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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Jenna Ellis, Trump’s lawyer, sure sounds ready to flip, and she would have some good inside info.

Remember her, she’s been one of the loudest of his lawyers about him stiffing her on her legal fees….like he has every lawyer and most others he owes money to.

Now in an interview she said she wouldn’t vote for him because he’s such a malignant narcissist that he claims to have never done anything wrong in his life.

I wonder what changed for her. She said nearly the same thing in 2016, but then became one of his biggest cheerleaders. I guess you can only get raped by the team so many times before you become disillusioned.

Bonus - Holy sheep shit, Trump’s latest disastrous interview he admitted his lawyers told him he lost and he was doing illegal things trying to overturn the election but he decided if they disagreed with his plan they must be RINOs or just bad lawyers so he chose to listen to other people telling him what he wanted to hear because he had already made the decision himself that he would insist he had won the election early on election eve when less than half the votes had been counted despite his staff and election officials and reality telling him otherwise and insisting he stop.
“You know who I listened to…I listened to myself.”

Basically he just plead guilty to all the Georgia charges on national TV and admitted it was all his idea. I know he’s trying to influence the jury pool, but we all expect him to be claiming total innocence, no one expected him to just admit his total guilt. 😂

Second bonus- it seems that one of Trump’s assistants at Maralago (with no security clearance) was often given instructions and to do lists written on the back of highly classified documents from the whitehouse. Trump was using them as scrap paper to be tossed in the trash after use! She kept them and turned them over to the FBI after the first subpoena (that Trump ignored then fought) so Jack Smith has them. D’OH!

Let's talk about Trump, Georgia, $200,000, and bail....

newtboy says...

No, that’s dumb, pretending these people’s responses aren’t either totally staged or a 1% cut of their actual interviews, but it’s still not as dumb as your previous attempt to spin a fourth indictment on 91 anti-American felonies and a mug shot as a positive for the “law and order” party. 😂
PS- lawsuits disqualifying Trump from being on the ballot are being filed already in Florida.

Shaneyyricch? 😂 More getting your “unbiased news” from dishonest hyper partisan nobodies on YouTube. At some point you might rethink that, it’s been disastrous for you.

Trump got under 12% of the “black” vote in 2020 (being generous, some polls show him below 10%, still up from 8% in 16)…but based on your posts you must think he got 90%+. It’s complete lunacy.

bobknight33 said:

(Paraphrasing)- “Blacks for Trump” represent the entire non white community and they all love trump for being a criminal

Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond

bobknight33 says...

You ever think that you are totally wrong on this .

Not racist, Not Anti American, Not MEGA.

Perhaps you are hearing another "dog whistle". Odd thing is that only democrats hear these dog whistles.

People are tired of being screwed and not listen to by their government.

If racist as you say fined a non media reaction to this that indicates so. Find 3

Perhaps its know it all people like you who want to divide people, who want to keep poor people down just for their vote.

newtboy said:

Why are so many here upvoting this anti governmental America hating regressive racist extreme Christian right MAGA anthem the anti government America hating extreme Christian MAGA right has latched onto?

Do you not know what he’s saying?
Do you not understand “people like me and people like you” refers to white Christian nationalist people?
Do you not understand what’s meant by “with an old soul” (it means they want to regress to pre-civil rights era Jim crow)?
Do you not understand the “rich men north of Richmond” he speaks about are just the Democratic “tax and spend” politicians (and maybe RINOS but not MAGA)?
Do you not notice the anti government assistance message?
Did you miss the pro incel message?
Did you miss all the fat shaming by a fat man?
Did you not notice the COMPLAINT that the government protected minors being raped on an island INSTEAD OF coal miners (who in fact have had dozens of government “welfare” programs created to get them retraining and jobs in industries that are less deadly, pollute less, and pay over minimum wage as well as instituted hundreds of governmental safety regulations that have cut miner deaths exponentially).

Did no one listen to the message of the song?
Did no one else notice the completely homogenous angry white middle age crowd?

WTF people!?

Let's talk about Trump, Georgia, $200,000, and bail....

newtboy says...

That is by far the dumbest thing I’ve heard this century.

I know he can’t help that he’s a rapist at this point, but is being a total supervillain the image he’s going for? It’s the one he projects.

You’ve really lost your shit if you think this doesn’t make you look irrationally triggered. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Trump is just like a gangster rapper so a mug shot is good for his image.

India Lands On The Moon’s South Pole

Gyro drop tower

Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond

newtboy says...

Why are so many here upvoting this anti governmental America hating regressive racist extreme Christian right MAGA anthem the anti government America hating extreme Christian MAGA right has latched onto?

Do you not know what he’s saying?
Do you not understand “people like me and people like you” refers to white Christian nationalist people?
Do you not understand what’s meant by “with an old soul” (it means they want to regress to pre-civil rights era Jim crow)?
Do you not understand the “rich men north of Richmond” he speaks about are just the Democratic “tax and spend” politicians (and maybe RINOS but not MAGA)?
Do you not notice the anti government assistance message?
Did you miss the pro incel message?
Did you miss all the fat shaming by a fat man?
Did you not notice the COMPLAINT that the government protected minors being raped on an island INSTEAD OF coal miners (who in fact have had dozens of government “welfare” programs created to get them retraining and jobs in industries that are less deadly, pollute less, and pay over minimum wage as well as instituted hundreds of governmental safety regulations that have cut miner deaths exponentially).

Did no one listen to the message of the song?
Did no one else notice the completely homogenous angry white middle age crowd?

WTF people!?

I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay
So I can sit out here and waste my life away
Drag back home and drown my troubles away

It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond

I wish politicians would look out for miners
And not just minors on an island somewhere
Lord, we got folks in the street, ain't got nothin' to eat
And the obese milkin' welfare

Well, God, if you're 5-foot-3 and you're 300 pounds
Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds
Young men are puttin' themselves six feet in the ground
'Cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin' them down

Lord, it's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond

I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay

Let's talk about the Trump Georgia indictment contents....

newtboy says...

Hilarious YOU are complaining that prosecutors are “gunning full speed to file charges against Trump” because the RAPIST has been complaining vociferously that they slow walked these charges that he claims should have been brought Jan 21 2021 (despite some charges stemming from actions he took in September 21 and later), and says they’re slow walking them to delay until 2024 … ignoring or trying to hide from the fact that 99% of delays came from Trump and his cohorts forcing prosecutors to repeatedly go all the way to the Supreme Court to get their testimony or documents in their efforts to delay trials until after the election. 😂

Republicans dismissed the accusations (not charges) against Clinton after 12 failed investigations found absolutely nothing criminal. Nada, nothing, none, zip, zilch, bumpkis.
Hunter (a private citizen so total 100% red herring) is going to court likely before Trump. His father COULD pardon him and end the nonsensical persecution “by just thinking about it”, but instead a special prosecutor was just empaneled.

Trump the rapist is only running so he can pardon himself from the list of 91 serious felony charges (and growing) he faces today for defrauding and assaulting the American government and people.

What insanity are you believing now?

bobknight33 said:

Odd that the left is gunning full speed to file charges against Trump all the while they slow walk or dismiss charges for Democrats like Hunter and Hillary.

5 Facts About Trump’s Indictments

newtboy says...

Once again…”just wait until Monday, Trump will prove the election fraud and his innocence at a press conference, total exoneration”, (Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow….)
Trump claimed he was going to hold a press conference and show his huge conclusive report including the evidence proving the election was stolen from him before arraignment, which he said would end what you say are nonsense allegations and indictments…
…but now SURPRISE SURPRISE SURPRISE he won’t be holding that press conference, and won’t be releasing that report publicly but will withhold it for trial (sound familiar?).
He’s tried this exact same lie 70 times in court and lost every single time…but you’re sure it will work THIS TIME. 😂

So fun watching you rubes being insanely gullible AGAIN, still believing the guy who has NEVER told you the truth. The guy who has put everyone in his administration in serious legal jeopardy with his lies.
I bet you believe Trump, who is in fact a convicted rapist, liar, and fraud, who claims all the Jan 6 evidence has been destroyed despite it being publicly archived and listed in discovery in one of Trump’s trials and turned over to his team already.

It’s fun because everyone outside the cult sees it now, sees how ridiculous and dumb his lies (and yours) are…and his lies aren’t gaining him a single vote and won’t fly in court.
You are being played again.

bobknight33 said:

Fun watching the left being gullible. You are being played, again.

Let's talk about the Trump Georgia indictment contents....

surfingyt says...

hey bewb you gonna be okay? what conspiracy theory you got to explain this? hahahahahahaaahaha

They have the PAYMENT RECORDS for the voting machine breach! Wow. I'm so glad that this was perpetrated by total and complete morons. We'd be screwed if they were actually good at this.

Let's all congratulate Mr. Donald Trump for breaking the record for most indicted former president, a title formerly held by Mr. Donald Trump, who stole the title held by Mr. Donald Trump, who stole the title from Mr. Donald Trump after he previously broke a 247 year streak of zero.

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith on Donald Trump indictments

newtboy says...

😂 silly boy.

So, another random Twitter account named DC Draino (no bias there) tells you something stupid and already proven false and you just believe it over all the evidence. Typical. You’re such an easy sucker for nonsense.

Not clicking your link. You post links to fake sites hosting viruses, and they wouldn’t have any actual information anyway, just fact free spitballs shot by ignorant children.

There were undercover agents there, but not instigating violence or destruction, they documented it. There’s not one second of video showing an agent instigating violence, but hundreds, thousands of hours of MAGgots instigating and perpetrating violence, hundreds of court cases where it was proven. Trump himself instigated violence and destruction, advocated for it publicly…for months. He’s been indicted for it. “Jan 6 is going to be wild”. It sure was. “Stand back and stand by (until Jan 6 then come armed)”. “Fight hard or you won’t have a country”. “You can’t let them certify this election or you won’t have a country”. “Stop them from stealing the election using trial by combat”. “Go to the Capitol and fight hard, stop the steal…I’ll be there with you”. “Take your country back.” They tried. He tried to pardon them, and has promised to pardon them all if re-elected.

You’ll get all the tapes after Trumps trial, but Tucker has all 44000 hours of them, talk to him. The fact that he released only <5 minutes of highly edited video shows you exactly how weak your position is, if it were true you would already have proof of undercover agents committing violence and destruction, but you have nothing, nada, zip, zilch, Nunca. Just >5 minutes of spliced together video snippets of people walking the halls looking for victims, that’s all he could find with no violence shown. Sucker.

Jan 6 was PURE MAGA sedition and violence, the definition of a failed coup. A display of MAGA hatred of democracy and fairness. There was no one outside the cult instigating anything. Proven by the Jan 6 investigation you ignored. It will be proven again next spring in Trump’s public trial, one of how many now?…and you still won’t believe it.

There is none so blind as he who will not see, and you’ve been squeezing your eyes shut since Trump rode that escalator into your brain (because he’s afraid of stairs and ramps). 😂

You complete and total sucker. They still have you hook line and sinker.

Meanwhile, Daniel Rodriguez (defended by MAGA leadership) was just sentenced to 12.5 years and $100000 for repeatedly tasering a capitol police officer in the neck during his violent attack on congress at Trump’s request and direction, causing a heart attack and permanent brain damage ending his career. He bragged online about it, and after sentencing shouted “Trump won!”. Must be an fbi plant. 😂

Another violent cultist who admits his violence against police for Trump as part of a plot to perform a violent coup….THEY’RE ADMITTING IT…in court under oath. Dummy. 😂

bobknight33 said:

They’re ADMITTING it

How many cops & federal agents were undercover that day? How many instigated violence & property destruction?

Release the J6 tapes!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oof….Tesla just got busted totally lying about the car range, lying so badly they developed an algorithm that overestimates your range until you hit 50% battery, then tells you your actual range and created a “diversion team” to cancel appointments from people who complained about their car’s range, telling them their car had been remotely diagnosed with no problems but they had actually not run diagnostics at all, and they had a practice of calling customers to try to cancel any appointments and if they got no answer they just canceled the appointment themselves, and eventually made it impossible to create an appointment for a vehicle range issue at all.
All this because they knew they over estimated their cars range by 25-50%!!! New Teslas supposed to have an over 300 mile range we’re not going 150 before the battery dies, and Tesla knew from the start it was a lie.
Tesla isn’t the only ev that overestimated its range, but they are the worst offenders by more than double. So much for another of your heroes.

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith on Donald Trump indictments

newtboy says...

Lol….who cares what disgraced, sanctioned, up for disbarment, Epstein friend and child fucker (Giuffre) Dershowitz says?
He’s proven himself a complete fraud willing to make any claim or accusations in the last 4 years…that or he has complete full blown dementia. He’s a loser…one in the parade of losers…not worth 30 seconds, forget 30 minutes. Get real.

Whatever he said, I’ll bet $ to $ he’s misdirecting at best, more likely totally lying. The case isn’t about Trump’s right to free speech any more than arresting a mobster that set up a hit would be…he only spoke, others did the crimes. Derp…doesn’t work that way sucker.

101 Republican Township Supervisor Robert Holland pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 92-year-old nursing home resident in 2006. He was given a two-to-four-year sentence.

102 Antigay pastor Leonard Ray Owens told a woman who had miscarriage she was possessed by a sex spirit and lesbian demon so he raped her.
103 GOP State Rep & House Minority Leader Galen Fox convicted of molesting a woman who was a flight with him from Honolulu to Los Angeles

104 Albert Andre Zimmerman, a GOP-appointed spokesperson for the State of Florida Department of Children and Families, producing child porn. See also The Wrong Voice

105 The Republican Mayor of Collins Missouri, and Pastor of the Temple Lot Church in Collins, Allen D. Kauffman caught in internet sting by an adult pretending to be 13

106 Dana Rorabacher's aide Jeffrey Nielson, sex with underage boys

107 SD State GOP Rep Ted Klaudt: rape, sexual exploitation of a minor, witness tampering, stalking. Five victims, three foster children who lived with Klaudt.

108 Elyria Ohio city councilman, Republican Joseph Monteleone Jr. was found guilty of fondling underage girls

109 GOP County Commissioner Patrick Lee McGuire child molestation

110 Republican Mayor Jeffrey Kyle Randall was sentenced nine months in jail and six years on probation on charges that he molested two boys

111 Republican Judge Donald Thompson from Oklahoma, was found guilty on four counts of indecent exposure after using a penis pump while presiding over court cases.

112 Ohio GOP Caucus lawyer Stephen Linne - "Naked Photographer" a moniker suggesting his snapping pics of women in the nude was harmless. It was not

113 OP Sheriff candidate Eddie Frankum indicted for sexual harassment and illegally detaining women while police chief.

114 GOP campaign volunteer and national convention delegate Ted Bundy - kidnapping, rape, murder

115 Gun activist Cody Wilson - child sexual assault

116 Christian Television Network entertainer Ronald William Brown convicted for child porn, the rest is just too disturbing to go into

117 GOP state Senate aide Alan Berlin - internet child sex. I don't care about him being a furry. I know a few furries who are lovely people, including one of my nephews. They are not pedophiles and the headline is offensive.

118 Trump White House aide Rob Porter - domestic violence

119 Roger Ailes, Republican propagandist, sexual harassment

120 Jason Miller, Trump campaign staffer and Trump advocate on CNN - poisoned ex with abortion pill It's not the sex, it's not the desire for abortion, it's the doing it against her will

121 GOP megadonor Steve Wynn - sexual harassment

122 Former Republican Michael Cohen used threats and money to silence women and reporters who could expose sexual predator

123 GOP Sen Patrick Meehan - sexual harassment

124 GOP Congressman Blake Farenthold - sexual harassment

125 Former Republican WY Sec of State Ed Murray - sexual assault

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Er mer gerd, the stupidity….the sound of freedom, the fake Q movie produced by Mexicans, is 100% being astroturfed by selling out entire theaters to make it seem popular, but multiple videos of these sold out showings are completely empty, not one single actual person in the sold out theater. Nice try at fake popularism, but another total failure at producing a fake movement.

What do you want to bet that the Trump campaign somehow used campaign donations to buy out theaters to pretend their Q message is popular?

Watch, soon they’ll be telling you what an important film with an important message that hundreds of thousands now “know” and tons of “facts” you need to know about the child trafficking adrenochrome cabal despite it being pure fantasy that even the creators won’t vouch for.
Another 2000 mules being sold to 2000000 jackasses that love being suckered by liars.

Just more MAGAQ grift…every single thing MAGA says is a lie, most of it is admissions couched in projection. Suckers.

BTW, the rapist Trump’s defense that his lawyers Giuliani and Powell and told him the coup was legal is a loser. Dozens more real lawyers without dementia told him it was illegal, as did the DOJ, and even Trump is recorded mocking the idiotic plan to send fake electors or have Pence choose the president himself, knowing how dumb and illegal both plans were, but later he decided they were his only options.
Not that it matters, his mindset can only be contradicted by Trump himself on the stand, and do you think any lawyer is dumb enough to let the rapist and liar testify? Can you even imagine the dozens of new charges arising from his contradictory and false testimony!?!
Also, his mindset doesn’t matter, it’s his actions that are on trial, not some thought crime. “I’m too dumb and ignorant to know I lost” is not a defense to fomenting multiple coup attempts.

😂 joy: 😂

Ruh-roe….there are new financial disclosures that show that Trump’s Save America PAC has been using small donor money to pay his and other witness and co conspirator legal fees and is broke, (now we know how he wasted over $50 million without paying his own lawyers, using the mob MO of hiring lawyers for subordinates that are loyal only to the Don, not their clients…those subordinates are usually convicted while protecting the crime boss) so busted that it has had to demand a $60 million refund from the MAGA Inc. SuperPac just to get through the year, a refund that also indicates illegal coordination between the SuperPac and Trump’s campaign. More illegal money laundering and SuperPac/campaign collusion (explicitly forbidden) so he could secretly use personal campaign donations for his mounting personal legal woes (including witness tampering by paying their attorneys, something a defendant cannot legally do).
He REALLY needs better attorneys, “my criminal attorneys told me to do the crimes” is not a defense, it’s a guilty plea. 😂

Beau with an interesting take on the Mitch thing

newtboy says...

Trying to say Mitch is some bulwark against MAGA insanity!?…I think he hasn’t been paying attention for the last 15 years.
Mitch was the one who stole Obama’s Supreme Court appointment and ended RvW.
Mitch was a vote for MAGA, a total Trump supporter.
Mitch voted against impeachment for Jan 6 despite stating Trump WAS responsible. Wasn’t he the one who said to just wait 12 days until he’s out of office and we’ll impeach him for certain, then said he’s already out of office so you can’t impeach him now?
He might SOUND a tiny bit more sane (when he’s capable of speaking), but his votes are as extreme as anyone, and his leadership has led the Republican Party into the insane asylum.
I don’t know why he just assumes any replacement would be more extreme with the same or greater ability to achieve their extremist agenda…it’s more likely they’ll elect another Boebert who’s bombastic but unqualified and ineffectual.

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