it proves the point liberals have been making for years which is that granting habeus corpus rights is as good or better at convincing captured terrorists to share information as torture. The headline should be about how Abdulmutallab is sharing information because his family convinced him to trust the US, which they wouldn't have done if he were in limbo at Gitmo. It's complete vindication of the anti-torture movement in America, and of course Fox can't report on it that way, they want to make it a story about how unscrupulous it was of the Obama administration to share this "sensitive" information.

This is a continuation of the disagreement between Fox News and the White House last year, where Fox News got away with saying that their hard news items have no bias, and it seemed like no one is willing to stand up to that statement, then or now.

The making of a gourmet espresso

9547bis says...

Where was I? Ho, yeah, stuff he didn't mention (because he's a barista and doesn't have to deal with it): get fresh coffee. It's the most basic, yet most important change you can make to your intoxicating drinking habit. Whatever the type of machine you have, from plastic-y kitchen espresso machine to semi-pro behemoth, or even if you don't drink espresso and are, say, on drip brew (at least get a French press, for God's sake), this is the change you will notice the most. See that coffee with a use-by date two years from now at the supermarket? It's not fresh. The one twice the others' price in a fancy tin box? Not fresh. And the ones in vacuum packing? not fresh either. Buy fresh coffe. Get it from a local shop. It won't even cost that much.

More info:

How To Brew The Perfect Cup Of Coffee

What did you get for Christmas? (Blog Entry by dag)

What did you get for Christmas? (Blog Entry by dag)

blankfist says...

A home beer brew kit (fermenting a pale ale right now), a gunmetal business card holder etched with my initials, a Rubiks Cube, Best Buy gift certificates, and a director's chair with my last name embroidered on the back.

Payback (Member Profile)

therealblankman (Member Profile)

Payback (Member Profile)

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