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Jain - Makeba


JustSaying says...

I spent over 600 hours in Skyrim. I never finished the Dragonborn DLC. I only finished the main quest once. I had 5 Characters that I used to start the game.

Hi, my name is Klaus and I'm an addict.


THE EXPANSE | Season 2: Trailer #3 | Syfy

radx says...

Babylon's Ashes has hit the shelves last week -- a copy is waiting for me at home, but I dare not touch it. It's the most addictive sci-fi universe out there and the bloody suspense at the end of each book was killing me. It's worse than waiting for The Winds of Winter...

Mekanikal said:

Ooooo I just bought the books and have been waiting for this.

chris hedges-understanding our political nightmare

shagen454 says...

Well, OK. I do love me some Chris Hedges, but god damn - the left is never going to win anything with tone like this. No one *wants* to listen to it. Sure, they should, but it's hard to be annihilated by the truth when it's spoken in a piercing frequency, lol.

I think that is what Sanders was trying to do - the political establishment understands this "Tweet" culture, of simple-minded ADHD, ritalin addicts who know nothing about politics, or the truth so you basically have to keep it short & sweet. I definitely don't believe Sanders would have made any better impact as an Independent (except for the fact that I would have voted for him), I agree - he didn't teach us much, but he kept it slightly angry (good tone though and tone is huge) and simple for mass consumption.

I feel like the only thing to save humanity (and the environment) is massive & sheer economic collapse to fucking ruin capitalism FOREVER, let's move to a forest and make a 100% sustainable living & future. We have the tech to do it now. And it needs to be done right now, like right this split second.

John Oliver - Opioids

ghark says...

Can't watch the vid because it's blocked for me, so I apologise if anything I mention is covered by the vid.

There are very few cases where opiates are a good idea for chronic pain (as yours is). The research (which the new CDC guidelines on pain management incorporate) shows there is very little evidence opiates are beneficial for managing chronic pain. The only situations where it should be considered for chronic use are basically end of life (including cancer and palliative). The downsides are just huge, and outweigh the benefits for just about every other situation.

The reasons? Apart from the obvious stuff like tolerance, addiction, death and the rest of the massive list of side effects, there is also a lesser known problem called hyperalgesia. Opioid induced hyperalgesia is where the use of opioids actually prime the body to become more sensitive to pain, even after the opioid has left the body. So in essence, people unaware of this problem think they are reliant on opioids, but in reality taking the opioids may make them more likely to need more analgesia. It's pretty messed up actually, and there should be more education about it, particularly to the doctors doing the prescribing.

newtboy said:

The really shifty part is, now that there have been so many problems, people like me that need opioids to function now have to jump through numerous hoops to get the medications we need. In my case, my doctor retired and the office sent home a letter saying they'll keep me as a patient, but will no longer prescribe pain medications of any kind. I would just switch doctors, but we have a severe shortage here and waiting lists for doctors are 2-5 years long. As it stands, I'm not at all sure what to's as if they want me to buy pills on the black market.
I've been on opioid pain meds for 15 years (+-) and I've never abused them. Lucky for me, I hate how they make me feel if I take too much.

John Oliver - Opioids

John Oliver - Opioids

PlayhousePals says...




artician (Member Profile)

Big Think: Penn Jillette lost over 100 lbs & Eats His Wants

RedSky says...

Agree with lots of it. Taste is definitely to a large part habitual, you definitely dull your sense of taste if you eat lots of sugary / salty foods.

However choosing potatoes is a terrible idea for a diet. Like sugar, starches rapidly turn to glucose, release insulin and promote addiction. They admittedly have high satiety and may be less calorie dense than what he was eating before (which is what caused the weight loss) but I would not suggest swapping one addiction for another.

Also I love refuting the instinctual assumption that you can lose weight eating badly by simply offsetting it with exercise. He's correct to stress diet over exercise. Exercise does make you lose weight (and has other health benefits) but the effect of high calorie food utterly dwarfs exercise:

Also, it's more of a subjective thing, but lean meat proteins (eggs, chicken, fish) are very filling and can make it easier to avoid the high GI carbs that absorb into your body too fast to be used effectively and end up as excess body fat. I'd argue you're making your diet considerably more difficult if you try to give up meat at the same time as losing weight.

How You're Probably Going to Die

New Metallica song - Moth into flame

eric3579 says...

Blacked out
Pop queen, amphetamine
The screams crashed into silence

Tapped out
Doused in the gasoline
The high times going timeless

Death of the innocence
The pathway starts to spiral

All for publicity
Destruction going viral

Light it up
Ah, light it up
Another hit erases all the pain
Ah, kill the truth
You’re falling, but you think you’re flying high
High again

Sold your soul
Built a higher wall
Now you’re thrown away

Same rise and fall
Who cares at all?
Seduced by fame
A moth into the flame

Backstabbing wicked
The delusion absolution

Fame is the murderer
Seduce you into ruin

Light it up
Ah, light it up
Another hit erases all the pain
Ah, tell the truth
You’re falling, but you think you’re flying high
High again

Sold your soul
Built the higher wall
Now you’re thrown away

Same rise and fall
Who cares at all?
Seduced by fame
A moth into the flame

Guarantee your name, you go and kill yourself
The vultures feast around you still
Overdose on shame and insecurity
If one won’t do that fistful will

Death scene
Black hearse the limousine
A grave filled with seduction

Fame does the murdering
She builds up for destruction

So light it up
Ah, light it up
Another hit erases all the pain
Ah, no excuse
You’re falling, but you think you’re flying high
High again

Sold your soul
Built the higher wall
Now you’re thrown away

Same rise and fall
Who cares at all?
Seduced by fame
A moth into the flame

Addicted to the

Products that promise "detox" are a sham. Yes, all of them.

shagen454 says...

I did the "master cleanse" once for about a week. After that I felt like I was doing more harm then anything beneficial.

The most important thing is a healthy diet. The past month I have literary been detoxing.... really, I should have gone to rehab - that is how bad my alcohol problem has been The key to my success (10+ years of drinking 5+ drinks -pretty much every single day) - I started drinking two Kombucha's a day. There is no real evidence that Kombucha has health benefits (it even contains a small amount of alcohol). But, it has been a fine replacement for alcohol and has worked for me, it also doesn't contain many calories, so I've been sober, feeling good, losing a little weight and probably saving some money. It may be a "pseudo-scientific" product, but it's way better than any of the alternatives, as the fermented tea is a little like having an actual drink.

Another detox product is a herb called Kratom. This can be used in place of an alcohol or opiate addiction to overcome sometimes deadly withdrawal symptoms. Some people in the medical profession even use it for their aches & pains as they do not want to be on pharmaceutical drugs... but the DEA is going to be scheduling it as a Schedule I drug. Fucking... idiots....

sign the peitiion:

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

Sithstress says...

1. I just spent 45 minutes reading details of lives of people I have never met. At least, I don't think so. Hmmm.
2. I'm fairly new to VS and I'm marrying the man who introduced me to it.
3. We're getting married tomorrow .
4. This will be my second, and final, marriage.
5. I curse. A lot. My voice tends to carry (or I'm just loud) and this sometimes causes problems...for others.
6. I'm in corporate sales.
7. I'm very good at what I do...but I hate it.
8. I am an introvert. I hide it well. Or so I'm told.
9. I am an avid reader. Anything that catches my interest, so the titles on my bookshelves sometimes baffle people.
10. I have 2 sons who I hope I'm not screwing up too much.
11. I was considered a "troubled youth" and my parents sent me to military school.
12. Then I joined the army. So I guess it worked...but really I just wanted to get away from my state.
13. 5 years later, I came back. And haven't been able to make it out of this black hole for the last 10 years.
14. I smoked for 20 years, with only a few brief periods of quitting.
15. I quit 3 days ago, for the last time.
16. 15 is probably not true. Just to keep it honest.
17. I grew up in a family rife with addiction and dysfunction.
18. We have one of the closest family units I know, now.
19. I am a "grammar nazi," but I probably overuse ... and ( ).
20. I'm a sucker for cop and crime shows.
21. This has made me believe I could probably get away with murder.
22. I would never murder anyone...but I do often contemplate it. Mostly while driving in traffic.
23. I'm seriously considering deleting this post right now, but the beer is telling me not to.
24. I have a real passion for singing...but no talent for it. Cruel, cruel world!
25. I'm hitting submit before proofreading in order not to chicken out, so I apologize for any typos.

Quake Champions Quakecon 2016 Gameplay

Digitalfiend says...

Ah, I remember when QuakeWorld was released and how awesome it was playing it on my US Robotics 56k modem (or might have been a 14.4), though it wasn't until Quake 2 Rocket Arena 2 (and to a lesser extent QCTF/threewave) that I really got my FPS addiction on. I even recall the day I got my first cable modem and became one of the few LPBs on Canadian servers - this was way before the big three (id, Epic, Valve) started tweaking their netcode to "even" the playing field between HPBs/LPBs. Ah those were the days.

Even though I don't have much time for games anymore, I might have to give this a try for the sake of nostalgia.

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