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one of the many faces of racism in america

enoch says...

still missing my main point.

which may be my fault,i tend to ramble.

i can agree that:
choices have consequences.
i can agree that an employer had a right to fire according to its own dictates and standards.
i can actually agree with much of what you are saying,but it is not my point.

i am simply pointing out the larger and greater societal implications of how social media,youtube,instagram,tumblr etc etc are being used as bully pulpits by those who feel morally superior to admonish,chastise and ridicule other people into submission.sometimes rightly so,other times not.

there is already a growing number of people who have been directly affected by this new paradigm,and what i find disturbing is that so few are even bothered by this new development.

people have lost jobs over facebook posts!
for posting an opinion for fuck sakes!

and nobody seems to have a problem with this?
this is perfectly acceptable in a supposed "free" society?

lets use a totally hyperbolic example,but the parameters are the same:
during the salem witch trials it was later found to be common practice that one farmer would accuse his competition of witchcraft.

was this neighbor actually practicing witchcraft?
probably not,but what an effective way to rid yourself of competition.

we can use an even more recent example of afghanistan,where farmers were turning in their rivals for cash.they get rid of competition and their neighbor is whisked off to gitmo.

do you see what i am saying?

the larger implications are vast and easily abused.
and this is most certainly a PC police issue,because it is actually punishing offensive speech,opinions and positions.

west baptist church are a repulsive and offensive group of religious thugs,but they have a right to speak and express their vile opinions.

and i will defend their right to be offensive and vulgar,while totally disagreeing with their position.

this is social control by proxy.
don't say anything offensive,or there shall be consequences i.e:job loss
dont say anything controversial or there will be consequences,or post anything racy or contrary to social norms.

in fact,because more and more people are paying the price for saying/posting a controversial view or offensive opinion,just be quiet.

sit down.
shut up.
and obey.

or the PC police will band together to expose your offensive,controversial and subversive opinions and destroy your life.

so you just sit there and think your thoughts,but don't you dare voice them,or the morality police will expose you for the subversive you are.

this tactic is already reaching orwellian levels.
and nobody seems to be bothered.
nobody seems to be giving this the scrutiny and examination it deserves.there is a real danger here that many of my fellow citizens seems to be either unaware,or just dont care the larger implications and that is disturbing to me.

because some of the examples are just like THIS turdnugget.
a reprehensible,vulgar and ignorant example of a human it is easy to feel good about him getting a "comeupance".

because we hate him and what he it is easy to ignore the larger picture and the implications of social warriors taking things too far.which i could literally type all day laying out scenarios where this form of PC police/social warriors could easily be abused (and already HAS in some instances).

and that should have us all standing up and taking notice,because it is those very implications and the relative silence that is disturbing me the most.

so yeah,this turdnugget is an easy target and easily dismissed as getting what he deserved,but what happens when it is YOUR behavior being villified? something you were doing ,maybe in the privacy of your own home or out with friends that made its way to youtube,and someone found offensive.what if you were taken out of context? or the video was edited?

how would you defend yourself?
better yet,WHY would you have to defend yourself when you were not harming anyone,but some overly-sensitive fuckwit was offended and decided you should be punished?

there is a plethora of historical examples i could use where tyrannical governments,despots and police states have literally quashed dissent,differing opinions and abhorrent behavior by simply creating fear..not of the government per se,but rather by their own neighbors.

which is EXACTLY what the PC police and social warriors use to silence their opponents.fear.

you are totally within your right to disagree with me,but my main argument is how easily this tactic can be abused and if we dont start paying attention now.we may not get a chance later.

it has happened before.
it can happen again.

*intent to harm is an actual legal charge,and can be prosecuted.

there was no harm here.except for feelings and racist/derogatory language.

i guess you could make the "emotional distress' argument,but in a 5 minute video you would be hard pressed to prove actual,irreparable harm.

i am rambling again,and probably lost the plot somewhere,but i hope i at least got my main point across.

there is a real and present danger here my man,and it threatens some of this countries core ideas and is ripe for abuse.

because the truth is:this tactic works and it works extremely well.

Little Girl Performs a Magic Trick

Red Back Spider - Attenborough: Life in the Undergrowth

yellowc says...

The Redback was interesting but that pheromone spider is just god damn evil.

It's no wonder she can laze about all day, as long as moths exist she's basically guaranteed food. On top of that, it looks like bird shit so nothing wants to eat it? That's some serious evolution!

bernie sanders first political campaign ad-real change

newtboy says...

It's about time he runs some commercials, since the media has almost completely ignored him. So much for the 'liberal media', huh? If there were really such a thing, they would talk about him all day long, not ignore him in favor of a candidate that's FAR to the right of him, right?
*promote a candidate who's record matches his rhetoric.

First Bob Ross Episode (posted by his channel to YT)

How To Play Frisbee All By Yourself (and other trick shots)

rancor says...

Throwing a disc all day (more like days) actually sounds like an awesome time.

No sarcasm tag.

Also, I can attest that by the way those discs fly he's got magnificent technique. Tons of effortless wrist snap.

The Mountain learns true power from champion armwrestler

ghark says...

Devon's well known in the community for having ridiculous endurance - he could happily sit there all day soaking up all of the Mountains attempts to pin him. He was also the guy that pretty much ended John Brzenk's undisputed reign at the top of the sport - and John was THE man for decades.

The other thing that's great about Devon is he's a pretty funny guy - google some of the Ottowa High Hooker's vid's, they're good for a laugh

The Case for the 32-Hour Workweek

artician says...

I sit at a desk all day, and I produce work that's seen or used by millions of people, so I take issue with that statement!

JustSaying said:

How cute. If I sat behind a desk all day I could dream about that too but I live in the real world. You know, where you have to move your ass to make shit.

The Case for the 32-Hour Workweek

Rats Save Humans From Landmines - Extraordinary Animals

aaronfr says...

I'll still push for it; I was half-joking when I told them that anyway.

I am still in the field, just not clearing the mines. I work with the communities to educate them on the dangers and to identify the suspected locations of mines and explosives. My teams and I are the eyes and ears of the operation, the clearance guys are just the grunts.

I've already seen my fair share of UXO. Even had a guy bring a mortar to a risk education session as we were discussing how you shouldn't touch or move them; that was fun.

So far, not as stressful as I imagined. What I hear from the clearance guys is that it's actually a pretty boring job. Accidents are very rare if you do it right. In order to keep the risk to basically zero, it is a very slow, deliberate, and methodical process. So, basically, they wear heavy gear, sweat all day, and move through an area with a fine-toothed comb.

Asmo said:

Probably still worth a shot to see the training regime etc and whether it could be adapted to local species.

Kudos by the way, even though you're not working in the field, must be a hell of a high stress job.

Most Entertaining Satanist

Real Time - Dr. Michael Mann on Climate Change

newtboy says...

Well, it seems the big problem there is that you buy electricity at 4.5 times the price of what you sell it for, and you seem to sell off almost all of what you make. That means you're wasting over 75% of what you generate, no wonder it seems like a bad deal. If you could find a way to use the power you generate instead of selling it and buying it back for 4.5 times as much, things would change I think. That could be as simple as starting your laundry and dishwasher as you leave in the morning rather than at night. Since I'm home all day, it wasn't a change for me to use most of our power during the day, which made it totally economical for me, even when I do my calculations based on power costs from 9 years ago, if I added in the rise in power rates here, my savings would seem even larger.

True enough about the batteries, but I only use them for backup power in outages, so they'll last a while as long as I keep them full of acid. By the time I need new ones, perhaps I can use a flywheel for storage instead. They're great, but expensive right now.

It depends on your point of view, hydro decimates river systems for about 15 years of power. Totally a worse deal than coal's significant part in global warming/climate change, in my eyes, and coal is terrible. A dam can kill a river in one season, coal takes quite a while to do it's damage. That said, coal does it's damage over a much larger area. Hard math to try to figure out, comparing the two. Here in the US, we're removing dams to try to save the last few fish species in many rivers.
Wave generation seems like it could be a promising method of power generation, you don't damage anything by capturing some wave energy. Too bad it's not seeing much advancement (that I know of).

Asmo said:

Heh, no, I said we are capped at 5 KW/h input, our product midsummer is around 35-40 KW/h @ 8 cents per, or $2.80 paid to us (assuming no rain/clouds, winter is closer to 5-12 KW/h per day). Then from 5pm-about 6am, we buy energy back at 36 cents an hour. And as the wife and I are both working during the day, we use the bulk of our energy between 5-12pm, meaning any profit we make during the day is completely overwhelmed (eg. 20 KW/h @ 36 cents = $7.20). I live in Australia where the days of 45 cent feed in tariff are long gone (and further, it's a false economy where non solar users are subsidising that tariff for the few fortunate enough to take advantage of it).

Even with the 4 grand gov. rebate (my system ended up costing ~$12,000 AUD for 6KW), it's not likely to make the money back prior to the end of life for the panels (25 years) if electricity prices keep rising without the feed in keeping pace. Add a battery system so you can load shift from daily production to cover nightly usage (where the real cost kicks in) means that you'll be running at a significant loss over the same period, as you'll probably have to replace lead batteries at least twice over the life time of the panels. Even if hydrogen fuel cells or some form of Li Ion battery becomes far cheaper, it's still loss making for the owner, subsidised to boot and the cheap manufacturing is because the panels are produced in China where even the most efficient of factories are utilising enormous amounts of carbon resourced energy, materials that are carbon intensive to make and manufacture etc.

I'm not saying solar is bad because I want it to be, I'm saying it's very easy to sell to people to make them feel better, but like any "too good to be true" story, there's a hell of a lot more beneath the surface than most people realise.

As for nuke and hydro, yep, they have downsides, but they are the most effective sources of energy in terms of return on energy invested that we have available to us at the moment. And the damage of hydro, if it replaces coal burning facilities, might be significantly less than the damage from allowing GW to continue to run unabated.

Worthington jets: Water at 11,000FPS

I Want To Report This Man For Slinky Abuse!!!!

hazmat22 says...

Small world, I watched the whole video and then realized I met this fellow a few years ago, he was at BlackBerry way back at the start and now can have fun like this all day, lucky guy!

Just Another Day In The Snake Room

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