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Keith Olbermann's "Worst Person"

Eddie Izzard on Guns and The NRA

spoco2 says...

Dangit... I was hoping to come here and read a whole bunch of gun nuts screaming blue murder about their favourite passtime... but instead we have juvenile dicks somehow having an issue with a man in a dress and makeup. Bloody hell, he's wearing clothes and makeup man...

I would find it amusing if you like Marilyn Manson or other heavy rockers who enjoy makeup, but draw the line here because it looks too womanly.

How does it make it hard to do a comedy routine dressed like this anyway? Are you that bedazzled by the outfit that you can't LISTEN TO HIS WORDS?

Man... you have issues.

TRON Reboot Ep. 1 - "Throw the disc!"

rottenseed says...

>> ^blankfist:
Wait, burd is black? News to me. Not that it should matter, but it would put a different spin on the whole thing.
Also, anyone else finding it ironic that we're all up in arms over the use of the word "spook", yet the more offensive words have already been used in this post?

Shut up you fraggle rocker

Henry Rollins vs. Techno Viking

Puking Babies Compilation (Cute or Gross?)

alvo says...

AFV must have known how great of a montage this would be because they used the greatest montage piece of music in history. i like the kid on the rocker at .42 that kicks while spitting to give it that extra distance.

Constantine-lucifer confronts gabriel (spoiler)

ponceleon says...

Actually, I disagree with Budzos... I enjoyed the movie a lot more than the comic. I found the comics very hokey and disjointed in comparison, whereas the movie really encapsulated what I would LOVE religion to be. To me Catholicism is empty just because it has claims to relics, spells, and traditions which are ineffective in our world but pretend to be powerful in the way they are presented in this movie.

Religion would kick ass if it was based on a reality like this... I'm not sure how else to say it, but religion (and Catholicism specifically) is like people playing a childish game in which they are trying to imagine a world like this movie portrays.

To get more specific, I liked the explanations and backgrounds of the characters much better in the movie than in the comics. The comic has John Constantine being an ex glam-rocker who is slightly psychic/mystic and who's "damnation" doesn't come from an attempted suicide as in the movie, but rather a botched exorcism which is just kinda stupid. The whole suicide thing is really well done in the reimagining in the movie and makes a lot more sense.

Papa midnight is another character which is vastly improved in the movie. In the book, he seems more like a reject from Live and Let Die, a blaxploitation stereotype, whereas in the movie they really brought home the idea of someone that lives between two allegiances.

As for the use of "guns" and other 007ny stuff, I really thought it worked a lot better than the way they present him in the books. Frankly I'd rather have Constantine wielding a holy shotgun with blessed bullets than looking for a tape of his music video in his trashy apartment.

I'll admit that I only got through three of the graphic novels before I stopped, but I just feel that the changes made to Constantine's development improve vastly over what I saw in the books. As for making him American, I hate Keanu in most of his performances and I thought he really brought it for this one. I was pleasantly surprised and this movie remains one of my all-time favs.

Digable Planets - Where I'm From

MrFisk says...

boogie jive and rap is life where i'm from
where i'm from i might play with izzy where i'm from
where i'm from it be like run you coat black
jupiter keeps the fat beats by the pack where i'm from
nappy hair is life we be reading marx where i'm from
the kids be rockin clocks where i'm from
you turn around your cap you talk over a beat
and dig some sounds boomin out a jeep
where i'm from cocoons hide the youth swoon units 100 proof
you want some beef they will cut you some where i'm form
the beats is infinite where i'm from
voodoo, ? gangster lean where i'm from
i'm interplaetary my insect movements vary
it's kinky if it's hair g where i'm from
the firehoses blow it's purple wind and snow
i do a hit and go
it's hip what's hip when hip is just the norm
cause planets pledge allegiance to the funk in all it's forms
the kinks the dance the prints in all the shirts
my grandmother tolld mama that it's africa at work
on vibes we free the universal beat
you find it at the spot you here the ends of every week
we twist exist to spin the maddest hits
up here funk is our neighbor so we paid it a visit
for rock we can't do nothin for this we come equipped
off disc off tape rap blastin til from 8
the really truly fat the fly on the flip
coco gotta know how planets gotta roll
speak the mega cool get funky is our goal
it's calm relax we only some new jacks
that ask for the funk but don't play the role
where you from
projects tenements pyramids
where i'm from we livin off the boom boom crack
it's that hiphop rockers jazz where i'm ats
peace be the greeting of the insect tribe
pestilent forces can't catch the vibe
we live to love and we love to rock mics
we speak in ghetto tongue cause ghetto's the life
food for though so get a buffet plate
the lyrics are so fat you might gain weight
so just watch me stop alone into the sunset left foot
right foot 1-2
mic check
brewin funk inside my soul kitchen
so pull up a chair here's a bit have a listen
damn i know you're fluent
ye cause doodle ain't havin it and butterfly knew it
where you from

.Brutal. Early Black Flag/Henry Rollins Interview

Abel_Prisc says...

Wow, pretty nuts. HR really has intimidation down. I like his whole deal about "hallow minds" who feel like they can make a point by mindlessly acting like a smart ass. And don't get me started on the whole 'sell out' mindset that oppressed the punk scene during the 80s and 90s. I mean, you think it's bad now, it was even common for people to think freakin' Fugazi sold out in the 90s. FUGAZI!

However, just like today, if you asked any of them what the hell they were even talking about, they'd have no idea. I'm just surprised people are still walking around these days talking about how *random punk band* has "sold out" without people catching on and calling them on their shit. It's mind-numbing. And this is coming from a proud punk rocker of 20 years .

Green Day - Know Your Enemy

Ariane says...

Unfortunately, it is probably Green Day's weakest album ever. This song is pretty representative of most of the album: bland and repetitive.

Even though I agree with their pro environmentalist, anti fundamentalist message, most of the lyrics get rather preachy and long winded. Practically missing are the clever hooks the band is famous for.

"21 Guns" is the best song on the album, "The Static Age" is the best rocker. "Horsehoes and Handgrenades" sounds most like the early Green Day of old. Buy these three if you are a fan.

How can people think that animals have no feelings? (Pets Talk Post)

yourhydra says...

the study of Animal emotions help autism (to study emotions u need to have them..)

makes some good points....if people chose to believe animals have no emotion then its ok to slaughter and torture them. Points out how we used to assume babies didn't feel pain...weren't we. Also points out how many scientists now DO believe animals have let see your counter studies? "Many people will reject this as sentimental nonsense, but scientific evidence is increasingly providing support for such ideas."

speaks of a study that revealed that dogs can read and react to human emotion. so tell me, how does on know emotion if one does not feel it? Can you know what the color yellow looks like if you have not seen it? Do you know what pain is if you've never felt it?

another study... "Researchers working in neurobiology and behavioral observation seem to be learning what pet lovers have known all along: animals have feelings.

New evidence gathered from actually studying dogs, chimps and other animals, supports pet owners’ firm convictions that animals experience fear, jealousy, grief and love.

"Five years ago my colleagues would have thought I was off my rocker," said biologist Marc Bekoff. "But now scientists are finally starting to talk about animal emotions in public. It’s like they’re coming out of the closet." "

get out of the stone age. its been proven. or get a degree and disprove it. good luck

Janeane Garofalo: Republicans Aren't Well-Adjusted

Diogenes says...

>> ^alizarin:
>> ^Diogenes:
i think she's off her rocker
i know plenty of very nice, reasonable republicans...

Being nice and reasonable doesn't negate what she said. My neighbor (for one of many examples) is a nice guy but when we talk about the morality of the two positions he eventually gets flustered and he can't face that his world view doesn't work outside his little world view. Studies on conservatives vs liberals I think tend to say that conservatives have difficulty tolerating uncertainty and I think that's the problem.

she says that first you have to be an 'asshole' and then to be a conservative you have be a "dick" - this is just a ridiculous over-generalization -- now, i'm pretty much a centrist, or if you will somewhat-conservative fiscally, but fairly well liberal on social issues - now how does that play to her petty paradigm? i also have many friends (and family) who cover the spectrum ideologically speaking - i generally am satisfied to sit back and listen, but i do interject (imho, gently) when i feel that either side is being unfactual and/or misrepresentative -- i find that my intercessions occur pretty evenly - to put it another way, i've seen both sides become 'flustered' even rabid in vociferously trying to defend their perception of 'truth' and what is moral -- take for example the arguments of equality of opportunity vs. equality of outcome... which is more moral? afaik, there are *no* studies of "conservatives vs liberal" mindsets... only conservative - but i'll happily peruse any liberal psych studies you can provide

people who are generous and kind, intellectual and honest, responsible and caring, that take the lessons from a religious text rather than any literal meaning, that value common sense and hard work, and that anticipate changes to our society but whose hold on 'traditional values' is more of a pragmatic 'sea anchor' slowing down the pace of change so as to move forward in a more cautious and efficient manner

That does not describe conservatives. That describes liberal or maybe moderate Christians not conservatives. At least not any of the hundreds I grew up around or work with or see on tv etc.

i beg to differ, but it does very much describe many conservatives - let's get this straight... being conservative or even republican doesn't make you 'evil' - as well, being what i described doesn't necessarily shift you towards the left or even the middle -- you're simply lumping together every negative right-wing nutjob's views and conflating that to represent nearly 50% of the voting public - N.B. moderate christians *can be* conservative republicans... and newsflash... so can athiest or agnostic homosexuals

imho, this woman's smug labelings and polemics serve merely as a funhouse mirror to what is hateful and warped in her own political ideology

That quote wasn't smug, polemical, hateful, or warped. Studies on the differences between how conservatives think and how liberals think have been on national news and the opinion she stated is a fair interpretation of them. If I recall correctly I remember George Will reacted to one saying something like "we all have flaws". You can disagree but calling her all that stuff is making a straw man argument. I'm guessing it personally threatens you because you lean towards conservatism.

yes, indeed it was smug, polemical, hateful and warped -- i've watched quite a few interviews of garofalo and being 'smug' is one of her main schticks, be it comedic or political commentary - likewise, calling such a large portion of the voting public 'assholes' and 'dicks' is hateful, as well labeling them 'small-minded' and 'mean-spirited' is polemical -- the fact that such a torrent of rhetorical vomitus can spew from her gob at once (and in light of there being no countervailing "neuro-scientific" studies of liberals to counterpoint her hyperbole) is a fairly good proof that her own ideology has some problems of its own -- furthermore, you should reconsider your strawman accusation as your statement isn't clear or is misapplied -- finally, as i described my political leanings above, i don't feel the slightest bit threatened by her comments - rather i feel disgusted when i see someone's venting become coarse instead of reasonable, when i hear discourse that polarizes rather than works towards a common concensus, and especially when our nation is faced with such woes as today... that, even if provoked by fringe elements, the sides apparently can't or won't take the high ground by maintaining a respectful decorum -- but heck, she's a comedienne with a political pulpit, so let her (or olbermann) be the yin to limbaugh's yang... if that's what you really think will bring back a modicum of sanity to americans in this time of crisis

Janeane Garofalo: Republicans Aren't Well-Adjusted

alizarin says...

>> ^Diogenes:
i think she's off her rocker
i know plenty of very nice, reasonable republicans...

Being nice and reasonable doesn't negate what she said. My neighbor (for one of many examples) is a nice guy but when we talk about the morality of the two positions he eventually gets flustered and he can't face that his world view doesn't work outside his little world view. Studies on conservatives vs liberals I think tend to say that conservatives have difficulty tolerating uncertainty and I think that's the problem.

people who are generous and kind, intellectual and honest, responsible and caring, that take the lessons from a religious text rather than any literal meaning, that value common sense and hard work, and that anticipate changes to our society but whose hold on 'traditional values' is more of a pragmatic 'sea anchor' slowing down the pace of change so as to move forward in a more cautious and efficient manner

That does not describe conservatives. That describes liberal or maybe moderate Christians not conservatives. At least not any of the hundreds I grew up around or work with or see on tv etc.

imho, this woman's smug labelings and polemics serve merely as a funhouse mirror to what is hateful and warped in her own political ideology

That quote wasn't smug, polemical, hateful, or warped. Studies on the differences between how conservatives think and how liberals think have been on national news and the opinion she stated is a fair interpretation of them. If I recall correctly I remember George Will reacted to one saying something like "we all have flaws". You can disagree but calling her all that stuff is making a straw man argument. I'm guessing it personally threatens you because you lean towards conservatism.

Janeane Garofalo: Republicans Aren't Well-Adjusted

Diogenes says...

i think she's off her rocker

i know plenty of very nice, reasonable republicans...

people who are generous and kind, intellectual and honest, responsible and caring, that take the *lessons* from a religious text rather than any literal meaning, that value common sense and hard work, and that anticipate changes to our society but whose hold on 'traditional values' is more of a pragmatic 'sea anchor' slowing down the *pace* of change so as to move forward in a more cautious and efficient manner

imho, this woman's smug labelings and polemics serve merely as a funhouse mirror to what is hateful and warped in her own political ideology

Drowning in Delicious Dames

Sagemind says...

All Awesome!
•Great Slash Song
•Over aged rocker
•Yellow lensed glasses
•Don't care about girls, just want to sing
•And, I'm not sure if you noticed but... lots of girls!

Springsteen Super Bowl Power Slide Fail

Crosswords says...

Unfortunately like a lot of aging rockers Bruce just doesn't have the vocal range he used to, the highs and lows have just been reduced to lowish. Still better than some terrible pop group that's been put on the top of the charts by throngs of 13 year old girls.

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