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Russian Sanctions and Global Economic Risk

vil says...

We are not hoping Putin will reverse his course, we are hoping (rich elite and military) Russians will decide they would be better offf without war and threatening to destroy the world.

Switching of SWIFT is not a total ban on transactions but is very annoying for russians.

Dependency of Europe on Russian oil and gas is a direct security danger, they do use it to extort (and bribe - see Mr. Schroeder) the west.

China gets paid mostly in dollars, it would be a pain for China to use anything else to buy oil and gas. But nothing is ever certain forever.

Russia will need dollars in any form, even if they have to be black market dolars so they will gladly take Chinese payments in dollars. Also their stock market and currency is... f***ed.

Trump's Covid 19 Plan, Get Cancer Then Poison Yourself

newtboy says...

Only a fool believes he didn't really believe it would work and that he just had a genius idea nobody thought of, just like his other idea, massive doses of uv. Nobody knew that wouldn't work, nobody. *facepalm
He's now claiming it was sarcasm since someone apparently told him how stupid he is, but that's obvious bullshit, he meant every word. No wink, no smirk, no "just kidding", he was dead serious.
Edit: now he's claiming it was a genius practical joke on the press not revealed for 18+ hours, putting his worshipers lives at risk to trigger the fake media....uh....yeah, that's much better.
Technically he didn't actually say people should inject it, he said doctors, actual real medical doctors this time, should test direct injection....but when he says that his moronic cultists just do it because he knows more than doctors....they didn't get their hydroxychloroquine through a doctor for the most part, they went black market because reputable doctors wouldn't prescribe it. They took it because Trump said it was perfect, a miracle cure with no downside. Turns out it may double the likelihood of death along with multiple life altering side effects.
Wait and see, people will do it. Probably drinking bleach or rubbing alcohol, but some morons will inject it. Trumpsters are not rational. Just look at homeless cocaine dad here, or you thinking he's convincing in any way. Remember, some Trumpster idiots took fish tank chloroquine because he said "chloroquine good". You think more morons won't inject rubbing alcohol because Trump said "injecting disinfectants good"?!

The president absolutely suggested it might be a way to fight the virus. That's exactly what he did. This whole video was a lame frantic attempt to deny it, then he played the audio that proves he did.

bobknight33 said:

Only fools think Trump suggest injecting disinfectants like bleach and rubbing alcohol might be a good treatment to kill Covid,

Shit load of Fools on the sift.

OAN: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Duh, Bob, didn't you get the memo? It's the Chinese alright, but they're causing it with 5G phone signals like in Kingsmen except instead of a bezerker, it makes you sick. Get with the program.

Really, you spread nonsense like "the CDC created it and the Chinese released in their own country to hurt Trump" , both war crimes btw, and you accuse others of spinning the truth?! Lol.
Ignoring that nonsense doesn't negate the Chinese culpability, since it most likely came from their black market in endangered Pangolin scales.

bobknight33 said:

It indicated it was collaborated with the Chinese lab in Wuhan . Studying is fine, Chinese letting it loose in Wuhan is not.

Keep spinning Truth to negate the fault of Chinese.

Are you part of the 1000 talents? Probably not you most likely a stooge

An "ESSENTIAL" worker during Covid-19

newtboy says...

Supply still isn't, it's accessibility. Much of the black market dissolved, leaving dispensaries as many people's only source. It's sounding like they'll stay open....for now. Business is booming with everyone home on forced vacation...liquor sales too.

surfingyt said:

but when it was illegal supply was never an issue

Colbert To Trump: 'Doing Nothing Is Cowardice'

newtboy says...

Really? You have a complete inventory of his arsenal, because I haven't seen one. He had many bump stocks.
Full auto what is 20 Hz? Different guns have different rates of fire, and he had many. Different bump stocks also deliver different rates, as do different fingers on different triggers.

When your target is a 15 degree arc, it's fine. For aiming, I agree.

Not in my experience at gun shows is all I'll say about that.

My point, these are legal. The traceability comes in if he had escaped.

You don't have to be squeaky clean, just not banned if you buy legally. There's no check at all for the bump stock or other rapid fire mechanism (there are many).

Ban of the rapid fire mechanisms would have at least forced him to buy them on the black market for far more money...if he could find them at all. That's a step, not a solution.

scheherazade said:

He didn't have full auto, he used a bump fire stock.
Full auto fires around 20hz. Well practiced bump firing is around 10hz. Well practiced semi auto pull is around 6hz.

Bump firing also sprays so bad it's not aimable beyond a few feet distance. The gun community is even more surprised than other people, most considered the bump stock as a joke doo dad for making noise and wasting money.

All vendors, even at a gun show, must do background checks.

All private sellers, regardless of where (at home, gun show, on the street, wherever), are not required to do checks - but are in practice held liable for subsequent gun crimes if they can't prove they had no idea the buyer was shady.

There is absolutely nothing special about gun shows. The gun show loophole is an entirely imaginary issue (I explained this earlier).

A traceable gun is just as capable of shooting a person as an untraceable gun.

Yes, anyone can put together that arsenal.
Especially anyone with a squeaky clean record who qualifies to be a gun owner no matter what the restriction - like the Vegas shooter.

Hence why *nothing proposed* would have had *any impact* on the Vegas events, short of confiscation raids nation wide and capital punishment for possession.

The reply was to : "You are more likely to be killed by a criminal if you have a gun than if you don't."

"Killed", not "injured".

EDIT : OK, I did misunderstand. I saw assault and understood the legal meaning (brandishing, threatening). Saw discharge and understood firing.
But they meant the opposite. Assault as in being fired upon. (And I don't know what discharge means in this case)

That changes the math.

1/24974 as caused by assault
That's a 99.995995835669095859694081845119% chance of dying by a cause OTHER than firearms.
Which requires around 17'000 trials for the chance of the next death to be 50% by firearm.
I.E. 99.995995835669095859694081845119% ^ 17'000 = 50.625%, or about 50/50.
AKA 226 lifetimes worth of time to have a 50/50 chance of death by firearm in the next year.


Peter Joseph & Abby Martin on Abolishing Capitalism

vil says...

Wow so confused and confusing. Nice pants. Horrible economics.

I used to live in a country with no advertising and marketing, where all IP belonged to the central planning commission. The result was no innovation, low productivity and periodically no toilet paper.

Very collaborative certainly, on the perfectly capitalist neo-liberal black market.

Can you Identify These Everyday Objects In Macro?

littlewoodenboy says...

Before I read the description I was thinking this is B.S. There is no lens that can do that. I was hoping that I was wrong, and was wondering how much one of my kidneys would bring on the black market.

John Oliver - Opioids

newtboy says...

The really shifty part is, now that there have been so many problems, people like me that need opioids to function now have to jump through numerous hoops to get the medications we need. In my case, my doctor retired and the office sent home a letter saying they'll keep me as a patient, but will no longer prescribe pain medications of any kind. I would just switch doctors, but we have a severe shortage here and waiting lists for doctors are 2-5 years long. As it stands, I'm not at all sure what to's as if they want me to buy pills on the black market.
I've been on opioid pain meds for 15 years (+-) and I've never abused them. Lucky for me, I hate how they make me feel if I take too much.

Shit.....Fucking Fuck...Fuck

bitterbug says...

It's almost as if you're ignoring that any single location with reasonable gun laws in the US is surrounded on all sides by easily available guns, driving a black market economy.

But obviously you wouldn't be doing that because you're not a useless troll, right?

Jerykk said:

Nonsense! If gun ownership is low, then obviously gun crime will be low too, right? Oh wait, D.C. has some of the lowest gun ownership rates in the country yet it somehow has the highest (by far) gun crime rates. Weird... it's almost as if criminals don't care about gun control and will obtain guns illegally!

Woman Refuses to Leave Uber Car

newtboy says...

1)Yes, but it's the recourse when your expectations aren't met that I'm discussing. Also, the base level of service is lower for Uber than a licensed taxi, no?

2)Yes, that's exactly what I mean...they aren't regulated taxis, they are basically operating illegally everywhere, but abused loopholes and used misrepresentation to gain a foothold, then grew too fast to control...or just were ignored until they took enough work from licensed taxi drivers, and now they're being considered 'too big to fail' and still allowed to operate in most places (not all). I would never use them for exactly that essentially black market taxis, I would expect little insurance against improper service or damage. It's not JUST the drivers, they also treat the rule of law with contempt. Why would one not expect them to treat customers with the same distain and carelessness?

ChaosEngine said:

1)Sorry, but no. There's still a base level of service to be expected.

2) I 100% disagree with this. Uber is a taxi service, just a really poorly run one. They've just started in my hometown and they are actually encouraging drivers to break the law. In NZ, you are legally required to have a passenger endorsement to carry passengers for profit, but Uber just told their drivers "eh, don't worry about it, you'll be sweet" and then left them twisting in the wind when the government went "er, no, we weren't fucking joking", and started clamping down.

Frankly, the more I learn about Uber, the less I am inclined to use their service. I like some of what they're doing, but it's complete bullshit they way they treat their drivers.

Vice - Cocaine & Crude


newtboy says...

What sucks ass is that because so many people DO abuse pain killers, it's becoming harder and harder to find a doctor that will prescribe them when they're needed and are the proper treatment out of a fear of being labeled a drug dealer.
My long term doctor just retired. I've been on heavy pain medications for over a decade for chronic back pain, and I have never abused them. The office has told me they have other doctors to take over his patients (lucky me, we have a severe doctor shortage here), but that they will NOT prescribe pain medication. This leaves me in a position where I've tried almost every non-medicinal treatment (PT, acupressure, acupuncture, chiropractors, heat, cold, etc) to no effect and I'm about to be deprived of the one treatment that works to make life bearable for me because other people abuse it.
It's like they are TRYING to force me (and others) to move to the black market and take more dangerous street drugs because some people do that after taking prescriptions.
That sucks ass.

Side note, I'm also a legal medical marijuana patient. That may have something to do with my not ever abusing my medications.

The State Of Gun Violence In The US - Vox

poolcleaner says...

Damn, if the Netherlands and Denmark had guns, they'd be killing motherfuckers left and right. You crazy ass sons of bitches. Prices on the black market must be steep.

How to DMT

newtboy says...

Good read.

That's kind of the 'permanent damage' I meant, but I'm really thinking of the reverse from what they focused on. They were mostly talking about positive mental changes (more 'openness') that were lasting or permanent, I was thinking about the negative mental changes that can happen after a 'bad trip', like fear, anxiety, and distress, which can also be long lasting or permanent. I was also thinking about people who's brain chemistry is just not compatible with DMT (or whatever it might be cut with if bought on the black market) who might have physical, brain chemistry issues exacerbated or caused outright.

I'm also partially thinking of those who commit suicide either during or after taking DMT. That's pretty permanent.

enoch said:

interesting read.
they are finally researching the therapeutic benefits of psychedelics.
so when newt talks about possible permanent damage,this is what i think he is referring.

How to DMT

shagen454 says...

We arrive at the same conversation, have you actually done it? I seem to remember you saying that you did something but you did not even know what it was but you *thought* it was DMT. That is horrendously irresponsible - and I feel for you, for real

No one can say anything about this experience until they have done it. Just like ayahuasca that contains DMT - I did it for the first time a couple of months ago and it was nothing like smoked DMT, I could hardly tell they were similar substances. Except, it taught me what I was supposed to know and not what I anticipated - and yes, I would say it was awesome/scary but I was able to deal. Some people lost their shit, but that is also a part of the experience, for experience, for personal growth.

Which leads into - it can be a black market drug but that is exactly why he suggested - research and extract your own. The government can not make DMT plants completely illegal because those plants are everywhere, so this is a "drug" that is never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever going away - or at least until the Earth goes through some sort of cataclysm. I'm pretty sure nature had a reason for it being so prevalent throughout it.

DMT is not dangerous. If you have a bad episode make sure you have a benzo on hand. But, if you are a studious psychedelic user you would already know this.

As to quantum mechanics and shit - yeah he probably should have stopped there. It's beyond anything anyone could possibly imagine so what's the point in describing something no one understands and can only be experienced at this point? Well, at least I've learned that trying to describe it to closed-minded manimals

Just for good measure though - I would say that, yes it is indeed more extreme than anything else you're likely to experience while you're alive. So, be fucking careful and do lot's of research.

newtboy said:

The best way to reduce risk from taking, or getting caught with DMT is to not do it.

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