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Canada's This Hour Has 22 Minutes Response to Redeye

detheter says...

Open letter to people who think American could succeed in an invasion and occupation of the Dominion of Canada.

Dear loser,

I'd love to see America, launch an attack on Canada, and hold our vast country, which is flipping really cold for most of the year. Canadian Soldiers are well trained modern day combat troops. They train for winter warfare / survival. American soldier huddling in -45 degrees below.

American Soldier: "Hey guys, the unarmored humvee won't start!"
Dude: "Do you have a block heater? It's fucking cold outside."
American Soldier: "What the fuck is a block heater?"
Other Dude: "The thing our military couldn't afford to equip all our vehicles with before they sent us to fight here!"
American Soldier: "Mutha fucking economy!"
Other American Soldier: "Who leaked our massive military renovation of all our vehicles to be able to function in combat situations in a winter weather environment that we couldn't complete in time before we had to sell this war to the idiot public on the prevailing social and political winds??"
First Dude: "Probably someone working on the project that has friends who ARE CANADIAN!"

You couldn't even put protective blast shielding on your vehicles before you ran off to fight in a country that you knew might dissolve into a massive underground campaign of anonymous and sudden violence in close urban combat settings.

By the time that you attempted and failed to route our forces, as you have failed to route men with AK's out of hills in Afghanistan, although you have a much larger force stationed there than we currently have offered to assist you for some idiotic reason and sacrifice our blood for your former political policy, as well as trying to occupy a land mass second only to Russia, with harsh, inhospitable terrain, and a populace utterly hostile, betrayed, and proud people who would, don't get me wrong, some would, but depending on the severity of your attack and occupation of civilian centers, would not help you in any way, as nobody would work, and you would have to pacify all the young men that I know would resist such a thing.

Your country would have lost the domestic, foreign, and political capital to continue to wage war on an obviously peaceful, well liked nation of the world community. Germans, Japanese people, Brits, French dudes, South Americans, North Americans, and people who play on XBox Live would fucking hate you from every corner of the globe. It would be seen as a monumental error in human history, where two well build and structured, peaceful, healthy, and productive nations on this fucked up rock collide and utterly destroy each other. Your nation rich, but divided left and right to the point of riot and civil war, and ours waiting for you to leave and realize that a move such as war would constitute the birth of a new fascist state in the US of A, where occupation and domination are acceptable means of preserving your standard of living.

You think that the left wing half of the country would ever support a war like this? It's unthinkable. You'd destroy and destabilize what is your main trading partner, and sow chaos on the North American continent. With your military withdrawing from Iraq, and losing in Afghanistan, and with your bleak economy, you would become overstretched, your economy may fail, and you lose the ability to defend the territory you destabilized from an advancing Russia, intent on claiming your abandoned natural resources that we deny you access to through arson, sabotage, destruction of oil producing facilities (we could always drill for more in Alberta after everyone leaves our country). You would be forced to patrol and defend disputed territory from Russia, who would, by attacking Canada, promise the local populations freedom in exchange for support, and then conquer Canada themselves. Naturally American acquisition of a short fly over the bearing sea, and a boon of natural resources by force of arms would be seen as a provocative attempt to gain enough oil and space for a staging are to launch and destroy Russian forces while not risking American cities as strategic targets for Russian counterattack.

To operate our facilities, you would need to import skilled labor from the US to fill those positions, unless you hold us at gunpoint and order us to work. You presumably believe that controlling us would be easy after you kill our families and at LEAST take from us our loved ones serving in the military. Outrage and dissent would be rampant for a freedom stolen is a rage born. Name one country that you maintain physical and dictatorial sway over on this globe, with American administrators, and American military personnel patrolling the streets? can you? Iraq, the country you are leaving? Afghanistan, another quagmire for the American empire?

Another thing, While you stay in our cities, please feel free to find yourselves at home with our McDonalds, 7-11's, Suburban Houses, and mounds of Americanized consumer junk that you shovel down our throats. I'm sure the treasure's gathered will be worth it. I'm sure gaining more retail space and warehouses, more empty houses, more mouths to feed and policing our cities, and all those good things that come along with occupation would be worth it. Might provide some jobs though, eh?


America puts a blockade on Canada. Canada withers economically without US assistance. Canada eventually caves.

a: False.

America withers as Canada denies access to drinking water and electricity to large portions of the US, leaving millions of people high and dry in the dark.

America forms a "security" pact with "Canada", something of a new world order conspiracy theory.

a: Either Or

America is ripped apart internally by Left Wing, and dissent over such a blatant display of the highly unpopular One World Government idea. America could also pull it off, given the state that television has left the brains of all the citizens in both our countries.


Fox News Declares War on Canada

Shepppard says...

I do "Sweat" it. I don't see anybody stereotyping American's in the comments except for the odd person saying "And americans wonder why people hate them"

To me, this is nothing like the daily show. The daily show focuses on idiotic things that diplomats are doing, and makes fun of them. Not once have I ever seen the daily show mock and stereotype a full nation.
And, if they did, Jon Stewart is able to pull it off while being noticeably sarcastic. The fact that you had to actually tell us that these guys aren't serious (And even then, i'm still not fully convinced) speaks for itself about this show.

And also, in my opinion, you're selling Americans short, I know a lot of people from all over the states that aren't nearly as ignorant as these buffoons come off as.

Bottom line is, things that could be taken as this offensive from anybody, shouldn't have been aired as a topic.

>> ^Wingoguy:
Open letter to Canadians,
This show, Red Eye, airs in the wee hours of the morning, something like 3:00am for the East Coast. It's basically Fox News' version of the Daily Show, only with much worse writing and largely not funny. This show holds no credibility with almost any American, even the crazy right-wing neocons. This episode was taking cheap shots at Canada that Americans like to chuckle at every once in a while, largely because most of us know next-to-nothing about your country. I know Canadians do the same to Americans on many occasions; view some of the comments on this video for examples.
Bottom line: Only the worst of the worst would be taking the views from this show to heart and believe them credible. Please don't sweat it.

Fox News Declares War on Canada

Wingoguy says...

Open letter to Canadians,

This show, Red Eye, airs in the wee hours of the morning, something like 3:00am for the East Coast. It's basically Fox News' version of the Daily Show, only with much worse writing and largely not funny. This show holds no credibility with almost any American, even the crazy right-wing neocons. This episode was taking cheap shots at Canada that Americans like to chuckle at every once in a while, largely because most of us know next-to-nothing about your country. I know Canadians do the same to Americans on many occasions; view some of the comments on this video for examples.

Bottom line: Only the worst of the worst would be taking the views from this show to heart and believe them credible. Please don't sweat it.


Best Description Of Republicans EVER!

Five Biggest LIES About Christianity

12777 says...

>> ^Farhad2000:
Why not the flying spaghetti monster?
Am sick and tired of senseless attacks against the Church of the Latter Day Flying Spaghetti Monsters.

Ahh the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Let me compare the FSM with the Christian GOD.

Are they both omnipotent beings? Yes. In fact the FSM was made to have all the powers of the Christian God ( since he is a parody of it.

Could the Christian God appear as a FSM? Yes - he is all powerful. He could appear as a Flying Turd Monster as well. Or a giant walking penis.

Is the FSM a synonym for God? Yes.

A rose by any other name smells just as sweet.

The biker's speed vest: How fast are you going?

Weather Channel Founder asked about Global Warming

Jim Rogers says "Abolish the Fed" (2008-03-12)

flavioribeiro says...

So much of economics is perception - if they can just convince the lenders everything will be ok for a while, the borrowers will come back in with incredible demand.

You've just outlined why Jim Rogers is right. Banks have been technically insolvent for at least 2 months, and the NY Fed open market reports have shown that there's at least one very large depository institution in deep trouble. The credit crisis stems from people not knowing who is in trouble, and to what extent. The Fed only makes this worse by extending endless credit to institutions which would've otherwise been forced to liquidate their assets, returning confidence to the system.

The credit market won't start moving just because the Fed keeps throwing money at it, because in the grand scheme of things it's the market that sets interest rates, especially to the low income owners that you're trying to protect. They've gambled with this gimmick for the last 9 months and have only managed to create more uncertainty and a weaker dollar.

Instead of outlining everything I believe in, I'll refer you to Karl Denninger's open letter:

Downvoting Based Solely on Tags (Sift Talk Post)

JAPR says...

An open letter to joedirt:

Dear joedirt,

Just as with the one where you "merely quoted the FAQ" (if by merely quoted, you meant bolded words and accused people of namecalling), I have downvoted your above comment because frankly, while yes, people need to stop bitching about everything, you also need to stop acting like a giant, overly smug asshole. Oh shit, did I just call you a name?

>> ^joedirt:
the Embittered Vaginas

Whoops! Looks like those "embittered vaginas" aren't the only "sad little hypocrites." Grow the fuck up, or get the fuck out.


Downvoting Based Solely on Tags (Sift Talk Post)

joedirt says...

An Open Letter to Admins:

On the one hand you encourage folks to test boundaries, abuse the voting system, and get Siftbot a gold star all in the name of good fun. You encouraged and laughed and smiled upon the clearly abused behavior of comment voting which got Siftbot a gold star. Clearly, this would not be acceptable if it was applied to a new user or some girl user that put up a racy avatar. But, it is also in the name of using tools provided and seeing what happens to the infrastructure we put our time and interest into. This kind of hacking and flashmob voting behavior is like kicking the tires to see how the car is working since we all as a community have piled into this vehicle for a long journey. It is good fun to play with and exploit the framework and underlying structure the site is built upon, and it is justified by the time and energy we have put into and committed to a community with no real tangible returns other than for the sake of the community.

Then you have these awful threads based upon behavior policing and vote tribunals to examine if someone clicked down/upvote too many times for/against a particular person/tag/type of video.

You encouraged this behavior. Some of your admins condone and lobbyied for such behavior and told the inmates to rat each other out to "the man". You have publicly assembled siftquisitions to shame users that violated "the rules" by downvoting too many videos. You have publicly shamed and flogged long-time members because of their petty behavior and temporary bouts of "bad voting" (Note: this site at the very core and essence consists of watching videos and voting for videos)

It really is simple. You are welcome to put up guidelines, but have to understand there will be people who live to violate those guidelines. You can encourage behaviors, but not demand them of all users. You can add new features and tools and abilities, but don't be surprised if they are tested to the limits. If some behavior or voting or words have a negative effect then you must either ignore it, make it impossible to do, censor it, or address it publicly and/or privately.

The history of the internet and dealing with trolls and disruptive users indicates that the first two approaches mention above work. The latter two approaches do not. Do not feed trolls, and if you have a problem with people abusing the tools you give them (ie. voting) take the tools away when abused.

You are responsible for these endless streams of behavior call-out threads, and I wish many hundred more upon you. You have chosen this path because of a misguided concept behavior policing and as a result your community has followed your lead by monitoring each others behavior and voting. You have a choice about running a prison, an open forum, a bathroom stall wall, a bar full of regulars, a socialite country club. Some will point to the level of discourse found on YouTube comments and I maintain that humans are innately social creatures who have been programmed by evolution to fit in. As such, people react to what is around and adjust their behavior accordingly to fit in.

choggie (Member Profile)

fissionchips says...

One of the reasons I decided to spend some time studying climate science is because I had the same qualms you did. Take the carbon cycle, which I think you mentioned. You're right that natural sources of CO2 dwarf human output, by 20 to 1.

From my website:
Human activity only releases 5% as much CO2 as earth’s systems circulate, but 57% of our emissions are beyond what can be absorbed. The result is a 0.5% increase in atmospheric CO2 levels every year.
There's a decades to centuries long delay in the reaction, which means that the world doesn't have the luxury of holding out to see what happens.

How to react is a question of risk management. The 'insurance' against major climate change will cost 1% of GNP. I think that's not a bad deal, considering it's equivalent of a single year's economic growth.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
Fuck your pretentious request my friend, global warming is a crock of horseshit, for the singular reason that the data available to you is not able to be validated by the same apparatus-all of you people with an opinion that in this current paradigm, that we have an major effect not already dwarfed by our planet's own output, are batshit insane-and the fact that you chose the passive-aggressive stance by posting that non-sequituriffic comment on this thread, makes you all the more culpable in your own particular set of delusional process. -.....oooops

In reply to this comment by fissionchips:
I agree, unfamiliar models are exactly what we should be looking for.

Can you do me a favour though, and stop posting about solar cycles? It's old hat. From the link: The sun-climate effect is “about 10 to 15% the magnitude of the greenhouse gas forcing over the 20th Century.

fissionchips (Member Profile)

choggie says...

Fuck your pretentious request my friend, global warming is a crock of horseshit, for the singular reason that the data available to you is not able to be validated by the same apparatus-all of you people with an opinion that in this current paradigm, that we have an major effect not already dwarfed by our planet's own output, are batshit insane-and the fact that you chose the passive-aggressive stance by posting that non-sequituriffic comment on this thread, makes you all the more culpable in your own particular set of delusional process. -.....oooops

In reply to this comment by fissionchips:
I agree, unfamiliar models are exactly what we should be looking for.

Can you do me a favour though, and stop posting about solar cycles? It's old hat. From the link: The sun-climate effect is “about 10 to 15% the magnitude of the greenhouse gas forcing over the 20th Century.

Open Letter To China and the United States (Blog Entry by choggie)

fissionchips says...

>> ^choggie:
If I had my way, we'd start reshaping government, by actively disrupting the economy.

Is your main argument against neo-liberal economics then? It's really hard to tell. We all have beefs about the system to be sure, but it's the best progress engine we've come up with yet. If you think that the developed world has stopped progressing and that we're just building idles to the almighty dollar now, that's another fine rant, but there are 5.5 billion or so who haven't come close to hitting that sweet spot yet. I don't think you'll be able to enlist them in taking down the machinery that holds the greatest promise of helping them.

Open Letter To China and the United States (Blog Entry by choggie)

fissionchips says...

>> ^choggie:
If anyone is to blame, it's the wide-asleep masses who have all the power and give it away, having been groomed to do so.

Blame for what? Also, calling global economic development 'giving up power' is a tad bit xenophobic, don't you think?

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Thanks again dude! It works great! I owe you one.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Thanks dude! I hate the player too.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
What a fucking terrible player. It's fucking huge and has a long ass commercial in the beginning. Did you find any non-embeddable versions(WMP, .mov)?

I'd be more than happy to host it to avoid this shitstain of a player.
[edit] Ripped it from BMG's channel on youtube, working on it now.

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