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DJ Girl rocks your world

westy says...

I don't really Like D,js make or femail , unless they are playing music they have made , or are substantial remixing music.

at least she is dancing around a bit , Girls and technology are always a good combination.

song was quite nice , but you can emgin it drags on with the same thing for 10 minutes. rather than introducing new rithems , synths and structure.

The best pedal demo ever.. by Jack Conte

westy says...

Good song, fell a bit at the 2 min mark but the majority of the song made up for that. excellent for a product demo though.

as for hard ware music devices
you can do it all with fruity loops , and have everything at hand on you pc / net book. If you spent $250 on FL pro and got some extra samples , + plug ins then downloaded all the cracking free VST,s that exists out there it almost becomes pointless buying these hard ware devices unless your an enthusiast of them.

although I like the charm of hardware devices and the tactile interaction and the history behind alot of the devices and there individual charms. interims of cost and producing high quality music and productivity it dosent really make much sence to use them , (outside of using them for the sake of using them) the only occasoin i might think it be appropriate to use them is playing live but evan then you could set up most audoi software in a live mode.

I have to admit one day id love to own a piano and maby some old school synth, but then I know id just spend ages playing with them and not saving what I do , I also know it would be an ass moving it from the device to my recording solution.

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

Fake cocaine will get you laid!

Fake cocaine will get you laid!

Fake cocaine will get you laid!

Fake cocaine will get you laid!

rottenseed says...

a member from that goes by napjerk says:

"I remember this kind of stuff from the 80's. "Synth Coke", "SuperCaine", etc. They used to sell it in head shops. It was just procaine (novocaine), a local anesthetic in crystalline form. It would chop out like coke, it would numb you out like coke (obviously) but it wouldn't get you high.

LOTS of people used it to cut real coke with.

(Or so I'm told)"

Nirvana vs. Daft Punk - Smells Stronger

JAPR says...

>> ^rottenseed:
I thought this was too simple. Should remixed a little more of the daft punk song maybe played with some effects and synths...

I agree that the songs could have been mashed together even more, but the main thing that makes this work so well for me is that everything is in key, in tune, and timed really well. There are a few parts with an original flair that turned out totally badass, but yeah, it could have been done better.

Nirvana vs. Daft Punk - Smells Stronger

Starwars, solo.

westy says...


All the VST's I currently use sound really good With Manny of them used in Chart music and some Game/film scores

Granted over the last 6 years i have probably spent over 1,000 on music software But its all worth it as it as you only have to produce 2 hours of music to have repaied that cost and u have complete freedom to make any sound you want ie a full production setup.

Other than the lay out and automation for playing stuff live these eltrnom organ synths seem very impractical, Expensive and large. watching people play it its not that remarkable as any one can learn how to play an instrument to a reasonable standard within 6 years. ( if you go on you tube u can watch many clips and see how these work to see its not that remarkable to play something like Jurassic park / star wars theme ) , no more remarkable than jumping a motocross bike getting a 2.1 degree , winning some county level tennis matches.

the problem with music instrument industry is its full of pompous twats that buy into all the overpriced shit , its like photography to some existent where it costs me £50 to get something for my canon SLR that is cheep and mass produced.

Masterboy - Everybody Needs Somebody

Eklek says...

^IMHO I don't see much of a problem with the fuzziness, I think it matches well with the buzzing synth.
Not sure if they wanted to make an arty statement, considering their elegantly simple straightforward musical approach and lyrics. The video does reflect a typical 90s/eurodance setting..
(the downunder channel was accidentally added..corrected!)

If you know a video featuring a clearly serious artist over-using the "out-of-focus is artistic" mindset let me know!

Martha and the Muffins - Echo Beach

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'pop, metro music, 80s, 1980, far away in time' to 'pop, metro music, 80s, 1980, far away in time, synth pop' - edited by rasch187

Steve Coleman / Kevin Eubanks - "A Child Is Born" (T. Jones)

Haldaug says...

^ That's because he uses a technique called "Swelling" where you use a volume pedal or the volume knob on the guitar to remove the attack of the notes. The attack is the main attribute we use to distinguish between instruments, so when you remove the attack almost all instruments will sound a bit like a synth.

Steve Coleman / Kevin Eubanks - "A Child Is Born" (T. Jones)

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

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