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I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church.

Sniper007 says...

If you are going to approach someone with no sincere intent to understand them with love and reason your way to the correct thinking, you just may end up crystallizing their existing errors and making them even more bold to spread the philosophies you despise. It would be better in that regard to simply ignore them. Unless your sole purpose in the engagement is to make yourself feel better about them being wrong and staying wrong. In which case, knock yourself out. Though I would argue that's not helping you, them, or anyone else progress.

Does that make sense?

Nuclear Science Vs. Eminem

eric3579 says...

If you had
One shot
Or one opportunity
To release all the energy you ever wanted
In one moment
Would you abuse it
Or use it for good?

They've armed the weapon
Countdown clock is set and
J. Robert Oppenheimer is sweatin'
Eyes are red and he's nervous
Cause on the surface this is armageddon
The shock bomb, but we're set upon and threatened
And with no sound the whole Alamogordo ground
Is glowing and cowed under one smouldering cloud
He's choked and wowed, everybody's open-mouthed
And over the ground the shock front blows, kapow!
Snap back to the alchemy
Hope before tragedy
Showed with bold math that we broke the whole atom
We choked; controlled action with poles of cold cadmium coat
To go capture neutrons and slow fracture
We broke, postponed that and we chose to go fashion
A most radioactive plutonium gadget then
Fat Man and Boy and Enola goes laughin'
As Nagasaki is blown and Hiroshima's blasted

You gotta choose, yourself how to use it
The knowledge you hold and
Don't ever let a letter go
You only get one shot to stop
And one chance to know
Responsibility comes once you're a science guy, yo!

Neutrons escaping from a source radiating
Merge and start atoms shaking; they begin
To unglue toward a decreased order
Entropic force distorts em
And supercharged with loads of protons they can only go farther
Cold war grows hotter--exothermal--Colorado to Joe Stalin
Coast to coast holes; silos but there's no farmer
Toe-to-toe drama
NATO and Warszawa in co-assured trauma
The globe groans everyone knows there's no calming
So show your foes and implode your core column
Quid pro quo Castle Bravo for Tsar Bomba
And move on and leave atolls exposed to gross doses of old fallout;
Slow-to-go toxins in shoals and so though we explode them no longer
Still the proof lives on in the blue lagoon water, father

You gotta choose, yourself how to use it
The knowledge you hold and
Don't ever let a letter go
You only get one shot to stop
And one chance to know
Responsibility comes once you're a science guy, yo!

When war games hit the stage of a gluon's rage
There's a military boot on the new doc's page
We were playing in the beginning, but grew up strange
Making radar and missiles, and new bombs blazed
And we kept grinding the lensed sights for the next sniper
Best believe son it'll pay to design fighters
All the gains of science analyzed by the
Man provide plans for sarin and cyanide
And our hands are blighted by crying
Eyes when dying lands are slammed if our grants expand the fire brighter
And there's no jury there's no sublime righter
This is our fight
And these minds are all ours so protect your pia mater
Try to feed and water good, seed trust, flee dishonour
Gotta be clean being Apollo stead of Vietnam and
Lay the armour down and be the one to stand up
And lead us on the trail of Spock
We'll elevate these motley progeny
To a future in a safer spot, an irrigated plot
Homicide a way forgot
Success is a lack of military options
Failure's not
Become a lover of a great and cosmic goal
We cannot condone these terror plots
So here we go it's our shot
Feel frail or not
This is the only world and humanity that we got

You gotta choose, yourself how to use it
The knowledge you hold and
Don't ever let a letter go
You only get one shot to stop
And one chance to know
Responsibility comes once you're a science guy, yo!

You gotta make your own mind up, man.

Can Trump read?

newtboy says...

This hypothesis seems more and more correct daily. It should be front and center in any argument against him, because it's a requirement for leadership and scars his hyper inflated ego. If he can't or won't read, we are at the mercy of Bannon and his other advisors, all of whom have been proven to be bold faced liars, and completely at the mercy of other leaders who can get him to sign anything by just lying about what he's signing.

I need to see him take a long form reading and comprehension test on unedited non-stop video, and pass it at a minimum high school level. Until then, I'll continue to think he's an illiterate, incompetent, treasonous, illegitimate president who is involved in a bloodless coup under the directions of Russia.


The Bizarre Far-Right Billionaire Behind Trump's Presidency

newtboy says... you think the right didn't make sinister sounding documentaries about Clinton? Where have you been living the last 25 years, a cave in the Peruvian alps?

I think perhaps the "glass houses" complaints are being made by people living in a paper thin crystal snow globe who wish to distract from that fact.

Recall, Trump ran on the lie that he paid for his entire campaign and was beholding to no one, it was absolutely central to his candidacy, and was just another pack of obvious bold faced lies he sold the right, like draining the swamp, releasing his taxes, hiring the "best and brightest people", and putting his assets in a blind trust....all of which were total lies.

worm said:

Glass houses...

Its a good thing there were no secret, seedy campaign backers for HRC that we could make sinister sounding documentaries about. Love the conspiracy theory soundtrack though, at least it knows the sandbox it is playing in.

Top Democrats All Agree with Trump's Immigration Plan / wall

newtboy says...

Not one of these people agrees with, or agreed with, Trump's dumb, wasteful, useless plan to build a 2000+ mile long, $10-30000000000 wall. They agreed that illegal immigration is (was) a problem, and Obama did more than any previous president to address it.
I'm not going to reassign the channels, but this is not philosophy and is bold faced lies.

Ending Free Speech-Elizabeth Warren Silenced In Senate

entr0py says...

A bold strategy of non-stop baffling stupidity worked wonders for trump though. . .

It seems republican voters are just in the mood for a brawl, and a demonstration of force like this is just the sort of thing that turns them on.

Januari said:

Is anyone else just baffled by this move?... this had to be one of the most politically stupid maneuvers I've ever seen.

Who really told McConnel to do this...

He, and MANY of his contemporaries are unbearable cowards but he isn't politically stupid.

Did a 3D Laser Printer Kill A Bay Area Couple?

Calling Out Trump On Lies About Inauguration Crowd Size

officer Izzo-a message and a plea to the public

newtboy says...

Comply....this is not a solution for the citizens, it's a solution for the officers. People clearly complying have been shot, on camera, repeatedly. Remember "hands up, don't shoot"....that was a slogan because so many people were shot while their hands were up complying. It sure didn't help the caregiver that was prone with hands outstretched begging them to not shoot at the totally harmless mentally challenged man child seated and playing with a truck, but they still did shoot repeatedly, hitting the prone caregiver.

Also, just comply means just allow them to violate your rights, claiming you can recapture your violated rights with no effort by suing...WTF?!? You have a right to know why you're being arrested. You have a right to not answer them when they scream at you. You have a right to carry cash without it being stolen. You have a right to insist on your rights not being violated in the first place. You do not have to allow them to violate you in the hopes that you can prove they did it....prove it against their lies, their fellow officers lies, the prosecutors bias, the judges bias, the evidence disappearing, the harassment from them and other cops, and while fighting the bogus charges that pop up when you file your lawsuit.

The police do act as judge, jury, and executioner many times....that's why people hate cops, not because they are confused about what judges are for. It's because cops so often abuse their authority and/or lie and in the process completely destroy multiple lives (both those they charge and family/bystanders) with impunity, immunity, derision, and zero empathy, then they usually blame their victims for not 'just complying'.
I'm already really beginning to dislike this asshat.

Just let them violate you to death and then sue them, huh? When those 2-3-4 officers all lie, hide evidence, and retaliate against anyone who contradicts their lies (including other cops), that 'remedy' rarely wins in court without incontrovertible evidence proving they all lied, incontrovertible evidence that the cops didn't know about to hide or destroy...and it can't unviolate you or restore lost time, sanity, or life.
...and yes, because they overwhelmingly stand behind those proven to have violated rights and worse, they all get painted with that brush until that changes. The blue wall is responsible for those "good" cops being painted as "bad", not the citizens who's trust has been so often violated. When you stand with a thug and support and protect them, you are one.

No quotas? OK, now this guy has moved from bad advice that benefits only the cops, not the citizen, to ridiculous self serving bold faced lies. It's been clearly, incontrovertibly, repeatedly proven and unashamedly admitted by uncountable officers and their supervisors in hundreds if not thousands of jurisdictions, most cops do have quotas.

BTW, that's EX officer Izzo....thank goodness.

Woman Figures Out High School Physics Trick After 10 Years

jimnms says...

I'm 3.5 minutes in and I think I see how it's done.

Pull the poll down so the nut and bolt are touching the glass, then turn the glass and it will loosen the nut and bolt. Getting it back on you just turn it the other way to tighten it, after you get the bold back through the pol and the nut on that is.

I was right!

Suicide Bombings and Islam: An Apologist's Guide

newtboy says...

Pretty bold from someone who thinks their target can't see their post because they are being ignored...but I'm back, sucker.

You calling someone a dumb fuck is just hilarious, and complimentary. I note you couldn't back it up with a single fact or argument when pressed...unsurprisingly.

Note, this kind of direct ad-hom personal attack could easily get you banned...stop posting them.

bobknight33 said:

You are a dumb fuck. Keep your head in the sand or you your friend ass. But keep reality to those with sound minds.

Taking Personal Responsibility for Your Health

newtboy says...

Explain how that differs from what I wrote. When he says that, it's clear and incontrovertible that he means to imply that switching from a non plant based diet to a plant based one offers the same health benefits as quitting smoking...which is a bold lie. Do you disagree?

2000% increase in cancer rates VS 18% increase is in no way equivalent, so still a bold faced lie....and it's not 'plant based vs meat based' in the studies he references, it's really processed food vs non processed foods, a fact he repeatedly misrepresented and intentionally again, bold faced lies.

transmorpher said:

Are you watching these videos via the enigma encryption machine? Because he does not say that.

He says "Plant based diets may now be considered the nutritional equivalent of quitting smoking."

Taking Personal Responsibility for Your Health

dannym3141 says...

A report that places chicken nuggets, turkey slices and bacon in the same category as cigarettes and asbestos is NOT equivalent to saying that quitting meat is the disease and mortality equivalent of quitting smoking.

That is patently absurd, and demonstrates what happens when someone tries to apply the scientific conclusion of a study to ...everything else. Scientific studies have a particular scope. They should state clearly within the study the limits of what the information can tell us.

1. How much of those meat products must you eat vs. how many cigarettes do you have to smoke? If i quit having one slice of bacon a week, I will not be healthier than if i quit smoking 10 a day.
2. The meat products you refer to make up only a small fraction of the meat based produce that is available. You might as well say "krokodil is bad for you, so stop taking your insulin."

I expect you to admit that the bit from the comment quote (put in bold) is wrong.

transmorpher said:

But the WHO report does in fact put chicken nuggets, turkey slices, and bacon into the same category(Group 1 carcinogens) as cigarettes and asbestos, because they are processed meats.

He's just saying what the report says, so I don't understand how that can be exaggeration.

"plant based diets (quitting meat) is the equivalent of quitting smoking".
In terms of disease and mortality that is completely accurate.


entr0py says...

While I love it when developers have the courage and funding to do something bold and different artistically, I imagine I wouldn't feel better after playing that.

I get the appeal of more typical horror; being afraid is thrilling and can feel liberating when you know you're actually safe. But the feeling I get from this is not that it's scary but more along the lines of "wow, look at those suffering freaks suffer with no end in sight". It's like spending a few hours looking at the most disturbing pictures of birth defects and leprosy you can find, without the possible benefit of empathizing with a real experience that other people could have.

I'm not trying to denigrate people who like it, I'm just baffled. Can anyone explain the appeal to me?

Dallas Officials Report On Shooting Of 11 Officers By Sniper

newtboy says...

And instantly the right wing starts doubling and tripling down on armed violence rather than any attempt to de-escalate. It seems at least some of them are just itching for a race war.

NOTE: So far this year, police have killed 608 citizens, and 26 officers have been killed on duty. ( That means it's nearly 30 times more likely that an officer will kill a citizen than it is that a citizen will kill an officer, yet cops claim THEY have the most dangerous job?!? They aren't even in the top 10 most dangerous jobs, and are INCREDIBLY more safe than those they have contact with.

Side note: All night the media/police have said clearly that the one dead attacker in Dallas was killed by a self inflicted gun shot wound....but the truth is he was killed by an explosive attached to a police robot....a mechanical suicide bomb. Why did they lie about it all night? They clearly knew it was a bold faced lie.

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