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secondclancy-the new face of social justice warriors

secondclancy-the new face of social justice warriors

eric3579 says...

Although this dude (The guy commentating) is a bit of a douche, the whole situation regarding that college campus deal with those admin/teachers was insanely ridiculous. Youth often does stupid shit by definition.

creationist student gets owned

poolcleaner says...

The fires of hell are scary, man.

I had this youth councilor way back in high school tell me that the only movies that are scary are those that could be real. You know, like Hellraiser, Exocist, Rosemary's Baby, The Omen, Event Horizon. You know the REAL shit.

ravioli said:

Oh, she knows... she is just afraid of the fires of hell.

Emotionally manipulating commercial that I liked...

JustSaying says...

Capitalism is a guideline or system of how to organise aspects of society (trade, labour and services for example), nothing more. How you use it defines its effect on us. I could sell you my child explicitly for the purpose of you raping it and it would show how evil capitalism is. Or I sell you my children's book explicitly for the purpose of you entertaining your own children and that would be quite nice.
The problem starts if you think everything needs to be a for profit business as capitalism should be unlimited. Then you live in a country that makes prisons privately owned businesses and thinks it's ok to bankrupt sick people and their families with medical bills.
Capitalism is as evil as the people controling it. Who allows these people to be evil? Who cares? Apparently not the majority.
However, all that is not the problem of this ad. The capitalism works to nobodies disadvantege here. Edeka tries to brand itself as family-friendly and established part of homelife. That is quite normal and acceptable for a grocery store. It is not like as if VW would be putting out ads on how honest they are.
The version of the ad I described as being better is as manipulative as this one with the exception that it doesn't make everyone look like assholes upon closer inspection.
Nobody nailed grandpa's door shut, he's allowed to step into the world and make new friends and other aquaintances. His isolation is understandable but mostly his own fault. I witnessed stuff like that myself, I have grandparents too.
On the other hand you bemoan the smombies of today. Do you see the irony of complaining about the screen-fixed stare of todays youth (and society in general) on an internet forum?
We created a distraction-addicted, short-term attention-spanned and self-affirming society on our own by willingly swallowing all the crap the distraction industry throws at us.
I don't have a twitter account because nothing I can say in 140 characters without established context is worth saying. That gotta mean something coming from me of all people.
I'm not on Facebook because I know what the 'StaSi' was and see no reason to do their work on my own person for Mr. Zuckerberg and his shareholders.
I have no internet connection on my cellphone because I prefer to know stuff instead of just looking it up. I don't write text messages all the time because I prefer spoken words with their complexity that simplifies communication instead of emojis that emulate things my face did since before cellphones stopped being science-fiction.
I choose not to stare at the palm of my hand and what's lying in it every 5 minutes because I can. Most of our modern society chooses differently. They chose poorly, as the real oldtimers would say.
And here we are, yet again, ranting about the evils of enticing screens in our lives, live on the internet. You know, we would not be this absurd joke if we'd sat at a dinnertable right now. With food and drink from Edeka.

Lawdeedaw said:

No, capitalism is cynical and manipulative in general. It also promotes freedom in general, ie., the antithesis to community. Is it no wonder we bemoan the fact that kids are more into their ipads then the dinner table? But we promote that as entitled, and how dare someone tell you how to live. Etc., so forth and so on.

And btw, sleazier ads sell better than wholesome ads. So "they could have done it better" is actually only your opinion but makes very little economic sense. I used to say the same thing about Jerry Springer, then I looked at the dumbass audience that watches it...

The True Story of Thanksgiving

Barbar says...

After seeing the colony freeze, go hungry, suffer plague, have it's foreign support removed, get swindled by outsiders, and eventually descend into near-anarchy, Bradford made the following entries:

All this whille no supply was heard of, neither knew they when they might expecte any. So they begane to thinke how they might raise as much torne as they could, and obtaine a beter crope then they had done, that they might not still thus languish in miserie. At length, after much debate of things, the Govr (with the advise of the cheefest amongest them) gave way that they should set corve every man for his owne perticuler, and in that regard trust to them selves; in all other things to goe on in the generall way as before. And so assigned to every family a parcell of land, according to the proportion of their number for that end, only for present use (but made no devission for inheritance), and ranged all boys and youth under some familie. This had very good success; for it made all hands very industrious, so as much more torne was planted then other waise would have bene by any means the Govr or any other could use, and saved him a great deall of trouble, and gave farr better contente. The women now wente willingly into the feild, and tooke their litle-ons with them to set torne, which before would aledg weaknes, and inabilitie; whom to have compelled would have bene thought great tiranie and oppression.

The experience that was had in this commone course and condition, tried sundrie years, and that amongst godly and sober men, may well evince the vanitie of that conceite of Platos and other.ancients, applauded by some of aater times; -that the taking away of propertie, and bringing in communitie into a comone wealth, would make them happy and $orishing; as if they were wiser then God. For this comunitie (so farr as it was) was found to breed much confusion and discontent, and retard much imployment that would have been to their benefite and comforte. For the yong-men that were most able and fitte for labour and servise did repine that they should spend their time and streingth to worke for other mens wives and children, with out any recompence. The strong, or man of parts, had no more in devission of victails and cloaths, then he that was weake and not able to doe a quarter the other could; this was thought injuestice. The aged and graver men to be ranked and equalised in labours, and victails, cloaths, etc., with the meaner and yonger sorte, thought it some indignite and disrespect unto them. And for mens wives to be commanded to doe servise for other men, as dresing their meate, washing their cloaths, etc., they deemd it a kind of slaverie, neither could many husbands well brooke it. Upon the poynte all being to have alike, and all to doe alike, they thought them selves in the like condition, and ove as good as another; and so, if it did not cut of those relations that God hath set amongest men, yet it did at least much diminish and take of the mutuall respects that should be preserved amongst them. And would have bene worse if they had been men of another condition. Let pone objecte this is mens corruption, and nothing to the course it selfe. I answer, seeing all men have this corruption in them, God in his wisdome saw another course fiter for them.

snoozedoctor (Member Profile)

Wacko Church beats to death one teen and hospitalizes other

ForgedReality says...

The intent was more to suggest that religion gets a free pass, because everyone is so fucking afraid to offend people's crybaby sensitivities. Like, look how much bullshit we keep hearing about, and the irreparable damage that's doubtless being done to countless of our youth, all the crazy tax breaks from the scam artists, etc., and nobody wants to raise the question asking what the fuck is going on in the religious communities. Everyone's fine talking about guns, but they shy away from this brainwashed bullshit. It's fucking retarded.

Payback said:

You did state you felt religion was creating "far more harm" than guns. That's an implicit statement that less should be done about guns and more about religion. That guns aren't as important.

From further comments, it's obvious you didn't mean it that way, but that's how it looked.

lost in space- a tribute to a cult classic

Wacko Church beats to death one teen and hospitalizes other

artician says...

I wonder if those who were responsible realize the love for their God is instead the catalyst to bring actual, physical demons to our world through their actions.

Because I doubt any evil they were afraid their youths were perpetrating doesn't even compare to the evil of a group of adults torturing young men.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Mental Health

brycewi19 says...

Two words: Wraparound Services

Look it up.

It can be used for more than just youth. I facilitated that model for 6 years to great success. Unfortunately, John Oliver is right when it comes to funding - you can't keep great therapists on board doing good work when your budget is constantly getting cut due to Medicare reimbursement rate cuts.

The private sector (i.e. private group and individual practices) really are the ones picking up the slack from community mental health agencies funding and therapist attrition issues.

If reimbursement rates to the private sector from private insurance starts going down even more than it already is then we're all screwed.

HS Football Player Hits other Player with own Helmet

Barbar says...

Wow, the average hockey game I played in as a youth had dirtier stuff going on and nobody made a big deal. Sure this is dirty and intentional, but it's not like he wound up and tried to brain the guy.

Gee Atherton Tests INSANE MTB Trail

newtboy says...

Back in my riding days, I rode trails like this, but without the big jumps, on my road racing 14 speed bike with thin knobbies. No suspension and the wrong style handlebars change EVERYTHING! I'm still impressed my front forks never broke, and that I never went over a cliff. I usually went over the front of the bike at least once per ride, though.
Ahhhh, youth. It's wasted on the young.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

oritteropo (Member Profile)

radx says...

Yup, I've seen similar graphs (different base, same result).

If you were to add projected GDP based on previous growth to it, you'd need a drink. If you further added a rough guesstimate of lost output potential due to constant underutilisation, you'd need to make it a double. And if you were to extend it to the entire eurozone and just look at the aggregate of lost output, you might as well keep the bottle at hand.

It'll take decades to undo this damage. Given the precarious situation of young folks in a significant number of countries, I'm not convinced the union will exist for much longer.

Just look at Greece: according to Costas Lapavitsas, some 80% of youth votes in the recent referendum were "no". Now their government intends to subject them to even harsher terms -- that's not sustainable.

oritteropo said:

Had you seen the graph in this article comparing the Greek recession with the great depression in the US?

Teens react to encyclopedias

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