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You've seen climbers climb. Now see climbers fall

Reefie says...

>> ^residue:
>> ^eric3579:
Holy shit that last fall was evil!

Falls near the bottom are usually the worst since you can get to the ground if you've only got one anchor. It didn't help that that guy blew through the anchor anyways <IMG class=smiley src="">

Wouldn't have been so bad if they'd brought more than one crash mat! Even the one they've got there is a wee bit on the small side

Cat Jumps for Toys in Slow Motion

silverpoint16 says...

I was a wee bit confused by your comments until pumkinandstorm explained it to me. My head has stopped spinning now. I guess I need to work on getting my silver so I can see what you lot are up to in the videosift lounge. Thank you for the promotion and quality tags.
>> ^Barseps:

Oh go on then, I'll fix a couple or three deaders on this video's behalf

Scary Puppet

The World's Coolest Candy Shop

Record-breaking Weather Like You've Never Imagined

Thumper says...

That's weird. I guess I didn't notice that about the chart (woops). I think you are correct in that measuring average deviations is a better / more responsible way of using this information for the global warming debate. As you indicate, it still have holes in being presented as a definitive. The Earth is big and old and it has a lot of moving parts. >> ^messenger:

Not sure you understand that chart. It's actually two statistics about Texas which happen to correlate. The x-axis is rainfall, and the 2011 dot indicates that last summer was a wee bit drier than the driest ever -- significant. But the temperature is double the previous largest deviation from the average (previous largest deviation was 2.5 degrees; 2011 was 5 degrees) -- incredible. Now, this is interesting, but nowhere near conclusive on its own -- freak weather things happen all the time, but it is huge, and it is for a very large area -- all of Texas -- not just some statistically anomalous hole that was purposefully chosen to quotemine. Cenk's overall point here with the other freak weather states is that there is a massive increase in really freak weather incidents. I'm still not convinced, and would want some information on what the average number of heat records usually is in a given period. It could be that thousands of places reporting all-time weather highs is normal.>> ^Thumper:
I meant around 3:45. Where he has the chart up with 2011 being a big red dot. And Yes, I think the chart data isn't indicative of anything other than our local weather history. The Earth's temperature has always fluctuated. We as an element on the Earth do not have the impact global warming suggests. At most we should be concerned with the pollution for our health reasons, not because we're throwing the Earth's climate out of whack. >> ^messenger:
Not at 4:45 he doesn't. And I don't understand what you're saying anyway. Are you saying this gigantic temperature spike that annihilates previous records is normal if regarded in the right context?>> ^Thumper:
at 4:45 he says 2011 is off the charts but really it's only off the charts based on the general direction. If you follow the lines increase and compare the distance from the 2011 dot to it, it's no more further out than other years that reach out and above the line. This is my problem with global warming charts. I mean no one really puts forth evidence that is clear because if you follow that line back in time I'm sure as a whole movement it fluctuates with smaller fluctuations locally as seen in the chart he shows.

Record-breaking Weather Like You've Never Imagined

messenger says...

Not sure you understand that chart. It's actually two statistics about Texas which happen to correlate. The x-axis is rainfall, and the 2011 dot indicates that last summer was a wee bit drier than the driest ever -- significant. But the temperature is double the previous largest deviation from the average (previous largest deviation was 2.5 degrees; 2011 was 5 degrees) -- incredible. Now, this is interesting, but nowhere near conclusive on its own -- freak weather things happen all the time, but it is huge, and it is for a very large area -- all of Texas -- not just some statistically anomalous hole that was purposefully chosen to quotemine. Cenk's overall point here with the other freak weather states is that there is a massive increase in really freak weather incidents. I'm still not convinced, and would want some information on what the average number of heat records usually is in a given period. It could be that thousands of places reporting all-time weather highs is normal.>> ^Thumper:

I meant around 3:45. Where he has the chart up with 2011 being a big red dot. And Yes, I think the chart data isn't indicative of anything other than our local weather history. The Earth's temperature has always fluctuated. We as an element on the Earth do not have the impact global warming suggests. At most we should be concerned with the pollution for our health reasons, not because we're throwing the Earth's climate out of whack. >> ^messenger:
Not at 4:45 he doesn't. And I don't understand what you're saying anyway. Are you saying this gigantic temperature spike that annihilates previous records is normal if regarded in the right context?>> ^Thumper:
at 4:45 he says 2011 is off the charts but really it's only off the charts based on the general direction. If you follow the lines increase and compare the distance from the 2011 dot to it, it's no more further out than other years that reach out and above the line. This is my problem with global warming charts. I mean no one really puts forth evidence that is clear because if you follow that line back in time I'm sure as a whole movement it fluctuates with smaller fluctuations locally as seen in the chart he shows.

Goofiest death in film history.

Issykitty (Member Profile)

Why Gas Prices Are So High - Hint: It's Not Obama

messenger says...

No. I didn't miss anything. You didn't hear what Cenk said. He said that some Republicans were trying to convince voters that a) Obama has been ignoring domestic energy, and b) that's the reason gas prices are high. Cenk put paid to both of these ideas because neither is true. It's the Republicans that Cenk quotes who are saying that oil drilling in the US counts as Domestic Energy, and that it would affect gas prices.

I don't watch any American TV news except what pops up on the Sift, which is almost all Fox News, so I can't compare. I can tell you that Fox is the worst journalism that I have ever seen, so much so that it's not really journalism to me, but shoving opinions down people's throats and still calling it news. If CNN and the rest are the same way, then that's a shame.

FWIW, Fox News viewers consistently poll as among the most misinformed of news consumers, often coming in lower than people who don't watch the news at all.

Also, I've never understood when the word "liberal" became a swear word. It just means "open-mminded." I think being able to receive and process new information and change long-held ideas in the face of such information is a strength rather than a weakness. But if you enjoy believing whatever you believe just because you believe it and like having others tell you that you're right even if it's incorrect, then have at it.>> ^ptrcklgrs:

Ok, you clearly didn't understand what i said because you responded exactly how I warned.
"Oil Production" does not equal "Domestic Energy"
"Oil Production" does not equal "Domestic Energy"
Solar power doesn't fuel my car. We could triple our "domestic energy" production with nuclear power plants, but that wouldn't do shit for my car and gas prices. Do you not understand that? He is responding intentionally with misleading points.
I'm sorry you are such a hater of Fox News and that you don't understand that all Fox News did was match CNN, MSNBC, NY Times and every other liberal media with conservative media. You ever heard the phrase "liberal media" its been around for almost 100 years. But the first Conservative media pops up and you all start crying.
Hell there have been so many cover up of democratic representive.
Example: Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] was on a council that was awarding all military contracts to a company her husband was the primary share holder in. (Illegal) Once someone found this out, she resigned and the media refused to write on it.

>> ^messenger:
You've got to be kidding me. In his opening statement, Cenk says (1)Republicans are accusing Obama of ignoring domestic energy production, and (2)they are publicly linking this failure with increased gas prices. Cenk then responds that not only is Obama doing more domestic energy production than Bush (point 1), but there isn't even a causal relationship between the two stats (point 2). That's good journalism, as long as his opening statement is true about what Republicans are saying. If he had only said, "We're not drilling enough!! (without mentioning domestic energy) and then gone on with the domestic energy fact as a counterpoint, that would be misleading.
Even if he had fudged it like that --which he does on rare occasion, but not here-- comparing him with FOX is the news integrity equivalent of Godwin's Law. Fox are so bad, so reprehensible, so intentionally misleading, so ideologically driven that Cenk on his worst day couldn't even approach their level of deceit. [Edit: to your second point, without doing the background research, I'll just accept that you're right, and say this IS one of the times that Cenk fudges things a wee bit. But seriously, if the worst you can say about him is that he tars all Republicans with the same brush, that's not that serious.]
But if you still think you're right, if you can remember any time TYT did anything as corrupt as some of Fox's worst moments --and remember that they've been caught intentionally manipulating stories-- tell us about it here, even if you can't find the link. I bet you've got nothing. Check your hyperbole.>> ^ptrcklgrs:
TYT is a manipulative as Fox News. On 2 Counts
1: He says "Fact we are at a 8 year high for domestic energy production in this country". Ok, I believe that fact but its a stat based on domestic energy production. Not domestic oil drilling. Oil is one piece of energy. We've gone nuts in the last few years with solar, wind, fracking energy as going green. So that stat looks quite misleading.
2: When he says "Republicans" yes there is a hand full of republicans pushing this point. But by the vast majority it is held as not true. Why doesn't he name names. He is just finding any issue he can to dig deeper trenches between lines and make his money.
TYT = Fox News Opionists

Why Gas Prices Are So High - Hint: It's Not Obama

ptrcklgrs says...

Ok, you clearly didn't understand what i said because you responded exactly how I warned.

"Oil Production" does not equal "Domestic Energy"
"Oil Production" does not equal "Domestic Energy"

Solar power doesn't fuel my car. We could triple our "domestic energy" production with nuclear power plants, but that wouldn't do shit for my car and gas prices. Do you not understand that? He is responding intentionally with misleading points.

I'm sorry you are such a hater of Fox News and that you don't understand that all Fox News did was match CNN, MSNBC, NY Times and every other liberal media with conservative media. You ever heard the phrase "liberal media" its been around for almost 100 years. But the first Conservative media pops up and you all start crying.

Hell there have been so many cover up of democratic representive.

Example: Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] was on a council that was awarding all military contracts to a company her husband was the primary share holder in. (Illegal) Once someone found this out, she resigned and the media refused to write on it.

>> ^messenger:

You've got to be kidding me. In his opening statement, Cenk says (1)Republicans are accusing Obama of ignoring domestic energy production, and (2)they are publicly linking this failure with increased gas prices. Cenk then responds that not only is Obama doing more domestic energy production than Bush (point 1), but there isn't even a causal relationship between the two stats (point 2). That's good journalism, as long as his opening statement is true about what Republicans are saying. If he had only said, "We're not drilling enough!! (without mentioning domestic energy) and then gone on with the domestic energy fact as a counterpoint, that would be misleading.
Even if he had fudged it like that --which he does on rare occasion, but not here-- comparing him with FOX is the news integrity equivalent of Godwin's Law. Fox are so bad, so reprehensible, so intentionally misleading, so ideologically driven that Cenk on his worst day couldn't even approach their level of deceit. [Edit: to your second point, without doing the background research, I'll just accept that you're right, and say this IS one of the times that Cenk fudges things a wee bit. But seriously, if the worst you can say about him is that he tars all Republicans with the same brush, that's not that serious.]
But if you still think you're right, if you can remember any time TYT did anything as corrupt as some of Fox's worst moments --and remember that they've been caught intentionally manipulating stories-- tell us about it here, even if you can't find the link. I bet you've got nothing. Check your hyperbole.>> ^ptrcklgrs:
TYT is a manipulative as Fox News. On 2 Counts
1: He says "Fact we are at a 8 year high for domestic energy production in this country". Ok, I believe that fact but its a stat based on domestic energy production. Not domestic oil drilling. Oil is one piece of energy. We've gone nuts in the last few years with solar, wind, fracking energy as going green. So that stat looks quite misleading.
2: When he says "Republicans" yes there is a hand full of republicans pushing this point. But by the vast majority it is held as not true. Why doesn't he name names. He is just finding any issue he can to dig deeper trenches between lines and make his money.
TYT = Fox News Opionists

Why Gas Prices Are So High - Hint: It's Not Obama

messenger says...

You've got to be kidding me. In his opening statement, Cenk says (1)Republicans are accusing Obama of ignoring domestic energy production, and (2)they are publicly linking this failure with increased gas prices. Cenk then responds that not only is Obama doing more domestic energy production than Bush (point 1), but there isn't even a causal relationship between the two stats (point 2). That's good journalism, as long as his opening statement is true about what Republicans are saying. If he had only said, "We're not drilling enough!! (without mentioning domestic energy) and then gone on with the domestic energy fact as a counterpoint, that would be misleading.

Even if he had fudged it like that --which he does on rare occasion, but not here-- comparing him with FOX is the news integrity equivalent of Godwin's Law. Fox are so bad, so reprehensible, so intentionally misleading, so ideologically driven that Cenk on his worst day couldn't even approach their level of deceit. [Edit: to your second point, without doing the background research, I'll just accept that you're right, and say this IS one of the times that Cenk fudges things a wee bit. But seriously, if the worst you can say about him is that he tars all Republicans with the same brush, that's not that serious.]

But if you still think you're right, if you can remember any time TYT did anything as corrupt as some of Fox's worst moments --and remember that they've been caught intentionally manipulating stories-- tell us about it here, even if you can't find the link. I bet you've got nothing. Check your hyperbole.>> ^ptrcklgrs:

TYT is a manipulative as Fox News. On 2 Counts
1: He says "Fact we are at a 8 year high for domestic energy production in this country". Ok, I believe that fact but its a stat based on domestic energy production. Not domestic oil drilling. Oil is one piece of energy. We've gone nuts in the last few years with solar, wind, fracking energy as going green. So that stat looks quite misleading.
2: When he says "Republicans" yes there is a hand full of republicans pushing this point. But by the vast majority it is held as not true. Why doesn't he name names. He is just finding any issue he can to dig deeper trenches between lines and make his money.
TYT = Fox News Opionists

RoboCop - The Academy Awards Show

"Bully" Documentary Trailer Might Break Your Heart

mintbbb says...

I grew up in Finland and went to school there. Yes, some kids were bullied and none of the teachers ever noticed some of that. It didn't happen in the school, but when I was on the second grade n(elementary school), I definitely had two biys bullying me for a while. After school ended and we had to walk home, they'd follow me, push me around, scare the crap out of me. I was the only child and very quiet, timid, easy to scare.

Those boys really scared me, I remember just running off and grabbing the arm of a woman walking home from the store, to make the boys think I knew her. It eventually got bad enough that I just refused to go to school. My mom didn't understand what was going on, and she threw a frigging fit that scared me even more. But still, I refused to go to school.

Eventually it all came out. I eventually talked to my parents, and my mom came to observe this after one schoolday. She grabbed the kids when they started attacking me and scared the crap out of at least one of them. He was nice after that, he just said 'please don't tell my parents, I didn't know I was really scaring her!" My dad went to talk to the other bullys parents on one night, and they had no idea he was doing that. My parents had a talk with my teacher too. I was left alone after that (and luckily thye worse kid actually moved away before too long). It wasn't anything too bad, but at that time, it was awful. Some kids maybe just not realize what they are doing. And the parents really had no idea.

Teaching kids bullying is bad should really start at a young age. You have to make them realize what they nare doing is wrong, and how wrong it can be.

On junior high we had a girl who me and my friends made fun of. We thought it was just a 'fun' thing to make comments about her hairdo, or things like that. We were still 'friends' with her, but I bet she hated us. I myself never realized that little comments like 'your hair looks like a sausage roll', even when made in a 'friendly way' hurt her.

I didn't even realize that until I was way older! If I could go back in time, I'd never make those comments! We all thought we were just being funny, but little things like that can also hurt. I am not sure how one could deal with things like that, but we all should just be taught that little things can hurt. It doesn't have to be pushing and hurting, it can be just silly little remarks, and I know I will feel bad about all that for the rest of my life!

Bullying of even that kind usually stopped (mostly) after people graduated from Junior high, and went to either highschool, or vocational school. I went to highschool, so I have no idea how life in a Finnish vocational school is (we were told horror stories though, that vocational school woulod be really bad and everybody was being bullied to death, but I think it wasn't true, or at least not today).

To me watching American TV shows about high schools, and seeing kids bullying, being bullied and so on, was awful. To me, high school was a whole different planet. Kids were trying to be nice, or at least more adult-like, and bullying wasn't there. At least according to the TV shows, High school is bullying heaven! And all about cliques! Maybe because we really didn't have jocks or cheerleaders, it was better? No drama clubs, glee clubs.. You might have bene classified as a 'nerd', or a 'good girl', but at least not too many peoiple were outcasts in my school. And if they were, it was because of their personality, not because of what they wore or were interested in.

It really breaks my heart to know kids are bullied so bad they feel like the only way out is to kill themselves.

People will need to care more, to put themselves in anothers' shoes. When you are a kid, it can be hard. But I think it should start from the home, and schools should try to do whatever they can. People just need to understand how it feels, and how you'd feel if somebody did that to you, or to your loved one.

Excuse the rant, my dog has gotten me up at wee hours (around 4:30am, though this morning she graciously let me sleep until 5:15am) every night for quite a while and I am seriously lacking sleep and can be emotional and/or weirdy irritated and grumpy, not to mention insane.

What an Internet Troll looks like - BBC The Next web

Pee-wee Herman Plays Black Ops

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