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star blazers remastered-the battle for saturn

Drax says...

>> ^CrushBug:

I knew about the original Yamato, but even still I didn't think that was a reason to change it. Just saying Yamato sounds cool. Yamato. I am going to say it again. Yamato. Yeah, that is a cool word. Yamato.

~You say YA-MAY-TOE, I say YO-MAH-TOE...~

star blazers remastered-the battle for saturn

enoch says...

>> ^CrushBug:

originally called the "yamato" which was changed for obvious reasons

Not obvious at all. Why was it changed?

the REAL battleship yamato was the flagship for the japanese pacific fleet during world war II.
that was the actual title of this show "the battleship YAMATO", so even the name of the show was changed to reflect a more universal appeal.

ShakyJake (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by ShakyJake:
Great show, I loved this one, too. I think it's the voices they use in dubs that account for at least half the cheesiness, though. You could have a show with semi-serious content, but the american company that casts the voice talent will pull every cartoon voice actor that can do a "funny" voice to do it. It can be a whole different experience watching something in the original Japanese with subtitles, and then watching the same film dubbed into English.

no vote? aww man...

firefly (Member Profile)

5.6k Saturn Cassini Photographic Animation

NASA Guys give Stunning Animation of Saturn From Space

NASA Guys give Stunning Animation of Saturn From Space

NASA Guys give Stunning Animation of Saturn From Space

NASA Guys give Stunning Animation of Saturn From Space

chicchorea (Member Profile)

How spacecraft are shielded from space-junk collisions

5.6k Saturn Cassini Photographic Animation

westy says...

>> ^Mcboinkens:

I dont' think this is an actual fly-through of a probe. I think this is a simulated fly-through using real hi-resolution photos for the effect.

But since it was all pictures already taken, the probe must have been at that point at some time. Unless I'm missing something.
I was under the assumption that these were photos taken on different flight paths that were composed in a continuous album that made it seem like a movie.

no they are just varouse photographs moved around and what have you in after effects , thats why the rings look mental , although some zoom in in a way thats vaguely uncharacteristic of flight path videos i have seen , im 90% sure this is just a composit in AE.

5.6k Saturn Cassini Photographic Animation

5.6k Saturn Cassini Photographic Animation

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from '5600, Saturn, Cassini, photographic, animation, fly through, photograph, space, planet' to 'Saturn, Cassini, photographic, animation, fly through, photograph, space, planet, apod' - edited by xxovercastxx

A view from Huygens - Cassini-Huygens probe landing

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