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enoch (Member Profile)

Too Many Cooks

Ex Machina Trailer

blankfist (Member Profile)

enoch says...

anytime my man.
your voice and input has been sorely missed.
sometimes this site does appear to be one giant circlejerk and the hornets nest should be poked from time to time.

all the great agitators left (you being one of them) and y'all left me to carry the water.
and lets be honest...i dont have the skills to get peeps to lose their shit quite as deftly as you do.
choggie was great but he was too passionate and would devolve into a giant rage machine.
i miss that fucker as well,our own little mysanthrope.

complacency and apathy can be just as destructive as rage and anger.

there are some intelligent and thoughtful people here on the sift but with nobody challenging their conceptions and worldviews they end up spending the majority of their time smelling their own farts and calling them good.

so i hope your visit is not a short one.
these people NEED you.
they just dont know it yet.

i mean look.
you post a single video.

you are still the master my friend.

blankfist said:

Thanks for the promote, enoch!!

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Student Debt

Lawdeedaw says...

And @newtboy I agree with John Stewart and many others such as Karl Marx and people who know what they are talking about. We are consumerists, we fall for the bullshit TV ads, otherwise they would not be a billion dollar industry. We place our desktops and laptops and IPhones well above other considerations. We, and I mean Americans in case you obviously did not know I was talking about my own peeps, are consumerists.

Marx noted the bourgeoisie use these kind of trappings to placate the masses. He noted that for a reason that holds true even to this day.

Zifnab (Member Profile)

BIll Maher Unleashes Against Militarized Police

chingalera says...

What's coming inevitably will be as it's always been in the 'century-of-self ': The machine keeps peeps distracted by disinformation, issues to rally-behind, toys to play with and continual mind-fucking through Bernay's-style cradle-to-grave programming then....Suddenly, like three skyscrapers dropping into their footprints on International Shit-Box Tonight with Sham Cocksworth, yet another, 'create-the-crisis-provide-the-solution' scenario will further strengthen the resolve of the assholes who want ultimately to have the world to themselves and the bulk of humanity as dutiful robot-putty-slaves.

Technology, technique, fear, and an empty promise of safety and security (please, think of the children again, break to commercial) will shape the next worldwide crisis and urgency of action...and again, watch rights and individual responsibility deteriorate into a controlled chaos.

Fake alien invasion? Orchestrated and choreographed conflicts? Some scary flesh-eating disease? Most-likely the next planetary theatrical concoction will be some superfecta once again where fascism continues to reign supreme and the entire globe continues along the path of planetary lock-down.

Oh, and pusillanimous shit-heals with Cheeto-stained fingertips will between anime-clips and chicken-choking to porn, (who think they know how police fraternities work), will continue to pop-spit from the illusory comfort of their soiled computer chairs....

'Right...'Left' ?? Again, for the ChaosEngines of the world...a concocted and programmed, fucking illusion.

Sarah Palin argues it's time to impeach Obama

chingalera says...

Sorry-You are wrong, wrong, wrong. The '24-hour-news' cycle is an illusion. This shit is pumped-into homes 24/7 with a view to PROGRAMMING you.

If you'd like an example of how effective the formula of disinformation and distraction has become, you have but to read this thread and compare the opinions and editorializing on this ("Palins' a fucking idiot", fucking, "fox is shit, blah, blah, blah") particular distraction, to a grade-school argument over which character from the Transformers is the strongest, why dogs are better than cats, etc.

Editorializing over these talking-head fuck-sticks....Mind-numbingly retarded and an insult to meaning and intelligence. Please peeps, get a clue.

Television has become the worst drug imaginable, a weapon and tool of fascists and thugs, and you people eat the shit up like Skittles....Behold the instrument of your brain's demise.

VoodooV said:

wow, they really are copying fox news.

I may completely agree with him but that was ridiculous, but then again, Orly is a ridiculous person. I guess that's the question then. What's worse, giving ridiculous people a platform, or a press that behaves ridiculously too?

im thinking this is just a symptom of the 24 hour news cycle. they don't have enough news to fill that 24 hours, so they create their own drama. giving airtime to people who are not experts and who are not rational.

EvilDeathBee (Member Profile)

Bilderberg Member "Double-Speaks" to Protestors

chingalera says...

Formulaic programming for one's entire life forcing nominally capable peeps to stomach the deliberately obtuse ramblings of spokesfucks for criminal machines renders an otherwise capable mind into farina.

Cyclist Vs Cars

bremnet says...

population of Bohmte about 13,000 over about 40 sq miles. 300 people per sq mile. Seattle - 7,700 peeps per sq mile. So yeah, the same.

chingalera said:

Towns are a different thing than cities now aren't they?? Most cities are petri dishes of dysfunctional herds-

Ducklings vs. Stairs

Cliven Bundy Shares Some Peculiar Views

chingalera says...

You're missing the forest for your own trees concerning these government agencies and how they are used by special interests, people-Lands declared federally-owned then 'managed' in this country have been historically for public use. According to the Sierra Club: "Public lands are used in the production of oil, gas, coal, hardrock minerals, timber, and livestock in addition to being used for roads, power and gas lines, and communication facilities just to mention a few. Likewise, the Public lands are an environmental treasure house for recreation and wildlife and scenic wonder from desert to seacoast, mountain top to prairie, grassland to forest -- a shared heritage for now and the future."

Most generational ranchers don't fuck-up the land, they don't abuse it , it's their goddamn livelihood. They know it's vibe way better than the feds and their little friends....

Bundy was paying to, and had a preexisting deal with Clark County and his damn family had been cattlemen on these lands for a few generations, living in harmony with the goddamn turtles, and not trashing the place like newtbox (god you think you know what the fuckit is you know nothing about except what the TV tells you) here and others use in defense of the encroaching and over-reaching bureaucracy whose ONLY goal is to save their own interests in the rights of this land for their nefarious personal good-ol' boy club purposes.

Urbanization and ominous government with peeps with votes never getting involved in righteous decisions during the process of being ASS-RAPED from behind tomes legislation with special interest laws piggy-backed within legislation has ALWAYS been the method of politicians, licking the asses of the money-men.

If people would get an ACTUAL clue abut how the government works to benefit these cunts, they'd start to sound like people who did their homework instead of self-righteous cunts trying to sound smart.

I am happy to accommodate the cries of 'ignorance' and 'fail', heard all this shit before, so go fuck yourselves unless you have anything else to spew but scripted 'what you think you know' horse-shit. I understand that certain types of dum-basses are quite satisfied with themselves to talk a lot and say nothing but whats fed them.

The United States government fucked the Native Americans, now they're fucvkng cowboys and ranchers......No digression with land and money drunk robber-barons, especially when they have dutiful putties to interpret history to suit their delusions.

Wanna fix the situation America? Stop eating their meat. Try turtle soup, the shits awesome.

The Unstoppable Walk to Political Reform

chingalera says...

A more reasonable path to a semblance of sanity with regard to the abject state of political and representative corruption at the state and federal level is to stop listening to the incessant rhetoric coming from the television during these predictable and mind-numbing campaign propaganda attacks on an individual's innate common-senses during these election cycles, especially since the trend is for growing numbers of peeps who more and more by the second, get their information from sources who are not simply soldiers and propaganda arms of the very machines screwing the world over by usurping rights, making laws to enslave people daily, and further entrench their own powers to control every aspect of human life.

I would hope personally, that during election cycles both state and national, that the underlying emphasis of speeches and campaign education would firstly be the complete insanity and insult to consciousness of there being only republicans and democrats to choose from, because these arcane delineations of part are the root cause of the reason nations (Especially the United States) are heading down the path of crony-screw-everyone-but-the-people syndrome. Start by discarding the two major parties, who have done absolutely nothing but bankrupt the nation as well as your minds.

Then comes the blood in the streets, the blood of these charlatans and liars who are attempting and succeeding in becoming the omnipresent omnigarchy of the 21st Century.

Remember in Mars Attacks when the leader of the martians vaporized the entire senate during that televised news conference?
Loved that movie....

Stay for the ride and get off at feelstown

chingalera says...

Quality generally works better than a promote. (FYI to all videosift users)
It stays near the top of videos sorted according to 'newness', slowly being bumped-down as others take it's place hence, a most prominent positioning on the page.

The 'promote' invocation has a hang-time on top depending upon the time of day, an some peeps don't rifle-through multiple featured promoted embeds if there's more than one to see what's been recently promoted so, you may be wasting a p-point given the time of day and number of promoted viddies at any given time....Oh and this little Chinese kid??

Wiser than all of you combined.

Darkhand said:

Thanks to whomever made this quality

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