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Valedictorian Gives Unapproved Speech on Abortion Rights

Mordhaus says...

You can't kill a living human being...

Death Penalty exists...

Abortion will always be a touchy subject, but if you have money to travel, you can get that abortion in places that support them. So what these abortion laws do is punish poor people who can't make that trip. Then those same people are forced to either put the child up for adoption (because we don't have a ton of children that can't be adopted already) or they can raise that child, most likely in the same situation that led to them being poor and not having a proper family unit.

Storytime, and god help me if my wife ever finds out I talked about this.

I was raised in a poor home, with an abusive family. My wife was raised in a poor home with a good family. When we started dating after High School back in 1992, you had two choices for safe sex, condoms or birth control (doctor visit with no insurance and it was Texas in 1992, they weren't just tossing it out like free candy). We had to use condoms because we couldn't afford birth control and because she was scared of using it. If you have ever read the side effects, you might be too, seeing as death can be one of them in rare instances.

So condoms were the watchword. But accidents happen; maybe one just didn't work right, maybe it was the one that broke one time, but we ended up getting pregnant. I told her that I would do whatever she wanted. We planned to marry soon anyway, so I said we could shotgun it if need be. She said she didn't think she wanted a child. So I said that it was HER decision, but I would be there through it.

It isn't easy. Unless you have been in that exact situation, you will never know the fear and uncertainty involved. We were 18 and 20, just starting out with shit jobs, living with parents, and with a 1968 Catalina as our only vehicle. Her parents would have forced her to have it if they knew, because they thought the same way as @bobknight33. We would have been stuck living with them, they already didn't like me because I wasn't deeply religious and not into ranch life. My parents wouldn't have taken us in because my mom didn't like my wife until years later. The stress and anger would have probably split us up, and both of us would have likely remained poor to this day.

Instead, my wife chose to not have the child and got an abortion in the first trimester. We kept it to ourselves, married later, and are still together today. We both fought our way out of being poor people to being on the upper spectrum of middle class. We decided we just didn't want kids and now we spoil our niece. I will swear right now that we would never have made it to where we are today if we had been forced to raise a child because of someone else's deranged idea that every child must be born regardless of the future in store for it.

So, yes, I can speak to what an actual poor person goes through in that situation. We were lucky, because there weren't laws rammed through by religious people who have no clue of the consequences, just a strong delusion that God wants all children born. Funny how those religious people wash their hands of the aftermath of their crusade. Even funnier are the ones that quietly send Mary Lou to California to 'visit an aunt' for a couple of months when they find out their spawn got knocked up.


If you fight against easy abortions, except those where the child has reached the capability to survive if it had to be medically removed from the mother, you and the rest of your ilk can go fuck yourselves.

The Watermelon Joke That Saved Me After I Got Pulled Over

moonsammy says...

The implication is her crotch had a very strong funk.

Khufu said:

PC issues aside, can someone explain to me why a vagina would keep flies off watermelon? Just trying to figure out why the cop was doubled over laughing.

Traveling Downwind Faster Than Windspeed

moonsammy says...

I'm now half convinced that a "faster than the wind" wind-based aircraft is theoretically possible. It would need to be made of absurdly strong & lightweight materials though.


BSR says...

These stats show the problem must be testosterone. Men.

If 45% of children are born to unwed mothers then there must be 45% of unwed fathers. Unless the father is married to a different woman of course. Then he will probably have a high alimony bill.

So yes, strong and independent.

A Message from Alaskans (to Texas) on Wind Power

newtboy says...

The bullshit lie Texan politicians sold was that wind turbines don't work in the cold. They do.

In Texas, the good old fossil fuel plants failed before the wind turbines and for couldn't pick up the slack. Had all the turbines been retrofitted to operate in cold, a simple fix strongly suggested the last time their grid failed from cold, they could have taken up the slack from the failed fossil fuel plants and kept Texas out of the dark.

Spacedog79 said:

They might work in the cold but they don't work when it isn't windy. Then they have good old fossil fuels to pick up the slack, yay.

nock (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

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nock (Member Profile)

Viral How Much Did Your Divorce Cost

BSR says...

"The force is strong with this one."

Even death cannot remove either of you from each others heart.

"Live long and prosper."

StukaFox said:

I don't agree with you on this one, Bob.

My wife and I have been together since 1995. In that time, we've both dealt with issues in our lives that might have lead to the deaths of either one of us had we not been together. We've been through hell and kept each other on our feet when we felt like we couldn't walk another step. We've been there for each other in the absolute worst moments of our lives.

On the other side, my favorite memories always include her: the first time we saw the Eiffel Tower together; hiking together in Henry Coe State Park; nights in Mendocino and dinners at Brouwer's. A thousand thousand little things where she's brought happiness into my life. How much joy I experience just holding her hand!

Men lose everything? Have someone look at you when you feel like absolute human shit -- like you're the tiniest speck of worthlessness in the universe -- and say "I love you." Someone who doesn't just rescue you from yourself, but lifts you up into the pure light of happiness and joy, is the absolute affirmation of goodness in the human heart.

I say this with all honesty, with no malice and no sense of superiority, just one human being to another: if something happened to you that makes you feel the way you do, if someone hurt you that bad, then I wish it were within my power to lift that from your heart and soul. No one ever deserves to have love turned to hate, least of all you.

‘This is not a zoo’: Biden administration blocks filming

newtboy says...


Another Bobesque tantrum post? How lovely.

Trying to equate the slight disappointment the international community has with Biden as president to the abject horror of Trump as president as if the disdain were equal. LMFAHS!! Ridiculously asinine.

As usual, right wing apologists can't read. Some gaps were left when construction halted after Biden halted funding, funding the courts had deemed illegal btw, but others were not. Some were planned, some were due to failures of the fence Trump chose, some were due to contractors doing half assed jobs or being incapable of the work, some due to topography, there were many excuses but in the end, it wasn't a wall, it wasn't complete, it barely extended border barriers, and many places were left less secure...none of which is Biden's fault. They knew full well the next administration wasn't continuing this plan. You don't think they should have planned for that maybe? Finished the parts they dismantled at least before the only supporter left power? Nope. Guess not. Perfectly reasonable to leave it half done and expect the next guy who campaigned against it to finish it or take all the blame for all it's failures. Didn't Donny promise to have it done his first term anyway?


I read a few articles from multiple sources on both sides before responding...not just the one particular cherry picked one you linked...i know better.

Not half ever wanted the wall, and likely under 1/3 want more poorly built fencing now that we've seen how horrible it is. Over half want the border secured, but that's not the same as support for the dumb wall/fence. Border security isn't just a fence, it comes in all flavors. Indeed, many agree that the best way to stem immigration is not building barriers both physical and institutional, but to increase anti narco terrorism funding in central America and end the war on drugs. Starve the drug gangs of money, they'll lose power and stop driving families out.

It was absolutely NOT paid for, Trump had to use an executive order to redirect funds that were earmarked by congress to pay for military family housing, because he couldn't get congress to pay for his boondoggle, much less Mexico as promised. If it had been fully funded, it would have been fully built.

Biden is not doing well at immigration. In his defense, he was left a clusterfuck, but he hasn't solved any major problems yet. As an adult, I'm capable of admitting that easily. The level of incompetence between him and Trump, however, are worlds apart, and the approaches are as well. One dehumanized and demonized immigrants, the other seems to be at least trying to get a working immigration and refugee system back in place, but is moving slowly. Your implications that they're both equally awful indicates either a strong bias for Trump, or strong break with reality.

I and others have clearly said many times on other threads, Biden is failing at immigration, and failing at being prepared to accept immigrant children. As a seeming right wing apologist at best, you seem blind and deaf to those complaints from the left and pretend we are childishly hypocritical no, you're far from getting it right, you're getting it totally backwards and twisted. Derp.

Another empty complaint/accusation. What fake news did I spread? Pretty easy but also completely meaningless to shout "your wrong" with no explanation, no correction, no specifics. Very Trumpian of you sir.

Anybody who writes what you did about Biden must be a hypocritical and douchey Trump supporter or just a plain brown wrapper nutjob. Even with his speech impediment, Biden is clear, thoughtful, and coherent...unlike Trump who never said a complete sentence or even complete thought in four years. Your hyper biased characterizations and factless, pointless, non sequitor, insult ridden tantrums masquerading as an argument are what paint you as a Trumpster, not your baseless accusations of hypocrisy.

Now I remember why I had you on ignore. Thanks for the reminder.

Anom212325 said:

"Sorry, there's no cult of Biden." Saying that in the same breath as all the dribble you just posted. lol what's wrong with you? You are obsessed with Trump being the devil. You just have to shout it with all your cult-like might. The guy isn't even in power anymore yet you need a diaper change every post you make. Your obsessed brainwashed little brain can't understand that non-Americans DONT LIKE TRUMP AND DONT LIKE BIDEN! Also what did I expect, Americans can't read past a headline of an article.

Those gaps would not have been there if Biden didn't freeze the construction. Like it or not half of the US want the wall and it was paid for. Stoping it was cutting off your nose to spite the face. Biden realized that hence the plan to finish it. The point of the article if you read past the headline was how bad Biden is handling the border crisis of his own making. Just like trump fucked up handling it Biden is doing the exact same.

Let me just get this straight. Trump child border camp bad. Biden child border camp good. Trump border crisis bad. Biden border crises good. Trump speaking like a senile Bad. Biden speaking like a senile good. Am I getting it right ?
Derp indeed.

You would think shouting and blaming everybody else for spreading fake news you would be more diligent... You're so blinded by your hate anybody who posts about your hypocrisy must be a trump supporter.
This is why the world hate Americans... Self centred fucks.

‘This is not a zoo’: Biden administration blocks filming

newtboy says...

LMFAHS!!!! Bobby? That is you, isn't it? This is the kind of total non sequitur, irrational, fact free, second grade level "argument" I expect from you. Not sure why you quoted me, you didn't address a single point I made with your rambling rant.

The delusion and lack of self awareness is strong with this one.

Sorry, there's no cult of Biden. Democrats still have functioning brains, unlike Trumpists who believe eating fresh babies make people younger and gives them magic powers, that vaccines have invisible Microsoft microchips that will take over their brains so George Soros can force them to become transsexual communists, and that when you lose an election the patriotic thing to do is stage a deadly coup. The right lost it's mind in 2015 and has never seen a doctor.

If Biden shot someone in cold blood, Democrats would demand prosecution and ostracize him. When Trump said it, he meant it, and the crowd of magamorons cheered in unanimous agreement. Derp?

Not a bit sure what you mean by linking an article about Biden considering completing some of the useless fencing Trump replaced existing barriers with. No surprise, most of the "wall" Trump brags about replaced existing barriers, many more functional than his fence design that is just gawd awful, easy to push down and drive trucks through and that can't even stand up in wind, but also weren't completed and often ended up being maybe 100 yards of fence, then 20 yards of nothing, then another 100 yards of fence, then more gaps, etc. Those unfinished repair/replacement projects are worthless wastes of billions if not finished, and often made the border more porous, not more secure, because they replaced functional (if imperfect) barriers. You think you have some point to make because Biden is considering finishing those projects to at least fix the holes Trump left, and plans to fund them legally through congress not by illegal executive orders taking money earmarked by congress for military family housing and handing it to his donors brand new construction companies for no bid contracts like Trump did, against court orders no less? I just don't know what you think that means, how it's a bad thing Biden is doing by not just ignoring problems created by the ineptitude of the previous administration but instead being presidential, or how it defends Trump's disastrous record, which seems to be your objective.

Hmmmm.....more snowflake tears, yummy.

Anom212325 said:

The kool-aid drinking fanaticism on both sides is crazy.

Donald Trump: 'I Could ... Shoot Somebody, And I Wouldn't Lose Any Voters'

The exact same could be said about Biden, and you morons would argue at least it wasn't Trump...

Biden's quote would be more like : Hmheenmeh shoot mehehenhebu 120 years in senate boobolblb watch hair rise meheh sniff sniff.

You Americans are really the entertainers of the world. Mabe you guy's should stop being clowns and become mimes, then atleast you would shut up for a change.

Sex Ed PSA - Premarital Sex

The Insane Engineering of the Perseverance Rover

Trumps Impeachment Lawyers Are Very Bad: A Closer Look

BSR says...

The ignorance is strong with this one.

bobknight33 said:

If The Glove Doesn’t Fit, You Must Acquit…

Impeachment 2.0 yet another failed attempt in a long list of failures by Democrats to run Trump under the political bus.


Next they will try civil cases of this and that.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Posing a Trump supporter at the capitol, at the shooting, now arrested.

"The cult stayed tight and slept through the trial." No not really no one watched since is is a JOKE

A comedian you are..
"He will go down as the best at impeachment, by volume, level of criminality, and bipartisan guilty votes. "

But reality isn’t exactly your strong suite.

newtboy said:

The cult stayed tight and slept through the trial. They didn’t even pretend to be impartial. Precedent set, expect the same if a democrat is impeached. (To be honest, that is the norm, but it’s not right)

Only 7 times more votes by his own party than any other impeachment trial in history, but yes, the main cult prejudged this based on nothing but party by Jan 7. He will go down as the best at impeachment, by volume, level of criminality, and bipartisan guilty votes. Another win?

If democrats had the abilities you must give them to believe that stupidity, they would rule the world without opposition by now. They would be so genius about it you would think it was your idea. It’s insane, you like to say how worthless stupid and weak they are, except for the most complicated, biggest heist in history with millions of people involved that they pulled off so perfectly with such skill and competence that there’s not a shred of evidence despite there being an actual paper record of every vote and the most highly scrutinized certification by every State, Republican and Democratic led. I know you can see how those ideas are mutually exclusive. Democrats are no where near that organized or competent.

But rationality isn’t exactly your strong suite.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The cult stayed tight and slept through the trial. They didn’t even pretend to be impartial. Precedent set, expect the same if a democrat is impeached. (To be honest, that is the norm, but it’s not right)

Only 7 times more votes by his own party than any other impeachment trial in history, but yes, the main cult prejudged this based on nothing but party by Jan 7. He will go down as the best at impeachment, by volume, level of criminality, and bipartisan guilty votes. Another win?

It should be noted, many Republicans said he's guilty but voted not guilty because they insist the trial itself is unconstitutional despite the Senate voting on just that issue and affirming it is constitutional, and despite there being no court ruling on the subject, and despite it being far from the first impeachment trial held against an ex elected official. This was a one time only technicality made up to excuse their spinelessness, and willingness to excuse and ignore what they admit was treason. Again, precedent set, no whining when the tables are turned.

If democrats had the abilities you must give them to believe that stupidity, they would rule the world without opposition by now. They would be so genius about it you would think it was your idea. It’s insane, you like to say how worthless stupid and weak they are, except for the most complicated, biggest heist in history with millions of people involved that they pulled off so perfectly with such skill and competence that there’s not a shred of evidence despite there being an actual paper record of every vote and the most highly scrutinized certification by every State, Republican and Democratic led. I know you can see how those ideas are mutually exclusive. Democrats are no where near that organized or competent.

But rationality isn’t exactly your strong suite.

bobknight33 said:

Impeachment 2.0 Yet another failure by Democrats.

Every lie Democrats they push on Trump fails.

Except 1 Democrats stole the election.

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