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Colber Report 5/1/13: The Word - N.R.A.-vana

Darkhand says...

If you are truly curious I hope you'll read everything.

TLDR Post Inc:

It's basically pragmatism and the slippery slope. You're making a registry of all the citizens who own guns. I mean have you ever applied for your firearms license before? Have you ever purchased a handgun? It's pretty crazy.

I wanted to purchase a handgun about 10 years ago after I got held up. It took me over 6 months to get my permit. Then it took me about another month to be able to purchase a handgun.

The Process:
In order to get your firearms id card you have to apply for it. Part of the process involved me having a sit down "evaluation" with a detective that was basically an interrogation for about 30 minutes.

Then once that detective says "this guys not crazy" He takes his form and all my information and mails it to the FBI. Then I had to wait about six months for the FBI to say "this guys not crazy and/or a terrorist.

When I have my Firearms ID card I can buy a shotgun or a rifle if I want that's no problem. But if I want to buy a handgun (which I did) I have to go back to get a handgun permit. Luckily since I was applying for my firearms permit they also gave me one (read one) permit to buy a handgun. I could buy one handgun; If I wanted more I had to apply for ANOTHER permit. Not another Firearms ID Card just another Handgun permit.

So I take my permit and I purchase said gun. I can't purchase the gun after 5:00 PM because the NIC office over at the FBI closes and they have to call it in. Even AFTER they call it in I still had to wait like 6 days before I could pick it up.

I receive a copy of the permit (and a receipt) , the dealer gets a copy, and the last part gets sent to the FBI. Once the FBI confirms they have a copy of the permit (which includes the serial # that is on multiple parts of the gun) then and only then am I allowed to pickup my firearm.

So even if I sold it to someone everyone would know know who it belonged to beforehand.

I'm not sure how much more gun control you can have. The "gun" that needs the most "control" are handguns because they are used in almost all gun related crimes if you look at the stats.

I wont' get into hypothetical situations about how citizens could perform those checks or whatever. I just want to show how regulated things are already. The idea that I could purchase like 10 handguns and then re-sell them all to someone else and NEVER have it traced back to me seems almost impossible. Heck I doubt I could even get approved to own that many handguns!


I'm not a "giant conspiracy" kind of person. But I feel like with the way government has been going with Guantanamo, stop and frisk, not really enforcing a lot of anti-trust laws, not really prosecuting some of the big banks responsible for what happened, etc etc etc I just feel like there really an upward swing for government control and collusion with protecting their own interests and not the interests of the people.

I don't see the government as an instrument of the people anymore it just seems to be wealthy people patting each other on the back.

What happened in Boston really upset me where people were just pulled out of there houses at gunpoint because there "could be" a terrorist nearby.

I believe that Obama has a good reason for trying to put these tools in place and he has no motive behind it he is just trying to protect the American People in his own way. But I don't believe gun control will help at all and all it will do is put more of a hindrance on law abiding citizens. I'd equate these laws to Anti-Piracy solutions? Ala Sims3 and Diablo etc etc. It just punishes the actual customer NOT the criminal.

If you told me there was a way to ensure program the registry of gun owners could only be searched if the striations from a bullet were scanned that was used in a crime or something like that I'd be fine with it. But there really is no way to do that.

Sorry it was long but it's not really something I can just say something short.

I'm sure people will says "Well what are your guns going to do against tanks and helicopters and xyz xyz". First I'll point to Iraq and Afghanistan and how well those "wars" went. Everyone can agree it was a disaster and we probably made a lot of terrorists by just killing people innocent or not. The same thing would happen here in America.

Would the government actually TRY to take over? I don't' believe so because it's not in our best financial interests. Everyone wants to stay wealthy and some sort of civil war would be horrible for our economy. But I believe over time constantly just eroding our rights will just lead to that. People got pulled out of their homes at gunpoint and screamed at by police in boston and they were just like "Well the police are just trying to keep us safe!" I just find that creepy.

There's a saying blah blah blah doesn't go out with a bang it happens with a whimper. I'm not going to make myself look smart by googling the quote.

Anyway that's my whole post sorry if it's long but I'm tired. I would have put it in the discussion section but I'm not at the appropriate star level.

ChaosEngine said:

Can I ask what is the objection to background checks for guns?

Is it a slippery slope concern? i.e. first, it's background checks then it's <something-worse>.

Is it simply a principled stand? That you feel you should be able to sell or buy a gun from whoever you like?

Or is it a pragmatic stance? The old "criminals will ignore the law anyway"?

I'm genuinely curious as to why someone wouldn't want some controls on something as dangerous as a gun.

David Steinberg Interviews Louis C.K. and Bob Newhart

kymbos says...

I wanted to go off Louis because I got all hipster on him ("I was into him before he got famous" blah blah). But you can't - he just transcends. Hands down the best comedian in the world.

Hamas takes military training to schools

chingalera says...

Well Hamas wouldn't be Hamas without training up youngsters in the path now, would it??

This report is no extreme example of propagandizing or slant any more than it can be construed as objective observer-and-report journalism-I don;t know why everyone makes such a big fuss about how wonderful Al Jazeera is, breath-of-fresh-air, blah-blah-blah (folks have in the past, anyhow), it's owned by the Al Thani family's (of Qatar, an "absolute and hereditary emirate) 7th richest member.

It's a private mouthpiece for someone's unilateral masturbatory romp, and they hire some real cute anchors!

Retired police Captain demolishes the War on Drugs

chingalera says...

CreamK there got me riled with that developmentally-disabled rhetoric there Buck, I did not mean to down-vote your retort to his tirade.
All I read was blah blah blah guns, blah blah blah right, blah blah blah left, and my brain needed a Fleet, with natural Lavender scent & comfortable applicator tip

CNN Sympathizes with High School Rapists

chingalera says...

No arekin, what you are watching is a standard hack journalism piece form an news org notorious for such tripe-"Poppy Harlow" here (pretentious and douchey female-reporter name), is attempting to infuse the story with some heart-wrenching emotionalism and grave tone..
It's a rape honey, cut to the sentencing segment as you spin the tale of these poor athletes with their lives ahead of them who double-teamed someone without her consent. Get a shot of the big, blubbering one there as his counsel consoles him!

Where's more Waldo in this unprofessional ballad of useless information about these douchebag rapists? They came from a troubled family...blah blah blah.."father a former alcoholic??"- Uhh, what the fuck does that even mean?!

Yet another time-filler offered-up from CNN, their standard fare, an over-dramatized example of developmental-disability in our distracted society. This is not journalism, is fucking Maury Povich and people throwing chairs at they baby-daddys.

Poppy, thank you for edifying us with that useless wind-session. Please get a job that assists in the evolution of the human on a crabbing boat in Nova Scotia!

arekin said:

Where is the sympathizing, all I'm seeing is reporting? It's not like anyone is saying that this judgement is undeserved, they are reporting on the consequences of these men ruining their victims life and in turn ruining their own. I feel like people suddenly expect CNN to be their with pitchforks and a noose.

How to Handle the Police When You're Videotaping

chingalera says...

Good morning.....So VoodooV, simply not a good person...

One might imagine that you've mistaken paranoid rage for a genuine concern for the people who must suffer the damaged, soon beyond-repair law-enforcement establishment in the U.S. While I can't vouch for many municipalities, I have dealt with law enforcement in multiple states since I was old enough to drive a car.
Texas has an inordinate amount of assholes in law enforcement, which has sullied or otherwise affected my opinion of peace officers (that term an oxi-moron for millions of people who have had to deal with profiling, unprovoked aggression, and general douche-baggery from the hind-brained, alpha-or-wannabe-alpha victims of abuse and racism who choose a career in "law enforcement".

We have several versions of cops here, Sheriffs, constables, state troopers, city police, game wardens, etc., all with their privilege and jurisdictions, all with varying levels of professionalism and personalities some of which are synonymous with their particular group.
I maintain, that In ALL of these branches of law enforcement due to corruption and abuse of power as the rule for over 50 years combined with the systematic granting of more and more powers to state over individual rights that the SYSTEM is inherently corrupt and anti-human rights. I have come to this conclusion in my dealings with them personally and by paying attention to the fucking world without blinders and outside of the insular framework of my own perception of how i would LIKE the world to be.

What is your personal experience in dealing with law enforcement robots? Where do you live? What is your station in life economically, socially. Are you Caucasian or a minority? All these questions beg an answer because I suppose that your exposure to the world outside of the comfort of your CONSTRUCT, is causing this consternation and judgement vomited-forth in your last comment, and I would hate to have some skewed opinion of you based on your reaction to mine on issues that have EVERYTHING to do with human rights, justice, blah blah blah, all the shit that's important to people like us, schmoes slaving for paper-tickets to buy more play-time in the world created while you were fast-fucking asleep.

Fix it instead of whining like a spoiled brat??
Well sir, when you live in a country with the majority of peeps fast-asleep with their heads up movie-stars and basketball-player's asses whose political system is a fucking joke and her government co-opted by corporate and security interests then civil disobedience or heaven-forbid, UNCIVIL should the situation necessitate is about the only reasonable, actionable, effective solution for me.
Malcolm X was right, rich, sociopathic white people suck donkey balls and run the whole fucking show.

Would you like to have a discussion on the state of the Prison system in the United States? Hand-in-hand with the men in blue are the men in brown who would, that the current model be expanded and improved upon....It's broken and you have an opinion,??

Please enlighten us all-

TDS 9/29/11 - Wayne's World

Darkhand says...

I have to say I agree with Wayne on this.

If you asked Wayne "are you happy Obama allows guns in national parks and on Amtrak Trains?" I'm sure his reply would be

"Yes I am; but the current legislation on limiting ammo clips/magazines and banning assault rifles is just wrong. The national registry is a conspiracy to blah blah blah"

It's like finding videos of my ex-wife giving me a television for X-mas and then fast forwarding to the day we got divorced. Of course I'll look like a Moron but you missed out on all the context in between.

Smartypants gets Tasered

shatterdrose says...

Blah blah abuse of power, abuse of this yadda yadda yadda mindless blather.

A) He was there for something simple, like a traffic ticket.

B) He was a total prick, douchebag, asshole and completely uncooperative.

C) Cameras ARE NOT PERMITTED inside courtrooms for PRIVACY. Dumbass award again. He thinks he can waltz in and violate everyone's privacy and harass another person because he has "rights"?

D) The officer didn't express ANY type of abuse whatsoever. If you think he did, sorry, but you might want to reconsider who's been brainwashed.

The officer had a choice: potentially violent altercation with a young man in a confined space where others could potentially be injured, or tazer him. If you think the officer is wrong for not allowing this to escalate and potentially injure others, then you really need to reassess your concept of police control and abuse of power.

The officer told the douchebag calmly, and concisely, that he was NOT permitted to pass that point with the video camera. The douchebag tried to push his way through, and surprisingly, the officer DID HIS JOB and kept the man from entering WITHOUT using excessive force.

Unless, of course, you think an officer touching a person who claims to NOT be a US Citizen is abuse. The douchebag began escalating the situation further until, well, I'm sure his biggest worry now isn't simply a speeding ticket anymore but a list of actual 1st Degree Misdemeanors and possibly a Felony.

So yes, I AM PERFECTLY FINE with the officer's use of a tazer to restrain the individual. And the reason I am, is thankfully the douchebag was recording it and we now have proof of who was in the wrong.

World's Fastest Robot

Native American Shuts Down Anti-Illegal Immigrant Protest

Kai the homeless hitchhiker saves the day!

chingalera says...

..."a man claiming he's Jesus....plows, balh blah blah, ....because he was black..."

Great opener there, ya dickweed cunt reporter.
Reiterate a few more times ya shitbrain, the words, "Black", "African-American", then get to the gyst. Uhhhh, the guy snapped, it was NOT race-related, and who gives a fuck who he happened to target on this day he decided to take his sociopathic shit out on the world. Glad hippie-Axe-boy was thereand saved the fucking day with his damn tool.

Fuck, I hate the news.

Would you like to see more articles on the front page? (User Poll by dag)

kymbos says...

I really enjoy sift talk and blog posts (beyond 'should we make a minor tweak to sift rules' blah blah ones).

I reckon they should be worth big points - they take time and effort to produce.

David Spates on Ghetto Mom Tased By Security Guard

dapper says...

As an Australian, I continually fail to see why this discussion is framed in terms of black & white... "As black people, we need to do blah blah". I honestly don't think the colour of the women is remotely relevant to this event. The security guard, who was incredible, was apparently a "brother" and he handled it better than I would have. I see this as a symptom of some deep socio-cultural problems that every 1st world city probably has its share of. This behaviour is typical of people who have attachment issues - they easily feel attacked and then their fight (or flight) mode kicks in, and all rational thought is over. Lots of us have similar triggers and can see it in our own arguments.
Perhaps, a more productive discussion would be around how we can all make our societies and communities more loving rather than how to fix the black community. There are people of every colour across the planet who would behave with similar hostility and fear as these people. I think the security guard was amazing, and I wish those children good luck for their undoubtedly challenging future.

Two Excellent Examples Of How Gun Control Can And Does Work

chingalera says...

I understand your flabbergast and I sense your sincerity, appreciated. As for the desired/elicited clarification with regard to what I was saying??...I didn't say shit, I posted a video in the wake of current-affairs having to do with guns and read your sound, valid, cogent, and passionate foray into the world as you would have it be interpreted or experienced....and then-You suggested that I was saying something.
Wasn't saying anything, merely tossing some chum out to check the regular rabble's response-time, and yours was the most long-winded and similar I decided to poke.

Yeah. Don't put words in mouths or infer, might make you seem like an insurgent...trouble-maker...Team-Player??

Frame it. Bookmark it if it satisfy, your on the short list of reasonably consistent, snide, smug, comments regarding this particular subject you have a strong feeeling for, I can relate. If you can't get the jyst, the meat of what was written, simplycall me names, retarded, rude, hayseed....give a fuck. You took the bait and I'm on a boat.

"complete and utter lack of sense, the rambling, disjointed nature and the total failure to make anything approaching a coherent argument...blah, blah, schoolyard-shenannigans, BLAH
" NOTE: TO you sir: To you my words seem thus, to you and a vehement minority of folks. Perception is a motherfucker.

shveddy said:

Well I'm flabbergasted. I was trying to get people to stop down-voting your video, because I wanted your voice to be heard regardless of whether or not people disagree with you. And then I politely asked for clarification on what you were saying because I felt there might be a misunderstanding.

Now I just think more people should see you make an ass if yourself. Please get this video sifted, people.


Immovable Object vs. Unstoppable Force - Which Wins?

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