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Pi Movie Trailer

Pi: Hebrew Torah/Fibonacci Sequence (Darren Aronofsky film)

Sam Harris lectures on the dangers of both religious fundamentalism and religious moderation

scottishmartialarts says...

"He also uses a literalistic interpretation of the Bible while at the same time criticizing people for doing that."

What he is doing is forcing people to own up to what the Bible, Torah and Koran actually say. Religious moderation has lead to the inability to accuse the Religions of the Book of being violent or dangerous. If one were to say that Islam is an inherently violent religion then one would be accussed of intolerance. A reading of the Koran however easily supports such a claim.

The point is not that religious fundamentalists are right, but rather that if you believe that scripture is God's word then scripture supports fundamentalism and not moderation. Therefore, religious moderates are on theologically shaky ground because their primary source of evidence, scripture, supports fundamentalism and not moderation. This however is all a moot point because any reasonable mind can see that there is no evidence to suggest that scripture is actually the word of God.

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