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Philly cop threatens to shoot man legally carrying a gun (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

rottenseed says...

Every country in the world wishes it could replicate humankind's innovation hotbeds like Silicon Valley and Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Cambridge, Massachusetts? I didn't know sweater-vests were an "innovation"

Philly cop threatens to shoot man legally carrying a gun (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

Stupid People - F*ck Everything About Them!

chilaxe says...


People socialize assortatively and my environment, Silicon Valley, tends to brain drain the rest of the world. In that sense, individuals create their own environment regardless of what's happening elsewhere.

It's not uncommon here for people without college degrees to outperform people with advanced degrees from the best schools, and you can learn most things for free on the internet anyway, so people here aren't impressed with those who rely on educational or cultural determinism. (Personally, nothing gives me more satisfaction than outperforming kids from the lazy upper-class track who have had countless things I never had.)

Stupid People - F*ck Everything About Them!

President Obama's Statement on Osama bin Laden's Death

quantumushroom says...

It's easy to scoff at other human's rights when you're in the majority that decides the value affixed to those rights. But what if you weren't?

Whites are already minorities, both by corruption and deliberately erasing American principles and history. Or didn't you notice that Whites are exempt from equal protection under the law ("hate crimes") when the assailant(s) are Black? Either everyone has the same rights or no one has any rights. And right now, you know as well as I do if you utter anything a minority finds offensive in 'polite' company--including demonstrable facts--our vicious, retarded 'multi-cultural' society-keepers will escort you to the street. And really, what is a "minority" anyway? Women outnumber men and yet the former remains a minority. Whites are already minorities in California. There is no "reverse affirmative action" there.

Let me put it in a way that might pique your sensibilities. It's only a matter of time before white people are no longer the majority in the US. I'm just assuming you're white, by the way. So, let's say Latinos and Hispanics make up the majority vote in ten years or so: let's say it's the year 2022.

And let's say they think you should pay trillions in foreign aid for South America and Mexico, and so they vote that as national policy. And let's say they think the US should protect interests in that region, so they send a lot of the poor, disenfranchised whites (who in this version of the future now make up the majority of the military) to be international defense for places like Mexico and Guatemala and Brasil and so on.

And they start to talk how they're the indigenous people of the Americas, and white people are just trespassers who staked their claim via conquest and war.

This is a retarded argument; I know you didn't create it, but yeah, it's out there, and "they" will believe anything as "they" have never been taught differently. These "clever" lefties who claim Whites were trespassers in primitive centuries the world over is ridiculous. Back then there were no unified nations with solid borders, language and culture in the New World to invade, just warring Indian "nations". They forget that England and France, countries filled with White guys--were at war with each other for centuries. And let's not forget all the Asian nations, each one a cultural gem...that wants all other Asian peoples destroyed. The Chinese and Japanese are mortal enemies, and neither likes Koreans.

Within years, you and your family are deported to Denmark - that is if any of you survived the civil war. And what if you lose the right to protest, or vote, or the right of Habeas Corpus? Who will stand up for you? Those already oppressed who were once in the majority? Or would you want some Libertarian-Latino to recognize your rights because you are a living, breathing human being?

If Mexican and African minorities are the future for America, I don't expect any respect of Whites' rights, or right to exist, just like now. There's a whole poor-me victimization industry out there. They create enemies (and excuses) out of whole cloth.

If you want a glimpse of America's fucked-up future, look at Mexico. Mexicans are fine people and Mexican immigrants who assimilate have enriched America, yet somehow their original cultural model in Mexico is simply fucked, an entire nation with enormous natural resources yet run by kleptocrats and drug lords. Anyone concerned with American 'plutocracy' should view the shit going on down yonder.

You sort-of asked but I'm telling you--all of you--anyway. When the White American population falls below 50%, it's Game Over for American principles. America in 2050 will be an even bigger parody of what it is now. Detroit is the future of America. Brokeass idiot California is the future of America. Americans all over are voting with their feet right now. They're leaving liberal meccas and moving to business-friendly states with low taxes (don't expect to hear anything about it on CNN or MS-DNC). But it can't last. Soon there'll be nowhere to run.

I've already made peace with the idea that there will be a civil war, hopefully States against the federal leviathan. And I fully expect DC to turn a war of principles into a racial thang to save its ugly ass.

This isn't about racial "superiority" in the slightest, but if you'll direct your attention to the screen, which races have invented the most advanced tech, including the best kinds of government (so far)? Don't answer that, you'll just be nailed to the cross of tolerance.

I'm Jewish (by blood, not faith) so I figure I'm screwed anyway. I guess I can scooch to Israel. Observe that many of the new kickass technologies were invented by Israelis, while Silicon Valley is stuck holding its dick with eco-green bullshit. "Next year in Jerusalem!" Nice and peaceful over there.

Really, I don't overly give a shit any more. The wrong people now control schools that shouldn't even exist, so the generations coming up are ignorami. The wrong peeps run most of the media and entertainment that arguably appeal to the worst sides of humanity. Freedom is hard work. Who wants that?

Getting angry at me for telling the truth will just waste your time. I already know how you FEEL. Those loudly announcing that neurosurgeons and witch doctors are cultural equals in the name of multicultural tolerance now run the show. And when the show ends they quietly go see the neurosurgeon.

Libertarian ethos ain't gonna save us. Neither will socialism. Mayhap it would be better if the world ended next year.

>> ^blankfist:

>> ^quantumushroom:
You can't hold a trial for a vermin who declares war on an entire society, hell, an entire civilization. It's as moronic as trying to "understand"--in the moment--the socio-cultural-economic motives of someone trying to kill you in an alley.
All we had to do was threaten to level mecca and the 'good' muslims would've turned his raggedy ass in by September 13th, 2001.
War works.

Of course we can hold trial for someone who declares war on entire societies. Yes, very much so. We can hold trial, or at least attempt to hold trial, for anyone. And we should.
It's easy to scoff at other human's rights when you're in the majority that decides the value affixed to those rights. But what if you weren't?
Let me put it in a way that might pique your sensibilities. It's only a matter of time before white people are no longer the majority in the US. I'm just assuming you're white, by the way. So, let's say Latinos and Hispanics make up the majority vote in ten years or so: let's say it's the year 2022.
And let's say they think you should pay trillions in foreign aid for South America and Mexico, and so they vote that as national policy. And let's say they think the US should protect interests in that region, so they send a lot of the poor, disenfranchised whites (who in this version of the future now make up the majority of the military) to be international defense for places like Mexico and Guatemala and Brasil and so on.
And they start to talk how they're the indigenous people of the Americas, and white people are just trespassers who staked their claim via conquest and war. Within years, you and your family are deported to Denmark - that is if any of you survived the civil war. And what if you lose the right to protest, or vote, or the right of Habeas Corpus? Who will stand up for you? Those already oppressed who were once in the majority? Or would you want some Libertarian-Latino to recognize your rights because you are a living, breathing human being?

Undercover Cop Caught on Camera; Assaults Cooperating Teen

Yogi says...

>> ^chilaxe:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since May 15th, 2009" class="profilelink">Yogi
Asian Americans are around 4% of the US population, and Jewish Americans are around 2%, so we wouldn't expect to see a high proportion of CEOs belonging to those groups.
It is, though, not uncommon to see Asian Americans in high positions in Wall Street, in medicine, or as CEOs in Silicon Valley, where I live, and Jewish Americans are certainly overrepresented as CEOs relative to their proportion of the population. The majority of big Hollywood companies, for example, have CEOs who are Jewish.

Well that certainly show'd me. Oh hey Harlem...Oh hey Compton...Oh hey Black and Hispanic kids graduating at a phenomenally lower rate than white kids. Damn guess there's nothing in America that has to do with ethnicity, socio-economic status, access to employment ect. Must be the weather or something right?

Look you're just crazy if you don't think it matters it does. There's been hundreds of studies on the subject if you want to look it up and stop bothering to argue it over the internet.

Undercover Cop Caught on Camera; Assaults Cooperating Teen

chilaxe says...


Asian Americans are around 4% of the US population, and Jewish Americans are around 2%, so we wouldn't expect to see a high proportion of CEOs belonging to those groups.

It is, though, not uncommon to see Asian Americans in high positions in Wall Street, in medicine, or as CEOs in Silicon Valley, where I live, and Jewish Americans are certainly overrepresented as CEOs relative to their proportion of the population. The majority of big Hollywood companies, for example, have CEOs who are Jewish.

"Share The Air" : Investors wanted, apply within

Zonbie says...

From youtube
share the air brand promotion pitch pitching discussion environment health medicine venture capital new age fund raising fundraising sell selling sales marketing business jar jars club silicon spiral hippy professional vcfc valley moon director directed dan carlson hdslr vslr canon audience nitrogen water serious crystals science hippies everest oxygen atlantis presentation energy

I notice in particular the "serious" tag.
Either Tragic - or Trolling.
this company is linked to this Youtube post as well

I really hope she is trolling - this is worse than bottled water - jar of air. Only interested if I can get the air from...An Airhead.

oh shit, might be real.
Then again, Spiralmoon is a marketing company so it could be a phony attempt at going viral

Are you tired of Windows, Mac and Linux / Unix?

Minecart Interstate V3.0 [MineCraft]

Justice: What's a Fair Start? What Do We Deserve?

chilaxe says...

@mgittle :
Interesting about the Plutonomy Report. It seems pretty straight-forward to say Plutonomies like the US, the British Empire, and the Roman Empire brain-drain the rest of the world. That's why the young creator of Chatroulette recently moved to Silicon Valley, instead of staying in Russia,* same as Google's Sergey Brin.

I remember a study from a few years ago that concluded when human were migrating out from Africa, each group that kept moving to a new location had slightly higher novelty-seeking genes than the group that stayed... fascinating... with the end result being in places at the end of the longest migration paths, like the Americas and the Pacific Islands there were significant differences. However, the paper connected that with higher rates of attention-deficit type learning disabilities in those areas, rather than with higher rates of entrepreneurship.

Ultimately, though, there are myriad differences between groups, so looking at just one trait or theory, as seems to be done in the Plutonomy Report, isn't necessarily very helpful in the big picture.

@mgittle :
Interesting article about time perception. I think it's a good reminder to practice mindefulness in daily life... and I see they mention the Dalai Lama in that article

This Is Apple's Next iPhone

volumptuous says...

1- One of the main wireless network engineers

2- So one of the main wireless network engineers can test the unit in real world conditions (see dags response)

3- The name of the person who found it was not given. I'm guessing since he lives in Silicon Valley, he's quite probably a tech geek, thought the phone looked odd, and wanted to take it apart to see why

4- Yes. Using mobile me, you can easily turn the phone off, lock it down, and get GPS coordinates for where it is, all through mobileme's easy web interface. Apple did lock it. It was locked the next morning.

5- I understand what you're saying, but this phone is to be released in the next 3-4 months. Apple would be doing a great disservice to themselves and AT&T with a stunt like this, causing tens of thousands of units to sit on shelves, and untold number of new AT&T customers to wait to sign up. It's not practical by any means.

6- WTC7 was an inside job.

I also called around to my Apple friends, and all of them said there was a giant shitstorm brewing, noone knew what it was about until the Gizmodo article came out. Then shit sincerely hit the fan. One of my friends was on the original iPhone team, and had a working one that he carried around, months before the official release. He couldn't even show his wife.

When you are one of these lucky duckies, not only are you on über strict NDA, but you are also a very very loyal Apple employee who loves the products, loves the company, and really loves their job and wouldn't do anything to sacrifice it.

>> ^blankfist:

Why is this staged? Here are my thoughts.
1. This is obviously not a random guy's phone who works at Apple. Who would have access to carry one of these?
2. Knowing how fanatical Apple is about security, why would they allow someone to take the brand new top secret iPhone out to a bar?
3. Who was the person who found it? And why did he have an interest in disassembling the phone as opposed to just returning it?
4. Did the person who lost it try to call the phone to get it back?
5. There are a number of new smartphones, and a lot are marketing themselves as better than the iPhone. And being that the new Apple 4G phone won't be on the market for a while, a stunt like this may keep new customers from signing a new 2 year phone contract and purchasing a different smartphone if they know Apple's is coming and it will be bad ass.
6. What about WTC 7?

Who's Aging Better? Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates (Blog Entry by lucky760)

Minuteman Runs Away From Chicano Girl

The Simpsons take on Ayn Rand & Right-Wingers

chilaxe says...

>> ^dgandhi:
>> ^chilaxe: Statistically speaking
If you are going to speak statistically, show us the numbers. I would honestly like to see them, but I doubt they exist.

Yes, there probably aren't any statistics available, but media coverage generally regards Rand's followers as skewing toward self-reliant, libertarian types who emphasize performance.* It would be surprising if an ideology that glorifies self-reliance wasn't associated with increased self-reliant attitudes.

I think it's generally most rewarding for people to read everything, with the goal of being 'informationally a mile wide,' but those who are disinclined are free to reject the lessons in objectivist themes. IMHO, that just means more advantages available for those who draw from a broader sample of the marketplace of ideas, and that's really how the system is supposed to work. So rail against objectivism to your heart's content


Many business leaders say Atlas Shrugged influenced their lives more than anything else they have read. Joe Stafford, the 40-year-old CEO of supply chain management company IC Solutions, said he was a liberal before reading Rand at 23. Chip Joyce, the 31-year-old president of Ulla Bazant, a maker of high-end women's apparel, says the book has been his "frame of reference."

Hugh Hefner and Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas found Rand fascinating. Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban and Whole Foods CEO John Mackey both cite Rand’s books as influential, though Mackey has said he doesn’t believe businesses exist solely to make a profit and selfishness is a virtue. In Silicon Valley, Rand’s ideas appeal to generations of entrepreneurs who built the computer industry and the Internet. T.J. Rodgers, CEO of Cypress Semiconductor, is a notorious Rand fan; Patrick W. Grady named his company Rearden Commerce after the steel magnate Hank Rearden from Atlas.

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