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arctic fox attack

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'arctic fox, pup, vicious attack, sandels, lol' to 'arctic fox, pup, vicious attack, sandals, lol' - edited by calvados

Jon Stewart Goes After Fox in Ferguson Monologue

enoch says...

did you just compare a famous nazi warmongering propagandist (who got his playbook from an american *edward bernaise*) to a political satirist?

a political satirist who is skewering actual so-called "journalists"?

jon stewart is NOT a journalist and this segment is not about reporting on ferguson but rather pointing to the absurdity of some news outlets and how THEY propagandize.

nobody knows for certain the details of what went down,mainly in part to "news" outlets such as the daily show is revealing to be muppets rather than journalists but ALSO how the police department is handling the situation.

the news outlets are also ignoring the under lying reasons why there was rioting and looting.

or do you actually believe that people in this community just decided to blow up businesses and take to the if it were inherent to their nature and that rioting is fun!
yaaay rioting! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeEEEE!

but maybe...
juuuust maybe.
there had been an ongoing persecution brought on by years of flagrant abuse of authority and a disproportionate focus on this poor community?
think that could be possible?
not only is it possible but probable,because thats exactly what many of the residents have actually said.

a few decades of bad policing will have that effect on people.

who is the blame?
do we blame the residents?who after years of police stepping on their necks resorts to violence?
well,they do hold some responsibility.though we may understand,we cannot condone.

or do we blame the police?

well,several weeks ago you made the argument that it was actually those in command that set the tone for the entire force.

that was a good argument.
i agree with that argument.
being former military i understand the chain of command and how vital it is to a working and successful force that wields immense power.

so here is my basic problem with your commentary:
you chastise stewart for ignoring the violence,rioting and protesting,while at the VERY SAME TIME ignore the REASONS why that that violence erupted.

you appear to be very vocal in your support of the police,ANY police,which commendable...even noble,but you,yourself,noted that those in command could be corrupt,vicious and incompetent.

so my question is this:
why would you defend those cops?

End 3 billion a year aid to Israel

newtboy says...

I have found this insane for decades. They don't need our money, they just want it. We badly need that money, but those in power would rather give it away to groups that use it in ways that we don't agree with, making us a pariah to the rest of the world for supporting them, costing us more money to defend ourselves and our interests we may not have to defend if we didn't pay Israel to be offensive.
That 3 billion a year could pay for universal health care for all....or to repair all our infrastructure, creating jobs AND upgrading the country...or could pay for actual healthcare for vets, or could build a giant wall at the border, or.....well, the list goes on forever of the better things we could be doing with that money instead of supporting vicious baby murderers in their attempted genocide of their neighbors which costs us more money in the end AND downgrades our standing in the rest of the world's opinion.

We should be arguing that Israel needs to send the US aid.

TYT - Israel's devastation of Gaza

newtboy says...

Not so in any meaningful way.

Israelis are the expansionists....aggressors.
Israel bombed first this (and many other) round(s)....aggressors.
Israel has many other less harmful methods of obtaining their 'stated' goals but prefer indiscriminately bombing civilian populations and shelters, then lying about it and blaming the victims....aggressors and liars.
Israel is safe as long as the iron dome system works, and it's working fine against the fireworks, but they still claim their offensive military campaign is defensive....aggressors, liars, and assholes.
Israel has done to the Palestinians what the Nazis did to them, namely force them into ghettos, then a giant concentration camp where they are randomly killed, but Israel still thinks they somehow hold the high moral ground (in large part because of people like you who will tell them so, in the face of all evidence to the contrary)....evil, history forgetting aggressors.
I think that's enough to say you are dead wrong in the first part of your statement....but they are getting their butts kicked. To me, that's a statement about the inhuman willingness of Israel to repeatedly and viciously attack a defenseless, imprisoned population rather than a slight against Palestinians.

bobknight33 said:

Palestinians and Hamas are the aggressors and now they are getting their buts kicked.

Young American Jew Stands up for Palestine

newtboy says...

What do you expect...speak against Israel, or for Palestine, get harassed, arrested, beaten, strangled, hogtied, and 'disappeared'. His face already looked horribly swollen and miss-shaped as they shoved him in the truck...probably the last time we'll ever see him. I would guess we'll see an announcement that he committed suicide in jail in the next few days.
It seems to me that Israel itself is doing it's utmost to give it's detractors ammunition in their argument against supporting Israel's actions. I can't say I have ever heard of a move by Israel I could agree with, or that wasn't antagonistically bullying it's neighbors, then whining and crying like a 3 year old spoiled rotten little girl if anyone returns the favor.
For a group of people that were viciously attacked and decimated, they certainly have no qualms about doing the same to others. They long ago lost the moral high ground, as their insistence on doing to others what they complain was done to them has made them the 'bad guy' consistently.
I'm not an anti-Semitic, but I am totally an anti-Zionist. I don't feel at all alone in that sentiment.

Margaret Thatcher does the Dead Parrot Sketch

Mealtime on Japan's Rabbit Island!

Chaucer says...

Tim: That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!
Sir Robin: You tit! I soiled my armor I was so scared!
Tim: Look, that rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide! It's a killer!
Sir Galahad: Get stuffed!

C-130 Disassembly

Crazy Dentist Visit - Cyanide & Happiness

poolcleaner says...

Dental implants aren't covered by insurance, because they're cosmetic. In fact, most (all?) executive dental plans provided by major corporations don't even cover them.

I paid 2k for a dental implant after talking my dentist down from 5k. Why did I pay this hefty price instead of getting a bridge, which is covered by my usually very decent insurance? I did it to save my surrounding teeth, which would have been widdled down to nubs in order to support the bridge (that's why it's called a bridge).

Bridges should be an outdated procedure, replaced by the superior implant, because we have the technology to avoid it.

But, well, we highly value the SUCCESS of dentists and insurance company scam artists, who desperately need new Ferraris. Afterall, they paid successful education scam artists to become dentists and insurance zombies, so they need to pay off them loans -- with your money, of course.

Oh it's a vicious first world cycle. lol

zombieater said:

$9000!?! that with or without insurance? Because I'm not sure if you've heard, but our prez has this new fangled ACA out and it's supposed to be dope.

Romancing the Drone or "Aerial Citizen Reduction Program"

bcglorf says...

For balance, most of the towns where drone strikes have been made already were completely controlled by people who hated America and harbored or cooperated with those actively working on killing Americans. Take a tour of the hundreds of drone strike targets in tribal Pakistan and you are surveying a region accepting the rule of militants so extreme that the Pakistani government is a secular heresy worthy of death to them. Pakistani law including the death sentence for blasphemy. Those regions being under such strong control of the militants that the Pakistani military can't go there for the casualties they would take trying to do so. The welcome for Americans(long before drone strikes were made) would have been even more vicious.

It is important to state that for as much legitimate reason to 'hate' American foreign policy as there is, there exist huge numbers of people who hate America for their own petty, vile and psychotic reasons. The Islamic fundamentalists that see Pakistan as too secular are plainly one such example, and saying they only hate America because they are justified is making excuses for monsters.

Yogi said:

Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlaki, who is Anwar al-Awlakis 16 year old son was targeted and killed. Born in Denver he was looking for his father and had sat down to dinner. He died along with his 17 year old cousin. It's called murder of the innocent.

Also they don't end any threat at all, they create more and more terrorists daily. Just ask anyone who's town has been hit by a Drone attack.

Questions for Statists

enoch says...

im no statist but this video is so childishly naive as to be laughable.

might as well call the free market jesus.

jesus is the way and the light.
follow jesus for salvation.
only jesus can absolve you of your sins.

this is about power.
if the libertarian is willing to acknowledge that the government is bloated and corrupt but unwilling to recognize the abuse of power wrought by corporations...because the corporation is part of the "free market"...they can end their sermon right there.

i am no longer interested.

if a libertarian preaches the importance of individual sovereignty and individual rights but dismisses that they are part of a community in a larger society.
they can proselytize at somebody elses door.

if a libertarian wishes to shower me with the glories of private property and ownership but ignore the importance and basic human dignity of the very workers who produce everything for those private owners.

then i say unto them that they wish to enslave their fellow man and the freedom they seek is for them alone and the rest of humanity be damned all in the name of profit and greed.

they can take their cult of ayn rand and masturbate somewhere else.

they are willing to admit that: @VoodooV pointed out,we live in a society and a society is populated by PEOPLE.

2.that people deserve more than just the right to trade freely (which i agree with) but that human dignity and compassion,and yes..the right for life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

3.that the corporation is actually MORE vicious than a government.a corporation is amoral by design! so if we are going to address the abusive powers of government,the abuses of corporations should be recognized as well.

4.the argument that corporations would not exist without governments is a canard.that may have been true in 1910 but no longer.there are corporations that have a higher GDP than most nation states.

5.the argument that governments start wars are only half-truths.can you guess what the other half is? thats right! banks and corporations using their power and influence to oppress third world nations...through the use (or abuse to be more accurate) of this nations military.see:smedley butler.

6.while a non-state would be amazing i am not naive enough to believe it could ever happen in our lifetime.yes many arbitrary borders have been penned by empires but there will always be lines drawn by cultural,religious and ethnicity..lets be honest.

7.while i do not share voodoos optimism in this democratic representative republics current health status (i feel it is broken and dysfunctional),it is a FAR better thing than the authoritarian,totalitarian system that is the american corporation.unless they went all democratic on me and i didnt get the memo.

8.government does have a role in our society,though it should be limited.
defense (not illegal and pre-emptive wars of aggression).
fraud control and law enforcement.
roads,fire,police,education and health,because thats what a society does for each other.
we take care of each other.
you dont like that? move to the mountains..have fun!

9.the corporate charter should be re-written."for the public good" should be re-instated for one thing.
a.i was talking to a libertarian and he used the term "non-aggression" and i really REALLY liked a corporation will be held responsible for any and all:destruction to the ecology (local and abroad),destruction of peoples health,home and property.externalization of any sort will be seen as "aggression" and the CEO and all officers will be held liable to be paid by:dissillusion of company of jail time,they can choose.
b.a corporation is NOT a person and ZERO funds will be drawn from company money to purchase a legislator.they may spend as much money as they wish from their own personal accounts,but ALL contributions shall be made public over a certain amount.
c.any corporation that has been found to pay their workers so little as to put the burden on the tax payer shall be found performing an "aggressive" act against the american people and shall either pay the amount in full or forfeit their company. rambling ...again.
but oh baby am i digging this non-aggression dealio!

can i rewrite the corporate charter?
please please please please.....

*promote the discussion

Wonder Showzen is made by THE DEVIL!!!

newtboy says...

I disagree, it absolutely was directed at me and he did quote me (he just didn't use the 'quote' button this time), please read it again...
chingalera said:
(a sate of permanent willful ignorance) it's 'state' and maybe, check a fucking mirror??
Totally directed at me in a snide attempt to disrespectfully deride me for a typing mistake he assumed I made and for being permanently willfully ignorant. That's his MO, derision and disrespect peppered with abusive overuse of a thesaurus. His argument style is mindless repetition of insults and complaint and derision of every topic and group and most individuals with no self awareness whatsoever. He repeatedly makes the same mistaken assumptions, even when corrected, because they support his insanity and give him a straw man to fight. He viciously attacks 'A or B' arguments that come from his own mind and not from the one's he attacks. I'm done with it. I can only remind him of the facts and my positions so many times before it's tiring in the extreme and my fault for doing it to myself.
I would say the pastor is an asshat because he made his own insane assumptions based on willful misunderstanding and is convincing others to think the same kind of has little to do with religion in the final analysis for me, it's about making up BS and getting others to believe it as fact, usually to get them to act as one wants them to. The religious don't have a monopoly on this behavior, it is also not reserved for religious goals, but religions and the religious are all too well practiced at it.

Chairman_woo said:

@newtboy Chingy's initial statement was not directed at you personally, I can maybe see why you thought it might but you were mistaken. (he didn't quote or reference you at any stage)

What he was trying to say was that the issue here is not specific to Christianity (or for that matter any other religion) but rather with the mindless repetition of inherited arguments and belief systems (i.e. people not truly thinking for themselves or being able to operate outside of the box they have built for themselves).

Atheists etc. are frequently guilty of the same thing; he was simply suggesting that it's unproductive to reduce the problem to paradigm A. vs paradigm B. when in truth its the very act of limiting ones perception and consciousness to one particular paradigm that causes the problem.

In other words the Pastor is an asshat not because he is a Christian but rather because he is only capable of understanding the world via the adopted assumptions of others. A fault which can be levelled at virtually any system of understanding when practised by those who have not yet understood the entirely relativistic nature of such systems.

This is why he referred to the inevitable banter as "boring and tired". For most it becomes simply "Christianity bad atheism good" (or visa versa or whatever). The truth of the matter is far more complex and moreover is universal to all participants.

@chingalera You are far too clever for your own good sometimes! I'd say something about "staring unto the abyss..." but I know full well you already understand this inescapable compromise when "fighting monsters".

Tread softly though brother, even the best of us are always a mere stumble from falling back unto the darkness we seek to banish...

Anti-abortion Ohio legislator-"I never even thot about it"

bareboards2 says...

Conservative women lack empathy as much as conservative men.

I read a report from a person who worked in an abortion clinic. The same people were parked in front of the clinic week after week. One woman in particular was vicious to women who came for services.

The worker was surprised when the woman showed up for an abortion. Upset and needing it desperately. Stayed professional, did the service.

Two weeks later, this same woman was out front, yelling just as loud as before.

The disconnect to reality is strong with some of these people. It's a baby being murdered, until you need the service for yourself.

G-bar said:

Such a shame. These laws are actually being introduced in several countries around the globe these days. I really don't get it. Where r the women? They repent more than 50% of the population... Time to stand up for yourselves!

Don't kick snow on a stray cat, or else

Science Vlogger reads her comments

Rawhead says...

Of course shes absolutely right. But, don't you think that just making this video will make the "internet ass holes" even more vicious? Also, i think that both her, and Vi are incredibly attractive. Mainly because they are so articulated, and intelligent.

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