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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

32 domains spoofing real media outlets taken down by the DOJ for being Russian propaganda outlets pretending to be known American news organizations…over 600 MAGA social media influencers involved…that’s pretty much all of them….every single right wing media outlet has used them as sources.
I call you a Putin puppet because you and MAGA are Putin puppets.

Also, another one…. Pennsylvania resident, Justin Mohn beheaded his father last year because he was a federal employee and Mohn needed to “take his country back” from the federal government that had destroyed America, and he rattled off MAGA conspiracy theories following a recent hearing for the case and in his post murder video manifesto. After the murder he posted a “call to arms for American patriots” calling for the kidnap and murder of federal employees and judges and overthrow the government. He was caught after breaking onto an army base.
It’s always a maga nut, even when attacking the big guy.


newtboy says...

For @BSR -

Ossifragant- literally bone breaking “ The fierce, ossifragant force of Humbaba's blows would have hurt any men but Enkidu and Gilgamesh…”

Internecine - destructive to both sides in a conflict “indiscriminate biological warfare is internecine”

discontiguity- the quality of being discontiguous (disconnected or without contact) “after the beheading, he lived temporarily in a state of discontiguity “

BSR (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Sometimes to cross that bridge, there's no other choice but to behead the troll first. That's why so few bridges still have trolls today.

What do you mean there's no such thing as trolls?! Then how do you explain all the dead unicorns?

Learn?! You really think he's capable?

Remember, Moby Dick wasn't blameless. If he had just returned the leg he stole maybe he wouldn't have ended up so perforated, but his raison d'etre was triggering Ahab, and no amount of harpooning was going to dissuade him from trolling and no argument, no matter how unassailable and reasoned, could dissuade Ahab from his vendetta.

BSR said:

I know exactly how you feel.

The damage is being done to YOU.

Let him go. Let him do what he needs to do. Just don't let him manipulate you into what you are becoming.

Just know there are people on your side. I am one of them. You won't change him. He will only give you his fears and anger and frustrations and rob you of your happiness. Don't accept it.

Let him go knowing that he has to do what he needs to do until it comes back on him. He is in charge of his life and you are in charge of yours. It's not worth giving up your happiness or your time if he won't listen or just can't hear you to begin with. Let him fall. That's how he will learn.

Focus your attention on those that want and need you.

Share your happiness. Don't waste it. Not even a minute.

Sesame Street: Respect is Coming

Many will die shortly

BSR says...

VideoSift blurs the definition of "snuff" for whatever reason. Snuff is murder. Dying in a car "accident" is not snuff, murder.

I could put a slow motion close up video of ISIS shooting someone in the head and make it a documentary but I doubt it would stay up very long. And yes, that is a real video.

Recently there was a video of two young women who were beheaded in Morocco. That video will stay with you for a long time.

This was a recording of a homicide that was sent to the families of the victims. Had they distributed it to be sold as entertainment that would make it a snuff film.

I had to look very hard to find the people in this video. It's sad but it is not gore or murder.

I also doubt someone created the landslide in an attempt to kill people and film it for the sole purpose of selling it to those that buy it just to make them breath heavy.

eric3579 said:

See #3

I however think removal of a video like this is a bit much (personal opinion).

Zombie Fish Refuses to Give up even without Head

How Many Countries is the U.S. Currently Bombing?

transmorpher says...

Quote from the YT comments I found myself agreeing with:

"Here's a few things the US forces aren't doing: Burning people alive for witchcraft, keeping sex slaves, beheading journalists, kidnapping people for ransom, forcing 1/2 of the population to cover their bodies and effectively live in bags, denying education to women, throwing homosexuals off buildings, burying people so only their head is exposed and stoning them for adultery, suicide bombing their own children to get to one US soldier, denying that the holocaust existed, and the list goes on. All of the horrible things I've listed are however practiced by the people that the US, and allied nations are fighting. So my questions are:1. Why are we holding the US army to such a high moral standard, yet we give a free pass to enemies, who are doing far, far, far worse, with the only thing stopping them from doing even worse being that they aren't as well equipped or trained as the US armed forces. If we are appalled at what the allied armies are doing, then we should be doubly appalled at what the other side is doing. Otherwise we have a double standard. 2.Why did this video single out the US? When quite a lot of the western world is involved in these conflicts. This is why I stopped being a leftie. Because the left is regressing. The leftists are targeting the high end of morality instead of trying to establishing a baseline of ethical behavior which to work from."

URGENT: MSM Syria Lies NEED TO BE EXPOSED...Before It's Too

bcglorf says...

I know it's a bit of a cliche to say it, but this whole video is just so much Russian propaganda. Right from the very first story 'ignored' by the MSM, you have the very same day coverage by the BBC here:

The only difference is that the BBC coverage has some details that the video's source leaves out, like that the Free Syrian Army condemned the beheading and was seeking to punish those responsible.

There is absolutely zero question that Syria is currently a war zone, with Russian jets dropping Russian made bombs on Syrian civilians. There is overwhelming evidence that chemical weapons have been deployed by BOTH ISIL and the Syrian government.

I'm not really sorry if it seems like the MSM is drawing a picture that makes the Assad regime look like bad guys. The reality is that the FACTS make the Assad regime bad guys. That doesn't make ISIL good guys because they are fighting Assad, criminals try and kill each other all the time and that's what's happening. The really troubling aspect is there exist plenty of Syrian people in the region who legitimately wanted an end to Assad's dictatorship and started a legitimated rebellion and have been almost completely cut out and killed off by both Assad and ISIL. If you've been paying attention, Russian bombing strikes focus heavily on the NON-ISIS rebels because they have legitimacy and thus need to die first.

Trump Praises Saddam

Lawdeedaw says...

Not to poke or prod, but then what would you do to stabilize the country? His fear only worked if he killed harmless civilians, otherwise it wouldn't work at all. It's an all or nothing there.

The democratic government, hardly a corrupt government as the media would have you believe, is actually worse by far now than when Saddam was in power. (Yeah, that's hard to believe...but with the mass terror attacks, beheadings, raping of the Yazidi, unpredictable poverty, and the crime by non-terrorists, it is...) So with wholehearted empathy, I ask again. What would you do to help this even-worse situation?

bcglorf said:

There aren't even words.

Saddam was a bad guy is absolutely the most ignorant remark you can make. Were Stalin, Hitler and Mao simply 'bad' guys? Saddam committed multiple genocides against his own people. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians killed not as collateral damage, but systematically. The remaining widows were systematically raped to impregnate the Kurdish women with half-Arab children and breed the Kurds out of existence. If that's not enough, Saddam invaded and seized Kuwait and declared a part of Iraq. In the Iran-Iraq war, he made extensive use of banned chemical and biological weapons against Iranian forces, before turning them on Kurdish Iraqi's as well. Anybody content to just call that 'bad' behaviour is morally bankrupt.

Oh, but along the way Saddam brutally murdered anybody that spoke out against him, or had their daughters raped or their families otherwise held hostage or also killed. More over, because Saddam classed these people as 'terrorists', clearly we should take him at his word. In that one sense, yes, Saddam was effective at killing and pacifying the people he counted as 'terrorists'. That of course is missing the fact that Saddam was the singularly most terrifying monster in the entire Middle East at the time.

Russell Howard On Jesus

transmorpher says...

Stuart Lee is exactly the thing I'm talking about. I'm not saying that you SHOULD make fun of muslims or islam just to arbitrarily balance things out. I'm saying that you simply can't, or else.

Because when someone makes a joke or a cartoon, people get beheaded, cartoonists get shot with AK-47's, riots ensue, and clerics wish death on people. And at the very least people start yelling "racist".

I don't agree that the clip I've posted is satirizing the situation. He's pointing out that he knows what would happen if he did make a joke about it. The joke being "I'm not that stupid to do that".

ChaosEngine said:

Maybe you're terrified. I'm really not that concerned and the clip you posted is actually satirising that very attitude.

I accidentally posted the wrong Dara O'Briain clip, but please watch the edited one (it's very funny and relevant).

Here's Stewart Lee on the same topic

Ken Burns slams Trump in Stanford Commencement

bareboards2 says...


Whoa. Hyberbole much?

Beheading hundreds of thousands? That is factually untrue.

So. At this point, I need to bow out of this back and forth. This isn't a serious conversation.

And that's "ma'am", by the way. This photo is of my father, who died last year. I like this photo. It makes me smile.

Ken Burns slams Trump in Stanford Commencement

Syntaxed says...

The persecution of others to the exclusion of all but the primary religion is a tact shared with many major religions, and yes, Christianity has left its scorching mark upon humanity as a terrifying blot.

However, it is not, on this day, nor in these recent years, the acts of Christians, or Catholics that most burns a hole in our hearts and minds. Indeed, it is the acts of Radical Islamism, which is no more than a literal taking of their Koran brought to life by hate and malice.

And no, Islam is not a religion of peace, neither is Christainity-based religions for that matter. It is a matter of choice, and now, it is the choice of these Muslims, being great in number at this point in the Human Timeline, to continue the exploitation and caging of Women as sex slaves, to behead hundreds of thousands in the name of their God, and to spread their holy war to every corner of the globe until all is ruled by Islam.

That is fact, sir, as they(ISIS) have stated, as they show their brand of religion to state, as they act, and chose to carry forth action.

Sir, yes, all religions have committed to horrible deeds, but, it is always the purview of those of us that realize this to deny the growth of violence-via-religion, and now, in this day and age, that primary religion which we must stop from continuing violence is radicalized Islam.

bareboards2 said:

So you do now see why I thought you were calling him an immigrant? It certainly reads that way. Glad to know you didn't mean it.

As for killing gays in the name of Allah -- turns out not so much, now that reporting and information gathering has had time to happen.

A man who lives in America, being told on all sides that being gay is an abomination and sinful -- by some Christians, Muslims, good lord how many different sources -- who hangs out in gay bars in what pit of self-loathing because of the messages he received during his life....

A perfect case of internalized homophobia. Do a google search to find out how many of the most virulently anti-gay people turn out to actually be gay.

When this first happened, my first thought was to go up those who say gay people are sinners, take them by their lapels, look them in their eyes and say, "The blood of these people is on your hands. Your attacks on the humanity of these people who were made as God made them, have led to this horrific event."

So a hint back at you -- it isn't just sharia law that led to this. It is old fashioned religious bigotry and fear of the "other" -- very few religions are free from this crap. Certainly not Christianity. Westboro Baptist Church ring a bell?

Donald Trump is unfit for the office of the Presidency of the United States of America. This is a fact.

Camel Flings Man by the Head

SDGundamX says...


Oh, absolutely, the video is poorly titled. I'll give you that.

But everything else you wrote is, for lack of a better term, uninformed.

Certainly commercial meat suppliers in first world countries like the U.S. have bowed to the "politically correct" demands of PETA to "humanely" kill animals. Poultry are knocked unconscious (with electric shocks) before having their throats slit while larger animals like cows are killed with a single shot to the head. Concern with how "humanely" the animals are killed is rather comical given the conditions under which most commercial animals are bred and raised, but that's an issue for another thread.

Now, if you think stuff like this video doesn't happen in places like the U.S. I'm gonna guess you don't realize what happens on typical farms where people raise livestock for their dinner table as opposed to commercial sale. People kill animals exactly in this and similar ways--slitting their throats, beheading them with axes, grabbing poultry by the head and breaking their necks, etc. Don't believe me? Check out this thread on how to kill a chicken. What happens in this video happens across first world countries, including the U.S., on a daily basis. Your shock comes from the fact that modern society has insulated you from the killing by hiding it from you.

Now, the people in this video are probably not living in a first world country, and we've already established that even if they were the animal would likely be butchered in a similar way if it is being prepared for personal use as opposed to commercial sale. They're most likely doing it the way it's been done there for hundreds if not thousands of years using the tools available to them to get the job done. Slashing the carotid artery is the fastest and most painless way (compared to other methods) to kill the camel. I can't think of a faster or more painless way other than shooting it in the head (which still risks ricochets and assumes personal gun ownership is legal in the country where this is happening).

Camel Flings Man by the Head

newtboy says...

Or perhaps it's shocking because
1)there was no warning it would be a video of a vivisection/live semi-decapitation, but instead STILL HAS a title that implies a playful toss of a man by a camel and,
2)it was a vivisection as much as a butchering, and not at all the way animals are butchered in first world countries because we find it disgusting to see a terrified animal tied to a tree and have it's throat cut so it can bleed out slowly while conscious and aware it's being killed. I don't think a near beheading is the way it's normally done, more like a poke into the jugulars that drains the blood without the animal even knowing it's happening.
It had absolutely nothing to do with it being a camel, it was about an animal being killed in a terrifying looking way without any warning in the title.
*horror show

SDGundamX said:

This video shouldn't be shocking and probably the reason it is to you is that 1) you never thought to eat a camel since you grew up in a country where that wasn't common and/or 2) you've forgotten that animals actually have to be butchered before showing up on your local grocery store shelf and/or 3) you've chosen to be vegetarian (good on you) but forgotten that a large number of other people have chosen to embrace their omnivorism.

Camel Flings Man by the Head

newtboy says...

There, and also we differ in the fact that I would never post a distressing video like that without a strong warning that it starts off with a camel who's just had it's throat sliced open brutally and obviously with no thought for it's pain or fear, and I certainly would never title it in a way that implies you'll see the opposite...a healthy camel almost beheading (really just tossing by the head) a man...that's another place we differ.

When I'm tricked into thinking I'll see a video of a camel assaulting a human, and instead I'm assaulted with images of people being douchebag humans to animals, my patience goes right out the window. It's why the Humane Society will never get a dime from me, even though I think they do good work, they're douchebags that inflict intentional emotional distress in an effort to gain support. I'll rail against that every time I think I see it.

EDIT: How about just add "1/2 butchered" to the beginning of your title, that'll stop any further complaints I think.

Lawdeedaw said:

I noticed. I wouldn't guess you would downvote it for it's content, which is that people who fuck with nature often get fucked back. Of course you could have just said so before casting a permanent vote, as I did just recently when someone posted a video and labeled it incorrectly, but then I guess that is where me and you differ.

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