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Marine Vets Tell Sean Hannity to Fuck Off at OWS

ajkido says...

>> ^chilaxe:

I worked in unskilled jobs when I was in college (because I was unskilled), and I learned a lot about life. I also shared rooms and lived simply. You're too good to do the same? I've even voluntarily slept in my car while a student in order to save on rent. It's not that hard.
Move to an area that has a decent economy if you need to. Read books on business psychology. Nobody else is going to build your life for you.
>> ^Yogi:
>> ^chilaxe:
>> ^artician:
>> ^chilaxe:
Wait, isn't it obvious how to avoid student loan debt?
Go to any of the excellent community colleges for the first 2 years, then transfer to a public college.

There are a lot of people in this country who can't even afford that.

Then get a job?
Classes can be taken online now from most schools, so if people are willing to work hard and keep themselves disciplined, they can save a lot of time.

You're saying the solution is to get a the worst job market there's been in decades. You need a college education to get a decent need a decent job to get a college education. Hmmm sounds pretty fucking stupid to me.

By the way, life doesn't have to be that rough. There are countries where students get paid to go to school (even the best universities) and those countries are doing pretty good even in international competition. It might not "build one's character" like living in a car, though...

Marine Vets Tell Sean Hannity to Fuck Off at OWS

chilaxe says...

I worked in unskilled jobs when I was in college (because I was unskilled), and I learned a lot about life. I also shared rooms and lived simply. You're too good to do the same? I've even voluntarily slept in my car while a student in order to save on rent. It's not that hard.

Move to an area that has a decent economy if you need to. Read books on business psychology. Nobody else is going to build your life for you.
>> ^Yogi:

>> ^chilaxe:
>> ^artician:
>> ^chilaxe:
Wait, isn't it obvious how to avoid student loan debt?
Go to any of the excellent community colleges for the first 2 years, then transfer to a public college.

There are a lot of people in this country who can't even afford that.

Then get a job?
Classes can be taken online now from most schools, so if people are willing to work hard and keep themselves disciplined, they can save a lot of time.

You're saying the solution is to get a the worst job market there's been in decades. You need a college education to get a decent need a decent job to get a college education. Hmmm sounds pretty fucking stupid to me.

Marine Vets Tell Sean Hannity to Fuck Off at OWS

Yogi says...

>> ^chilaxe:

>> ^artician:
>> ^chilaxe:
Wait, isn't it obvious how to avoid student loan debt?
Go to any of the excellent community colleges for the first 2 years, then transfer to a public college.

There are a lot of people in this country who can't even afford that.

Then get a job?
Classes can be taken online now from most schools, so if people are willing to work hard and keep themselves disciplined, they can save a lot of time.

You're saying the solution is to get a the worst job market there's been in decades. You need a college education to get a decent need a decent job to get a college education. Hmmm sounds pretty fucking stupid to me.

Marine Vets Tell Sean Hannity to Fuck Off at OWS

chilaxe says...

>> ^artician:

>> ^chilaxe:
Wait, isn't it obvious how to avoid student loan debt?
Go to any of the excellent community colleges for the first 2 years, then transfer to a public college.

There are a lot of people in this country who can't even afford that.

Then get a job?

Classes can be taken online now from most schools, so if people are willing to work hard and keep themselves disciplined, they can save a lot of time.

Marine Vets Tell Sean Hannity to Fuck Off at OWS

artician says...

>> ^chilaxe:

Wait, isn't it obvious how to avoid student loan debt?
Go to any of the excellent community colleges for the first 2 years, then transfer to a public college.

There are a lot of people in this country who can't even afford that.

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Marine Vets Tell Sean Hannity to Fuck Off at OWS

Marine Vets Tell Sean Hannity to Fuck Off at OWS

Yogi says...

>> ^lantern53:

Who forced this young man into student loan debt?
I went to school on the GI bill and with a job incurred zero debt.
At least these two are likeable in contrast to the guy seen taking a shit on the police car.
But it's a shame that two veterans are being used to promote the progressive agenda. I can sympathize with their gripes but I would not associate myself with the majority of that unfocused, anarchist rabble.

Fuck Off.

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Marine Vets Tell Sean Hannity to Fuck Off at OWS

Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity: Fox's Spin on Occupy Wall Street

Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity: Fox's Spin on Occupy Wall Street

JiggaJonson says...

>> ^blankfist:

>> ^JiggaJonson:
Hannity @ 2:22 is channeling @blankfist
I KNEW it, blankie is a faux news plant

Are you whoring for comment upvotes again? Occupy Wall Street isn't a leftist movement. It's an anti-banker, anti-corporatist movement. I fully support that.

When was I ever whoring for comment upvotes exactly? And did I say it was a leftist movement?

Did you even look at the video @ 2:22?? At 2:22 Hannity says:
"In the end they want statism over free markets"

If that's not channeling you idk what is.

(you whore)

Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity: Fox's Spin on Occupy Wall Street

Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity: Fox's Spin on Occupy Wall Street

Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity: Fox's Spin on Occupy Wall Street

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