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HARDtalk - Alan Moore

Sacha Baron Cohen spills some Kim Jong-il on Ryan Seacrest

entr0py says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

Dick move by SBC. Seacrest handled it about as well as could be expected.

>> ^MonkeySpank:

Seacrest took it well considering how humiliating it must have been on the red carpet. Shame on Sasha for such a shitty prank. He should pull that prank on the likes of Mike Tyson next time; that would have gone well.

Don't feel bad for Seacrest, he's in on it. Any time Sacha plays a "prank" like this on a celebrity, he gets their permission first. Ordinary people who can't afford lawyers to peruse silly vendettas are fair game.

Freedom of and From Religion

VoodooV says...

>> ^bobknight33:

No conservative gives a rats ass if the President is black or for that matter anything else. We care about being conservative first. Obama is as left as they come. That's why we oppose him.
He is not center left. He is to the left of the left.He makes Ted Kennedy and John Kerry look ok. >> ^VoodooV:
proof that conservatives will put aside their supposed morality at the drop of a hat just to oppose a black man

Did you just admit that conservatives care more about conservatism than they do the country? Forgive me if I misunderstood you, but it's hard to take anyone seriously who thinks Obama is left of left.

Or are you just trolling like QM, spouting stuff you know isn't true just to rile the sift up?

Or are you so deep in the bubble just nothing is getting through.

But by all means, keep painting this absurd picture of left wing radicalism and slippery slopes to socialism. You're just fracturing your party even more and ensuring Obama's re-election. The more you double down on this personal vendetta against Obama, the more you ensure you're going to lose.

As for your 2nd quote. Maybe you're right, but in your utopia, the EPA would be gone, thus ensuring that no one would be safe to fish Or maybe I could just buy fish from a corporation, but with no gov't oversight, the fish will probably make you sick, thus ensuring you're bankrupt for life and can never improve your life. Right Bob?

chris hedges on secular and religious fundamentalism

gwiz665 says...

I have seen the results of other people testing it. Again, the scientific method intrinsically tests it for me, so I don't have to spend my life doing it.

I don't know that nuclear reactors actually work, I can't really test it because I don't have one available, but I think they do work, because I can see the results of them. Saying I have "faith" that they work, is misrepresenting what is actually going on.

>> ^longde:

The point is you haven't tested the results and the evidence.
It doesn't matter why or how or by what mechanism you have faith; you still have faith. Somehow, though, your faith is of more quality than someone else's. You reasoned out your faith, so it's OK.
"Assumption"? Let's not play semantics, here.>> ^gwiz665:
This is demonstrably false. "Taken on faith" is a huge misrepresentation.
We do not have faith in spite of the evidence, we have "faith" in the evidence. We can actually check up on it, we can even test them ourselves. If the results don't add up, one of our axioms (the stuff "taken on faith") might be false.
The entire scientific method rests on the fact that we can TEST our hypotheses, theories and the like.
I did a post on this earlier
Assumption is not the same as faith.
>> ^longde:
Whatever. Even atheists have faith. At least the ones that claim adherence to science.
Unless one has reproduced all scientific results and math proofs over the past hundreds of years, the efficacy of science and the honesty of scientists are taken on faith. This from an atheist trained as a physicist/engineer. There is nothing I have read about the scientific method that claims infallibility, but listening to alot of scientists (who should know better) and laymen atheists you would think it does.
edit: upvote for the discussion>> ^gwiz665:
Faith is the cancer of the mind, religion is just the outcome. The very essence of faith is to limit your curiosity, your search for knowledge and your very mind. I cannot abide by this.
I especially cannot abide by it when it is in people of power, like politicians.
It saddens me that smart, intellectual people are afflicted by this cancer, because it is such a damn shame that all they say have to be double-checked, because you cannot be sure whether it is actually founded in reason or in faith.
Faith has no value to me. Faith got us nowhere, reason got us to the stars.

Anonymous says the end of the Bill of Rights has happened

Girl transforms herself into (Anonymous) (Guy Fawkes)

artician says...

>> ^Asmo:

>> ^artician:
Still, I wish people who wish to protest something wouldn't pick a pop-culture reference to represent themselves. They should represent who they are, not some icon the media made popular. It really degrades the whole message they want to spread.
They are legion... ; )

Heheh, maybe if everyone dressed up like Natalie Portman.

When the people who are the intended recipients of the protesters message see this though, they probably can't take it seriously. "Oh look, the masses are decorating themselves like a film character". The superficiality of its origins comes forward more readily than the intended symbolic attachment behind it. It would be more effective to find some emotional, poignant symbolism that represents, and is unique to, the movement and message at large.

Girl transforms herself into (Anonymous) (Guy Fawkes)

Girl transforms herself into (Anonymous) (Guy Fawkes)

FlowersInHisHair says...

Well it's naive of them not to consider the full implications of their chosen symbol. Plus, they could have chosen a better movie.>> ^alien_concept:

>> ^FlowersInHisHair:
Does Anonymous not realise that Guy Fawkes's goal was to install a Catholic theocracy? Kind of at odds with what they want, right?

But they're taking the mask from the movie V for Vendetta, which is definitely not at odds with what they want

Girl transforms herself into (Anonymous) (Guy Fawkes)

A Movie Montage of the "God's Eye View" Shooting Angle

Anonymous goes after Mexican drug cartel

Sagemind says...

Anonymous advised its members to protect their online identities, and not to wear the traditional Anonymous mask in public, or even purchase them online, as a core group decides if it should take on a Mexican drug cartel that is said to have kidnapped a member of the group.

The hacker group had earlier threatened to expose the identity of members and supporters of a Mexican drug cartel by Nov. 5, in retaliation for the kidnapping of a group member, and hacked the web site of a former state official, alleging that he has associations with the dreaded Zetas cartel.

But there are fissures showing among the leaders as fear of handling the drug cartel builds up, with some expressing concern that new, inexperienced members could get quickly exposed and compromised.

The action has been cancelled, Sm0k34n0n wrote in a Twitter message in Spanish on Monday. High-profile colleague anonymouSabu described sm0k34n0n as one of the campaign's promoters in another Twitter message. But other groups from Latin America are said to be considering a core action group, and warning other members to stay away. AnonymouSabu was all for the action late Sunday.

A video in Spanish posted on YouTube on October 6 by a person calling himself "MrAnonymousguyfawkes", threatened that Anonymous will publish the names, photos, and addresses of police officials, journalists, and taxi drivers that collaborate with the drug cartel, hoping the government will arrest them.

"You made a huge mistake by taking one of us. Release him. And if anything happens to him, you (expletive) will always remember this upcoming November 5th," said a masked person in the video, according to a translation provided by another user of YouTube.

November 5 is known in the U.K. as Guy Fawkes day after his November 5, 1605, conspiracy to attempt to blow up the British Parliament. The Guy Fawkes mask, popularized by the movie V for Vendetta, has been adopted by Anonymous.

Anonymous claimed on Sunday to have defaced the website of a former official in the Mexican state of Tabasco. On Monday, the website bore a message in Spanish by Anonymous Mexico stating that he was a part of Zetas.

"We all know who they are and where they are," said the speaker in the video. Anonymous did not however claim that its hacking skills gave it special access to information on the cartel. Nor are its traditional tactics such as DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) attacks on websites likely to be of use against armed gangs, according to various analysts.

The drug cartel has killed people who have criticized them on blogs and other social media, according to reports. The Committee to Protect Journalists in New York reported in September the murder of a journalist in direct retaliation for information posted on social media.

As newspapers are censored by fear, Mexican citizens, and many journalists, are turning to social media and online forums to share news and inform each other, said Sara Rafsky, a research associate in CPJ's Americas program. "So it should be no shock that drug cartels are turning their attention to the Internet."

Koch Brothers lackey Peter Schiff gets schooled by OWS

Henry 8.0 - VIII for Vendetta

alien_concept says...

>> ^DerHasisttot:

Instant upvote for Blessed. I envy that man.

There was this episode of QI, I haven't managed to find it yet, where they did a whole bit on him. Absolutely fascinating dude, completely fucking bonkers, has broken records climbing mountains, has 2000 creatures living in his house. He's one of my heroes for sure!

Anonymous warns of "Operation Facebook" on Nov 5 2011

offsetSammy says...

That, and the movie. Mostly the movie.

>> ^Reefie:

>> ^Morganth:
November 5th, really? Okay, those people obsessing over V for Vendetta really need to get over it.

November 5th is the date that Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up parliament in the UK back in 1605, Brits celebrate the occasion every year and it's hard to find someone who doesn't recognise the phrase "Remember remember the fifth of November". I don't think Anonymous chose the date because of a film, I believe it was chosen because of the significance of the date from a historical perspective.

Anonymous warns of "Operation Facebook" on Nov 5 2011

Reefie says...

>> ^Morganth:
November 5th, really? Okay, those people obsessing over V for Vendetta really need to get over it.

November 5th is the date that Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up parliament in the UK back in 1605, Brits celebrate the occasion every year and it's hard to find someone who doesn't recognise the phrase "Remember remember the fifth of November". I don't think Anonymous chose the date because of a film, I believe it was chosen because of the significance of the date from a historical perspective.

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