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Tetris + Pong = TETRIPONG!

8-Bit Trip - Lego Stop-Motion Awesomeness

Videogame Quintet

Don't Copy That Floppy

rasch187 (Member Profile)

E3 2009 - Playstation Motion Control Prototype

Croccydile says...

(Jaded old videogame player input henceforth)

They both look cool, but so has alot of this stuff from the past at the time. I think the main reason why the Wii was successful is they had dirt simple but fun games you could play with the controller, and they were bundled with the system.

What matters in the end is how the games utilize the technology, not some fancy tech demo or video showing people "enjoying" a new product. There are a good amount of Wii games that make proper use of the Wii-mote and a good amount that should have been designed using a traditional controller as well.

The coolest thing about the PS3 addon seemed to be the creative aspects with the building blocks (Tetris with this?) or the drawing program... however I don't see playing a FPS with it when you would do what, move around a single room and wait for enemies to come to you? How do you move forward and around in a traditional level without going through a wall yourself? I hate to say this but the old fashioned controls are better suited for this.

In the end there is also cost and support. Developers will have to make proper use of the Motion Plus for the Wii as well as Natal or whatever Sony will call this thing for it to be successful. Given the range of interactive peripherals from the Zapper, R.O.B., U-Force, Powerglove, Activator, EyeToy to what we have now... I'm obviously rather skeptical on how useful this stuff *really* is for games.

I would be worried more about price, but seeing how were ok with Rock Band sets being $160 or so I guess thats not a limiting factor here.

Edit: I guess I'm not the only one who shared cynicism

"Oh Crap" Fat Chick Cant Fit

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'oh, crap, fat, chick, tetris, hole, in, the, wall' to 'oh, crap, fat, chick, tetris, hole, in, the, wall, porcia' - edited by RhesusMonk

Furry Tetris Fangirls are High and Dancing

Weekly Update from the Neatest Valentine You Know: Neatorama (Sift Talk Post)

thinker247 says...

I thought the music was awesome! What does that say about me? I guess it says many things. One of which is, "Hey, this guy likes intricately-woven patterns of obnoxious sounds!"

It makes great background music while I'm playing Tetris.

Reset Button: Most Innovative Videogame of 2008

13757 says...

quicksave is the word.

tetris was a game the most varied people oved, and we all know how level 40 was hardcore. but no addictive stuff will ever come around in those terms again.

with quicksave as a tool of responsibility for the gamer, this prince of persia approach semms really too easy, to the point of interest-lacking (if console games don't come with quicksave, well... that's what I think of consoles... plus the price...)

what wii has been doing in matter of innovation has more to do with the basic concept of the game being a challenge and not so much the output, that widely receives the tag "games for babies". in other words, creating an alternative to the immutable laws irl is much more needed nowadays in games than anything else. which happens to exist in prince of persia...

in realistic games like many fps related to wars irl, although apparently they look like the opposite of this idea, in fact these realistic games as emulations of "distant" realities come to the gamer as an alternative to what his/her reality is, therefore being just another solution to this alternative reality concept. but in this realistic games it's not just about "you fall in the black misteroius pit, you die because it's very deep". that is the real dumbing down of what we all perceive as everyday life. realistic games must be all about circumstances that could happen irl, if the gamer was something else than a urbanized citizen of the democratic-capitalist world.

Physics: Newton would be proud - Brick Stacker

Blowing the Tetris Music Theme

Blowing the Tetris Music Theme

burdturgler (Member Profile)

90s isn't 'Vintage'... Yet :-) (80s Talk Post)

swampgirl says...

The spirit of the channel is vintage 'footage'. The actual clip is 20 to 25 years. That's why I've removed so many made-to-look vintage sifts. They don't actually carry the years.
Pong would count as vintage if it is a commercial of the time. How old is Tetris now?

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