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Mitchell and Webb - Best Man Cuts Through The Shit

ForgedReality says...

Clearly, honestly is NOT the always the best policy. They've been telling that lie for centuries. The fact that that in itself is a lie should tell you something.

The next time I hear someone utter that phrase, I'm going to go off on a tirade like this to prove a point. Then we'll see which one of us is more honest, shan't we?

Black dude mad Sen. Boxer quotes another black dude

Richard Dawkins - Show me the intermediate fossils!

Liberty Activist Ian Freeman Pays Property Tax with $1 Bills

Stealing Iraq's Oil

rougy says...

You're probably a fucking liar, and if you're not, you're still a fucking idiot if you think Iraq is better off now.

And, no, forcing them to sign long-term contracts with corporations for inflated prices is not doing them any good.

An angry little tirade? Yes, because I've gone over this a thousand times with a thousand different idiots, and you are the proverbial straw on my back.

The question is why you are so eager to help private oil companies steal something that rightfully belongs to the Iraqi people?

I guess it's because you care about them so much.

Or more likely you've been effectively brainwashed, and it's doubtful there was much brain there to begin with.

"Maybe Neville Chamberlain was right in how he handled Hitler and to follow that example we should have just let Saddam take Kuwait as well."

You compared Saddam to Hitler. Oh, you're fucking brilliant.

Stealing Iraq's Oil

Confucius says...

I did actually....both a horrible and very enlightening 2 years of my life. My comments are made out of experience. There were mixed results but speaking the language really helps and in general...out of my personal experience and after having asked "everybody there how much better off they are because the USA invaded their country" most of them had positive comments about the US. So the question is...why do you think you know better than the people there?

Shukuran (Im sure you've sure you've done enough research in the area, and are enlightend enough to at least have the basic knowledge of this simple arabic word.....empathy brought from a purely one-sided comprehension of a situation is always sufficient to debate anything...pfff, off the top of your head name 5 iraqi cities...oh? but you understand the needs of the iraqi people right?)

Your angry little tirade laced with expletives is proof enough of your lack of knowledge and worst so it is evidence of your arm-chair cable news watching efforts at rectifying this problem. So aside from radio shows and TV what have you done to help further your understanding og the problem? What a surprise....nothing. You're really just making fun of yourself.

Play it safe and hit the ignore button next to my comment, because youve reached your limit

The Curse of Cheddar Bay [funny prank]

Confucius says...

Well if your psych professor told you Working on his theory and your parroting of it, I would imagine that the "trigger" would in this case have to be something that bothered the subject on some fundamental level to begin with. Whereas normally he/she might ignore the trigger on a "good" day, having it filtered out by the wall of social inhibitions that people walk around with all the time, on a "bad" day this might not be the case. In this sense repressed anger functions as something like alcohol wherein inhibitions are cast to the wind in moments when the steam escapes. I.e. although nobody like to admit it, the ring of truth which shines so bright in drunken and angry tirades is often too painful too ignore and certainly functions as a release for socially ingrained repression.

Basically what I am saying, whether I am just releasing anger directed elsewhere or not, the comments which I wrote earlier are in fact what I believe.

Hugh Grant kicks papparazzi in the groin

detheter says...

If I were in his shoes, every time a pap stuck a camera in my face, I'd launch into a tirade on how fools like the person in front of me were the scum of the earth, then I'd ask him what rag he worked for, and proceed to scream, that that publication supported pedophilia. I'd also pay people like, $100, to follow me around, and if they came, to run up and break their cameras / start fights with them until they stopped. I'd also carry pepper spray. I'm also a crazy bastard.

Christian Rock: Condoms Are Not Safe!

Checkmate, Atheist! Man on the Street Edition

CaptainPlanet says...

>> ^EDD:
Dude, I'm 99% sure it's CaptainPlanet, with whom you've conversed in a civilized manner before, just submitting an example of evangelical stupidity with a sarcastic video description, not CaptainPlanet420, the fundie troll.
>> ^rougy:
What has really been displayed here, both by you and that pushy prick in your video, is your insecurity, your weakness of faith.
When other people don't think exactly as you do, it means you might not be right, and that fills you with doubt, and you are simply too weak to handle that.

what he said please don;t get me confused with that 420 asshat, i'm the real deal.

Checkmate, Atheist! Man on the Street Edition

EDD says...

Dude, I'm 99% sure it's CaptainPlanet, with whom you've conversed in a civilized manner before, just submitting an example of evangelical stupidity with a sarcastic video description, not CaptainPlanet420, the fundie troll.

>> ^rougy:
What has really been displayed here, both by you and that pushy prick in your video, is your insecurity, your weakness of faith.
When other people don't think exactly as you do, it means you might not be right, and that fills you with doubt, and you are simply too weak to handle that.

Nirvana and Charles Barkley host SNL Throwback

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

I believe Lucky doesn't check your IP against every user created, instead he probably checks against those banned. To be honest, I don't know how he does it. I've been trying to get my good friend to join on here, and he's such a hardcore Marxist that will go into anti-capitalism tirades just like keitholbermann, so I fear he may get banned for trolling.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
I'm surprised you were able to make one in the first place. Can't sifty detect that kind of stuff? You could always create a Rachel Maddows persona on a friends' computer.

Jim Cramer Responds to Jon Stewart w/ Help from Scarborough

Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis (Science Talk Post)

imstellar28 says...

This site is absolutely ridiculous. I post a free online copy of one of the most thorough and definitive rebukes of socialism and all I am met with is personal attacks and administrative edits?

If I'm apparently not allowed to make long posts, why is that even enabled? For what its worth I thought the post would auto-trim what 99% of other websites do? Instead an admin came in and cut it down to one line?

If there is to be administrative interference, what of all the persecution and irrelevant comments posted here?

Who posting here has read this book, is interested in reading this book, has questions about this book, or has even heard of this book? Some people in this life actually read, and are always looking for new books to read. Given that practically everyone on this site is a socialist, I thought I would take the time to at least expose them to the Richard Dawkins of economics. If this is not okay, why is there even a book channel?

Looking at a book cover, and going off on a nonsensical tirade filled with personal attacks is patently ridiculous. If you think I am married to Austrian economics anymore than I am married to Newtonian mechanics, you have much to much to learn about science, and those who practice it.

The reality is, your socialism is no more safe than Christianity when brought under the light. Everyone here is so confident in their beliefs, so why not spend 30 minutes a day reading this book? If your belifs can survive this book anymore than a Christian's beliefs can survive the onslaught of Dawkins, then you can sleep safe at night knowing you probably are right.

If not, then you are just living in a fantasy world sustained by nothing more than your own ego, and it is only time or strict denial that will prevent it from crashing down like the world around you.

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