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13404 (Member Profile)

mintbbb says...

Thanks =) and I'll check that video out when I am back home (Wednesday night) and have a better computer.

The music, I though people mentioned in the comments. Something from Battlestar Galactica I think. You could also ask NetRunner (my hubby), I am pretty sure he knows what it is , or where it is from =)

In reply to this comment by Kilgore661:
I love "Saturn V rocket launch". Have you seen the ultra-slow motion shot of a match being lit in Bronowski's Ascent of Man?

Please, please, tell me: what is the music in the Saturn vid?

The Hour: Katee Sackhoff (Battlestar Galactica)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'hour, cbc, Katee Sackhoff, Battlestar Galactica, George Stroumboulopoulos' to 'hour, cbc, Katee Sackhoff, Starbuck, Battlestar Galactica, George Stroumboulopoulos' - edited by calvados

Eagle Eye: dumbshit pie (spoilers ahead) (Blog Entry by dag)

gorgonheap says...

It seems like TV has had some good sci-fi series in the past decade; (Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, to name a few). But really it takes another Kubrick, Hitchcock, or Speilberg. Someone who is a master of their directing element. There just isn't a good Sci-fi director out there right now.

Plus the Sci-fi era of film has ended. Heck in the 70's and 80's there were countless numbers of sci-fi 'B' movies. Out of the many there were a few gems. But now days sci-fi is passe, and the only directors that will take it on are the ones who have producers with deep pockets and an endless supply of crappy scripts.

Here is my prediction for the next crappy sci-fi:

Klingon vs. Wookiee. It's like AVP except more explosions.

Saturn V rocket launch - ultra slow motion

jwray (Member Profile)

Women and VideoSift: Why I'm a feminist. Guys, I quoted you. (Terrible Talk Post)

Doc_M says...

etc.etc....But the discussion - is there anything to discuss with a bunch of pigs? No. Form intelligent discussion, please.

I believe you may be confusing irreverent, ironic humor with sexism.
Frankie says relax.

Anyway, it isn't true at all that there are few movies with female leads. There are loads of them... they just are often geared toward women and men have little interest in their subject matter, so we don't go and see them. Removing half the entire potential viewer-base will sink most movies.
Action movies tend to focus on male main characters more than female, at least in the past. They're shifting toward more balance these days since a badass woman can be ... awesome. Action movies were/are geared toward male viewers and thus have male leads. Men tend to watch more movies than women in general so movies geared toward men [or toward both men and women, or neither] tend to be blockbusters. In addition, men are by definition, in general masculine. When a woman takes a lead role in an action film (with marvel as one of many exceptions), she is typically masculinized (if that were a word) to fit the requirements of the role. The Alien series is an exception and an example of this. The first two movies essentially show her as a feminine, but resourceful woman. The fourth? Yep, she's a man. I don't acknowledge the existence of the third.

Anyway, if you haven't seen a movie with a female lead, you're not watching any movies. There are TONS of strong female characters in countless movies. Perhaps you're choosing the wrong ones. Try the Alien series, X-men, the Fantastic Four, The Incredibles... All "action movies," all with strong female leads.

On TV: Heroes, Lost, Battlestar Galactica, Smallville, 30 Rock, Stargate/Stargate Atlantis, Firefly, EVERY Star Trek series except the first one, Babylon 5... ... ... ...........
This list would get longer than I have energy to type; you get the picture.

All these are shows with STRONG female characters in leading roles. It may be that men say [amongst other things] that they're hot, but heck, so what. If we weren't attracted to women, it'd be the freakin end of the species.

Homeworld 2 - The Inspiration for Battle Star Galactica?

Chuck in Training -- A NBC Promotion/Promo.

calvados (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Well I'm a VERY stiff, formal, humorless prick. Even this dude told me to lighten up.

So call it.

In reply to this comment by calvados:
Actually that's more formal / French-from-France. In Quebec you'd say "bienvenue"

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
De rien. That's how you Canadian Francophones say it, n'est-ce pas?

In reply to this comment by calvados:
Thanks for the promo KP!

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

calvados (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

Homeworld 2 - The Inspiration for Battle Star Galactica?

Man Against Machine

Xax says...

I hadn't heard of this speech until I heard the nearly identical one that Tyrol made in Battlestar Galactica (apparently with the blessing of Mario Savio's widow).

When it comes to spaceships, size matters. (Scifi Talk Post)

EDD says...

I must have grabbed the wrong link; anyway, this is what I wanted to quote:

>> ^joedirt:
The main, original site with size comparisions is
I found it a long time ago. And trekkie only stuff is here

>> ^gorgonheap:
>> ^EDD:
Ah, well... This has been on here before -

Not really the same thing but another good resource.

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