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Dad is Crazy Accurate

"Writing" Mechanical Clock

Stephen's Tribute To Antonin Scalia

kingmob jokingly says...

He does show the teaching of John Stewart.

Many people do not know but many of the troupe of The Daily Show with John Stewart will go onto form the long awaited third chapter of the Bible. And these champions are John Stewarts disciples. Part Jedi part empathy.

OMG The sarcasm filter is ON.
I didn't know....I didn't say that.

Zawash (Member Profile)

Payback says...

Yea, Lucky doesn't like the sarcasm button. If you ever think he's being negative about a comment, check if he upvoted it. He was one of the first to upvote mine, so I figured he wasn't serious.

Unless you weren't being serious either, then that gets just waaay too meta for me.

Zawash said:

Point, head, above, "woosh"?

Drone Footage Of Homs (Syria) Aftermath

Big Think: John Cleese on Being Offended

vil says...

Yep, hyperbole.

Basically if you get offended by a word, everyone else has to be nice to you and stop using it, but sooner or later someone will say something that will offend you again, another word gone, until only one word is left and no one is going to talk to you if you ban that last word as well.

Hyperbole kicks ass. Ban hyperbole?

Its the switch from printed newspapers and gossip to the internet and facebook I think. Young people can now pick their own news and no longer recognise sarcasm. Everything is taken equally seriously, comedy shows supply news on TV, everything is perceived literally, hyperbole becomes hard to decipher, every small social mistake kids make remains visibly displayed online forever, no wonder they want to be careful with words. Hence sarcasm tickbox.

Imagoamin: I wasnt trying to accuse you of anything, I was trying to explain what I think political correctness leads to - shutting up legitimate voices. It may not be you, but someone out there doesnt like Nigger Jim for example. Now that leads directly to nineteenth century organized moral turpitude - if we pretend the problem doesnt exist it may go away, just dont say the word.

Big Think: John Cleese on Being Offended

enoch says...


whoa whoa whoa...
did you think i was calling YOU a bed-wetter?
like as in actually using the pronoun "you" to direct my fictional interaction as representing an actual person,in this case YOU?

well,that certainly explains the tone of your reply.

if this is the case then i humbly and sincerely apologize.i was not referring to you at all,but rather a hypothetical and totally fictional interaction between a cry-baby and myself.

which you actually just made my point about humor,and in this case sarcastic over the top referencing of a certain hyper-sensitive group,in order to make my point about bad ideas,bad philosophy and poor judgment.

the sarcasm should have been obvious.
but appears it was not,and has been misconstrued as a personal attack.

moving on to your suey park rebuttal.
while the response to her initial call for justice can easily be seen as vile and grotesque (because it is) how does that take away from her inanity? her blatant disregard for nuance and context? or that she simply lacks the basic intelligence to discern satire from actual racist remarks?

it does not.

i think that most people would agree that the vile,disgusting and dehumanizing responses that suey park was subjected to,are to be condemned and yes...ridiculed..for the stupid and trollish behavior they represent.

you do not reply to stupid with even more stupid.

i dont really understand your defense of language,or better put,the imposing of certain words being stricken from the language altogether because some people find them offensive.

language is a fluid animal,and it is ever-changing.words and terms are dropped from the vocabulary or they morph into something altogether new.i have no skin in on the game in that regard.that is how language progresses,and yes,certain words can be offensive in certain we should avoid using them,if only to be a decent human being.

my issue is with the FORCED attempts to re-integrate new control what people say and attempt to bring real world consequences upon them,and then turn around and call it "justice".that is not justice! that is censorship!

maybe this will help a bit.
i view words and language as such:words are the means to express thoughts,feelings and imaginings.when we consider the complexity of our thoughts,feelings and imaginings then it becomes quite apparent that words will NEVER suffice to truly,and accurately,express those very human creations.

words will always be inadequate.

so when some people get it in their head that certain words are just too offensive to even utter.this narrows the field of expression that is already inadequate.(i am not talking about BLATANT,and archaic terms that are not only offensive,but are no longer relevant,and in existence still to simply disparage,insult or dehumanize).

now maybe some words no longer serve a valid purpose or are truly offensive and need to be re-examined,but the only way to reach that conclusion as a people..we must actually TALK to one another,and it is in this free market of ideas where bad ideas go to die.

but we have to able to conversate for that to happen.don't you agree?

now i am not going to bother addressing the rest of your comment,because your tone was just a reaction to where you presumed i was coming from.

and you did presume.

you seem like a decent sort,so i will just chalk your final response up to finding my comment offensive and replied in kind.

just know i wasnt heated,nor enraged.
and i certainly wasnt calling you a bed-wetter.
though the extreme end of social justice warriors are STILL humorless cunts.

OverLord (Member Profile)

Oregon Occupiers Rummage Through Paiute Artifacts

enoch says...

capital punishment? like actually hanging these people?
for what exactly?

look,i think their whole protest is mired in ignorance and hyper-patriotism with little or no basis in reality.

i find them to be a bunch of hypocritical right wing zealots,who should be called what they actually are:terrorists.

i find their circular logic and lack of integrity infuriating,and those who support them to be equally frustrating.that when they stated they would leave if the community asked them to leave,and when the community ASKED them to leave..they refused.

i also find the federal governments response to be a brilliant tactic:hang back and allow this gaggle of retards to self-implode.which is EXACTLY what is happening.their support is dwindling incredibly fast,because they are being exposed for the hypocritical radical fascists they are,bunch of assholes with guns.

but to actually hang them? to end their existence?
or am i just missing the sarcasm in your comment?

because the way things are going,and the exposure they are receiving,which was fairly positive at one time in some circles,is creating an atmosphere where these nimrods will never been taken seriously again...ever.

so no need to end their lives.they have effectively destroyed their own credibility as some kind of arbiter of freedom and justice.they are quickly becoming a joke.

that is a form of death isn't it?
and far more satisfying in my opinion.

if i misunderstood your comment,please forgive.

artician said:

This is infuriating. Now they should all be hung. Seriously.

Babymech (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Did you forget to click sarcasm, or do you deserve my downvote?

EDIT: In case you're serious with "How do you fight political correctness?"... Ignore it.
Keep in mind there's a difference between being non-PC and being a smarmy douchebag, and publicly being a douchebag under the flag of being 'non-PC' doesn't protect you, it just hurts the non-PC 'movement'.

Babymech said:

Man, how is this even an issue in this day and age? The PC crowd at the university campuses can do their thing, and the Mac crowd can do theirs.

(Seriously, totalitarian dictatorships are much less dangerous than political correctness, because you can fight totalitarianism but how would you ever fight political correctness? Between myself and Anne Frank, I'm actually the real victim, because she had the chance to fight the nazis, but I don't even get to call people faggots D: )

German Man with Street Legal Porsche 910 at Spa

Tesla's Autopilot System Is Creepy And Wonderful

How To Play Frisbee All By Yourself (and other trick shots)

rancor says...

Throwing a disc all day (more like days) actually sounds like an awesome time.

No sarcasm tag.

Also, I can attest that by the way those discs fly he's got magnificent technique. Tons of effortless wrist snap.

Who Is Stephen Colbert?

artician says...

I too am a little disappointed, but not because of the segments. More because he's essentially never been playing a "character" at all. He's just been himself with a little extra sarcasm.

MonkeySpank said:

I never thought I'd say this, but I am not sure I like these new Colbert segments :'(

The Flirting Fallacy

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