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SUPERMAN (1978) | Behind the Scenes (Part 2)

SUPERMAN (1978) | Behind the Scenes of DC Classic Movie (#1)

SUPERMAN (1978) | Behind the Scenes (Part 2)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Let’s hope so. He knows what he’s doing. If Obama is really pulling the strings then I assume you won’t be insulting Biden anymore since he’s not really in charge, right? Derp.

I disagree, but ok, kill off “conservative” media and we’ll get rid of the half that’s all lies, media issues solved. Just get rid of all opinion programming and channels masquerading as news and the effect is the same.

But to be sure, they didn’t cause all the division, but they did help Trump exploit and amplify it by misdirecting republicans so thoroughly that pederastic vampire cabals that get political power and youth through infant blood cocktails and the fictional recreational use of adrenochrome sounds real and reasonable to half of them... (ridiculously taking fantasy scenes from Clockwork Orange and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas as factual accounts, recreational use has never happened and the few clinical studies indicated it causes Schizophrenia and other obvious mental disorders) idiotic they convinced conservatives a foreign president who has been dead over 8 years actively interfered in the last deceptive they gladly and knowingly repeated the lies Trump fed them about election fraud as if they were fact to the point they were sued for billions in damages their lies caused American companies while not reporting that every agency tasked with election security contradicted their specious and spurious claims....with evidence to back them up unlike the claims of fraud.
Without the division right wing nut job conspiracy theories (and those who believe, repeat, and amplify them) have done, yes, America would be rocking. Sadly, you and your ilk have not returned to reality yet....tens of millions of you are just waiting for Q to tell them why reality is wrong and they’re correct.

bobknight33 said:


Back to that hack. Rest assured I'm sure the is pulling Biden strings.

National division is the fault of the media. They are the great dividers of American. IF only they wold push truth instead of 1/2 truth America would be rocking.

X-Wing in a Bowling Alley.

X-Wing in a Bowling Alley.

Lady Calls 911 On Cops Trying To Pull Her Over...

mxxcon says...

Would it be considered desperate actors to agree to reenact those calls? Not just reenact the scenes but to actually mime the words from the calls... (>ლ)

C-note (Member Profile)

Lawyer Reacts to Smartmatic's $2.7 Billion Dollar Suit

University in Norway responds to Will Ferrell

StukaFox says...

It's a sad thing that many Americans' first introduction to Europe is Charles de Gaulle airport, which serves the same purpose in European transportation as Hell does in Christian theology. CDG is how France punishes Americans for telling World War 2 jokes.

When you're landing at CDG, the pilot says "We are now arriving at Charles de Gaulle Airport. Please prepare to weep tears of blood and rage." That's when you realize the scenes below of people running in circles and screaming in panic is just the line for passport control. It gets worse from there and differs from Dante's Inferno only in that Dante' got out within a single human lifetime.

(Story: I got lost in that place once -- and by 'once', I mean 'every single fucking time' -- and couldn't figure out how to get to the taxi stand. Since no one will give you help at CDG like no one will give you ice water in Hell, I approached this French military guy toting what looked a lot like a MP-5.

"Bonjour, Monsieur," I began, "je ne parle pas français; parlez-vous Anglais?" and I'm trying to scrape together enough of the infantile French I know into some semblance of "how the fuck do I get out of this failure of architectural design and vacancy of God's mercy to get a taxi?", which came out as "Taxi, S'il vous plaît?", probably much to my advantage.

The dude with the MP-5 gives me the Gallic stink-eye, shakes his head slowly, and then points directly up.

"Taxi -->" said the giant sign directly above his head.

"Ah, merci!" I said brightly while he, my mortified wife and pretty much the entire nation of France rolled their eyes.

I so fucking love France!)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Clearly you cannot read. The article is clear. The objective of the bipartisan group was not to win votes for either side, only to ensure a free and fair election in the face of the Trump administration's efforts to interfere and illegally sway results through lies, lawsuits, disinformation, voter suppression, and simple denial of reality and fact.

"There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans. The pact was formalized in a terse, little-noticed joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO published on Election Day. Both sides would come to see it as a sort of implicit bargain–inspired by the summer’s massive, sometimes destructive racial-justice protests–in which the forces of labor came together with the forces of capital to keep the peace and oppose Trump’s assault on democracy.

The handshake between business and labor was just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election–an extraordinary shadow effort dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted. "

You are both dumb to try this lie, and a bold faced liar. You actually pointed us to your source that clearly says the exact opposite of what you claim. I'm pretty certain you didn't read it, because it's clear, and it calls you a liar too.

bobknight33 said:

The left subverted the election and admitted it in the article.

They colluded with the media, big tech, local and state governments with the sole purpose to sway voters and block opposition on a national scale.

I can read but can you take you blinders off?

How Marvel Actually Makes Movies Years Before Filming

cloudballoon says...

All the previs in the world can't make bad scripts into good movies.

I enjoyed the early Avengers movies (the Ironmans and the 1st Thor & Capt), then the later ones are all bore-fests.

Why are they dumb? For me MCU movies have the tendency of the second 3 heroes are on screen together the action gets dumb.

Super busy VFX bores me to death, there's rarely any emotional payoff in those scenes. And all these previs does is to make a busy mess of action shots. Meh...

GOP Stonewalls Biden's Agenda; Sued for Election Lies

StukaFox says...

Oh yeah, libel per se is a -bitch- if you're nailed with it. In libel per quod ("lost-cause libel"), you have to prove damages. Generally, this is what prevents people from filing lawsuits every time someone calls them a dick on 4chan.

Libel per se is different. Oh, it is SO different. Libel per se means y'all fucked up. Y'all fucked up BAD. In LPS, what you printed was such bullshit and so obviously damaging, the plaintiff don't have to prove SHIT; they sort-of name a figure and the judge works from that.

In the case of Dominion, I'm 99% certain it'll be LPS. Also, the Gold Standard defense against libel -- what you printed is actually true -- will not apply here, and it'd be comedy gold if the defendants actually tried this defense. At that point, the three fastest winds ever recorded on the planet would be Typhoon Li, Hurricane Katrina and the explosive laughter and legal pimp slap from the bench. It'd make Rudy's immense clusterfucks in court seem like goddamn Perry Mason cross-examining a 6-year-old.

It gets better.

So, on the billion-to-one chance you win a libel per quod suit, you get "damages", which can be surprisingly little as you have to prove every single dollar in very narrow legal ways. Libel per se, on the other hand, is the BIG PRIZES. Your ass is at least catching dollar damages that would make Jerome Powell say "Y'all niggas need to tone them digits down, yo!". Those damages are ANYTHING THE COURT DECIDES. Again, LPS means the plaintiff doesn't have to prove a single dime of loss to claim damages of damned near any amount. Given that Dominion is asking for a cool bil-point-something, I wouldn't be hugely surprised if another zero wasn't slapped on the end of that figure.

That's just the "actual" damages. If you egregiously fucked up, like claiming a company overthrew a US election and was in league with a dead dictator, you get to spin the wheel of punitive damages. Punitive damages are how the court hands out spankings, only they're not spankings, they're that scene from 12 Years A Slave, only with less tickles and kittens. Given the shitstorm that followed the lies about Dominion, those damages could make the initial billion-dollar claim look quaint.

(By the way, you can't discharge the settlement in bankruptcy, given that libel per se is considered 'malicious', meaning the laughter from the judge presiding over your initial case will be roughly 1/10,000th the laughter coming from the bankruptcy judge.)

If I was Newsmax, OAN, Fox News, Rush or Alex, I'd be lawyering up but good, because the Wrath of Fucking God is coming and there ain't no rock big enough to hide behind.

Couldn't happen to a nicer group of traitorous, America-hating, back-stabbing cocksuckers (and good luck to them on their per quod claim should they decide to sue me over the previous statement).

Tacoma Police Car Plows Through Crowd

cloudballoon says...

This is a "Thuggish morons vs thug" kind of situation though. It wouldn't surprise me one bit that the thug would open fire in multiple directions THEN ram away out of the scene.

That would be the easiest/laziest response though. I was honestly being unfair to the cop with the above statement if I left it at that.

It seems the cop was just honestly looking into a reported illegal racing/gathering situation. Situation quickly got out of hand and got ganged up by those cop-hating (or not cop-fearing at least) kids. Legitimately panicked, the cop wanted to extricate him/herself out of the situation. What to do? Ram out a bloody path, putting people's body or even life in danger be damned, of course.

You've got to understand that the cop simply WOULD NOT be thinking any of those people are "innocents" and act discriminately, feeling they "deserve protection."

Cops feel so empowered these days they can do anything and feel justified to do anything without risk of consequences for themselves. The whole Law Enforcement and Justice Department "brotherhood" is behind every cops. With that mentality, why would this particular cop NOT do what he/she did? Why would this cop care what happened to the people that got rammed through? I can imagine they would do all these things.

Besides, the cop have to assume some of them came packing guns. It WAS a legitimately dicey situation he/she got into...

The lawsuits.... anyone want to bet what portion of the blame the cop will get? I bet the verdict when the gavel drops is a big fat ZERO.

Want to blame the cop? Why not blame the System first? Since it's all too easy under America's law enforcement system to train even an honest-to-goodness, idealistic person to go from "I want to Protect & Serve" to "I can kill/main anyone for looking at me funny and call it police work."

This is just not "Shocking!" anymore. In fact, I don't expect any less these days of police encounters. Cynical? Of course, But how can I NOT be?

joe scarborough on wednesday jan 6 2021 maga riot

newtboy says...

Still waiting for this ethereal clip of a reporter standing in front of a burning building calling riots “mostly peaceful”. Your silence on this amounts to an admission you are just a liar, you’ve had plenty of time to produce one.

One wonders where you get your numbers from, too. They sound like you just made them up, they are not even close to the numbers capitol police and the fbi are using. They indicate there were well over 1000 that invaded the capitol building, and close to 10000 total...that’s around 10% of the crowd that entered the building by force, the rest were outside murdering police and damaging public property, setting live bombs, and keeping police reinforcements from being able to get to the scene. Mostly peaceful it was not.

greatgooglymoogly said:

30-50,000 people in the protest. A few hundred invaded the building. I'd call that "mostly peaceful" by the definition of the reporter standing in front of a burning building saying the same.

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