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12K Illegal Immigrants Live Under Bridge In Del Rio, Taxes

newtboy says...

And if they’re here under what was legally called refugee status until the rules, but not the law or the treaties that required creation of certain laws, changed, as most are?

If you go 1 mile over the speed limit, or pass on the right, forevermore you call yourself an illegal driver?

If your school breaks some laws, it’s forever an illegal enterprise?

If your charity breaks a few, or all the rules for being a charity, you are branded for life as one who ran a fraudulent criminal illegal organization?!


It would be nice to see some consistency in how you would apply rules, and how you would handle rule breakers. I see no chance of that, but it would be nice.

bobknight33 said:

If they are here Illegally then they ARE Illegal Immigrants.

If they are afraid of their home they can stop in many other places even Mexico.

Also anyone who can walk a thousand miles or so don't need to be in America to make a life for themself.

8 U.S. Code § 1225
reworked under Obama .. His administration mandated all Illegal aliens no to be referred as aliens.

Besides this is CNN call them illegal. Fake news getting it right once in a while.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Bear and two cubs following a hiker in Alaska

The History of Portal

vil says...

I have probably mentioned this, but IMHO portal was invented by Terry Pratchett.

Discworld, Book 22, The Last Continent (1998)

The wizards looked at the gently rippling surface. There should have been several feet of solid wood sticking out of it.
“Well, well, well,” said the Archchancellor, going back in out of the cold air. “Do you know, I’ve never actually seen one of these?”
“Anyone remember Archchancellor Bewdley’s boots?” said the Senior Wrangler, helping himself to some cold mutton from the trolley. “He made a mistake and got one of the things opened up in the left boot. Very tricky. You can’t go walking around with one foot in another dimension.”
“Well, no…” said Ridcully, staring at the tropical scene and tapping his chin thoughtfully with the seashell.
“Can’t see what you’re treading in, for one thing,” said the Senior Wrangler.
“One opened up in one of the cellars once, all by itself,” said the Dean. “Just a round black hole. Anything you put in it just disappeared. So old Archchancellor Weatherwax had a privy built over it.”
“Very sensible idea,” said Ridcully, still looking thoughtful.
“We thought so too, until we found the other one that had opened in the attic. Turned out to be the other side of the same hole. I’m sure I don’t need to draw you a picture.”
“I’ve never heard of these!” said Ponder Stibbons. “The possibilities are amazing!”
“Everyone says that when they first hear about them,” said the Senior Wrangler. “But when you’ve been a wizard as long as I have, my boy, you’ll learn that as soon as you find anything that offers amazing possibilities for the improvement of the human condition it’s best to put the lid back on and pretend it never happened.”
“But if you could get one to open above another you could drop something through the bottom hole and it’d come out of the top hole and fall through the bottom hole again…It’d reach meteoritic speed and the amount of power you could generate would be—”
“That’s pretty much what happened between the attic and the cellar,” said the Dean, taking a cold chicken leg. “Thank goodness for air friction, that’s all I’ll say.”
Ponder waved his hand gingerly through the window and felt the sun’s heat.
“And no one’s ever studied them?” he said.

Undercover: EXPOSING MAGA Hypocrisy on Afghanistan

cloudballoon says...

Which POTUS started the war(s) in the first place? W. Bush. Which POTUS send billions upon billions of free military hardware to prop up a corrupt, coward, incompetent, puppet government? Trump.

Biden will own the absolutely hasty pull-out, though Biden ISN'T incorrect about unavoidable chaos. That's because the US -- AGAIN like most other American war adventures -- just pack up & left. In war, you either win, lose or negotiate an armistice to avoid a bloody and chaotic aftermath. You can't have an armistice with the Taliban because it wasn't - isn't - even a government entity. Biden was honest about the miscalculation about the speed of Afghanistan's fall to the Taliban at least. He said Intel couldn't imagine it'd be a matter of weeks but thought something like 90 days+? But that means crap because Intel said fall to the Taliban it WILL (i.e., an eventuality). So why the haste, where's the logistical & humanitarian planning? There is no justification for that strategic lapse. The major international criticism (100% valid IMO) is how Biden/America abandonned its own and allies' citizens & Afghan aides in a war torn country with little planning & time to get them out of the country BEFORE the military leave. And leaving all those military hardware intact to the Taliban? What the hell? I mean, what are the generals doing? Is American reverence of its President so total that you can't pushback and buy some time to plan for a better outcome? Or are they really THAT incompetent? What this fiasco shows is that Biden/Pentagon cares nothing BUT the military personel. That is f---ing it, no more, no less.

What we're witnessing in Afghanistan is arguably a collective American sin, not just Biden's. Most Americans want out, like it should've happened yesteryear. The US have been propping up its GDP by using endless wars to feed the mouths of the military industrial complex to sell hardware abroad. It's an addiction whether the Dem/GOP likes it or not. This is just another sad but typical American war history repeating itself again. It's America's military modus operandi. Want to apportion blame? Don't just blame it on Biden, there's plenty to go around: from the WH to the Senate, Pentagon and down to the "Almighty American Military Prowess' Sure Win" mentality in its people are all to blame.

Oh, rest assured that Republicans couldn't do better. Why? Because it's built into the American military DNA: arrogance & ignorance. That breeds blindness, making Intel useless - or worse - counterproductive because of the inherent lack of situational/cultural awareness. It's not really a political mistake, rather a huge military blunder.

It's a f---ing war crime to start a war and not knowing how to end it already. It's made worse that America collectively *think* it can "nation build" a vastly different (culturally, economically, socially, judicially... etc.) , and far away country by basically propping up a corrupt, dependant, puppet government and then leave, knowing (or EVEN worse, NOT knowing) the eventual outcomes. What a pathetic, cruel and deadly joke.

vil said:

Which potus put this plan into action though?

Texas man strips down to make a point about vaccination

newtboy says...

Yes, he's making his point quite well.
He's pointing out all the ways they follow the law and rules of civilization, even though they're sometimes inconvenient or uncomfortable, even though many laws are to protect others more than themselves. He's doing it in a way that no one ignores. He's exemplifying the selfish, outrageous behavior they are championing in such a way that they can't help but disagree with him, which MAY lead to them questioning their own actions and recognising they resemble that display he put on.

When did he call them names?

Mask mandates are in place, put there by responsible representatives. This meeting was to explain why to those too obstinate to understand why, not to let them choose.
They have been told hundreds of times by calm reasonable people, calmly and using data and statistics to explain why masks and vaccines are necessary, and the answer was "keep yer govment vaxine urtta mah blud and yer Fouchi facemask off me and mah chilin!"

Only enforcing it when it's absolutely necessary, only where it's absolutely necessary, and for as short a time as possible has led us to wave 4, the worst yet. It's necessary now until the virus is gone, it's necessary everywhere so the virus doesn't have a Petri dish to evolve in and become far more virulent and dangerous, it's necessary to continue wearing them and getting vaccinated/boostered until the virus is eradicated....maybe until civilization falls if we're unlucky or too stupid to follow directions.

I have no idea why this touches such a nerve for you. It seems so obviously proper to most of us, and an excellent way to show them that they already do tons of annoying stuff for other people's safety, like driving the speed limit and stopping at lights and wearing clothes, not starting random fires, etc....all stuff mandated by the government.

Explain please, why that's improper. you say we shouldn't have a discussion at all with anti maskers/antivaxers, because they'll spout some nonsense?!
You don't convince people to do the right thing by ignoring them when they do the wrong things for the wrong reasons. WTF are you saying?! Don't have any discussions because extremists will take hold and you think reasonable people can do nothing. Only true if reasonable people stop trying to discuss and convince them of reality, which is your suggestion? Um......

vil said:

So he is trying to be clever. But is he making his point well?

Its much like us trying to convince Bob and friends by calling them names, its not going to work.

Mask mandate is an emergency measure and should be put in place by responsible representatives, not public debate. It should be explained seriously and not by anecdote. It should only be enforced where necessary and for as long as necessary. Local authorities should have that authority, just like for other natural disasters.

If you start a discussion, extremists will take hold of it.

FedEx Truck gets stolen while package is being delivered

Taliban flaunt weapons, dollars after US flees

newtboy says...

Better a useful tool than a useless fool....fool. (and every sentence needs a verb, Bob. When you can't even write in what you claim is your native language, you might refrain from insulting those who can. This is why graduating the 8th grade isn't enough education. It makes you an ignorant idiot no reasonable person will listen to.)

First, Open the Books is not a trustworthy or unbiased source of information. was founded in 2011 (to try to embarrass Obama) by its chief executive officer Adam Andrzejewski, an Illinois entrepreneur and past Republican candidate for governor, with former United States Republican Senator Dr. Tom Coburn as the honorary chairman. It's highly partisan and biased.

Most of those vehicles and weapons we did leave/are leaving, like the cash, were in the hands of the Afghanis when Trump sounded retreat last spring. To "secure/remove/destroy" them we either have to stay and support the government (too late, would have needed to start before releasing the Taliban's army last March), or go to war with the Afghan government and seize it by force, they wouldn't just hand it back...duh.
We aren't "leaving them behind", we gave them to the government that Trump abandoned last spring when he released 5000 hard core Taliban fighters from prison (more than the original Daesh) with no conditions (and without consulting with the Afghan government) and allowed them free reign to destroy the Afghan government while we sat by, not even really preparing to leave but not helping the Afghanis....and he apparently told them they could do whatever they want except attack the retreating Americans, and they did....but sure, that's Biden's fault. 🤦‍♂️

Biden failed to be prepared for the speed of the fall of their government, a failure to be sure, but Trump all but ensured it would be fast and that we would be unprepared. Biden should have been evacuating our allies and helpers since Jan 21....Trump should have started the evacuation of Afghanis in March 2020 but instead his administration wouldn't even consider letting them come to America, so there was no process or staffed department when Biden took over and stopped Trump's attempted civil war and dealt with the out of control Trumpidemic, just a round file and a blind eye for all refugee applications. Recently Biden's administration changed this, creating programs and staffing to accommodate the refugees and convincing our allies to accept many in Europe, something Trump didn't even try.

Trump didn't do anything to get this equipment out of the country for a year either, did he? His plan was to be out 100 days after he left office, but nothing was in the works to make it happen...Too busy campaigning, pushing fraud frauds, and starting coups.

Try again.

bobknight33 said:

Newtboy you such a TOOL

The only blame is that Biden did not secure / remove/ destroy these.

Total Failure on Biden's watch.

U.S. military is leaving behind 75,000 vehicles, 600,000 weapons and 208 airplanes/helicopters in Afghanistan as the Taliban takes control of the country, according to the watchdog group Open the Books.

Paraglider Speedflying

As US Withdraws from Afghanistan, Refugees Must Be Evacuated

newtboy says...

Just weeks ago Trump was bragging that it was ALL him, and Biden couldn't stop it even though he wanted to...Trump had sabotaged the military's readiness in the region to ensure his retreat was irreversible. Biden negotiated an extra 4 months, which SHOULD have been long enough to pull equipment and personnel if not for the fact they were both needed to facilitate Trump's retreat, and some was left behind in the unexpected rush to leave.

BTW, today Biden announced the military will remain until every American is evacuated, even if that's after Aug 30.

The RNC removed his rants taking credit from their websites, because they know his plan failed miserably and want to now blame Biden for Trump's one sided negotiations with terrorists (remember he tried to legitimize them with an invite to camp David, but realized kissing Muslim terrorists ass on live tv wasn't such a great idea after all when everyone in America loudly told him "NO!".)

Trump also left them with no process and no progress in the full year since he announced the withdrawal and released 5000 Taliban fighters with no prerequisites or punishments in the deal, and three months until his pullout date with still no plan to even get Americans out, much less allies, at least Biden is making some effort to make good on our promise to take them, although granted too little and too late. Still, his performance is head and shoulders above what he inherited, which was putting all asylum applications into the round file and pretending they weren't received, and washing their hands of any responsibility.

Epic fail...yes. ....30% on Bush, 20% Obama, 35% Trump's, 15% Biden's. Biden didn't put the opposing army back in the field without stipulations while totally sidelining the legitimate government then instantly surrender unconditionally, letting them destroy the government while we packed, closing bases that supplied support to the Afghanis....that was Trump, but Biden didn't anticipate the speed and totality of the takeover, a huge fail after seeing how fast Daesh took over.

It's astonishing anyone will work with us at all....America never keeps it's obligations unless it's convenient to do so, just ask Ukraine.

bobknight33 said:

The 1/2 ass withdraw lays at the feet of Biden.

Biden had the power to delay to the point when all weapons vehicles etc is disarmed or destroyed.

Also Biden left all the helpers who should be pulled out, left being only to be raped and killed.

Now the purging will begin.

Epic Fail.

NYPD Blue - This Is A Workin' Man, He's Not Stickin' Nobody

cloudballoon says...

That's just fantasy. Name ONE TV cop shows that's not PR for the Blues? At best, I hope this clip serves as an instructional video for the IRL cops. At worst, it's pure whitewash.

I pretty much watch any type of TV BUT cops shows except the British ones and the mystery whodunit mini-series like the recent Mare of Easttown.

I'm extremely glad that I live in Canada, and I live in a Toronto suburb, I don't need to fear police officers because I don't see them walking beats on main streets, they're just usually in their cruisers and/or hiding around dark/down-hill intersections to catch speeding cars. But Toronto downtown is another story I think, I see the occational news reports of police harrassment of PoC just like those in the US. But far, far less fatal.

How robots could end animal captivity in zoos & marine parks

newtboy says...

What's wrong with electric car racing? Electric race cars are already outperforming combustion engine vehicles in multiple arenas, just look at the current Pike's Peak record holder, or Nuremberg. Formula E is easily as exciting as F1. Extreme E races electric off road vehicles through the Amazon. Projekt E brings electric vehicles to top tier rally racing, there are many electric rally series. Pure ETCR is a GT racing series.

Do you miss the noise, or the smell? The racing is actually more exciting thanks to 100% torque at all speeds.

vil said:

Sort of like electric car racing. Meh.

On the other hand, a ZOO is an artificial spectacle anyway so making it more artificial is probably acceptable for the future.

Mom arrested after posing as 7th grade daughter in school

JiggaJonson says...

@newtboy just fyi, maroon, i recently learned is a racial epithet.

I believe I learned the term from Bugs Bunny "What a maroon!"

But apparently it's just another way to make fun of people with a lot of pigment in their skin. I only realized this when I heard it used as an actual insult. "Fuckin maroon." This is, consequently why maroon as a color is brownish/redish (to resemble the skin of the people that are on lonely islands aka people who have been "marooned")

I have no doubt that you didn't know this ahead of time, but just know it going forward. I don't think that's what you meant, and you wouldn't want to be misunderstood.

EDIT See also, art like this statue titled "Maroons surprised by dogs" (1893) (Brussels) by Louis Samain. Note the fetters on the hands and feet: (Pretty fucked up eh?)

EDIT 2 I think I also know the word from various TV show episode titles that are some version of "Marooned" when people become stranded.


EDIT 3 Oh yeah, and this dumbass. What did she think would happen? She didn't "Just walk in" she wore a disguise elaborate enough she filmed her "setup" that took long enough that it required montage-like speed in post. Not to mention she had to use her daughter's school id to get in.

Going through a makeover/disguise
Learning and following your daughter's schedule
Using your daughter's student ID

DOES NOT = just walking in

Ghomert Asks If Forestry Department Can Change Earth's Orbit

BSR says...

Or... maybe if we motorized all the windmills around the world and turned up the speed in the same direction....

noims said:

Maybe if everyone on the left hand side of the Earth pushes it really really hard, and everyone on the right hand side pulls at the same time...

LiquidPiston X-Mini 79cc SI Engine Animation

StukaFox says...

This response seems to have a few gaps in it, but here's what a company rep said:

"And then there's our apex seals, they're like our piston rings," he continues. "In the Wankel engine, they're inside the rotor, again. They move at a high speed, and bounce around, they're very hard to lubricate. In our case, they're stationary, they don't bounce around, and you can lubricate them directly from the housing.

"So we basically solved the key challenges the old rotaries had with combustion and with oiling. Those oiling challenges caused both durability issues and emissions problems. By making those components stationary, we solve the challenges of the old rotary. And we also upgraded its cycle to give it much higher efficiency."

SFOGuy said:

Someone tell me why the seals won't fail in the same way that Wankel rotors in the RX-7 do--but it will be a lot of fun until they do!

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