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US Olympic Cyclists Apologize For Wearing Pollution Masks.

djsunkid says...

I think this is extremely poor sportsmanship. It is a tournament that is supposed to promote togetherness and getting along- not "We're going to win at all costs" even if it means insulting the country you're visiting.

I'm no fan of china or air pollution, but wearing a mask is a big fuck you to them, and that is poor sportsmanship, IMO.

Iraq Banned from Olympics

gwiz665 says...

Iraq was banned because of the Iraq war started by the US of A, that's what I was hinting at.

IOC is a highly political organ, which values politics higher than sportsmanship.

Counter-Strike - You Got Owned By A Five Year Old

spoco2 says...

^ Oh, I know you can't tell what a person is like via their laugh, but watching this, and the other videos he has up I think I'm fairly on the money. And yeah, saying bad sportsmanship was not the right term... I guess it's just down to me being miffed over 'oh ha ha ha ha ha, look at my 5 year old shooting people! Isn't that awesome, how fun and entertaining is that?'

Sorry, it's not... this is not appropriate for a 5 year old (or, as his other video shows, for a 4 year old for god's sake)

Counter-Strike - You Got Owned By A Five Year Old

Morganth says...

First of all, let me say that I'm not a parent so you can go ahead and take what I say with a grain of salt.

Spoco2 I agree with you on a & c, but disagree on b & d. I wouldn't consider their laughter poor sportsmanship, just finding amusement in the kid's ability at the game - the whole point of the game is to shoot other people. Poor sportsmanship I think would be more along the lines of taunting them through the mic or in chat. Also, I don't think we can make assumptions about someone's personality by their laugh.

However, I do agree that this is poor parenting. Just because a parent claims to know that this violence has no affect on the child doesn't mean it is true. Desensitization at an early age has a rippling effect. Furthermore, most children at this age still have great difficulty discerning the difference between reality and fantasy and try to act out the things they enjoy (remember how children have imaginations?). How many of us broke our arms acting out ninja turtles? Guns are not toys and this easily puts that thought into kids.

This is also bad parenting because it's not exploratory or any kind of creative outlet, the kinds of things needed in the developmental stages. He says it helps develop hand-eye coordination? Bullshit. Yes, I know it helps that, but the parent is trying to justify that as some kind of reason to promote it. What this kind of entertainment really is is a quick solution. Instead of investing yourself, you can just plop the kid down and let something else keep the little squirt occupied - that's why they call TV the boob-tube.

When this kid acts out something he sees, it can't be blamed on video games. It can be blamed on shitty parenting. I have no beef with violent video games. Violent movies and books have been out forever. I just have a problem with parents buying mature material for young children and then blaming the medium when their kids do what kids do, which is act out what they see.

Counter-Strike - You Got Owned By A Five Year Old

spoco2 says...

OK, this is A-Grade terrible parenting. This kid is going to grow up to be a little thug.


a) He's 5 and they're letting him play counterstrike... a game about shooting people dead, in a realistic setting with blood and all... great.
b) They all laugh and gloat when he shoots the guy (poor sportsmanship by the sounds of the guys there)
c) The kid says 'Shut up Dad'... so he already has no respect for his parents, brilliant... brilliant.
d) His dad's final laugh 'Heh Heh Heh Heh'... you can TELL he's a competitive jock dick who loves reveling in others misfortunes and will goad his kids to be competitive jocks too.

I have three kids, two of which can play computer games (3 1/2 and almost 5), it will be many years before they are allowed to play a game like this. They currently play games like Thomas and Friends or Lego Star Wars or Tonka to the Rescue (or whatever that game is called) or Audiosurf. Nothing with real violence at all... (and even with lego style violence like in Star Wars you can see the effects in their play).

And their play time is REALLY limited. They were allowed to play for 10 mins or so a day if they wanted, but now my eldest is on a 'break' for a week due to carrying on like nothing else because he wanted to play again in the same day.

They're too young to spend much time on a pc. play with lego, play in the garden, read a book etc. etc.

I love computer games, I have a Computer Science Degree, I make my living coding. I didn't touch a computer until I was 7 (well, there wasn't really any ability to until the mighty ZX Spectrum in 1983), and so while I'm happy for them to be familiar with PCs, enjoy the occasional game, I do not want them to be hanging for their next game at all.

I feel sorry for this kid, I really do.

Very polite rally car driver

Super cheap 1 punch knockout

The Grand Journey of the Medic - TF2

Guardian-X says...

I've tried a few of the custom maps, like Warpath, Floodzone and Lazytown, and those are pretty fun. I recommend playing on the eGO servers, I just joined the clan and we uphold a fun and friendly atmosphere with some high ranked servers. Those 3 maps I listed have 24/7 eGO servers, along with dustbowl, 2fort and gravelpit. Language and good sportsmanship are strictly moderated so it's refreshing to play without the harassment you can get on public servers. if you want the IP addresses. Thanks for the votes!

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

maatc says...

Thanks. I think it is mostly due to my one hit wonder the Drama King. That kind of raised my average and I have been living off it ever since...

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
Well, I'll keep an eye on it too. What's more is that we both now have 2008
One thing I did notice is that you have more votes per video. congrats on that!

In reply to this comment by maatc:
Guess you are right.
But hey, I´ll just keep an eye on it and if it seems at all unclear who made it to 2100 first you just get a +save anyway for sportsmanships sake!

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
Haha Hmm.. That kinda thing is hard to keep track of, though. I'd suggest a race to 100, but I'm too far ahead for that to be fair.... but I'd be up for it. Maybe a *save?

In reply to this comment by maatc:
Congratulations! Looks like we are tied at 2006 at the moment.
Wanna race to 2100? But what does the winner get?

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
Hey! Me too! 2004, at current. Congrats!

maatc (Member Profile)

MarineGunrock says...

Well, I'll keep an eye on it too. What's more is that we both now have 2008
One thing I did notice is that you have more votes per video. congrats on that!

In reply to this comment by maatc:
Guess you are right.
But hey, I´ll just keep an eye on it and if it seems at all unclear who made it to 2100 first you just get a +save anyway for sportsmanships sake!

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
Haha Hmm.. That kinda thing is hard to keep track of, though. I'd suggest a race to 100, but I'm too far ahead for that to be fair.... but I'd be up for it. Maybe a *save?

In reply to this comment by maatc:
Congratulations! Looks like we are tied at 2006 at the moment.
Wanna race to 2100? But what does the winner get?

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
Hey! Me too! 2004, at current. Congrats!

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

maatc says...

Guess you are right.
But hey, I´ll just keep an eye on it and if it seems at all unclear who made it to 2100 first you just get a +save anyway for sportsmanships sake!

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
Haha Hmm.. That kinda thing is hard to keep track of, though. I'd suggest a race to 100, but I'm too far ahead for that to be fair.... but I'd be up for it. Maybe a *save?

In reply to this comment by maatc:
Congratulations! Looks like we are tied at 2006 at the moment.
Wanna race to 2100? But what does the winner get?

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
Hey! Me too! 2004, at current. Congrats!

Australia defeats America Samoa 31-0

omnithrope (Member Profile)

Spiff says...

Excellent! I have updated the video with the new link (and cited your contribution in the description). Thanks for your exemplary sportsmanship. :-)

In reply to your comment:
SPIFF! Your Live Earth Spinal Tap post is dead... sorry. And, damnit, you beat men to it!

So, here's a present for you! The entire set (stonehenge/big bottoms) from a new source. Cheers.

The Self-linking Thread (Sift Talk Post)

plastiquemonkey says...

there's nothing wrong with keeping the rules as they are. and there's nothing wrong with discarding any self-linked videos.

but the reason should be some kind of "good sportsmanship" ideal, not out of some unrealistic fear of spam originating from known members.

it's not going to help the community to ban good members over this. if you read the original thread by krupo on self-linking, you'll see that oohahh's done it (for a gene kelly video -- probably the one where he's dancing with the newspaper? -- that's since been pulled for copyright), and that joedirt's (king of the anti-spammers) attitude is "don't ask, don't tell".

for the record, there are no plastiquemonkey self-links. it's tempting -- whenever something already posted here gets taken down by the youtube user and becomes unavailable, the videosift post gets marked dead and discarded. we have copies of a lot of these videos (using the firefox plugin to download), so we could easily replace them.

the last time this happened was 6 year-old boy plays boogie woogie piano & sings the blues. the youtube poster took it down, but there's no notice saying it was pulled for copyright reasons (maybe it was, but who knows?). we could have uploaded the .flv file to a generic user account on youtube, preserving this rare video (now unavailable anywhere online) and the votes it received here. like mlx, we didn't do this because it's clearly against the current rules. so the video's gone, and the post is dead. maybe someday someone else will re-post it to youtube, but i wouldn't bet on it.

the site is a better place for having the videos people have self-linked to (especially that amazing gene kelly video). too much of that might be a problem, but i honestly don't see who's going to go to so much trouble. and in practice, this rule is nearly unenforceable, unless we're going to put every submission from a possibly unreliable source (youtube poster with no long track history) on probation.

it's not a perfect rule (there are no perfect rules) -- it's a reasonable rule. but enforcing it too strictly is a bit silly.

Brock Lesnar's Incredible Training

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