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Maddow: O'Reilly's Attacks Fall to Facts

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'rachel maddow, bill oreilly, race, fox news' to 'rachel maddow, bill oreilly, race, fox news, bullpucky' - edited by doogle

Little Bill O'Reilly

Little Bill O'Reilly

Little Bill O'Reilly

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

What Jon Stewart really said at Fox-news

laura (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

Be careful. Motivation can be like heroine. Always seeking your next fix. Justifying your insecurities and fear of failure with needing more motivation before you get started or to keep on going. Just do. Nike says it best: Just Do It. I know it didn't work out for Tiger Woods, so much, but I think it applies in your case.

In reply to this comment by laura:
ok, so I just finished reading "Running With Scissors" on my new Kindle. I wasn't disturbed or shocked...I thought he handled everything pretty well, considering. Every time I read one of these things I'm more tempted to write my story...need more motivation, got any more recommendations?

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
I thought I was unshockable after I read that book too, then I followed Manson's book with "Running with Scissors" which disturbed me a lot more than Manson's book

In reply to this comment by laura:
Yeah, I was given it as a gift, lent it to someone, never got it back, bought another one...repeat three times. It's that engrossing. Plus, I learned from that book that I'm a lot naughtier than I thought...
I couldn't be shocked, I tell you.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
I love that book. A friend loaned it to me one day and I just casually opened it up to check out how it was written. It sucked me in instantly and it just got better.

In reply to this comment by laura:
Read his book The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell.
I think Bill O'Reily should stick to interviewing people within the reality realm of his understanding.
MM handles these things soooooooo well. I am not such a huge fan of his music, but I am a huge fan of him.

rottenseed (Member Profile)

laura says...

ok, so I just finished reading "Running With Scissors" on my new Kindle. I wasn't disturbed or shocked...I thought he handled everything pretty well, considering. Every time I read one of these things I'm more tempted to write my story...need more motivation, got any more recommendations?

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
I thought I was unshockable after I read that book too, then I followed Manson's book with "Running with Scissors" which disturbed me a lot more than Manson's book

In reply to this comment by laura:
Yeah, I was given it as a gift, lent it to someone, never got it back, bought another one...repeat three times. It's that engrossing. Plus, I learned from that book that I'm a lot naughtier than I thought...
I couldn't be shocked, I tell you.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
I love that book. A friend loaned it to me one day and I just casually opened it up to check out how it was written. It sucked me in instantly and it just got better.

In reply to this comment by laura:
Read his book The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell.
I think Bill O'Reily should stick to interviewing people within the reality realm of his understanding.
MM handles these things soooooooo well. I am not such a huge fan of his music, but I am a huge fan of him.

Bill O'Reilly Is Very Mad At Newsweek

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Bill, OReilly, mad, Newsweek, media, corruption, Fox, Palin, moron, conservatives' to 'mad, Newsweek, media, corruption, Fox, Palin, moron, conservatives, pot, kettle' - edited by xxovercastxx

Bill O' Reilly Angry Techno Remix

Bill O' Reilly Angry Techno Remix

The O'Reilly Guilt Trip

Ornthoron says...

Heh, you beat me by only a couple of minutes

Gawker has a good analysis of what Walsh did right here. It basically comes down to this:

"- Remain calm.
- Finish your sentences, even if O'Reilly interrupts you.
- Do your research and form your soundbites ahead of time.
- Don't raise your voice higher than Bills, or get more emotional. This way, he looks like the crazy one, as nature intended.
- Leave no charge unanswered, even if it sounds absurd. Especially if it sounds absurd."

Bill O'Reilly Goes After 'David After Dentist' Video

Dawkins VS O'Reilly

Dawkins VS O'Reilly

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