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Jon Safran vs Bible Code


The World's Most Elaborate Prank

The Official Roast For thesnipe (and tossed salad bar) (Parody Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

>> ^thesnipe:
Since you've all seemed to sit back and roll a joint as the roast is winding down, I'll post my semisedated response, although you poor saps were hoping I smoked some (mycroftholmz), it's one of the few things that makes me sick, nice try to fill out the whole hippy vibe but everyone know what happens when you assume....
Wow where do I begin. So much material and information overload. I guess first off, does everyone in this roast have ADD? I can't process what goes through those small small minds but it must be "ooooo blue link click bahaha snipe has long hair" and somehow that's about it. I can't say I'm surprised when at the moment the video at the top this week is a gamers review series that's been going on for months.
I started to get shrills when blankfist posted something about how I use dungeons and dragons, something with a cup and a warlock in which I had no idea what in the hell he was saying. Of course it goes to reflect upon the rest of the roast team that blankfist's comment was highest voted of this roast so far.
Gorgonheap really hit it on the head though, with one scary misperception, he mentioned Hannah Montana, which shows me which music circle is he's floating in nowadays.
Jonny, you commented about how I'd like to fuck anyone that moves, I'm not sure if I should laugh or burst your bubble and reject your advances now. Sorry mate but I don't think anyone would attempt that experience.
Zeph barely hit home on the anime subject but plowed the way to a very strange and disturbing level when other posted a face of me on the wii chicks body, complementing Inuyasha with my head on kagome's face. It seems as if schmawy and a couple others have a bit too much time staring at my pictures via photoshop.
Speaking of photoshop, MG, you may want to see that military shrink after all. Granted the mastery of photoshop to make me really look like I have boobs is one thing, but it carries all kinda of baggage that may be best confined to a place with padded walls. As blankfist mentioned I also think you may want to consider a bit of help when it comes to finding colonoscopy videos.
I do work part time and as inspired by what CaptWillard told me, these comments come from a collection of crew cut wearing 9-5ers who lack the experience of anything more thrilling than "hey did you read the latest Dilbert parody?". That must make your day.
All in all I laughed my ass of for the past two days. kudos for choggie, swampy and dotdude for keeping it hilarious and anyone else I missed. Many thanks for Captwillard for MCing this affair. It was a hell of a roast, and fortunately for you roasters you won't have to strain those peabrains of yours until the next roast when I can join back on the other roasting end.

Have you ever waited in excited anticipation for a lit firework to work its century old magic only to have it fizzle out a lifeless, soggy, dud?

Thanks for the blueballs...

The Official Roast For thesnipe (and tossed salad bar) (Parody Talk Post)

thesnipe says...

Since you've all seemed to sit back and roll a joint as the roast is winding down, I'll post my semisedated response, although you poor saps were hoping I smoked some (mycroftholmz), it's one of the few things that makes me sick, nice try to fill out the whole hippy vibe but everyone know what happens when you assume....

Wow where do I begin. So much material and information overload. I guess first off, does everyone in this roast have ADD? I can't process what goes through those small small minds but it must be "ooooo blue link *click* bahaha snipe has long hair" and somehow that's about it. I can't say I'm surprised when at the moment the video at the top this week is a gamers review series that's been going on for months.

I started to get shrills when blankfist posted something about how I use dungeons and dragons, something with a cup and a warlock in which I had no idea what in the hell he was saying. Of course it goes to reflect upon the rest of the roast team that blankfist's comment was highest voted of this roast so far.

Gorgonheap really hit it on the head though, with one scary misperception, he mentioned Hannah Montana, which shows me which music circle is he's floating in nowadays.

Jonny, you commented about how I'd like to fuck anyone that moves, I'm not sure if I should laugh or burst your bubble and reject your advances now. Sorry mate but I don't think anyone would attempt that experience.

Zeph barely hit home on the anime subject but plowed the way to a very strange and disturbing level when other posted a face of me on the wii chicks body, complementing Inuyasha with my head on kagome's face. It seems as if schmawy and a couple others have a bit too much time staring at my pictures via photoshop.

Speaking of photoshop, MG, you may want to see that military shrink after all. Granted the mastery of photoshop to make me really look like I have boobs is one thing, but it carries all kinda of baggage that may be best confined to a place with padded walls. As blankfist mentioned I also think you may want to consider a bit of help when it comes to finding colonoscopy videos.

I do work part time and as inspired by what CaptWillard told me, these comments come from a collection of crew cut wearing 9-5ers who lack the experience of anything more thrilling than "hey did you read the latest Dilbert parody?". That must make your day.

All in all I laughed my ass of for the past two days. kudos for choggie, swampy and dotdude for keeping it hilarious and anyone else I missed. Many thanks for Captwillard for MCing this affair. It was a hell of a roast, and fortunately for you roasters you won't have to strain those peabrains of yours until the next roast when I can join back on the other roasting end.

Explosion Montage "What Could Go Wrong?"

Have You Ever Heard Of Conservapedia?

World Race-Walking Champ Attacked By Samurai -- Will He Run?

Zeroes (parody of "Heroes")

Cheesy Euro-Disco - Finland's Armi & Danny

Dwarves Gettin Drunk Breakin Plates And Ghostriding The Whip

Life in the lonely little island of Sealand

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