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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ooofff….$370 million is now what NY wants from Trump….and ending all his crime family’s business in the state forever.
What do you want to bet he doesn’t actually have that much?
No wonder the next Carrol case is making him shit his diapers even more than usual…she’s got the same expert witness that got Freeman and Moss $150 million for defamation and may get a similar judgement….another he likely can’t pay.

And remember how he promised that if he found out a foreign nation had spent any money at a Trump business he would donate every dime to the treasury? Didn’t happen, he made hundreds of millions through his properties from foreign nations that we already knew about, like Saudis and Chinese renting out entire floors in his hotels they never occupied, and recently another $7.8 million of unreported direct payments from China and others was uncovered before Comer dropped the investigation after looking at just two years of Trump’s business records from only 4 of his properties! It’s a 100% certainty that there are many many more times that amount involved if looked at in full.
Every dollar is a constitutional violation, violating the emoluments clause, not that constitutional violations mean squat to MAGgots.
Every penny is exactly what he ACCUSES the Bidens of doing with no evidence. Watch, Republicans will oppose strengthening laws and penalties regarding officials or their families taking money from foreign governments despite all their pearl clutching about the Bidens, because every accusation is an admission. You idiots can apparently only think up crimes you are actually already committing. 🤦‍♂️

Weekend Update: Christmas Joke Swap 2023 - SNL

Officers Amazingly Keep Straight Faces During this Arrest

BSR says...

I would bet his parents are very rich. Just a hunch. I'm totally surprised the cop didn't give him a wedgie.

"I bought this entire car..."

Police Who Murder Man In Public On Camera Fired

newtboy says...

This fake preliminary coroner’s report had been debunked before trial, and was again thoroughly at trial. These people you are listening to just hope you are too dumb to remember or too racist to care. Which is it Bobby? My bet, both.

The murdering racist pig justifiably serving 22 1/2 years was just stuck like a pig in prison.

AP-“Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin who was convicted of murdering George Floyd was reportedly stabbed in prison. Prison employees had to perform “life saving measures” before he could be transferred to the hospital for treatment.”

bobknight33 said:

Innocent men framed

Failed Assassination Of Pelosi/Husband Attacked In Home

newtboy says...

Convicted on both federal counts. Facing 50 years, then state charges with another 50 year max.
Kidnapping or attempted kidnapping a federal officer to obstruct official duties and grievous injury and/or attack on spouse or family member of an elected official to obstruct their official duties.

Linked to MAGA by every word he’s ever said, every crazed far right MAGA conspiracy theory he screams is one that came directly from Don the Con’s mouth, including “Clinton and Pelosi spied on Trump”, his MAGA Qanon political leanings are public knowledge today….now proven in court.

Another MAGgot terrorist, now convicted. More convicted daily it seems, with the ringleader on the ropes with over 90 felony charges and untold numbers of civil cases against him and more investigations starting every week, this week Nevada started investigating his fake elector scheme in their state. 😂

He’s admitted he went there to kidnap Nancy and force her to make a public statement admitting that she and Hillary were the head of a Democratic crime syndicate that had been intentionally destroying America for their personal gain, and would kill her if she didn’t. Video of him breaking in has now been made public, including breaking the glass you said proved he didn’t break in. Even video of him beating Nancy’s husband has been released.
Every nonsensical insulting denial/lie you came up with has been completely debunked. You made yourself a liar and a completely gullible idiot believing the stupidest most blatant lies….again….and it’s been proven in court….again.
I would bet my life on the fact that you are still 100% incapable of admitting you got even a single detail insultingly wrong, much less admit the intentional insanity of the entirety of your claims, but that’s reality. You might visit some day.

It’s hilarious you outed the entire MEGA movement as fecalphiliacs.

bobknight33 said:

@newtboy Posing fake news.

Tell me about this "intruder" and how he is linked to MEGA or such.

Sure the report is slanted and indicated so but where is the proof?

When does an intruder brake glass "out" onto the outside?

Looks more like a lover spat gone horrible wrong.

No MEGA going on here.
Unless you are using MEGA as:
M Men
E Eating
G Gay

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. Trump, Barr, and likely Giuliani are now under subpoena in Hunter’s selectively prosecuted criminal case.
What do you want to bet they don’t show up and won’t produce documents?

😂 The ethics report on Santos is out. It reveals significant evidence that he not only lied about $750k in loans never paid to his campaign (but was reimbursed using political donations), but created shell companies and lied to fellow congressmen that they supplied political consulting to Trump (never saying he was sole owner and employee) then took their secret donations to Trump for his credit card bills and only-fans gay porn….and much much much more.
Quoted from the ethics committee report-
“The ISC’s investigation revealed a complex web of unlawful activity involving Representative Santos’ campaign, personal, and business finances. Representative Santos sought to fraudulently exploit every aspect of his house candidacy for his own personal financial profit.”
Republicans knew all this and much more when they recently voted to not remove or censure him.
He will be another albatross around your neck next election season….him, and the horrific Republican response to his criminality. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today it’s Mark Meadows. He’s already testified that he told Trump in no uncertain terms that there was no evidence of a stolen election, and all his different plans to steal it himself were highly illegal.

Trump immediately posted witness tampering statements, going after Meadows and Powell, thinking he can because one of his gag orders is suspended temporarily…but it’s still 100% illegal. 😂

😂 I bet you’re so gullible you believe Trump has, and will release next week, unseen new “numbers” finally proving his election fraud fraud because he said so. 😂

noims (Member Profile)

Birds Aren’t Real On Fox News

luxintenebris jokingly says...

Am neutral on this issue of robotic crows & such -but someone mentioned starlings.

Starlings are not natural.

1) The iridescent color is an illusion
2) They can and have spoken in English & other tongues
3) A pair raised a brood in a tree next to the house & rarely made noise

None of this is normal bird behavior.

1) am told their plumage (notably the ' iridescence') has no true pigment but the structure of their feathers. Could be that it's a cloaking device since we don't always see them around.

2) if they can speak in captivity, they must while in the flock, if only to keep their English (et al) sharp. it's proof that they hear and understand us. handy for data gathering.

3) Since the pair near us have raised littles & they only 'buzz' when ma or pa show up with Grub Hub - it suggests they are covert creatures. a trait common in spies. [also, mysteriously two of the house cats have gone missing just before they moved in.]

not saying ALL birds are bots - but if there is a place to start an investigation - Starlings are the best bet.

How do we know that they weren't behind this obvious attempt at propaganda. as if falling in love is akin to being in a murmuration...

Biden Smiden - investigate Starlings.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I’m going to guess you’ve heard the MAGA plan to get around Trump being banned from the ballot…just write him in.
I’m also going to guess you think it’s a great plan that will win him the presidency…because you like so many MAGgots can’t understand the clear wording in the constitution that bars him from OFFICE, not just the ballot. 😂

I just love hearing about MAGA thinking they’re smart. It always ends in hilarious disaster. More please.

Question….where’s your MAGA outrage about Enrique Tarrio getting 22 years for seditious conspiracy for directing the attacks on the Capitol on Jan 6?

Joe Biggs got 17 years and Dominic Pezolla got 10 for sedition and right wing social media lit up like a Xmas tree complaining how unfair it was, I bet Trump even made a statement about pardoning them (that’s another 14th amendment violation invalidating Trump), but for their dark skinned leader who wasn’t even present at Jan 6 (because he had been arrested for theft and arson of BLM property for stealing a banner from a church and burning it), for Enrique there’s silence…not angry crying and whining like the white guys got.
I wonder why? What’s different about Enrique from the other white defendants that would make his sentence acceptable to MAGA, even funny, while the others that actually committed the seditious violence got far less time and are considered martyrs and heroes?

BTW- it bears noting that the proud boys all refused plea deals that would have gotten them less than 1/2 the prison terms. 😂

What did he just say

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol…WOKE is dying as a slur. 😂

It’s not helping DeSantis screaming about woke everything every fourth word, and it’s hurting Florida terribly.
Not only has Disney cancelled well over a BILLION dollars of investments in Florida and decided not to create thousands of good paying jobs there (and beaten DeSantis in courts like a step child), tourism is falling, travel safety warnings growing daily, and at least 14 major conventions have cancelled citing a hostile political climate (like the Tom Joiner foundation (sports betting and online gambling), specialty toy retail association, research in vision and ophthalmology, and the national sales network conference…not liberal conferences, business conferences with tens of thousands of well off attendees now getting hotels and expensive meals in another state).

Florida, already over $24 BILLION IN DEBT (officially predicted to be over $30 billion by 2027) is losing three of its cash flow streams thanks to the undefined “war on woke” that has destroyed DeSantis’s campaign dreams. Not even most Republicans care about that stupid culture war “woke” nonsense, and those who do couldn’t tell you what it is if their lives depended on it. 😂

PS- now both kid Rock and Manly Greene have been caught selling or drinking the beer they both started a conservative boycott of, proving again your leaders (both cultural and political) don’t do or believe what they say….ever.

I guess Cheesebro’s attempt to separate his trial by demanding a speedy trial isn’t working as expected. 😂

Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond

newtboy says...

What a diverse crowd of middle age white fat Christian people he attracts.
I bet they think taxes should pay for their church events, not feeding the poor.
Look close, I see nothing else in that crowd but dumb overweight drunken white people. This is what you want America to be, it makes you so happy seeing all those beaming angry white faces together without any disgusting minorities dirtying it up, doesn’t it?

No surprise a racist drunk singing about how (too far left) Jebus is good and government/taxes are bad picked up by the extreme right at the top (who themselves are all rich men north of Richmond) and fed to you as an anthem gets lots of views. It doesn’t make it good music or a decent message, it’s just more MAGA whining that everything doesn’t go your way….waaah! A good whine attracts MAGA like moths to a flame by the millions.

BTW- BTS got 108 MILLION views in 24 hours since you think 27m views in 11 days is outstanding….for a right wing “artist” it is, for normal pop singers, it’s a fail.


bobknight33 said:

His vid has 27 M views in 11 days - outstanding

5 Facts About Trump’s Indictments

newtboy says...

Once again…”just wait until Monday, Trump will prove the election fraud and his innocence at a press conference, total exoneration”, (Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow….)
Trump claimed he was going to hold a press conference and show his huge conclusive report including the evidence proving the election was stolen from him before arraignment, which he said would end what you say are nonsense allegations and indictments…
…but now SURPRISE SURPRISE SURPRISE he won’t be holding that press conference, and won’t be releasing that report publicly but will withhold it for trial (sound familiar?).
He’s tried this exact same lie 70 times in court and lost every single time…but you’re sure it will work THIS TIME. 😂

So fun watching you rubes being insanely gullible AGAIN, still believing the guy who has NEVER told you the truth. The guy who has put everyone in his administration in serious legal jeopardy with his lies.
I bet you believe Trump, who is in fact a convicted rapist, liar, and fraud, who claims all the Jan 6 evidence has been destroyed despite it being publicly archived and listed in discovery in one of Trump’s trials and turned over to his team already.

It’s fun because everyone outside the cult sees it now, sees how ridiculous and dumb his lies (and yours) are…and his lies aren’t gaining him a single vote and won’t fly in court.
You are being played again.

bobknight33 said:

Fun watching the left being gullible. You are being played, again.

Let's talk about the Trump Georgia indictment contents....

bobknight33 says...

Triggered? Not in the least/

Nutboy. You are triggered Tool. Go sit in you little house and continue to believe that you are a big man.

Truth you truly have no grasp of reality. Yo drink your fake news as fast as you can. Hell you even go out of you way to prove your bigness. No on cares. You just a spect of dust.

I ignore you most day and toy you on other days.
I bet you still think Bidenomics is doing just fine. 3.5% of unemployment is great but thats all you see. Sad little man you are.

I see that we are getting close to a tipping point. It might take another 2 quarters, will see.

newtboy said:

Bwaaahahahaha! Really triggered today, aren’t we? 😂 keep those tears coming, so yummy.

Robert Gouveia Esq….😂 was he disbarred? His legal theories are INSANE. I’ve told you before, you need to learn to vet sources, not just listen to failed lawyers that now run a YouTube propaganda channel from mommy’s basement. I looked at his videos, he’s an absolute nutjob and liar that makes up the most insulting lies and feeds them to you.….just your speed. No wonder you believe such stupid nonsense constantly, looking at his videos if you believe him reality suddenly makes no sense at all. Holy sheep shit, you can’t figure out he’s a nut just from his previous videos? 😂 SUCKER! You’ll buy any stupid lie from the stupidest liars, won’t you. 🤦‍♂️

That’s the best response you’ve got. Someone in the office typed up the expected indictment and accidentally posted their copy for a moment instead of hitting “save” shortly before the grand jury was finished!? ROTFLMFAHS!! You should just stop trying, bewby. More grasping at nothingburgers….how’s that working out for you? 😂

Nice that even you have admitted that at least SOME of the serious anti American vote fraud charges against the rapist Trump are warranted (if only most are only “probably just BS to rack up numbers for fools like you to drink up.”, then even in your damaged mind some are not BS). I remind you, if only ONE is proven, Trump the rapist is going to prison and will die there….but hide and watch, all will be proven. There’s no doubt at all that they did the crimes, it’s all on video, and thanks to RICO, that’s it, all guilty. 😂

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