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Orthodox Jews Serenade Sabbath Workers

mxxcon says...

>> ^newtboy:

Yeah sure, we're all 'Africans', but that designation intentionally ignores the evolution of the species and differentiation since the second great migration, (the first was the aborigines, genetically different from the second wave) and so intentionally ignores 'ethnicity' as a concept.
True, the scattering of the 'Jews' (ethnic term intended here) has changed them from the other 'Arabs' they originally were to the mixed ethnicity they are now, making them slightly different from the Arabs of the region today. Shouldn't the fact that their ethnicity has been diluted also dilute their claim to their ancestral lands (as if such a claim should hold water anyway, if your ancestors lost the land, it's lost, right)?
anti-Semitism is what results from the miss-application of anti-Zionism in many cases (including for me sometimes). For me, it is NEVER an ethnic issue, always a religolitical (religious/political)issue that causes the dislike of the group.
All Israelis are Zionists by definition and action, I suppose this is not true for ALL Jews (of either definition) but is the public position of their 'church' and their ethnic leadership as well. I feel fairly safe saying it's the position held by nearly all Orthodox Jews, but that might be wrong, I don't know many. That makes them a completely different animal from the Chinese, where many in China actively don't support their government or even their system of government, but are forced to stay in China and work for it. No Israeli is forced to live in Israel, it's 100% by choice.
I do understand that in large part, the 'fundamentalist Christians' (and also American Jewish Zionists) are to blame for us funding and supporting Israel, I hope I misread and you don't think they foot the bill too, we all do.
Can we agree that religious justifications for ANY otherwise bad act are wrong, and reinforce the idea that religion itself is wrong and bad?>> ^hpqp:
If we go back far enough, we are all Africans; ethnic distinctions happen to take the history of peoples' migrations into account. Yes, ethnic Jews are Arabs (or vice-versa) just like most Australians, Americans and Canadians are Europeans, except instead of colonisation it is the Jewish diaspora that is the cause for their break from their "land of origins".
Antisemitism is racism against Jews (ethnic group), whether they be religious or not. I fully disagree with Israel's politics and their funding by Americans (speaking of which, you do know, I hope, that they are above all funded/supported by fundie evangelicals, don't you?) for the purpose of colonisation, but to lump all (ethnic) Jews/Israelis (that's a nationality btw) together saying that they support this is about as ridiculous as saying that all Chinese in China and around the world support the communist government in China just because they're Chinese.
That being said, I agree entirely that the religious justifications over land - from both sides btw - is ridiculous and dangerous. "My prophet died here so it's my land!" Ugh.

Also very broad and inaccurate generalizations.
You can read for a pretty detailed explanation.

Dilution of ethnicity and claim of their ancestral lands can just as easily apply to 'Arabs' there.
And just like Jews, "Arabs" is a general term for various ethnic and religious groups.
So whose land it is is a very subjective topic of how far back in history you want to go.

Not all Israelis are Zionists. The word Zionist have many various meanings and definitions, but you seem to have a totally wrong understanding of what it is. There's a sizable portion of Israel Jew's population that is against those settlements and treatment of (to call it broadly) non-Jewish populace.

There are also many other wrong assumptions and generalizations in your post.(right now I'm too tired after work to elaborate on them all).
Needless to say the whole Israeli conflict is a very complex and messy situation. There are guilty parties on both sides. Cutting funding/aid to either side will not move things for the better. Over the last 10 years US aid to Israel was about ~$2.5billion/year. That is about 1% of Israel's $217billion GDP economy. While sizable, cutting that aid will not be a significant hindrance.
External boycotts, protests and especially antisemitism will not help things either. That will only make them more stubborn and have justification for potential threat to their sovereignty and survival. The only real solution is a diplomatic approach to change governments' policies.

Orthodox Jews Serenade Sabbath Workers

newtboy says...

Yeah sure, we're all 'Africans', but that designation intentionally ignores the evolution of the species and differentiation since the second great migration, (the first was the aborigines, genetically different from the second wave) and so intentionally ignores 'ethnicity' as a concept.
True, the scattering of the 'Jews' (ethnic term intended here) has changed them from the other 'Arabs' they originally were to the mixed ethnicity they are now, making them slightly different from the Arabs of the region today. Shouldn't the fact that their ethnicity has been diluted also dilute their claim to their ancestral lands (as if such a claim should hold water anyway, if your ancestors lost the land, it's lost, right)?
anti-Semitism is what results from the miss-application of anti-Zionism in many cases (including for me sometimes). For me, it is NEVER an ethnic issue, always a religolitical (religious/political)issue that causes the dislike of the group.
All Israelis are Zionists by definition and action, I suppose this is not true for ALL Jews (of either definition) but is the public position of their 'church' and their ethnic leadership as well. I feel fairly safe saying it's the position held by nearly all Orthodox Jews, but that might be wrong, I don't know many. That makes them a completely different animal from the Chinese, where many in China actively don't support their government or even their system of government, but are forced to stay in China and work for it. No Israeli is forced to live in Israel, it's 100% by choice.
I do understand that in large part, the 'fundamentalist Christians' (and also American Jewish Zionists) are to blame for us funding and supporting Israel, I hope I misread and you don't think they foot the bill too, we all do.
Can we agree that religious justifications for ANY otherwise bad act are wrong, and reinforce the idea that religion itself is wrong and bad?>> ^hpqp:
If we go back far enough, we are all Africans; ethnic distinctions happen to take the history of peoples' migrations into account. Yes, ethnic Jews are Arabs (or vice-versa) just like most Australians, Americans and Canadians are Europeans, except instead of colonisation it is the Jewish diaspora that is the cause for their break from their "land of origins".
Antisemitism is racism against Jews (ethnic group), whether they be religious or not. I fully disagree with Israel's politics and their funding by Americans (speaking of which, you do know, I hope, that they are above all funded/supported by fundie evangelicals, don't you?) for the purpose of colonisation, but to lump all (ethnic) Jews/Israelis (that's a nationality btw) together saying that they support this is about as ridiculous as saying that all Chinese in China and around the world support the communist government in China just because they're Chinese.
That being said, I agree entirely that the religious justifications over land - from both sides btw - is ridiculous and dangerous. "My prophet died here so it's my land!" Ugh.

Orthodox Jews Serenade Sabbath Workers

Orthodox Jews Serenade Sabbath Workers

Orthodox Jews Serenade Sabbath Workers

Orthodox Jews Serenade Sabbath Workers

newtboy says...

Can you explain the distinction as it applies to this conversation? In Israel they are considered the same thing as far as I can tell, and they make no distinction between the ethnicity and religion, only the sect of the religion. Any Israeli is required to be a Jew by religion and ethnicity from what I've read. Perhaps this perception is wrong, but it is certainly a common perception.
In fact, is it not the 'inherited religious legacy' that is the main difference between the 'Arabs' and the 'Jews' descended from the Eastern Mediterranean? They certainly look similar as ethnicities, and come from the same place, so what's the real ethnic difference? Could you not have just as easily said "...(ethnic group related to "Arabs")"?>> ^hpqp:
@newtboy and others:
There are "Jews" (ethnic group, akin to "Arabs") and there are "Jews" (religious adherents, akin to "Muslims").
It's important to keep this distinction in mind.

Orthodox Jews Serenade Sabbath Workers

Orthodox Jews Serenade Sabbath Workers

Yogi says...

>> ^KnivesOut:

Christians won't let me buy beer on Sunday.>> ^Yogi:
>> ^ponceleon:
I guess being really annoying is not considered work...

See I don't mind the christians in america...they aren't bothering me while I'm working or trying to do stuff on a Sunday. These mother fuckers should get the shit kicked out of them though. So I guess what I'm saying is I hate Jews.

That would be an example of them being a bother...and they should fuck off.

Orthodox Jews Serenade Sabbath Workers

newtboy says...

I disagree and here's why, since the Jews have a religious state, and that state supports these fanatics financially and militarily, ALL Jews (or at least all Israelites and Zionists, and sadly all American tax payers since we send them billions of our tax dollars) support these fanatics, and should be lumped in with them until they stop their blind support for dangerous, fanatical religious zealots. Remember, these are the people still settling in the agreed on Palestinian held areas and then getting military support to keep their freshly stolen property, and Israel refuses to stop supporting the 'settlers' (which should rightly be called 'invaders').
Why doesn't the US, as a supporter of Israel and a believer in borders, tell them to stop expanding into their neighbors territories? I just don't understand OUR support of THEIR expansionist agenda at all.
Side note: If your 'god' gives you the right to take from others or hurt others, your 'god' is evil, and so are you. If your 'god' gives you the right to harass and terrorize others, your 'god' and religion are terroristic. I think this holds water for every religion that allows prostelatizing or demands adherence to their 'rules' by non-believers, they are all terroristic to those not part of their group to some degree.

>> ^mxxcon:
>> ^newtboy:
...and of course, forcing their religion on others is not considered 'controlling one's environment'. This is typical of religious nutjobs, it's the 'god made these rules, everyone must follow them, regardless of your religion, unless they interfere with what me and my kind want to do, then YOU must continue to follow MY religious rules while I may do what I want' mindset...and they wonder why there's rampant anti semitism in the world, they should maybe try some self examination before passing their skewed judgement on everyone else.
Why are we sending these nutjobs our tax dollars? Can anyone possibly give me a reasonable explanation for this beyond 'they're are friends'? If they can't survive on their own in the land they stole, perhaps they should leave.
>> ^xxovercastxx:
>> ^Nexxus:
I don't see 'operating a pallet jack' on that list.
>> ^xxovercastxx:
If you're curious what is actually forbidden during Shabbat, here's a list on wikipedia:
#9 is sifting so there better not be any new videos next weekend.

This sort of thing would be forbidden as "Transferring between domains". Driving the truck would also be forbidden as it violates "Igniting a fire". Some would also argue that it violates the spirit of the law as it is controlling one's environment, which is what all of these rules are meant to forbid.

well, antisemitism affects all Jews, where as these are some of the more 'hardcore' fanatics. just like you shouldn't equate terrorists to all Christians or Muslims.

Orthodox Jews Serenade Sabbath Workers

KnivesOut says...

Christians won't let me buy beer on Sunday.>> ^Yogi:

>> ^ponceleon:
I guess being really annoying is not considered work...

See I don't mind the christians in america...they aren't bothering me while I'm working or trying to do stuff on a Sunday. These mother fuckers should get the shit kicked out of them though. So I guess what I'm saying is I hate Jews.

Orthodox Jews Serenade Sabbath Workers

mxxcon says...

>> ^newtboy:

...and of course, forcing their religion on others is not considered 'controlling one's environment'. This is typical of religious nutjobs, it's the 'god made these rules, everyone must follow them, regardless of your religion, unless they interfere with what me and my kind want to do, then YOU must continue to follow MY religious rules while I may do what I want' mindset...and they wonder why there's rampant anti semitism in the world, they should maybe try some self examination before passing their skewed judgement on everyone else.
Why are we sending these nutjobs our tax dollars? Can anyone possibly give me a reasonable explanation for this beyond 'they're are friends'? If they can't survive on their own in the land they stole, perhaps they should leave.
>> ^xxovercastxx:
>> ^Nexxus:
I don't see 'operating a pallet jack' on that list.
>> ^xxovercastxx:
If you're curious what is actually forbidden during Shabbat, here's a list on wikipedia:
#9 is sifting so there better not be any new videos next weekend.

This sort of thing would be forbidden as "Transferring between domains". Driving the truck would also be forbidden as it violates "Igniting a fire". Some would also argue that it violates the spirit of the law as it is controlling one's environment, which is what all of these rules are meant to forbid.

well, antisemitism affects all Jews, where as these are some of the more 'hardcore' fanatics. just like you shouldn't equate terrorists to all Christians or Muslims.

Orthodox Jews Serenade Sabbath Workers

newtboy says...

...and of course, forcing their religion on others is not considered 'controlling one's environment'. This is typical of religious nutjobs, it's the 'god made these rules, everyone must follow them, regardless of your religion, unless they interfere with what me and my kind want to do, then YOU must continue to follow MY religious rules while I may do what I want' mindset...and they wonder why there's rampant anti semitism in the world, they should maybe try some self examination before passing their skewed judgement on everyone else.
Why are we sending these nutjobs our tax dollars? Can anyone possibly give me a reasonable explanation for this beyond 'they're are friends'? If they can't survive on their own in the land they stole, perhaps they should leave.
>> ^xxovercastxx:
>> ^Nexxus:
I don't see 'operating a pallet jack' on that list.
>> ^xxovercastxx:
If you're curious what is actually forbidden during Shabbat, here's a list on wikipedia:
#9 is sifting so there better not be any new videos next weekend.

This sort of thing would be forbidden as "Transferring between domains". Driving the truck would also be forbidden as it violates "Igniting a fire". Some would also argue that it violates the spirit of the law as it is controlling one's environment, which is what all of these rules are meant to forbid.

ponceleon (Member Profile)

Orthodox Jews Serenade Sabbath Workers

Kesavaram says...

>> ^mxxcon:

>> ^NinjaInHeat:
Because their kind rarely acknowledges non-jews (and especially Arabs) as, well, pretty much anything, let alone bother shouting 'Shabes' at them which is a form of religious preaching (they're 'protesting' the workers doing manual labor during Shabat...).
>> ^mxxcon:
>> ^NinjaInHeat:
The irony being those are Arab stall workers...
why is it ironic?

in "their country" they demand that everybody respect "their godly laws", regardless of religion. i still don't see irony here.

While Ninja is partially correct, I believe their "Baaaaaaaing" primitive criticism is designated towards the sanctity of the market than to any other issue (among many) that might offend them.

Orthodox Jews Serenade Sabbath Workers

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