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Alien: Romulus | Final Trailer

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Melania - “I’m just here so I don’t get fined.”
Her distain for Trump and MAGA was on FULL display, from the late arrival to the dodged kiss to the look of disgust at Hogan and Kid Rock now being the Lowest Common Denominator representatives for the L.C.D. party and candidate. Not so great when the soft core porn star trophy wife of great leader is looking at you all in disgust. Melania Marcos is not pleased.
I guess it’s better than plagiarizing Michelle Obama’s speech in it’s entirety again.

Oh no….JD Vance - It’s a mistake to let women in violent abusive marriages escape them through divorce. (Because ending divorce, abortion, birth control, recreational sex, porn, and spousal rape as a crime are all part of project 2025, your party platform).
Also recently blamed all of America’s problems on “childless cat women” in positions of power and said women with no children shouldn’t get a say in American politics (and insinuated women with children should be too busy raising them to have an opinion). How long before women lose their vote in Project MAGA 2025? Not long….but men will be close behind.

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith on Donald Trump indictments

newtboy says...

Hunter Biden has filed to have his case dismissed on the same grounds. 😂
What’s good for the goose…if special council appointments are unconstitutional, his is too. Drop the case now.
Who is going to argue against that in his case now?
Not Republicans, they need to pretend it’s true to protect their candidate….
…not Democrats, they think Hunter has been railroaded over spiteful politics and lies and should at worst have gotten the plea deal he originally agreed to.
His dismissal should come well before the appeal, so her ruling stands for now as if special councils are actually illegal. Jeopardy has attached in his case, so any dismissal is the end, unlike the other case. 😂

Never thinking through your positions before enacting them. Low IQ voters get low IQ leaders doing low IQ things.

bobknight33 said:

Trump classified documents case dismissed by Florida judge

Judge: Jack Smith Appointment Unconstitutional, Dismisses Classified Documents Case Against Donald Trump..

Again Trump has the LAW on his side.

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith on Donald Trump indictments

newtboy says...

lol. You moron. This decision by the supremely unqualified “judge” goes against all precedent and law and WILL be quickly overturned by the appeal courts, but it removes Trumps defense judge from the case (and maybe the bench).
This is no where near the end of the case. Jeopardy hadn’t even applied yet, so it could even be refilled if the appeal loses (but it won’t, the appeals panel has overturned Cannon time and time and time and time again, they're sick of her incompetence too).
This is only the end of the “judge” being his defense council. She did her job and delayed it as long as possible.
Always so incredibly clueless. 😂

bobknight33 said:


Trump classified documents case dismissed by Florida judge

Judge: Jack Smith Appointment Unconstitutional, Dismisses Classified Documents Case Against Donald Trump..

Again Trump has the LAW on his side.

The Tale of Terry Bolinger: The 13-Year-Old Daredevil

Trump Is Immune - LegalEagle analysis

newtboy says...

“WAAAH WAAAH WAAAH….JOE’S A DOODIE HEAD WITH A SMELLY BUTT! Why won’t anybody believe me, I’m super cereal you guys!”
It’s because every accusation is an admission, but we knew he showered and more with Ivanka, we knew he sniffed and leered and groped poor Miss Teen USA contestants and others, we know he tried to charge anyone marching with BLM as a terrorist, we all remember how he called for the death penalty or lynching of the Central Park 5 and when they were exonerated he doubled down and said he still thought they should die because they did something (he knows it….they’re BLACK!) and should be put to death as an example if not for a crime, and we know he’s a lifelong hard core racist that redlines, accepted an endorsement from the KKK as a generational legacy member, who promotes White Christian Nationalism, and that uses minorities but has never treated then fairly much less with care…”they’re rapists, they’re murderers….I’m sure some are ok but not most”.

The baseless accusations…All pure fantasy, unlike the MOUNTAINS OF SWORN STATEMENTS AND EVIDENCE PROVING THAT DONALD JOHN TRUMP RAPED A 13 YEAR OLD GIRL (who looked like his 13 year old daughter we know he lusts for because he says it constantly) REPEATEDLY IN 1994 WITH HIS PARTNER, EPSTEIN…then hung out for 15 years daily while Epstein ran a child prostitution ring…and Trump 100% knew.

No people is so dumb they don’t see who works to include them in the American dream and who works to exclude them. The vote record bears this out. You believe “blacks” are all too dumb to understand and vote against their own interests by 85%, your “black outreach” is predicated on the trope that black people are stupid, uneducated, criminal, and only respond to flashy immoral garbage and criminality so clearly they’ll love a felonious rapist in gold high tops.

bobknight33 said:

Joe Showered with his daughter.
Joe sniff girls.
Joe legislation has put more Blacks in Jail.
Joe does not care about blacks, just their votes.

Democrats gave us slavery, Republicans gave us freedom.

newtboy says...

Again, you predicate your argument on the blatantly overtly racist idea that “blacks” are just all too dumb to see who uses them as props and who works and legislates for their benefit….and you are too dumb to see your own deeply rooted and flawed racism even when it’s pointed out with a spotlight.
Democrats don’t believe all the members of any “race” are genetically predisposed to be that stupid. All the members of some political/religious movements maybe.

Crime is down nearly 25% in cities under Biden. If political leadership controls crime rates, Democrats win hands down. Why do Republicans always end up raising crime rates when they’re in control, like 2020 the biggest increase in violent crime on record?
You do know the highest crime states are mostly Republican states, right? You do know that Republican counties have higher PER CAPITA crime rates than big cities, right? My guess, even knowing those facts doesn’t make you think twice about your incorrect position…because you believe admitting a mistake is a sign of weakness, which is a sign of insecurity and weakness itself. Adults can admit mistakes without guilt or shame….hiding from them is shameful.

Republicans cut federal and state public school funding, and legislated teaching to the point that all competent teachers fled red states (making your party even dumber generationally). That’s why public schools in low income/low tax revenue zones struggle, especially in red states. When 100% of funding comes from property taxes, clearly schools in low value areas will suffer, and that’s 100% Republican legislating.

Democrats get 85% because they work to fund programs that help minorities far beyond your racist trope of “government cheese” (cheese like school funding or redlining protections). Republicans would strip them of those programs, the cheese, and any civil protections…eventually even their vote because they/you say the founders only wanted white male land owners to vote, not the poor, not minorities, not women. Trump’s/MAGAs project 2025 is all about that….stripping rights away.

Once again, people can see who works for their interest and who works against it, and it’s an 85%/8% split…I say that’s because the 85%+- are intelligent and have their eyes open and 10-20% of all people are just brain dead slugs (looking directly at you)…your position is the 85% is just too dumb to know better and are easily tricked because they’re black….but you think you aren’t racist. 😂

bobknight33 said:

@newtboy Why do to continue to be a Democrat TOOL?

Democrats use Blacks just for their votes.

If Democrats gave a shit about Blacks, why haven't they improved their cites is such a way as to bring in jobs for inner city communities.

Why are inner city schools shitty compared to others. City planners can spend $ and make them excellent. But they don't care about blacks, just their vote.

Democrats get 85% just because they don't want to loose the barely tolerable government cheese. Better to have something than nothing.

And that is economic slavery.

Newt by being blinded to this reality this also makes you part of the problem. A slave holder.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Awwww….you don’t wanna talk about today’s MAGA pedophile groomers caught having sex with students…but without blue hair, not transsexual, not gay, not Democrats but hyper MAGA married “Christian” women.?!? SHOCKER!!!
You don’t wanna talk about the phone and message records showing near daily calls with Epstein and “massage appointments” for Trump on kiddie rape island multiple times in 2004 alone, exactly when Epstein was KNOWN to be running a child prostitution ring on the island with client’s liaisons called “massages”? Or the 3 credible underaged witnesses/victims of rape with his aged minuscule shriveled penis? SHOCKER!!!


Yes they have been revised…and they are STILL WAY ABOVE all estimates for those two months. WAY ABOVE!! 😂 LOSER! 😂

Yes, up to 4.1%…which is starting to be sustainable. 3% was not, hence the high interest rates today. The economy was doing TOO GOOD after just over a year of Bidenomics and the fed had to slow it down, unlike 2020 when the fed couldn’t give money away for free and oil was at zero…YES ZERO in 2020…and people still couldn’t afford gas. (or find TP or eggs or bacon or other staples on shelves)

Also, don’t think it went unnoticed that the horrific unemployment numbers from the felon’s last year were still artificially low because of the (set up to be defrauded) PPP handout program that kept people “employed” that were suddenly unemployed when it ended spring 21 ramping up unemployment NUMBERS under Biden in 21 with millions that really lost their jobs in 20 under Trump but got Trump-welfare/socialist handouts (but were not working).

Yes, Biden had record LOW unemployment numbers SINCE NOVEMBER 2021, and a low 4.1% is the highest he can be held responsible for…I’m surprised you want to bring that up yourself…how about your guy, what’s his high unemployment number? (Hint, it’s over 14.7% but under 15%) 😂

bobknight33 said:

The official jobs numbers from the past two months have been revised downward by -111,000.

The unemployment rate has risen to 4.1% — the highest since November 2021.

Democrats gave us slavery, Republicans gave us freedom.

newtboy says...

THIS ENTIRE STUPID PLOY IS PREDICATED ON THE RACIST IDEA THAT MINORITIES ARE TOO DUMB AND GULIBLE TO SEE WHO WORKS FOR THEIR INTERESTS AND WHO CONSISTENTLY WORKS AGAINST THEM. There’s a reason Democrats get in the high 85%+ and Republicans get around 10%+- of the black vote, and it is not idiotic confusion (well, the Republican votes might be).

The Democratic-Republican Party was founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in 1792. It became the most popular political party until the 1820s. In the 1824 United States presidential election it split into several factions, one of which became the modern-day Democratic Party.

The new Democrats who continued supported slavery for almost 35 years were right wing CONFEDERATE democrats, the Republican who ended slavery was a left wing Federal government supporting anti-confederacy Republican.

Democrats gave you civil rights, confederate flag waiving Republicans are trying to take them away.
Notice, all of MLKs descendants are Democrats, and it’s not because they’re racists or white supremacists.

Bob wishes everyone was ignorant and dishonest like him and would simply deny the Southern Strategy of the late 60s happened, when the Republican Party went hard racist and hard right courting southern racists to save itself from massive losses in the South, and Democrats went hard left and inclusive supporting the civil rights movement to gain minority votes. Bob denies these inconvenient facts because he doesn’t like being told he’s in the racist fascist party…but there’s absolutely zero doubt about it, facts don’t change because idiots and liars deny them.

Different ways to avoid solicitors.

Supreme Court ruling on Donald Trump immunity

newtboy says...

From his Supreme Court hearing-
“No one is above the law, that’s a foundational principal I’ve talked about coming from Federalist 69, coming from the structure of the constitution. We are all equal under the law in the United States Of America.
The foundation of our constitution was, as Hamilton explained in Federalist 69, “the Presidency would not be a monarchy” and it specified all the ways under the constitution the president is not above the law, no one is above the law in the United States of America.”
“The president is subject to the law, no one is above the law in the United States of America including the president of the United States and that’s something that is made clear in Federalist 69.
Even in a national security context where the constitution gives the commander in chief power to the president, the president remains subject to the law. The president is not above the law with respect to the criminal process.”
“No one is above the law in our constitutional system. Federalist 69, Hamilton, makes clear all the ways that the executive branch as designed by the framers of the constitution was different from the monarchy.” - Kavenaugh

Now that he’s hearing the case- “The president is not subject to the law, and is not only above the law both criminal and civil when performing official duties, but any actions claimed to have been performed as official duties may not be used as evidence or even investigated, even in cases where they broke the law unofficially outside any possible official duty, no matter how exculpatory or illegal those official actions were (like murdering a witness (Epstein)), and if the president so chooses they may convert to a monarchy at their whim, so long as they claim it’s official.”

This is a complete 180 from what he said at his confirmation, just like Barrett claiming at her confirmation Supreme Court precedent was settled law not to be revisited then revisiting and reversing dozens of decades old precedents.

SCOTUS is invalid so long as those on it believe they are above the law and allowed to sell judgements to the highest bidder, something every single right wing justice but no Left wing justice has been PROVEN to have done, some to the tune of tens of millions….and lied on sworn statements about it for decades too.

bobknight33 said:

SCOTUS upheld what always been. Acts done with in POTUS authority are immune from prosecution. Acts done outside of POTUS authority can be criminal and prostituted. Nothing changed nothing added nothing removed.

From the SCOTUS ruling " the dissents position in the end boil down ignoring the Constitution's separation of powers and the Courts precedent and instead fear mongering of extreme hypotheticals."

$825,000 After Police Beat, Tase, Pepper Spray Diabetic

newtboy says...

Both too low to make up for the abuse and too high for the public to pay.

These settlements should come from the police pension fund and payroll, not the general fund until the pension fund is empty and payroll a bare minimum. Police might police themselves if they paid a price….they have proven they won’t if they don’t.

bobknight33 said:

$825K is too low.

$825,000 After Police Beat, Tase, Pepper Spray Diabetic

"So here's a clip of Al meeting Michael Jackson ... sort of"

noims says...

Definitely fake news. I saw an extremely precise and accurate film about Weird Al (Weird: The Al Yankovic Story) that categorically proves that Al wrote the song and Jackson stole it. It's on film so it must be true! Definitely check it out if you get a chance.

(that last sentence is true; the rest too, obviously, but the last sentence is truer)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Have you noticed that every campaign event, every “visit” to storefronts and every rally …EVERY SINGLE ONE includes planned meetings with and introduction of FELONS. Latest was in Philadelphia where he visited a cheese steak restaurant whose owner is in prison for tax fraud and stealing from his employees for years. He brings murderers, rapists, thieves, gang members, sex offenders, admitted pedophiles, tax frauds, etc. EVERY EVENT HE HOLDS IS CHOCK FULL OF FELONS, AND I DON’T MEAN JUST TRUMP HIMSELF. He’s trying hard to desensitize you to complete criminality at the highest levels…it’s worked.
You haven’t noticed, but EVERYONE in convicted felon Trump’s inner circle is another convicted felon, most for sex crimes like his spiritual advisor who admitted to raping a 12 year old girl for years and years, but some for stealing from charities (Bannon), employees (Cheese steak owner), and the nation (all of them)….like Trump who has been convicted of all 3 and is undeniably guilty of multiple rapes (his ex wife and Carrol and the 13 year old at Epstein island) and child sexual abuse.

He probably should stop the projection about President Biden taking drugs to enhance his performance since his own doctor was drunken Dr Feelgood for 4 years in the whitehouse, handing out pills from Adderol to Fentanyl to anyone who asked, no prescription, and was demoted for it. Between them they have been WAY too detailed about the concoction of multiple drugs they “think Biden is on” (because it’s what Trump is on), talking about his debate prep they say is nothing but a week of getting dosages right, not real prep (who does that sound like? Not Joe. 😂) and now Don is even saying exactly where he gets the injections, in his flabby ass, not realizing that’s one bit of information too many and only someone doing it would know all he knows about taking these drugs. You might notice (but I know you won’t) Don insists President Biden should take a drug test, but he won’t answer when asked if he would, because he absolutely won’t. You would be shocked at the amount of meth that old man ingests…the constant 3am meth fueled tweet binges are a sure sign.

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