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Arya Stark recaps last episode(spoilers)

st0nedeye says...

"It's unfair this being so funny. I'm still emotionally traumatized from the red wedding."

You better stop watching, because it only gets worse...and worse...

Arya Stark recaps last episode(spoilers)

Little Girl Explains Childbirth in 4 Seconds

Deer Gets Hit By Bus and Ends Up Inside

Dad Has A Twisted Sense Of Humor

Iraq War Veteran Explains Decision to End His Life

nock says...

How is this "poor support on the part of the VA"? Yes, clearly his pain was not being adequately addressed, but he got an extreme surgery at a private hospital without relief of his symptoms. In my opinion, the VA doctors did the right thing by not operating without knowing that it would improve his pain. Now he is in pain without bowel function, worse off than he was before. I don't know the details of his injuries, but some spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury patients have neurogenic pain that is unrelieved by any intervention let alone surgery.

shagen454 said:

I had such a difficult time watching this. Clearly, this is a case where euthanasia should be possible if it were legal for him to do so. It also highlights poor support on part of the VA and substandard/abusive state of medical practices in this country. And I am not turning a blind eye to the greed and the fact that the War, like many, was a farce. Too depressing.

CNN Sympathizes with High School Rapists

Jerykk says...

You can recover from being raped. You can't recover from being murdered. While rape is certainly traumatic and can cause physical harm, it's still nowhere close to being dead.

As for rehabilitation's efficacy, how many criminals are repeat offenders? If rehabilitation worked, there would be no such thing as a repeat offender.

You are correct, though, in regards to our current implementation of the death penalty being ineffective. For one, the death penalty is very rarely handed out. You stand a much better chance of getting a life sentence. Even if you do get the death penalty, you'll likely sit on death row for years before being executed. In fact, this is often a benefit to prisoners, as they are separated from the rest and don't have to worry about being raped or beaten. Free food, free room, no threats from other prisoners and you don't have to worry about anything because you already know you're going to die. And when you are finally executed, it is done in the most humane (and unnecessarily elaborate and expensive) way possible. If you're a sociopath who has accepted or even embraced your own death, this is hardly the worse way to go.

The death penalty isn't the ultimate penalty, either. There are some people who don't care about living and therefore don't care about dying. To them, death means nothing. However, being forced to live a life of pain and suffering isn't appealing to anyone, no matter how apathetic they may be. If the penalty for any crime was to have your arms, legs and eyes removed, be hooked up to the necessary IVs to survive and then forced to endure daily torture for the rest of your life, I guarantee crime rates would drop substantially. Fear is an incredibly effective tool at keeping people in check. It's when people stop being scared of punishment that rules start being broken.

ChaosEngine said:

Yeah, rape is worse than murder. Murder is sometimes, if not justifiable, at least understandable.

And I'd argue that rehabilitation works better than deterrence.
The ultimate deterrent is the death penalty and that has been shown time and again to be ineffective.

THE UNBELIEVERS - Richard Dawkins & Lawrence Krauss

shagen454 says...

There is a huge difference between DMT and other psychedelics. Just do a little research. If you take it all the way it is just as far as a person can go. Whether it is real or not is obviously subjective. Not sure what the question is but that it is definitely beneficial, for some. Even if one gets a terrifying traumatic one, like I have. But, to do that I think a person has to know how to use them to his or her advantage, they can be used as tools. The perceptions on DMT are not like the reality enhancing ones on normal doses of psychedelics. It completely changes normal reality into a new reality, incomprehensible and beyond normal human imagination and when I say that I am using human words and being very humble since most people will never see... well until they die, possibly.

xxovercastxx said:

@shagen454 @chingalera

I have always wondered why so many people who've used psychedelic drugs think the hallucinations are somehow more real than their normal perceptions.

I can appreciate that hallucinations can give you ideas you'd never otherwise think of. I can see where an artist might benefit from something like that. Even dreams can do this on occasion.

When it comes to understanding reality, it seems to me that our senses are already so inadequate. How can causing them to malfunction be helpful to perception?

This is an honest inquiry. Apologies if I seem mocking or rude.

New World Vocabulary for Dullards

criticalthud says...

cool. interesting...thanks.
one variant - chronic traumatic encephalopathy

00Scud00 said:

I think PTSD is a psychological condition which is classified as an anxiety disorder (according to Wikipedia at least), actual physical damage to the nervous system would be something else entirely. So maybe Carlin was misinformed or the definition had changed since that bit was written, which was quite a while ago I think.

Classical Conditioning Experiment - "Attack of the Quack"

America's 2nd Revolutionary War

chingalera says...

....and there's that meaningless filler word "actually" again (description)-
The so-called, New World Order is in place and working fine with the complicity of peeps on both sides of meaningless debates addressing lamely, symptoms and temporary treatments for inoperable colon cancer.

Alex Jones (douchebag) needs to move to Bogata where can stretch his cocaine dollar...circa 1940 prices down there!

ooops, I meant to up-vote this viddy, sorry-Hedges has a handle on the dynamics and the soldiers they interviewed like he surmises will come back traumatized and the ones that gain self-awareness.???....these are the Afghan children you want to donate once a month to to insure they have enough food on their tables.

Leopard Kills Monkey and Discovers Baby! INCREDIBLE REACTION

President Obama Addresses the Newtown, Conn., School Shootin

VoodooV says...

I agree, the media completely slobbers over this shit. I live in Nebraska and when we had the mall shooting in Omaha, I remember reading an article about it where the author seemed utterly gleeful and compared the shooting to us joining an elite club. I wanted to punch the guy.

Banning media coverage from this sort of stuff would have a significant impact I think since they do this to get attention and there is no bigger attention than national media coverage.

I'm sorry, we just don't need to have interviews and tons of photos. It's always the same thing. Of course they're traumatized, of course they're greiving, of course they're shocked. DUH. Even businesses latch on as much as they can use the tragedy as an excuse to post some fake mournful post on facebook/twitter/etc

Sagemind said:

An interesting difference in the case of China's offenses:
"After several such attacks since 2010, the government has ordered all schools to beef-up security and the official media stopped reporting the incidents to avoid copy-cat imitations."

A far cries difference on how the American Media reacts. They can't wait to get the scoop and evoke the biggest reaction. As far as they are concerned - it makes Good TV, which is sickening. The media is currently having a frenzy over this one vying to see who can get the best interview/scoop.

WW1 War Neuroses

Jimmy Kimmel - Horrible Back to School Outfit Challenge

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