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Planet and Star Size Comparison in HD

dannym3141 says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
Does anyone else find it funny that the biggest known object in the universe is named 'big dog' (in Latin)?

That's like saying "Isn't it funny that the first ever BATTLE took place in a town called BATTLE? What a coincidence!"

As though they pull names out of a hat and they pull out one that translates to "little penis" and go "oh well, the hat never lies". They called it big dog.

But also, it's the largest known star, i don't think it's the largest known object. That title goes to a very large blob of gases and stars.

Planet and Star Size Comparison in HD

Republicans Really Understand Climate Change

Ideas for Kids Star Wars Party! (Kids Talk Post)

NeuralNoise says...

If there are any siblings, make them kiss each other! Classic SW

They could duel and whoever shoots first, is Han Solo!

"The jar-jar binks award for most annoying kid"!

Do you have a big dog? if you don´t, rent one and have Chewie rides.

I like the vader-choke idea, but add some invisible string.

Gungan Breath-holding contest on a bucket!

(what a fun party...)

ergenberger (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

Really well said. Truly insightful.

In reply to this comment by ergenberger:
Assholes' one of the many hats any human should become comfortable wearing in this life filled with a variety of chapeau, each suited for whatever occaisio is necessary- If one travels tunnels they may burn out, fade away, or remain blind in their dissolution, desolation, and desperation-

Perhaps "working well with others" should be qualified: Others who are able to hang with the big dogs without whimpering or crying foul, when their defective comfort zones are breached by having their minds chalenged-

action/reaction, is for knuckle-draggers-
Action/response, and that proper response according to right livelihood and a solid moral compass, well....that's rare in the land of programmed monkeys.

I'm an asshole... (Blog Entry by rottenseed)

ergenberger says...

Assholes' one of the many hats any human should become comfortable wearing in this life filled with a variety of chapeau, each suited for whatever occaisio is necessary- If one travels tunnels they may burn out, fade away, or remain blind in their dissolution, desolation, and desperation-

Perhaps "working well with others" should be qualified: Others who are able to hang with the big dogs without whimpering or crying foul, when their defective comfort zones are breached by having their minds chalenged-

action/reaction, is for knuckle-draggers-
Action/response, and that proper response according to right livelihood and a solid moral compass, well....that's rare in the land of programmed monkeys.

Boston Dynamics Big Dog

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'darpa, military, bigdog, big dog, bostondynamics, robot, scary' to 'darpa, military, bigdog, big dog, bostondynamics, robot, scary, skynet' - edited by kulpims

The Biggest Star Known to Man

silvercord says...

Maybe this will help:

The Sun: It is one million times the size of Earth. If the earth were the size of a golf ball, the sun would be 15 feet in diameter.

2. Betelegeuse: It is twice the size of the earth’s orbit around the sun. If the earth were the size of a golf ball, Betelgeuse would be the height of six Empire State Buildings stacked on top of one another. 262 trillion earths can fit inside this star.

3. Mu Cephei: It is 3,000 light years away. If the earth were the size of a golf ball, Mu Cephei would be the width of two Golden Gate Bridges from end to end. 2.7 quadrillion earths can fit inside of this star.

How can you define quadrillion?
1 million seconds ago = 12 days ago
1 billion seconds ago = 1975
1 trillion seconds ago = 29,700 B.C.
1 quadrillion seconds ago = 30,800,000 years ago

4. Canus Majorus (the Big Dog star): If the earth were the size of a golf ball, Canus Majorus would be the height of Mount Everest. SEVEN quadrillion earths can fit inside of this star. That number would cover the state of Texas 22 inches deep in golf balls.

(From a talk by Louis Giglio)

dag (Member Profile)

CaptWillard (Member Profile)

Kitten sez, "Bring it on down nah!"

Lost Cop Shoots Puppy On Private Property In Oklahoma

punisher says...

>> ^SSIops:
"He is a Police Officer, not a vet.... Perhaps he has no idea what breed that is and wether it is an agressive breed or not. The dog was running at him and he had no idea."
Regardless of any animal training the officer had, he was completely out of line. I would argue he did nothing illegal as an officer, but what he did was completely wrong. The dog was running but if you watch the video, you'll see the dog ran to the side of the officer, not AT him as he shot the dog. And why did he use a gun anyway? Doesn't an officer have a tazer and mace equipped when less-than-lethal force is more suitable? Heck, he can even use his foot to push the dog away.
I wish the video wasn't played in slomotion, then we could get a more accurate representation of how the incident happened. Sound would have been nice. Was the dog barking or growling menacingly? The officer appears to have had plenty of time to get to his vehicle. you can see he made no effort whatsoever to retreat to his vehicle and immediately drew his gun instead. His entire motion is smooth, calm, and calculated, not that of a person who "feared for his life".
I'd even bet that he had direct line of sight of the dog when he exited his vehicle, and a lot of dogs out in the country aren't on leashes. With that knowledge, he should have been prepared. Although perhaps he was prepared. I imagine he thought,"If that dog gets close to me, I'm going to shoot it".
Spontaneous as the situation may have developed, the shooting looks pre-meditated to me.

1) Dog running to the side: To be honest, I can't tell if the dog is actually running to the side or if the motions of the officer backing away and shooting the dog caused it to look that way. For the sake of argument, let's say it is running to the side. Its path would have been VERY close to the officer. Looking at my timeline above, the officer had about 5 SECONDS to calculate the path of the dog to determine if it was going at him or too the side of him. Somehow I doubt he is a physics expert and could calulate that in the time alloted.

2) Tazer/Mace: We do not know what he was equipped with. Not all officers have tasers and mace, although mace is becoming more common. However, assuming he has mace, it has been shown in studies that it is not always effective on animals (or humans for that matter). As far his foot, again for the sake of argument, assume that the dog WAS attacking him. Your foot isn't going to do much except get bit.

3) plenty of time to get in car: Again look at the timeline. The whole thing from getting out of car to shooting dog took about 7-8 SECONDS and it really does look like he is urprised by the dog when he reaches the front of the car which gives him about 5 SECONDS to get back in. Not plenty of time by any means. He did start to back away towards the car but there wasn't enought time... As for telling his buddy to stay in the car, he tells him to do so before he starts walking towards the front of the car/house. Generally ride-alongs will stay in the car, so he was probably just reminding him.

4) His entire motion is smooth, calm, and calculated, not that of a person who "feared for his life": I should hope that he was calm. a person with a firearm who is panicking is much more dangerous then one who is calm.

5) line of sight on the dog: Unfortunately, the dog is off camera in the beginning. Maybe the dog was sitting next to the owner on the porch and the officer thought he was leashed? Maybe the dog was in the house and came running through a doggie door?

6) Spontaneous as the situation may have developed, the shooting looks pre-meditated to me: I think this is a ridiculous statement. What possible reason would the officer have to do this? Contrary to popular opinion, all police officers aren't out there gunning for action. They have a thankless job that only gets attention when something goes wrong.

For the people saying what is the worst that could happen? Go Google Dog Bites and look at some of the injuries images. If you have a big dog running at you and it hits you and takes you down, it can do some serious damage.

From the sound of some people here, maybe it would be better if there was no law enforement what so ever and if you get robbed, assaulted, raped, etc... tough s**t for you? As someone mentioned, noone forced them to take this job, so I guess that means that we should not be thinkful that someone stepped up and did take it. The line from Demi Moore in A Few Good Men sums it up pretty much when she explains why she likes the marines so much. (I can't remember the exact quote)

Chihuahua vs Doberman

jmd says...

I rarly find chihuahuas cute, but this ones adorable. I love how the doberman calmly and using only a little movement picked up the toy when the chihuahua moved closer. Damn the big dog allways keeping the little dogs down.

Hillary's Speech @ DNCC '08

volumptuous says...

I thought this was a pretty crappy speech. Too tailored and rehearsed for the moment. Very static, linear, and robotic.

She barely hit McCain, so hopefully tonight the Big Dog's (Bill and Biden) will smash him over the head with their oratorical prowess. (that sounded dirty)

Fearless tiny puppy!

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