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My literary taste brings all the boys to the yard. (Geek Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

I have to give two lists!

David Bodanis - E=MC2
Kerry Mulis - Dancing Naked in the Mind Field
Richard P Fynman - Pleasure of Finding Things Out
Richard P Fynman - The Meaning of it All
Paul Coelho - The Alchemist
Depak Chopra - The Way of the Wizard
Ralph Mayer - Artist’s Handbook
Dennis Willium Hauck - The Emerald Tablet
Janet Gleeson - The Arcanum
Will Durant - The Greatest Minds and Ideas of All Time

Clive Barker - Imagica
David Farland - Runelords
Dan Millman - Way of the the Peaceful Warrior
Frank Hurbert - Dune
John Fowles - The Magus
Alexander Dumas - The Count of Monte Cristo
L Ron Hubbard - Battlefield Earth
Jack L Chalker - Lilith: A snake in the grass
Jacqueline Carey - Kushiel’s Dart
Jack Kerouac - On the Road

James Randi exposes James Hydrick (telekinesis)

Siftquisition of Member BillOreilly (Siftquisition by blankfist)

Nightbreed Trailer

ponceleon says...

You know, I kind of feel like Clive Barker movies have like one cool thing about them and are utter shit aside from that. This one for example: David Cronenburg is awesome, the rest of the movie is embarrassingly written.

When you think of a movie like Pan's Labyrinth and the amazing creativity of the creatures there, I really just shudder at the stupid "monsters" in this movie. Porcupine woman? Really? She shoots quills... you don't say.

Edit: Upvote, because I actually do enjoy bad movies almost as much as good movies.

First Contestant to Win Both Showcases Since 1972

Bill Donohue thinks Dan Barker is the devil

rottenseed says...

>> ^brycewi19:
Stole it from us human beings?
The second you start calling your opponent not-human, is the second you have lost your argument, no matter what side you're on.

Unless of course you're debating something that is not human, in which case you've lost an argument on a whole different level...

Bill Donohue thinks Dan Barker is the devil

rottenseed says...

Dan Barker is an idiot though. Stop being fucking offended by Christmas. Yea, we all fucking know it comes from winter solstice. How you celebrate it is up to you. If you don't want to put a nativity scene in your front yard then don't. Stop showing your stupid face on Fox news and saying that it "offends" you and that it shouldn't be tolerated. You are the one giving atheists a bad name.

Dog risks own life to try to save another dog

12809 says...

Dogs are amazing creatures. Just today a coworker was telling me about a dog doing the pretty much same thing for a good friend of her's when they were kids.

Oh and Dinesh D'Souza can eat his heart out in regards to the silly claim that animals don't care for each other.(Sorry Billo's comment reminded me of the Dan Barker vs. Dinesh D'Souza debate)

Sideways - Dramatic Thriller Trailer

How to marry a Price is Right model

Biden's Town Hall: No One is Above the Law

Paris Hilton Responds To McCain's Ad (PWNAGE)

lertad says...

If anyone remembers her Saturday Night Live cameo about "getting into" a Paris, Hilton (was it with Arj Barker?), I guess she's good at making fun of herself.

And we thought she was only good at making a fool of herself.

(There's your labored pun of the day).

edit: changed Des Walker from Arj Barker. Why the heck did I type Des Walker? And why did I suddenly remember I typed Des Walker right after waking up from an after-work nap???

The Price is Right -- Cheaters Prosper

Interesting Cat Door

This Is The End. (Obscure Talk Post)

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